
Plotting Ordered Pairs on a Coordinate Plane

By Homeschool with Big Easy Homeschooling Mom

For this activity, your students/children will plot 12 ordered pairs within the 4 quadrant coordinate plane grid. Each ordered pair has a colored circle that the student will drag to the correct place on the grid.

Included in this resource:

  1. one student/child activity

  2. one teacher/parent answer key

If your students/children enjoy this activity, please let me a review in the "My Purchases" area. Your feedback will help others decide to purchase.

Tina - Big Easy Homeschooling Mom

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FREE Fraction Strips

By Homeschool with Big Easy Homeschooling Mom

Fraction strips are used as a math manipulative and a more hands-on approach to teaching your students to visually see the value of each proper fraction to a whole.


Fichas de trabajo Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de 1er grado Modulo 1 (semana 1)

By Ms Garcia Store

Fichas de trabajo Palabras de uso frecuente de ¡Arriba la lectura! de HMH de 1er grado Modulo 1 (semana 1)

Fichas de trabajo, listas para ser usadas, de las palabras de uso frecuente de la semana de Arriba la lectura de HMH de primer grado. Puede ser usado como tarea o incluso como centro.

Al adquirir este recurso, obtendrán el archivo PDF de 7 páginas para trabajar las 5 palabras de la semana. Cada palabra tiene su propia página, y tienes dos opciones de distintas para el reverso de la página. Una de las opciones es la de seguir formulando oraciones con la palabra del día, mientras que la segunda opción es la de practicar cómo se escribe la palabra del día o incluso las palabras de la semana.

En esta actividad se trabajan 5 de las palabras de uso frecuente de la semana del programa de HMH de primer grado. Cada módulo tiene 3 semanas y cada semana tiene 5 palabras, para un total de 15 palabras de uso frecuente por módulo. El programa consta de 12 módulos distribuidos en 36 semanas.

Cada palabra se trabajará de 7 formas diferentes:

  1. Lectura de la palabra, sus sonidos y sílabas.
  2. Trazo de las letras que componen la palabra.
  3. Búsqueda de la palabra entre otras palabras de la semana.
  4. Rellena los bloques con cada una de las letras de la palabra.
  5. Ordenar las fichas con letras para formar la palabra.
  6. Contar el número de sílabas de la palabra.
  7. Redacción de varias frases cortas que contengan la palabra.

Contenido de la 1ª semana del Módulo 1 "¡Gusto en conocerte!"

  • Semana 1: con, un, una. unas, unos

Consigue todos los módulos de esta versión imprimible:

Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)

⭐ Módulo 1

⭐ Módulo 2

⭐ Módulo 3

⭐ Módulo 4

⭐ Módulo 5

⭐ Módulo 6

⭐ Módulo 7

⭐ Módulo 8

⭐ Módulo 9

⭐ Módulo 10

⭐ Módulo 11

⭐ Módulo 12

Puedes también adquirir la versión digital en EASEL de TeachShare:

Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)

Módulo 1

Módulo 2

Módulo 3

Módulo 4

Módulo 5

Módulo 6

Módulo 7

Módulo 8

Módulo 9

Módulo 10

Módulo 11

Módulo 12

Recursos EASEL relacionados que pueden ser de su interes:

Palabras de ortografía HMH completo (los 12 módulos)

Módulo 1

Módulo 2

Módulo 3

Módulo 4

Módulo 5

Módulo 6

Módulo 7

Módulo 8

Módulo 9

Módulo 10

Módulo 11

Módulo 12

Encuentra, escribe y traza las palabras de uso frecuente

Encuentra y escribe las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

Encuentra, marca y traza las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

Imagen utilizada en la portada

Character photo created by freepik -


1st Grade HMH High-frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1 Week 1

By Ms Garcia Store

Practice the INTO READING program Sight Words of HMH easily and with no prep at all.

Complete set of worksheets, ready to be used, of the 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-frequency Words from every week of the HMH program INTO READING in first grade. It can be used as homework or even as a center.

By purchasing this resource, you will get the 12-page PDF file to work on the 10 high-frequency words of the 1st week. Each word has its own page, and you have two different options for the back of the page. One of the options is to continue formulating sentences with the word of the day, while the second option is to practice how to write the word of the day or even the other words of the week.

Each module has 3 weeks and the program consists of 12 modules (36 weeks).

Each word will be worked on in 8 different ways:

Reading the word and the sound of every letter.

Tracing of the letters that make up the word.

Searching for the word among other words of the same week.

Filling in the blocks with each of the letters of the word.

Arranging the letter tiles to form the word.

Counting the number of syllables in the word.

Writing the word several times as practice.

Writing several short sentences that contain the word.

Content of the 1st week of Module 1 "Nice to meet you!"

Week 1: go am is at like see the this to we

Week 2: a an first can good man had he I my was

Week 3: and as find if for in just is many it one she then

Get the 12 modules:

⭐ COMPLETE INTO READING High Frequency Words Worksheets (12Modules)

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

Image used in the cover:

Character photo created by freepik -


1st Grade HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1 Week 1

By Ms Garcia Store

Practice the INTO READING program Spelling Words of HMH easily and with no prep.

Complete set of worksheets, ready to be used, of the 300 Spelling Words from the 36 weeks of the HMH program INTO READING in first grade. It will contain 6 words every week for the first 15 weeks, but 10 words every week for each of the next 21 weeks. It can be used as homework or even as a center.

Purchasing this resource will give you the 8-page PDF file to work on the 6 Spelling Words of the 1st week. Each word has its own page, and you have two different options for the back of the page. One of the options is to continue formulating sentences with the word of the day, while the second option is to practice how to write the word of the day or even the other words of the week.

Each module has 3 weeks and the program consists of 12 modules (36 weeks).

Each word will be worked on in 8 different ways:

Reading the word and the sound of every letter.

Tracing of the letters that make up the word.

Searching for the word among other words of the same week.

Filling in the blocks with each of the letters of the word.

Arranging the letter tiles to form the word.

Counting the number of syllables in the word.

Writing the word several times as practice.

Writing several short sentences that contain the word.

Content of the 1st week of Module 1 "Nice to meet you!"

Week 1: mat sat bat Sam am at

Week 2: an bad can nap cat pan

Week 3: it him is sip fit pin

Get the 12 modules:

⭐ COMPLETE INTO READING Spelling Words Worksheets (12Modules)

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

Get the 12 modules of High-frequency Words:

⭐ COMPLETE INTO READING High Frequency Words Worksheets (12Modules)

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

Image used in the cover:

Character photo created by freepik -


1st Grade Memory Game HMH Spelling Words- Module 1

By Ms Garcia Store

Exciting Memory Game to Enhance First-Grade Students' Mastery of HMH Spelling Words!

Explore the first 3 weeks of this amazing resource and unleash the full potential of learning by accessing all the weeks through the following link, available for only $6.50! The complete set comprises 36 distinct decks, one for each week. During the first 5 modules (15 weeks), students will practice 6 Decodable Words per week, followed by 10 words a week in the last 7 modules (21 weeks). An impressive total of 285 words to master!

How to Play:

The game begins with all the cards face down, and players take turns flipping over two cards. If the two cards reveal the same word, they must write it on their recording sheet and keep the cards. If the words don't match, they turn the cards face down again. The player with the most cards when all cards are taken is declared the winner. For students who find the game challenging, they can play with the cards face-up to make it more accessible.

Game Ideas:

- Play Memory Game individually or in pairs, depending on the students' comfort level with remembering and writing the words.

- Combine different weeks from the same module to reinforce learning at the end of a unit.

- Utilize the cards for countless games. For example, print the cards of multiple weeks or even modules, distribute them face-up to each table or group of students, and have them find the words you call out before others do. The first group to find the word keeps the card and records it. The group with the most cards at the end wins!

- Let students pick a card from a deck, write the word, and then select another one to continue the learning process.

- Foster collaborative learning by having students work in pairs. One student picks a card and dictates the word to their partner, who writes it down. Learning together through repetition!

- For added practice, have one student in a pair say the sounds of each letter in the word, while their partner writes it down.

If you have more innovative ideas, we'd love to hear them! Feel free to share your creative game variations in your review.

Printing Instructions:

To print the cards, first print the front of the cards. After that, reload the printed sheets into the printer and print the back design. For sturdiness, thicker paper is recommended, and you can even laminate them for extra durability.

Each module consists of 2 to 4 pages. Pages 1 to 93 are the front of the cards, while pages 94 and 95 are the back. You can try both designs to see which one aligns better with your printer. Additionally, page 96 provides 4 recording sheets to write down the pairs of words you create during the game.

Unlock a world of fun and learning with our captivating Memory Game designed to elevate students' understanding of HMH Spelling Words. Enjoy the journey of learning and discovery!

Related Products

⭐ Memory Game HMH Spelling Words

⭐ Find, trace and write the tiny HMH High-frequency and Decodable Words

⭐ HMH Words of the Week Spinners for First Grade

⭐ HMH Words of the Week Spinners for First Grade- Trace the words

⭐ I Spy First grade HMH High-frequeny and Decodable Words and other activities

⭐ Memory Game HMH High-frequency and Decodable Words

⭐ Word Search - Find, trace, and write the HMH's Words of the Week

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Kinder Domino Game HMH High Frequency Words- Set 1 Weeks 1 to 6

By Ms Garcia Store

Introducing our educational resource tailored to the "Into Reading" program by HMH – the Kinder Sight-Words Domino! Crafted to complement this renowned reading program, our domino set is designed to make learning these 120 essential sight words a breeze for young learners.

Our domino set exclusively features the 120 sight words from the "Into Reading" program by HMH, ensuring seamless integration with your child's reading curriculum.

Each domino card features two sight words from the module they are in, instead of numbers as a regular domino would be. This game provides a focused and immersive way for children to learn and reinforce these crucial sight words.

In Set 1, 10 words are worked on:

Week 1: the

Week 2: a

Week 3: see

Week 4: I

Week 5: by, my, to

Week 6: am, at, go

Encourage social interaction and critical thinking as children match words on each card, reinforcing the sight words crucial for early reading success.

Try Set 1 for free! Get all of them by clicking on the following links:

⭐ Dominó Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de Kinder completo (9 módulos)

⭐ Domino Game HMH High Frequency Words Kinder 11 Sets (9 Modules)

⭐ Domino Game HMH High Frequency Words- Set 1 Weeks 1 to 6-Kinder

⭐ Domino Game HMH High Frequency Words- Set 2 Weeks 7 to 10 -Kinder

⭐ Domino Game HMH High Frequency Words- Set 3 Weeks 11 to 13 -Kinder

⭐ Domino Game HMH High Frequency Words- Set 4 Weeks 14 to 16 -Kinder

⭐ Domino Game HMH High Frequency Words- Set 5 Weeks 17 to 19 -Kinder

⭐ Domino Game HMH High Frequency Words- Set 6 Weeks 20 to 22 -Kinder

⭐ Domino Game HMH High Frequency Words- Set 7 Weeks 23 to 25 -Kinder

⭐ Domino Game HMH High Frequency Words- Set 8 Weeks 26 to 28 - Kinder

⭐ Domino Game HMH High Frequency Words- Set 9 Weeks 29 to 31 - Kinder

⭐ Domino Game HMH High Frequency Words- Set 10 Weeks 32 to 33 - Kinder

⭐ Domino Game HMH High Frequency Words- Set 11 Weeks 34 to 35 - Kinder

Also available Spanish HMH High-frequency Words set:

⭐ Dominó Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de Kinder completo (9 módulos)

Encourage social interaction and critical thinking as children match words on each card, reinforcing the sight words crucial for early reading success.

The Kinder Sight-Words Domino - HMH "Into Reading" Edition is invaluable for parents and teachers looking to enhance their child's reading abilities while staying in sync with the "Into Reading" program. Watch as your child's reading skills flourish through engaging gameplay!

How to play

Materials needed:

•A set of word cards from the same module.


•Ensure all the cards are well-shuffled and face down in a deck.


1. Each player takes a specific number of word cards, depending on the number of players and the number of cards in the module. Typically, 7 word cards are dealt to each player in a game with two or three players.

2. Players begin by searching their seven cards for the ones containing the same word twice. The game kicks off with the player who has the longest duplicated word on their card. In case of a tie, the youngest student takes the first turn.

3. The first player plays one of their cards in the center of the table.

4. The next player tries to match one of their word cards so that one word matches one of the words on the ends of the word card placed on the table.

5. The game continues clockwise, and players must try to match their word cards so that one word matches one of the words on the ends of the word cards already placed on the table.

6. If a player cannot make a valid play with the word cards in their hand, they must draw a word card from the pile of unused word cards and pass their turn. If they still cannot make a play, they continue drawing until they can.

7. A player wins when they successfully get rid of all their word cards. If the game becomes blocked, meaning no player can make a valid move, the player or players with the fewest cards emerge as the winners.


  1. If you want to make the game easier, remove those cards where the word at the top and bottom of the card is the same. This will give each participant more opportunities.
  2. There are two available sizes of cards. Print the small ones if you are going to play with the complete set of cards.

Progressive Learning:

You can play with only the cards that contain the words you have covered in class, and gradually add the rest of the cards as they learn them, with a minimum of 5 words (20 cards).


Memorama Palabras de la Semana ¡Arriba la lectura! de HMH -Modulo 1 Primer grado

By Ms Garcia Store

Exciting and Educational Memory Game to Boost Spanish Sight Word Skills for First-Grade Students!

This engaging resource is the perfect freebie for the first three weeks. To continue the learning fun with weeks 4 to 36, you can get them all for just $8.50.

The set features 36 unique decks, one for each week of the HMH program ¡Arriba la lectura!, with 22 cards per deck. Each week, students will practice 5 High-Frequency Words and 6 selected Spelling Words, making a grand total of 396 words to master!

How to Play:

The game starts with all cards face down. Players take turns flipping over two cards. If the two cards display the same word, the players write the word on their recording sheet and keep the cards. If the words don't match, they turn the cards face down again. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.

Play Ideas:

- Practice Memory with either the High-Frequency Words, the Spelling Words, or both simultaneously each week.

- Combine decks from different weeks within the same module to reinforce learning at the end of a unit.

- Utilize the cards for a multitude of games. For instance, you can print cards from several weeks or modules and distribute them face-up to each table or group of students. They must find the words you call out before other tables do. If they find it first, they keep the card and record the word. The group with the most cards at the end wins!

- Encourage students to pick a card, write the word, and then select another card to continue the learning process.

- Foster collaborative learning by having students work in pairs. One student picks a card and dictates the word to their partner, who will then write it down. Reinforce learning together!

- For added practice, have one student in a pair say the sounds of each letter in the word, while their partner writes it down. Learning through repetition!

These are just a few ideas, but we'd love to hear more from you! Feel free to share your innovative game variations in your review.

Printing Instructions:

To print the cards, first print the front of the cards. After that, reload the printed sheets into the printer and print the back design. For sturdiness, thicker paper is recommended, and you can even laminate them for extra durability.

Each module comprises a total of 3 pages. Pages 1 to 108 are the front of the cards, while pages 109 and 110 are the back. You can try both designs to see which one aligns better with your printer. Additionally, page 111 provides 4 recording sheets.

Explore the captivating world of Spanish Sight Words with our engaging Memory Game and watch your students excel in their language skills. Happy learning and memory boosting!

Related Products

⭐ Memorama Palabras de la Semana de HMH

⭐Encuentra, escribe y traza las palabras de la semana

⭐ Sopa de letras- Encuentra, traza y escribe las palabras de la semana de HMH

⭐ Memorama Palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía HMH

⭐ Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de 1er grado completo (los 12 módulos)

⭐ Palabras de Ortografía HMH de Primer grado completo (los 12 módulos)

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Dominó Palabras de uso frecuente de HMH de kinder Módulo 1

By Ms Garcia Store

Introducing our educational resource tailored to the "¡Arriba la Lectura!" program by HMH – the Spanish Kinder Sight-Words Domino! Crafted to complement this renowned reading program, our domino set is designed to make learning these 104 essential sight words a breeze for young learners.

Our domino set exclusively features the 104 sight words from the "¡Arriba la Lectura!" program by HMH, ensuring a seamless integration with your child's reading curriculum.

Each domino card features two sight words from the module they are in, instead of numbers as a regular domino would be. This game provides a focused and immersive way for children to learn and reinforce these crucial sight words.

In module 1, 8 words are worked on, two for each week, while in the remaining modules from 2 to 9, 12 words are worked on, 3 per week.

There are 36 cards for module 1, and 78 cards for each module from 2 to 9.

Try Module 1 for free! Get all of them by clicking on the following links:

⭐ Dominó Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de Kinder completo (9 módulos)

⭐ Domino Palabras de uso frecuente de HMH de kinder Módulo 1 (Freebie)

⭐ Domino Palabras de uso frecuente de HMH de kinder Módulo 2

⭐ Domino Palabras de uso frecuente de HMH de kinder Módulo 3

⭐ Domino Palabras de uso frecuente de HMH de kinder Módulo 4

⭐ Domino Palabras de uso frecuente de HMH de kinder Módulo 5

⭐ Domino Palabras de uso frecuente de HMH de kinder Módulo 6

⭐ Domino Palabras de uso frecuente de HMH de kinder Módulo 7

⭐ Domino Palabras de uso frecuente de HMH de kinder Módulo 8

⭐ Domino Palabras de uso frecuente de HMH de kinder Módulo 9

Encourage social interaction and critical thinking as children match words on each card, reinforcing the sight words crucial for early reading success.

The Spanish Kinder Sight-Words Domino - HMH "¡Arriba la Lectura!" Edition is an invaluable tool for parents and teachers looking to enhance their child's reading abilities while staying in sync with the "¡Arriba la Lectura!" program. Watch as your child's reading skills flourish through engaging gameplay!

How to play

Materials needed:

•A set of word cards from the same module.


•Ensure that all the cards are well-shuffled and face down in a deck.


1. Each player takes a specific number of word cards, depending on the number of players and the number of cards in the module. Typically, 7 word cards are dealt to each player in a game with two or three players.

2. Players begin by searching their seven cards for the ones containing the same word twice. The game kicks off with the player who has the longest duplicated word on their card. In case of a tie, the youngest student takes the first turn.

3. The first player plays one of their cards in the center of the table.

4. The next player tries to match one of their word cards in a way that one word matches one of the words on the ends of the word card placed on the table.

5. The game continues clockwise, and players must try to match their word cards in a way that one word matches one of the words on the ends of the word cards already placed on the table.

6. If a player cannot make a valid play with the word cards in their hand, they must draw a word card from the pile of unused word cards and pass their turn. If they still cannot make a play, they continue drawing until they can.

7. A player wins when they successfully get rid of all their word cards. If the game becomes blocked, meaning no player can make a valid move, the player or players with the fewest cards emerge as the winners.


  1. If you want to make the game easier, remove those cards where the word at the top and bottom of the card is the same. This will give each participant more opportunities.
  2. There are two available sizes of cards. Print the small ones if you are going to play with the complete set of cards.

Progressive Learning:

You can play with only the cards that contain the words you have covered in class, and gradually add the rest of the cards as they learn them, with a minimum of 5 words (20 cards).


Juego de cartas tipo Dobble Palabras HMH Primer grado Modulo 1

By Ms Garcia Store

¡Descubre y aprende con nuestros 5 emocionantes minijuegos de cartas! Domina las 396 palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía HMH de primer grado en español a través de nuestros 12 juegos tipo Dobble, uno para cada módulo de HMH.

Los 12 módulos:

⭐ Modulo 1

⭐ Modulo 2

⭐ Modulo 3

⭐ Modulo 4

⭐ Modulo 5

⭐ Modulo 6

⭐ Modulo 7

⭐ Modulo 8

⭐ Modulo 9

⭐ Modulo 10

⭐ Modulo 11

⭐ Modulo 12

Obténlos por separado o en un único paquete. Tus alumnos se enamorarán de jugar una y otra vez, y notarás el progreso que hacen a medida que juegan.

El objetivo es encontrar la única palabra idéntica entre dos cartas. ¡Siempre hay una y solo una palabra en común entre cualquier par de cartas en el juego! Hay cinco emocionantes formas de jugar, explicadas en las reglas que encontrarás tanto en la vista previa del producto como en cada archivo PDF de cada módulo.

Cada juego contiene 31 cartas, con 6 palabras en cada una, y cada módulo repasa 33 palabras (15 de uso frecuente y 18 de ortografía).

Contenido de este recurso:

•El diseño del anverso y reverso de las cartas del módulo 1 (3 semanas) para ser cortadas en forma de carta cuadrada.

•El diseño del anverso y reverso de las cartas del módulo 1 (3 semanas) para ser cortadas en forma de carta redonda.

•Las reglas de los cinco juegos rápidos que puedes jugar con estas cartas.

•Guía para imprimir las cartas.

•La lista de palabras para cada semana y módulo.

Related Products

⭐ Complete First Grade HMH High-frequency Words Dobble-type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 1 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 10 Dobble Type Card Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 11 Dobble Type Card Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 12 Dobble Type Card Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 2 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 3 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 4 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 5 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 6 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 7 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 8 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 9 Dobble Type Cards Game

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


1st Grade Memory Game HMH High-frequency and Decodable Words- Module 1

By Ms Garcia Store

Exciting Memory Game to Enhance First-Grade Students' Learning of HMH Sight Words!

Try the first 3 weeks of this incredible resource and unlock the full set by clicking on the following link for only $8.50!

Memory Game HMH High-Frequency and Decodable Words

The set consists of 36 unique decks, one for each week, providing a comprehensive learning experience. Students will practice 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable Words per week with every deck, resulting in exposure to more than 400 words!

How to Play:

The game starts with all the cards face down, and players take turns flipping over two cards. If the two cards reveal the same word, they must write it on their recording sheet and keep the cards. If the words don't match, they turn the cards face down again. The winner is the player with the most cards when all cards have been taken. If some students find the game challenging, they can opt to play with the cards face-up for added support.

Ideas to Play:

- Engage in Memory Game sessions with High-Frequency Words, Decodable Words, or both simultaneously each week for a varied and dynamic learning experience.

- Integrate different weeks of the same module to reinforce word retention at the end of a unit, ensuring lasting mastery of the sight words.

- Utilize the versatile cards for an array of engaging games. For instance, print the cards of several weeks or even modules once for each table or group of students, all face-up. Challenge them to find the words you announce before other groups do. The first group to find the word keeps the card and records it. The group with the most cards at the end emerges victorious!

- Foster active learning by allowing students to pick a card from a deck, write the word, and then select another card. This repetition reinforces word recognition and writing skills.

- Encourage cooperative learning by pairing students. One student can pick a card and dictate the word to their partner, who will write it down. Learning together through rote practice!

- For an additional challenge, have one student in a pair pronounce the sounds of each letter in the word while their partner writes it down.

If you have more innovative ideas, feel free to share them with us in your review.

How to Print:

To print the cards, first print the front of the cards. After that, reload the printed sheets into the printer and print the back design. For sturdiness, use thicker paper, and consider laminating them for enhanced durability.

Pages 1 to 10 are the front of the cards, while pages 11 and 12 are the back. You can try both designs to see which one aligns better with your printer. Additionally, page 13 provides 4 recording sheets to write down the pairs of words you create during the game.

Prepare for an enjoyable and effective learning journey with our engaging Memory Game for HMH Sight Words. Happy learning!

Related Products

⭐ Find, trace and write the tiny HMH High-frequency and Decodable Words

⭐ HMH Words of the Week Spinners for First Grade

⭐ HMH Words of the Week Spinners for First Grade- Trace the words

⭐ I Spy First grade HMH High-frequeny and Decodable Words and other activities

⭐ Memory Game HMH High-frequency and Decodable Words

⭐ Word Search - Find, trace, and write the HMH's Words of the Week

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Fichas de trabajo Palabras de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Modulo 1 (semana 1)

By Ms Garcia Store

Palabras de Ortografía de Arriba la lectura de HMH Módulo 1 (semana 1)

Fichas de trabajo, listas para ser usadas, de las palabras de ortografía de la primera semana de Arriba la lectura de HMH en primer grado. Puede ser usado como tarea o incluso como centro.

Al adquirir este recurso, obtendrán el archivo PDF de 12 páginas para trabajar las 10 palabras de ortografía de la 1ª semana. Cada palabra tiene su propia página, y tienes dos opciones distintas para el reverso de la página. Una de las opciones es la de seguir formulando oraciones con la palabra del día, mientras que la segunda opción es la de practicar cómo se escribe la palabra del día o incluso las palabras de la semana.

En esta actividad se trabajan las 10 palabras de Ortografía de la 1ª semana. Cada módulo tiene 3 semanas y el programa consta de 12 módulos(36 semanas).

Cada palabra se trabajará de 8 formas diferentes:

  1. Lectura de la palabra, sus sonidos y sílabas.
  2. Trazo de las letras que componen la palabra.
  3. Búsqueda de la palabra entre otras palabras de esa semana.
  4. Rellena los bloques con cada una de las letras de la palabra.
  5. Ordenar las fichas con letras para formar la palabra.
  6. Contar el número de sílabas de la palabra.
  7. Escritura de la palabra varias veces a modo de práctica.
  8. Redacción de varias frases cortas que contengan la palabra.

Contenido de la 1ª semana del Módulo 1 "¡Gusto en conocerte!"

  • Semana 1: abeja agua estrella escoba iglú isla oso oveja uva uña

Consigue los 12 módulos de ortografía:

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía para imprimir HMH de 1er grado COMPLETO (Los 12 Módulos)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 1 (semanas 1 a 3)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 2 (semanas 4 a 6)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 3 (semanas 7 a 9)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 4 (semanas 10 a 12)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 5 (semanas 13 a 15)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 6 (semanas 16 a 18)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 7 (semanas 19 a 21)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 8 (semanas 22 a 24)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 9 (semanas 25 a 27)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 10 (semanas 28 a 30)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 11 (semanas 31 a 33)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 12 (semanas 34 a 36)

Disponible también todos los módulos de la versión imprimible de Palabras de Uso Frecuente:

Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)

⭐ Módulo 1

⭐ Módulo 2

⭐ Módulo 3

⭐ Módulo 4

⭐ Módulo 5

⭐ Módulo 6

⭐ Módulo 7

⭐ Módulo 8

⭐ Módulo 9

⭐ Módulo 10

⭐ Módulo 11

⭐ Módulo 12

Puedes también adquirir la versión digital en EASEL de TeachShare:

Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)

Módulo 1

Módulo 2

Módulo 3

Módulo 4

Módulo 5

Módulo 6

Módulo 7

Módulo 8

Módulo 9

Módulo 10

Módulo 11

Módulo 12

Recursos EASEL relacionados que pueden ser de su interes:

Palabras de ortografía HMH completo (los 12 módulos)

Módulo 1

Módulo 2

Módulo 3

Módulo 4

Módulo 5

Módulo 6

Módulo 7

Módulo 8

Módulo 9

Módulo 10

Módulo 11

Módulo 12

Encuentra, escribe y traza las palabras de uso frecuente

Encuentra y escribe las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

Encuentra, marca y traza las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

Imagen utilizada en la portada

Character photo created by freepik -


First Grade HMH Spelling Words Set 1 Dobble Type Cards Game for weeks 1 to 5

By Ms Garcia Store

Explore 5 amazing games that make learning the 300 First Grade HMH Spelling Words a blast! With our 10 sets of Dobble-type cards spanning across the 12 HMH modules, your students will be engaged like never before. Choose individual sets or get the entire bundle for an immersive learning experience that guarantees progress!

The objective is to find the sole matching word between two cards, ensuring there is always one and only one word in common between any pair of cards in the game.

Each set comprises 31 captivating cards, each adorned with 6 words in different colors.

To create sets of 31 cards each, the words are meticulously arranged in the following manner:

Set 1: Weeks 1 to 5 (6 words each week) Modules 1-2*

Set 2: Weeks 6 to 10 (6 words each week) Modules 2*-4*

Set 3: Weeks 11 to 15 (6 words each week) Modules 4*-5

Set 4: Weeks 16 to 18 (10 words each week)Module 6

Set 5: Weeks 19 to 21 (10 words each week) Module 7

Set 6: Weeks 22 to 24 (10 words each week) Module 8

Set 7: Weeks 25 to 27 (10 words each week) Module 9

Set 8: Weeks 28 to 30 (10 words each week) Module 10

Set 9: Weeks 31 to 33 (10 words each week) Module 11

Set 10: Weeks 34 to 36 (10 words each week) Module 12

* Module split in sets 1 and 2 (Module 2), and 2 and 3 (Module 4).

This way every set had only 30 words, so I added 1 word to every set from the last studied set to get to the required 31 words to be able of having 31 cards instead of 13.

Content of this resource:

The front and back design of the cards of the first module (3 weeks) and 2 weeks of the second module to be cut square.

The front and back design of the cards of the first module (3 weeks) and 2 weeks of the second module to be cut round.

•The rules of the five quick games that you can play with these cards.

•Guides to print the cards.

•The list of words for each week and module.

Related Products

⭐ Complete First Grade HMH High-frequency Words Dobble-type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 1 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 10 Dobble Type Card Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 11 Dobble Type Card Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 12 Dobble Type Card Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 2 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 3 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 4 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 5 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 6 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 7 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 8 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 9 Dobble Type Cards Game

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


First Sound Fluency/Letter Sounds

By K3 Homeschool Foundations

This is a great way to work on first sound fluency and letter sounds!


Tap it, Map it, Graph it|Word Mapping; VCe Long E

By K3 Homeschool Foundations

These are perfect for small-group instruction or centers! Slide them in sheet protectors or laminate and you can reuse them! You can print these cards double-sided (on the short side) so that students can self-correct!

This creates meaning for words that follow the phonics pattern they are learning. This is important in helping the child turn these words into sight words!

*Check out my bundle to get all the VCe long vowels!


Sight Word Game: Go Fish FREEBIE

By K3 Homeschool Foundations

Use it for small groups, early finisher activities, or centers! My kids always beg to play this game!

This freebie includes the first set which has the first 13 words on the Zeno word list. I teach the 107 Sight Words because they are the most narrowed-down list of the most commonly used words in texts. It is important your child can read these words quickly and accurately for success in reading! 


  • Go Fish Rules
  • Set 1; first 13 sight words on the Zeno Word List
  • Total of 52 cards
  • Endless amounts of fun!

*Prep time is needed. I suggest you print these on card stock and laminate them for more durability. Printing on normal paper will work too! Print the set of cards and cut them out!

For all 107 words buy the bundle!

107 Zeno Sight Word Game BUNDLE


Spring Labeling Center Activities Preview FREEBIE

By Three Little Homeschoolers

Want to try before you buy? Download this freebie for a preview of my Label the Parts series. Practice scissor skills or handwriting with these no-prep, label the picture printables. This preview is of the Bird's Nest from Label the Parts - Spring.

All of the Label the Parts sets are great for labeling centers, writing centers, young learners, ESL students and more. Each picture has a cut and paste version or a fill-in version for differentiated learning and both a color and a black and white version are included. Use the black and white version to add a coloring component to the worksheet!

*Label the Parts series*

Label the Parts - Fall (including holidays)

Label the Parts - Winter (including holidays)

Label the Parts - Spring (including holidays)

Label the Parts - Summer (including holidays)

Label the Parts - Insects

Label the Parts - Animals

Label the Parts - Objects

Label the Parts - Life Cycles

All Label the Parts sets are available in a bundle. Buy the Label the Parts - Bundle and save 20%!


Looking for other fun activities?

Colorful Owls - Trace, Color & Build

Colorful Pumpkins - Trace, Color & Build

What Belongs? Cut, Sort, Paste Activities

Dinosaur Math Puzzles - Numbers, Words, Tallies & more


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What Belongs? Sampler Freebie - Cut, Sort, and Paste Activities

By Three Little Homeschoolers

This is a free sampler of my What Belongs? Series and includes pages from each of the four What Belongs? resources: Holidays, Places and Habitats, Rooms of the House, and Seasons. This is a great way to try out these cut, sort, and paste worksheets to see if they're a good fit for your classroom or homeschool!

Included with this sampler are several of the Thanksgiving, Forest, Laundry Room, and Summer worksheets. I've included examples of all three types of worksheets that come in the full versions. On "What belongs in..." worksheets, students cut out the pictures and glue the ones that fit the theme in the box. On "What is missing in..." worksheets, students cut out and glue the missing pieces on the picture to create a scene that matches the theme. And on the comparison worksheets, students have to decide which theme the pictures match and glue them in the correct box.

*Please note: I've included black and white versions of the comparison and "What belongs in..." worksheets in the freebie, but both color and black and white are included in the full versions.*

The full versions of the What Belongs? units include fall, winter, spring, and summer, year long holidays like Halloween, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, Easter, and more, plus habitats/places such as the Arctic, the ocean, the farm, and the rooms of the house such as the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and more.

These are great for preschool or kindergarten, in special education classrooms, and in homeschools teaching various ages! I have even used the comparison worksheets for my middle elementary aged child in our homeschool as a fun holiday reprieve from his regular work!


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Cactus Color by CVC Word FREEBIE - Distance Learning

By Three Little Homeschoolers

This cactus themed Color by CVC Word freebie is a preview of our full size Color by CVC Word units. This freebie comes with a "short a" puzzle featuring the words cat, mad, jam, and pan. Students can use the picture clue puzzle or the word clue puzzle. In the picture clue puzzle, students look at the picture of the word and then find the corresponding word to color. In the word clue puzzle, students have the CVC word to look at and find the matching word to color. No prep! Just print and go.

**This freebie comes with short a only, but the full units come with all five vowel families, each in two difficulty levels for 10 puzzles total.**

You can find all of the themed Color by CVC Word units here


Check out my other CVC activites:

*all of my CVC activities use the same words and images for cohesive learning*

CVC Blending Cards - 85 Words with and without pictures

CVC Word Family Rearrange Puzzles -

85 Words

Seasons Color by CVC Word Bundle

CVC Word Memory Game

More coming soon...


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• Leave feedback for any purchases you've made and TeachShare will give you a credit toward your next purchase! Plus, feedback helps me make better products tailored to what my customers are looking for.



Seasonal Morning Work PreK Preschool Sampler Freebie - Distance Learning

By Three Little Homeschoolers

This is a free sampler of my Morning Work for PreK/Preschool and includes pages from all three of my preschool morning work resources: Fall, Winter, and Spring. This is a great way to try out these resources to see if they're a good fit for your classroom or homeschool!

One full color worksheet, containing two half-page morning work activities, is included for each of the three units, plus the black and white version of each for easier printing. These are also great for early finishers, in writing or math centers, or as a way to add a little holiday fun to the classroom! Laminate for durability and use with a dry erase marker or for a no-prep activity, just print and go!

Full versions include puzzles, letter matching, tracing, cutting practice, sorting, counting, which is bigger/smaller, mazes, connect the dots, and more.

These three units are also available in a money saving bundle. Buy the bundle to save 20%!


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