Elementary School Reading Strategies Posters

Carteles de géneros de lectura | Spanish Reading Genre Posters | Classroom Decor

By SPO Resources

Muestra estos coloridos pósters de géneros de lectura en tu pared de enfoque de alfabetización para ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender y comprender los diferentes tipos de géneros de lectura. Cada póster de género literario incluye definiciones amigables para los estudiantes y gráficos memorables, lo que ayuda a los estudiantes a identificar y recordar los tipos de géneros en textos de ficción y no ficción.

¡Prepara tu aula para el éxito con estos carteles interactivos a los que los estudiantes pueden recurrir durante todo el año, haciendo que la exploración de géneros sea divertida y sencilla!


Click here to access the English version of these posters.

¿Estás buscando una forma de darle vida a tu pared de enfoque de alfabetización o al tablero de anuncios de la biblioteca del aula?

¡Mejora la decoración de tu aula de Lengua y Literatura con este completo conjunto de carteles de géneros! Estos carteles vibrantes y atractivos no solo agregarán un toque significativo a tu espacio, sino que también ayudarán a tus estudiantes a comprender fácilmente los diferentes tipos de géneros a medida que se sumergen en la lectura.

¿Listo para mejorar las habilidades de comprensión lectora de tus estudiantes?

¡Descubre la magia de enseñar los tipos de género! Capacita a tus estudiantes para que sean lectores activos ayudándoles a comprender los elementos únicos de cada género, para que sepan exactamente qué buscar mientras leen. Además, presentar una variedad de géneros puede ayudar a tus lectores reticentes a explorar y encontrar géneros que realmente disfruten.

Carteles de géneros incluidos:

  • Ficción
  • Fantasía
  • Ficción realista
  • Ficción histórica
  • Literatura tradicional / Cuento popular
  • Cuento Popular / Cuento folclórico
  • Fábula
  • Cuento de hadas
  • Cuento exagerado
  • Cuento de tramposo
  • Mito
  • Leyenda
  • Drama
  • Poesía
  • Misterio
  • Ciencia ficción
  • Terror
  • Humor
  • Aventura
  • No ficción
  • Texto expositivo / Texto informativo
  • No ficción narrativa
  • Texto persuasivo
  • Biografía
  • Autobiografía

Ten en cuenta: Hay dos carteles con el mismo contenido pero títulos diferentes disponibles para tu preferencia. Elige entre "Texto Expositivo" y "Texto Informativo" para un cartel, y "Cuento popular", "Cuento folclórico", y "Literatura tradicional” para otro. Selecciona los títulos que mejor se adapten a tu plan de estudios y enfoque de enseñanza.

Incluido en el paquete:

25 carteles de géneros de lectura disponibles en los siguientes formatos:

★ Carteles de tamaño completo (11" x 8.5")

  • Imprimir 1 por página
  • Impresión a color
  • Impresión en blanco y negro, ¡ahorro de tinta!
  • Cartel digital (Google Slides™ y PPTX)

★ Mini carteles (5" x 4")

  • Imprimir 4 por página
  • Impresión a color
  • Impresión en blanco y negro, ¡ahorro de tinta!
  • Versátiles y se pueden utilizar en los cuadernos interactivos de los estudiantes, en una pared de enfoque de alfabetización más pequeña o en los centros de lectura.

★ Pared de palabras de carteles digitales de géneros

  • Google Slides™
  • PowerPoint
  • ¡Muestra los carteles en tus lecciones de forma digital!

★ Carteles de géneros editables

  • Impresión a color
  • Tamaño completo (11" x 8.5")
  • Edita en PowerPoint o Google Slides™
  • Imprime y escribe en los espacios en blanco

TEN EN CUENTA: Solo las definiciones son editables. Los gráficos, encabezados y el título no son editables.

Pared de palabras de géneros digitales

Presentamos la Pared de Palabras de Géneros Digitales:

  • ¡Mira la vista previa en video para ver cómo funciona!
  • Configuración rápida y sencilla con un enlace para hacer una copia de la Pared de Palabras Digitales a través de Google Slides™
  • Lista para usar al asignar a los estudiantes a través de Google Classroom™ para acceso individual
  • La diapositiva principal incluye una tabla de contenidos con 21 tipos de géneros (solo palabras)
  • Haz clic en cualquier género para ver el cartel de género correspondiente
  • Enlaces clicables para el modo de presentación interactiva
  • Apoya a los estudiantes con esta útil herramienta para consultar los tipos de géneros
  • Ideal para revisión en toda la clase o para mostrar en un proyector
  • Perfecto para el aprendizaje a distancia, aulas virtuales o entornos presenciales.

¿Por qué enseñar los tipos de géneros?

¡Descubre el poder de enseñar los tipos de géneros! Al sumergirte en diversos géneros con tus estudiantes, podrás potenciar sus habilidades de comprensión lectora y brindarles las herramientas esenciales para navegar por diferentes tipos de textos. Este conocimiento amplía los horizontes de lectura, especialmente para los lectores reticentes que buscan su género perfecto.

Enseñar los tipos de géneros también empodera a tus estudiantes para realizar selecciones de libros bien informadas que se alineen con sus intereses y habilidades. Es una manera fantástica de fomentar el pensamiento crítico y preparar a tus estudiantes para futuros desafíos académicos. ¡Prepárate para encender el amor por la lectura y ver a tus estudiantes prosperar!


Este recurso está diseñado para apoyarte durante todo el año mientras introduces nuevos géneros literarios y enseñas sus elementos y características. Los estudiantes pueden consultar y recordar fácilmente cada tipo de género al mostrar los atractivos carteles de referencia visual en tu pared de enfoque de alfabetización. Con gráficos llamativos, tus estudiantes estarán comprometidos y emocionados por explorar el mundo de los géneros.


Si eres un maestro de primaria con el objetivo de mejorar la comprensión de los tipos de géneros de tus estudiantes y crear una experiencia de aprendizaje emocionante en torno a diferentes géneros, ¡estos carteles son perfectos para ti! Son herramientas llamativas y poderosas para profundizar la comprensión de tus estudiantes sobre varios géneros.

Diseñados específicamente para maestros de K-3, estos carteles proporcionan una referencia visual significativa para que los estudiantes mejoren sus habilidades de lectura y desarrollen un amor por explorar géneros.

Formas de utilizarlos:

Aquí tienes algunas formas fantásticas de aprovechar al máximo estos Carteles de Género:

  1. Introducir nuevos géneros: Muestra los carteles al presentar un nuevo tipo de género, brindando enseñanza explícita y orientación a los estudiantes sobre el género.
  2. Fomentar la participación activa: Anima a los estudiantes a involucrarse activamente con los textos utilizando los carteles para examinar las características que definen cada género.
  3. Referencia duradera: Mantén los carteles de género en tu pared de enfoque de alfabetización durante todo el año, sirviendo como un punto de referencia constante para los estudiantes.
  4. Referencia independiente: Proporciona a los estudiantes su propia versión de los carteles de género para sus cuadernos interactivos de lectura, empoderándolos para consultar de manera independiente las características de los géneros.
  5. Revisión de géneros: Revisa fácilmente los géneros enseñados previamente consultando los carteles antes de leer textos de géneros específicos.
  6. Duraderos y reutilizables: Imprime, recorta y plastifica cada cartel para su uso a largo plazo, asegurándote de que se puedan utilizar durante años.
  7. Evaluación del conocimiento sobre géneros: Muestra los carteles para revisar los géneros enseñados previamente y explorar el conocimiento previo de los estudiantes antes de adentrarse en textos de géneros específicos.
  8. Colocación versátil: Coloca versiones mini o carteles de tamaño completo en los centros de lectura, brindando a los estudiantes un acceso fácil a la información sobre los géneros durante el trabajo independiente.
  9. Integración digital: Incluye la versión digital de los carteles en tus mini-lecciones o comparte la pared digital de géneros con los estudiantes para usarla como referencia virtual o en clase.
  10. Personalización según sea necesario: Utiliza la versión editable de los carteles para personalizar la definición y los elementos de cada cartel de género según las necesidades específicas de tu aula.
  11. Mejora tu biblioteca de aula: Incorpora los carteles de género en tu biblioteca de aula para crear un ambiente inmersivo que anime a los estudiantes a explorar diferentes géneros. Al colocarlos en secciones correspondientes a cada género, ayudas a tus estudiantes a tomar decisiones informadas al seleccionar libros de la biblioteca.

Estos carteles de género son un recurso versátil que aportará alegría, participación y claridad a tu enseñanza de géneros. ¡Deja volar tu creatividad mientras exploras todas las formas de incorporarlos en tu práctica docente!


Al realizar la compra, recibirás un archivo ZIP que contiene un PDF, una página de acceso digital y dos presentaciones de PowerPoint.

El PDF incluye:

  • Tabla de contenidos
  • Acceso digital a la PARED DE PALABRAS DE GÉNEROS DIGITALES (Google Slides™)
  • Acceso digital a los CARTELES DE GÉNEROS EDITABLES (Google Slides™)
  • Carteles de géneros a tamaño completo en color
  • Carteles de géneros a tamaño completo en blanco y negro
  • Carteles de géneros a tamaño mini en color
  • Carteles de géneros a tamaño mini en blanco y negro

2 archivos PPTX

  • Archivo 1: Carteles de géneros editables
  • Archivo 2: Pared de palabras de géneros digitales


⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “These posters are absolutely wonderful! I love the option to edit in certain areas on the posters in case there are things I want to add to suit my class!” -Marissa T. 2nd Grade

⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Great genre posters, I use them on a weekly basis as we go over the genre of the week. Very student friendly.” -Brenda V. 3rd Grade

⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“This is amazing! I love using the posters as a display in my classroom, and it really helps my students understand the genres we cover.” -Madeleine C. 2nd Grade

You may also like:

⭐ Spanish Classroom Library Labels by Genre & Topic

⭐ Bilingual Classroom Library Labels- English & Spanish

⭐ Reading Genre Anchor Charts

⭐ Bundle of Genre Anchor Charts & Genre Posters

⭐ Addition & Subtraction Strategies- Anchor Charts & Posters

Have any questions, comments, or concerns? Don't hesitate to reach out to me at samantha@sporesources.com. I am always happy to help!

Created by Samantha Osleger | ©SPO Resources


All rights reserved by the author.

Purchase is for single classroom use only.

Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user.

Get ready to foster a positive learning environment where genre exploration becomes effortless and enjoyable with these reading genre posters in Spanish!


Reading Strategies Posters Digital & Printable Plot, Cause & Effect, Inferences

By Literacytales

A Reading Strategy Interactive Posters! This packet Includes Story Elements, Plot, Connections, summary, Ask-and-Answer Questions, Inferences, cause-and-effect, Prediction, Vocabulary, and more. It offers a range of options, including color and black-and-white versions, as well as dedicated materials designed specifically for students' journals or notebooks.

Students will love their dedicated version for their reading notebooks or journals. Foster their engagement and encourage personal exploration of the content.

Google Slides are included to display instructions for the whole group in class**.**

Reading Strategy Posters included:

1. Story Elements (RL.3)

2. Plot (RL.1)

3. Connections (RL.3)

4. Summary (RL.5)

5. Ask and Answer Questions (RL.1)

6. Inferences (RL.!)

7. Cause and Effect (RL.9)

8. Predictions (RL.7)

9. Vocabulary (RL.4)

10. 9 Google Slides

Check out this Graphic Organizers Packet that aligns perfectly with this resource!

Terms of Use

  • All products are for single-buyer use only. Please purchase an additional license per teacher.

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Thank you so much for all you do for students as educators!

M. Tehfe

Literacy Tales

Where Stories Come Alive✎


Literary Devices

By Educate and Create

Posters including 17 literary devices which are easy to print and use in your classroom. Add them to your word wall or brighten up a reading area.

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Go to your "My Purchases" page. Next to each purchase, you'll see a "Provide Feedback" button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you may use to lower the cost of your future purchases. We'd really love it if you'd rate our item after downloading! Feedback is VERY important!

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Nonfiction Text Structures Anchor Charts & Task Cards - Reading Skill Activities

By Curious Classroom Adventures

Do you need a full set of resources for nonfiction text structures to help your students practice their reading and analyzing skills? Would it be nice to introduce nonfiction text structures with anchor charts, equip students with a reference page for highlighting and annotating, and then practice identifying nonfiction text structures with kid-friendly reading passages?

Look no further. This versatile set of nonfiction text structure resources has your reading skills and comprehension practice covered. 

This nonfiction text structures resource includes:

  • Printable text structures anchor charts with definitions and keywords
  • PowerPoint text structures anchor charts with definitions and keywords
  • Google Slides text structures anchor charts with definitions and keywords
  • Reference chart for students including text structure types, definitions, keywords, and graphic organizer example. These pages come in a color-coded version that can be used as a key for highlighting and annotating or a black-and-white version.
  • 20 full-color task cards with reading passages for students to analyze and identify the text structure being used. Laminate and use year after year.
  • 20 black-and-white, printer-friendly task cards with reading passages for students to analyze and identify the text structure being used. Make a copy for every student in the classroom.
  • Printable recording sheets for individual student work
  • Printable student response cards for small and large group activities
  • Answer key

Students will learn about the following nonfiction text structures:

  • description
  • cause and effect
  • problem and solution
  • compare and contrast
  • sequence / chronological order

You'll love having PowerPoint and Google Slides resources that you can easily display for whole-class discussion and analysis. I love using these one at a time as a bell ringer activities for the week. They also work great for class cooperative structures.

Your students will enjoy the kid-friendly reading passages about relatable topics like bikes, pets, movies, and oceans.

To prepare nonfiction text structures task cards:

For traditional task cards: Print one copy of each card page. Laminate for durability to use year after year. Print enough copies of the recording sheets or response cards for each student in your class. B&W, PPT, and Google Slides versions are included for versatility.

Here are a few ways I use nonfiction text structures task cards to practice reading skills in my classroom:

  • Scavenger Hunt in the room-Hide the cards around the room and have students find and solve all the cards.
  • Hang task cars on the walls or place in at a table to be completed as a language arts station.
  • Use task cards as the content for a favorite game.
  • Use task card reading passages as the content for a favorite cooperative learning structure such as Quiz Quiz Trade or Fan and Pick.
  • Display reading passages one at a time (PPT version) and discuss as a class or use as bell ringers
  • Assign a few slides a day in Google Classroom (Slides version).
  • Print the black and white version to assign as homework.

More resources from Curious Classroom Adventures:

4th Grade Printable and Digital Daily Language Practice MEGA BUNDLE

3rd Grade Printable and Digital Daily Language Practice MEGA BUNDLE

Novel Study Library


Copyright ©Curious Classroom Adventures

Permission granted to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Inference Posters, Making Inferences Posters

By Queen's Educational Resources

Inference Posters, Making Inferences Posters


This resource is also included in the following discounted Bundles:

  • Inference BUNDLE



▶️ Inference Posters

▶️ Formats - PDF File / JPEG File

▶️ 10 Posters / 10 pages

▶️ Excellent for ALL grades!

The 10 posters come in TWO sets:

  1. 11 x 8.5 PDF file

  2. 11 x 8.5 JPEG file

This resource includes 10 visually appealing Inference Posters that contain amazing clipart, border frames, and most importantly, information to help remind your students the meaning of inferential thinking.


Save $$$ by purchasing the Inference BUNDLE!!


Other INFERENCE resources you might be interested in:

  • Inference BUNDLE

  • Making Inferences with Pictures BUNDLE

  • Drawing Conclusions Question Task Cards

  • Social Inferences with Pictures Differentiated Packet (225 pages)

  • Inference Text Message Conversations

  • Inference Story Task Cards, Worksheets, and Answer Keys

  • Picture Inference Task Cards

  • Inference Graphic Organizers, Reflection Sheets, and Bookmarks

  • Inference vs. Literal Recount Graphic Organizer

  • Inference Posters


  • In-depth INFERENCE Lesson Plan and PowerPoint

  • Picture Inference In-depth Lesson Plan and PowerPoint


Created by © Queen's Educational Resources / All Rights Reserved

Your purchase includes one copy to be used in a single classroom. If you are looking for multiple copies, please be sure to purchase additional licenses.





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Alphabet Animal Coloring Book or posters!

By Z is for Zebra

There are lots of posters online that show the alphabet and represent different animals or items for each letter. This one is for your students to color and help you decorate your classroom with their own art! Use it as a coloring book or make posters to hang on the walls. Each page contains a black and white image of an animal that starts with the letter of the alphabet. 26 different animals on 26 different pages. This product is licensed for a single classroom. Enjoy & Please leave feedback if you find this useful! Thanks! Brian If you like this product, please take a minute to "LIKE" it and "PIN" it!


Theme - Anchor Chart and Student Handout

By Blooming Through High School

A theme formula that's easy to use and easy to memorize! Hang it up or pass it out.

And check out these other resources!

  • All Things English For Middle & High School Students
  • Once Upon a Crime
  • Revising & Editing Workbook
  • Revising & Editing for Group Lessons
  • Bell Ringers for the Semester
  • Everything Writing

Making Inferences Worksheets 4th grade inference context clues graphic organizer

By Modz by Laila

This package includes making inferences worksheets for 4th grade and so much more! It is a comprehensive resource for teaching students how to make inferences. It includes anchor charts to introduce the concept and worksheets for practice. The worksheets are differentiated to meet the needs of all learners and can be used in small groups, for homework, classwork, independent practice, or assessment.

With this purchase you will download:

  • 3 Anchor charts
  • 5 worksheets with multiple choice questions on inferencing
  • 5 worksheets with reading passages and short answer questions on inferencing
  • 1 inferencing graphic organizer to be used with any text
  • Answer keys for all worksheets


  • Helps students master the skill of making inferences

  • Comprehensive resource for teachers

  • Includes anchor charts and worksheets for practice

  • Differentiated worksheets to meet the needs of all learners

Instructions/Tips for Implementation:

Utilize the anchor charts to introduce the concept of making inferences. Assign the worksheets for practice in small groups, for homework, classwork, independent practice, or assessment.

Related Products

⭐ 4 seasons bundle reading passages 2nd- 4th WH questions main idea comprehension

⭐ Story Maps w. Lines Graphic Organizers w. lines Special Education Editable

⭐ Vocab Graphic Organizers and Activities All Grades Sp.Ed

⭐ Sports reading passages main idea wh question reading comprehension 2nd 3rd SpEd

Thanks for checking out my products!

- Laila



By French Made Fun!

Explorez les stratégies de lecture avec 6 leçons captivantes sur comment ressortir les informations clés et résumer un texte!

⁕⁕ Please see the preview for a full view of this document, with details in English. These descriptions and this product are entirely in French. ⁕⁕

Préparez vos élèves de 4e à 8e année à découvrir la stratégie de repérage des informations importantes et de résumé des éléments clés. Ce produit complet couvre 6 leçons de lecture, des activités interactives, des graphiques, des lectures modélisées, des compréhensions écrites, et des organisateurs graphiques. Idéal pour les élèves qui ont besoin de s'engager davantage dans leur lecture.

Caractéristiques du produit :

  • 6 leçons pratiques : Chaque leçon est détaillée avec des exemples, des questions guidées et des scripts pour vous faciliter l'enseignement.
  • 6 organisateurs graphiques (+ 2 supplémentaires pour la courbe narrative) : Aident à structurer les idées et à clarifier les concepts.
  • 5 tableaux d'ancrage : À imprimer ou utiliser comme affiches numériques pour les activités.
  • Extraits variés : Cartes de tâches, amorces de phrases, mini-textes et lectures longues, avec questions et clés de correction incluses.
  • Évaluations formelles : Une évaluation complète pour mesurer les compétences de vos élèves en résumé et analyse d'informations clés.

Stratégies couvertes dans cette ressource de 39 pages :

  • Introduction aux éléments importants : Présentation des clés pour identifier les informations essentielles dans un texte, avec un graphique d'ancrage et une activité brise-glace amusante sur Le Petit Chaperon Rouge.
  • Identification des éléments importants : Activité avec bandes de phrases pour trier les informations importantes et non importantes, avec organisateurs graphiques et lectures modélisées.
  • Réécriture d'un texte : Techniques de résumé pour clarifier et condenser les informations importantes, avec textes modèles et graphiques d'ancrage.
  • Trouver les idées principales : Activité d'annotation pour filtrer les informations et clarifier la compréhension, avec une activité de tri incluse.
  • Parties de l'intrigue narrative : Apprentissage de la courbe narrative pour relier les informations clés à la structure de l'intrigue, renforçant la compréhension en lecture et en écriture.
  • Résumer pour comprendre : Activité basée sur des stations avec 8 extraits variés pour tester les compétences de résumé, accompagnée d'un organisateur graphique pour le secrétaire de l'équipe.
  • Évaluation formelle : Lecture, annotation, traçage sur une courbe narrative, et résumé concis du texte, avec clé de correction incluse.

Cette ressource est conçue pour simplifier votre planification et vous offrir tout le nécessaire pour deux semaines de leçons efficaces. Profitez de l'enseignement et observez vos élèves s'épanouir en classe de français !

Vous en voulez plus ? Voici quelques ressources de mini-leçons en FRANÇAIS à découvrir :

  • Écriture: Générer les idées
  • Écriture: Endurance et motivation
  • Écriture: La structure et la fluidité
  • Écriture: Améliorer le choix de mots
  • Écriture: Introductions & Conclusions
  • Lecture: Solutionner les mots
  • Lecture: La visualisation
  • Lecture: Faire des liens
  • Lecture: Connaissances antérieures
  • Lecture: Faire des prédictions
  • Lecture: Faire des inférences
  • Lecture: Informations clés
  • Lecture: Stratégies de réparation

Rejoignez-moi sur Facebook ! Je partage des ressources gratuites, je vous tiens au courant des soldes et des offres, et je vous invite à collaborer et à donner votre avis.

Vous pouvez gagner des Crédits TeachShare en laissant un commentaire sur tous les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en allant sur votre page Mes achats et en cliquant sur le bouton « Fournir des commentaires ». Vous gagnerez 1 crédit TeachShare pour chaque dollar dépensé !

Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !

Mme Kaitlyn


ABC Letter Mats (Practice Sounds with Pictures)

By Early Childhood Essentials


⭐⭐⭐⭐"Fantastic resource for my students who learn visually and needed help seeing the sounds in the words versus hearing them."

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"WoW! Great pictures for each letter, providing rich discussion. I had not used the Easel component before but it was fun to try with my class. THANK YOU for all your hard work and for sharing with us!"

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"My students love using these mats for center work. The use them with playdough to help form letters They love it."


  • For learners who need extra help learning the alphabet sounds, especially who learn best visually, this will be a helpful reference. Maybe your youngest student (or own child) isn't reading yet, but they can label a picture! This is a huge stepping stone! Simply open on a screen, or print and point! You can laminate or sheet protect for longer use.

Some notes:

  • Vowels are represented with images using the short sound (with a few exceptions, e.g. E as in earth and eagle have different sounds).
  • For /c/ and /g/ I used only the hard glottal sounds (so I didn't use ginger, since that sound is softer).
  • Fair warning that some images might be unliked by our more sensitive students/children (e.g. zombies for Z; at the same time, some may love it!).
  • When printing on standard printer paper, you might get a white border outside the violet-ish one.


  • Letter sounds and parts of speech BUNDLE
  • No-prep coloring with letter sound practice
  • FREE: Matching Rhyming Picture Pairs


Copyright © Early Childhood Essentials

Purchase of this product is for use in *one* home or classroom, virtual or in-person. Thank you in advance!


PHONICS SATPIN Cards or Posters | Identifying Initial SOUNDS for READING SUPPORT

By Teachin Tips

Do you have struggling readers or spellers even in 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade? I know I definitely do in my classroom. The SATPIN program has greatly helped me as a teacher by allowing my students to learn the basic SATPIN sounds first. This SATPIN Recognition Posters/Cards are a great way to teach your students using one-on-one instruction for students to identify the SATPIN sounds.

How can this resource help your students?

  • learn to recognise the basic SATPIN letter sounds.
  • understand the meaning of the words by connecting them to the pictures.
  • practice the sounds without being overwhelmed by a long list of words.

How to use SATPIN Recognition Posters/cards?

  • print and display them in the classroom for student reference.
  • use them for one-on-one instruction and guided reading time with low readers/spellers.
  • cut out the cards and laminate them for student use or display on students work tables for easy reference.
  • Students can paste them in their journals and practice reading the words after one-to-one instruction.

What's Inside?

  • 12 Posters with the SATPIN list of words for each letter.
  • 6 pages have framed pictures and 6 non-framed.

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Teacher Friendly! Student Friendly! Enjoy!

Spelling | Reading | SATPIN Program| SATPIN Posters | SATPIN Flash Cards


Long Vowels | Science of Reading Long Vowels Flash Cards | Vowels Posters

By Sean Alexander Dennison

Enhance your students' understanding of long vowels with our Long Vowels | Science of Reading Long Vowels Flash Cards | Vowels Posters! This comprehensive resource includes 60 double-sided flashcards, covering both traditional and less common vowel teams. Perfect for building phonics skills, these flashcards and posters are ideal for classrooms focused on the Science of Reading approach.

Product Highlights:

  • 60 Double-Sided Flashcards: Includes all the traditional long vowel teams (e.g., ai, ee, oa) as well as less common vowel teams such as "ew" for long U and "eigh" for long A, providing students with a complete overview of long vowel patterns.
  • Science of Reading Aligned: This resource is designed with a Science of Reading approach in mind, helping students decode long vowels and understand the patterns behind them, making it an essential phonics tool.
  • Vowel Posters Included: Along with the flashcards, the set includes beautifully designed vowel posters that can be displayed in the classroom for easy reference, reinforcing the vowel teams visually.
  • Engaging and Interactive: The double-sided flashcards feature the vowel team on one side and an example word on the other, making it easy for students to see how each vowel team functions within a word.
  • Versatile Use: Ideal for phonics instruction, literacy centers, or independent practice, these flashcards and posters can be used in a variety of settings to support students’ reading and spelling development.

Why This Resource Is Essential:

  • Builds Strong Phonics Foundations: Helps students identify and understand long vowel patterns, improving their decoding and spelling abilities.
  • Supports the Science of Reading: Focuses on phonics and reading instruction based on evidence-backed strategies, aligning with the latest educational research.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Includes both common and less common vowel teams, ensuring students gain a thorough understanding of long vowel patterns.
  • Flexible Learning Tool: Can be used in whole-class instruction, small group settings, or individual practice, making it a versatile resource for any classroom.

Ideal For:

  • Teachers focused on the Science of Reading approach who want to strengthen students' long vowel knowledge.
  • Educators seeking an engaging, comprehensive phonics tool that covers both common and less common vowel teams.
  • Parents and caregivers looking to support their child's phonics learning at home with structured, effective resources.

How to Use:

  • Flashcard Practice: Use the flashcards for direct instruction or independent practice. Show the vowel team on one side, and ask students to identify the corresponding sound and example word.
  • Classroom Display: Hang the vowel posters in the classroom as a visual reference, reinforcing the vowel teams during reading and writing activities.
  • Small Group Instruction: Use the flashcards in literacy centers or small group work to provide targeted support for students who need extra practice with long vowels.

Looking for more phonics resources? Check out our A-Z Alphabet Flashcards for Kids | 2-Sided Phonics and Vocabulary Learning Tool to support your students' phonics journey from the basics to advanced vowel teams!

With our Long Vowels | Science of Reading Long Vowels Flash Cards | Vowels Posters, help your students master long vowel teams and improve their reading fluency and spelling. This resource is a must-have for any phonics-focused classroom!


Reading Poster Pack aligned to Australian Curriculum V9

By Little Learners Lab Aus

Are your students struggling with the new V9 Australian Curriculum whole class reading language? Look no further than this ever growing vocabulary defined reading poster pack! It is ready to print and use in your classroom today!

What's included in this Reading Poster Pack:

- 23 colour and 23 black and white versions of:

  • purpose of information texts
  • purpose of narrative texts
  • main idea
  • authoritative source
  • simple sentence
  • compound sentence
  • complex sentence
  • paragraphs
  • supported by evidence - in the text
  • who would read this text
  • language features
  • subjective language
  • objective language
  • literacy devices
  • visual features
  • salience
  • placement
  • framing
  • contrast
  • text features
  • layout
  • characteristic features

How can you use this Reading Poster Pack:

- print and display in classroom

- print smaller and give to students to glue into a reading book

- copy in to PowerPoints to reinforce learning wall

- print for learning wall or reading corner or desk reference

Why you'll love this Reading Poster Pack:

- no prep - great for busy teachers!

- aligns to the Australian Curriculum V9

- print and go - ready to use (B&W or Colour versions)

- engaging, informative and visually appealing resource


FREE Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies Resources: Sequence of Events

By Betsy Newmeyer

Use this Sequence of Events Interactive Reading Bookmark, correlating poster, and Google Slide to differentiate for student needs, practice close reading strategies to build reading comprehension, and hold students accountable for their reading time. Can also be used for test prep, homework, small group instruction, and independent reading practice. Use the Google slide to model the skill for the whole class. Use the 8.5 x 11 inch poster during small group instruction to reteach the skill.

Bookmarks are designed with 4 bookmarks to a page, which saves on copying and paper waste, and much of the text is in the Open Dyslexic font to support struggling readers. Bookmarks and the poster can be printed in either color or grayscale/B&W. 

Kids really enjoy this bookmark. It's less daunting than trying to fill out a full worksheet and kids find it fun.

This resources includes:

  • 1 Bookmark (4 per page) 
  • 1 Teacher Poster to model how to use the reading skill or bookmark
  • 1 Google Slide for whole class instruction
  • Teacher's Guide

Skills Included:

  1. Sequence of Events

To prepare the bookmarks:

  • Print & copy the bookmarks onto cardstock or copy paper
  • Cut apart

If you enjoy this resource, you'll love . . .

24 Interactive Reading Bookmarks

Interactive Writing Bookmarks

I'd love to hear how you use this resource in your classroom! Feel free to email me at iteachiwrite@yahoo.com with any questions or suggestions you may have. And don't forget to rate this product in order to earn TeachShare Credits for future purchases!

Copyright © iTeach & iWrite by Betsy Newmeyer.

All rights reserved by the author.

Permission to use for single classroom use only.

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Metacognitive Questions Poster

By Ms. J's ELA

This metacognitive questions poster includes questions for students to consider while studying, reading, or reflecting on their work. Metacognition is the process of thinking about your own thinking. When students think about how they are thinking or learning about a topic, they are more aware of their thinking and feel more in control of their learning.

Use this poster to discuss as a class, journal individually, or simply think about the processes and connections involved with studying, reading, or class activities. You can print or post online.


Central Ideas and Details Anchor Chart Poster for Reading Comprehension

By That One Cheerful Classroom

This bright and fun colored anchor chart make learning about central ideas and details fun and practical. This anchor chart shows a visual to help students understand the central ideas and details. You can use the poster during small group, circle time, whole group, or as a visual on the wall for independent work.


  • Central Ideas and Details Anchor Chart
  • Instructions for printing

It is ideal for use with a poster printer, but if you do not have a poster printer, there are instructions on how to print the poster, assemble it, and laminate it for year after year use!


Copyright © That One Cheerful Classroom

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Printable High Frequency & Word Wall Flash Cards - Wild Animals Decor

By Mrs Wates Teaching Creations

Introducing the Wild Animals Themed High Frequency Flash Cards Pack. These high frequency word cards are a must have resource for any classroom. Printable and easily downloadable, these cards are a practical addition to your teaching materials. Display them on your word wall, use them for small group activities, or incorporate them into literacy centers. The versatility of these cards ensures they can be seamlessly integrated into your classroom routines. Each card features a high frequency word, carefully chosen to support early literacy development and reinforce important vocabulary. Not only are these cards educational, but they also add a touch of fun to your classroom. Set against a green backdrop, the peek-a-boo wild animals in the background create an engaging visual appeal that students will love. Download, print, and watch your classroom come alive with these visually appealing flash cards that make learning high frequency words both effective and enjoyable. Please note - this pack comes in a zip folder that contains the same project in two different fonts for teachers to choose which font works best in their classroom. Primary font can be seen in the preview video and Handlee font can be seen in the preview images. Both versions are available in the download.

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Your feedback is important to me. If you find this Wild Animals Themed High Frequency Pack helpful, please take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your input allows me to continue creating high-quality resources and make improvements where needed. Plus, by rating paid products, you can earn valuable TeachShare credits to use towards future purchases. To leave a review, simply visit your My Purchases page and click on the provided link. Your support through purchases, ratings, and following my store is greatly appreciated. Thank you, and happy shopping.


Reading Strategies Posters

By Visual Vibe

Reading strategies enable our students to comprehend a text in a variety of ways and develop a deeper understanding of how texts are constructed. They use these strategies to express what they have just read, make connections, draw conclusions and further engage with a text.

These posters can be used to display the learning focus for a lesson, unit or student goal. Created to match my Geometric Design theme, they are also an interesting way to display reading strategies in your classroom.

What's Included:

  • British and American Spelling
  • Two different Reading Strategy Designs
  • 10 Different Reading Strategies.

Reading Strategies Include:

  • Visualising/Visualizing
  • Questioning
  • Adjusting
  • Summarising/Summarizing
  • Inferring
  • Predicting
  • Synthesising/Synthesizing
  • Connecting
  • Analysing/Analyzing
  • Critiquing

Central Idea Anchor Chart - ESL/Adapted Special Education

By Mrs. Linea

Tired of modifying your curriculum’s anchor charts to meet your students’ needs?

This Central Idea Anchor Chart provides the strategies for finding the main idea, such as:

-look at the title and headings; look at the pictures; look for repeated words; and reread the first and last sentence.

This Central Idea Anchor Chart includes everything you need, all on one page! It aligns with the skill of identifying the Central/Main Idea of a story. I created it with the language proficiency levels of ENL students in mind. They can support beginner/entering level to advanced/commanding ELLs! They are also adapted for special education! Your students will be able to identify the central idea in no time!

This can be utilized with Grades 2-5+ for English Language Learners, Special Education or students who need additional support.

& can be used to supplement the HMH Into Reading curriculum or any reading skill curriculum!

This product includes 1 Large anchor chart & 1 mini desk/notebook version.


Copyright © Mrs. Linea. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.


RACES Writing Strategy Color-Coded Bulletin Board Posters

By Christina Bush

Do your students struggle with answering text-dependent questions? Introducing them to the RACES writing strategy could be a total game-changer for you and your students!

RACES Stands For:

Restate the question

Answer all parts of the question

Cite evidence to support your answer

Explain how your evidence proves your answer

Summarize your information

What's Included:

  • Brief Description Poster (1 page)
  • Detailed Description Poster (1 page)
  • In-depth Description Posters (6 pages)
  • Brief Description Posters (5 pages)
  • Bulletin Board Title Options (8 pages)
  • Citing Sentence Starters (7 pages)
  • Explanation Sentence Starters (7 pages)
  • Summarize Sentence Starters (7 pages)

This printable set of posters is already put together for you and ready to be printed and displayed! Each step of the RACES writing strategy is discussed in-depth, with easy-to-follow and color-coordinated components.

Do you prefer the RACE Writing Strategy instead? (Without the "S") - Checkout this bundle of RACE products by clicking here!

Like this resource? Please leave a helpful review/rating and EARN SOME TeachShare CREDITS towards your next TPT purchase!

Checkout my store here - all teacher friends are welcome!

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