Show Me the Money!
The Money Combinations Activity is a great addition for students to practice combining money. This product is a fantastic activity for Math Centers, Whole Class Activity, Partner Practice, or Individualized fun! Students will have different Sorting Mats to show one amount of money, using four different combinations of coins (teachers can set the goal for students to use the least amount of coins/dollar bills). Students will love to challenge themselves to find a common sum with different coin values combined. Laminate the four sorting mats, the amount of money tabs, and the coin templates. Keep all the products in a zip lock bags to re-use year after year.
Product Includes:
-Suggestions and Directions Sheets
-Student Record Sheet
- 4 Sorting Mats
-10 different dollar amount tabs
-5 money templates (dollar bill, quarter, dime, nickel, and penny).
-Answer Keys included, so students can check their own work
All of the printables come in color for Workstation purposes and black and white for printer friendly purposes.
If teachers have a money kit, students can use the plastic coins rather than the templates included. Students can check their own work with the answer key and record the combinations from the mats on their record sheet. Each combination correct is worth one point.
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