Interactive notebook - French Vocabulary for Google™ Drive
By Frenchified
A reference for your students to keep track of the most important French vocabulary, no paper necessary! You can share the entire notebook with students, or give them the pages as they learn each verb.
This item consists of a 19 slide Google document. The slides have either an English translation or a photo on them. Students can move the box aside to see the French version. Can be used as a reference as well as practice activity.
Vocabulary includes:
How are you?
tu or vous?
school supplies
accent marks
numbers 0-10
numbers 11-20
numbers 20-1000
seasons & months
question words
basic foods
days of the week
furniture in the bedroom
politeness expressions
This item is also part of a bundle with the verb notebook here.
French Reading Assessment Activity - Smash Doodles with Rubric
By Cheryl Bennett
Smash Doodles are a great way to assess French reading while encouraging creativity. I love using this at the end of the year to demonstrate that a student can read independently and show what they know. Plus, it's easy to grade!
The set up for these Smash Doodles (along with the rubric) make it easy to grade.
1. Instructions
2. Sample sentence starters (including a couple that would be great for subjunctive practice)
3. Sample image
4. Smash Doodle Sheet that students fill out to make sure they meet all the criteria.
5. A second Smash Doodle Sheet that allows for more creativity
6. Easy to use rubric.
7. Criteria that pushes students to think critically and make use of best practices in reading comprehension.
So, what is it?
A Smash Doodle is a way to show what students have learned from the chapter or reading assigned. It involves creativity, color, the most important vocabulary, students' thoughts and questions.
Who is it for?
This assignment works for any level of French students. Any reading assignment can work with Smash Doodles. It can be used with novels meant for early language acquirers, short stories, poetry, etc. This assignment is automatically differentiated as students will choose the vocabulary that they need and not simply a list dictated by the teacher.
What does the assignment include?
This particular Smash Doodle assignment includes:
Print at 80% and include in your interactive journals.
Interactive notebook - French verbs for Google™ Drive
By Frenchified
A reference for your students to keep track of the most important French verbs, no paper necessary! You can share the entire notebook with students, or give them the pages as they learn each verb.
This item consists of a 31 slide Google document. The verb slides have an English box that is on top of the French translation - students can move the box aside to see the French version. Can be used as a reference as well as practice activity.
Verbs include:
3 regular verbs & a list of some of the most common verbs of those conjugations
4 "big" irregular verbs - faire, être, aller, avoir
expressions with faire, être and avoir
irregular verbs: vouloir, pouvoir, devoir, lire, dire, écrire, mettre, prendre, venir, ouvrir, croire, connaitre, savoir, servir, partir, sortir, dormir
Verb pages are color-coded so students can see different types.
This item is also part of a bundle with the vocabulary notebook here.
Back to School 2024-2025 French School Calendars Calendriers Minimalist
By Cheryl Bennett
French Calendars are a necessity for teaching and practicing the days and dates daily. Helping students organize is a bonus! This resource for all levels will give you 12 months, from July 2024-June 2025. Included are
Also included is a video resource for I how teach calendar talks. Get ready for the 2024-2025 year now! All you do is print!
BUNDLE French Classroom Decor and Back to School 2024-2025
By Cheryl Bennett
Start the year off right with this bundle for French class! It includes what you need to get your students organized as well as working on their language skills right away. This is helpful for all levels. AND...There is even a lesson you can use to start day 1 off for French level 1.
Check out what's included!