Decimals Excel Spreadsheets

Dividing Decimals by Decimals Picture art reveal Digital Math Activity 5th Grade

By Math Mania Store

Dividing Decimals by Decimals (20 Equations) | Digital Math Picture Art Reveal | Self-Checking Google Sheets Activity

Make dividing decimals fun and engaging for your 5th to 7th-grade students with this interactive, self-checking digital math activity! Students will solve 20 decimal division problems, and as they input the correct answers, a hidden picture will be revealed. If the answer is correct, they’ll see green indicators, and for incorrect answers, red will appear, giving immediate feedback.

Key Features:

  • 20 decimal division equations to solve, designed for grades 5, 6, and 7.
  • Picture art reveal as students enter correct answers, making math more interactive.
  • Self-checking Google Sheets activity with built-in green for correct and red for incorrect answers.
  • Answer sheet included for teacher reference and quick assessment.

Perfect for:

  • Digital math activities for grades 5-7.
  • Dividing decimals practice in a fun, engaging format.
  • Google Sheets-based learning, perfect for in-class or remote learning.