Criminal Justice & Law Internet Activities

Exploring Careers: Law, Public Safety,Corrections & Security | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

This career unit gives students an introduction to the law, public safety, corrections and security career cluster and what a career in this field would be like. This is perfect for a career, technology, CTE or business class.

The included PowerPoint presentation can be used by the teacher for whole class instruction, or provided to the students electronically (or as a printout) for them to review individually. Students use close reading skills with a short informational passage to learn about the career field and answer questions to use critical thinking skills and demonstrate their understanding. Two different puzzles are included to learn different jobs in the career and to reinforce vocabulary skills. A technology based project comic creation project is included to allow students to use critical thinking and creativity to further explore the career field. A quick reference/tutorial is also included for StoryboardThat (free, no download needed). Additionally, a group legal case analysis project that can be completed without student computer access (by the teacher printing out the linked information) or providing access to a computer for each group to research is provided to simulate the career and allow students to utilize critical thinking skills and teamwork. Finally, a short reflection questionnaire gives students the opportunity to reflect and analyze their learning as they determine if this career field is of interest to them.

The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be used with high school students. The teacher can choose to use some or all of the provided lesson options included in this resource.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher & Student Notes and Resources

• Introduction to Law Careers PowerPoint presentation (editable)

• Introduction to Law Careers Research Reading and Questions

• Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle (includes answer key)

• Job Type Word Search Puzzle (includes answer key)

• Technology based Creative Application Project Instructions, Tutorial and Rubric

• Team Brainstorming Worksheet

• Case Study Task Cards (6 different cases)

• Law Career Simulation Group Lesson Instructions and Rubric

• Law Career Reflection Questions (MS Word)

This lesson is a part of the bundle Exploring Careers: 16 Career Cluster Units BUNDLE

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