"My Positive Self-Talk Bouquet" is a thoughtfully designed counseling lesson that aims to empower children to cultivate a nurturing inner voice. It's a creative and engaging way to guide children towards a practice of positive self-talk, thereby enhancing their self-esteem and kindness towards themselves.
- Insightful Tip Sheet on Positive Self-Talk: Delivers actionable strategies to help children build a habit of constructive self-talk, focusing on their strengths and victories.
- Uplifting Positive Self-Talk Story: A narrative that underscores the significance of nurturing an inner voice that champions self-acceptance and celebrates personal strengths, motivating children with stories they can see themselves in.
- "Positive Self-Talk Bouquet" Craft Activity: A tangible and imaginative activity where children create a bouquet representing their affirmations and positive attributes, crafting a personal symbol of their self-appreciation and accomplishments.
- Reinforces a Positive Self-Concept
- Cultivates Emotional Intelligence
- Stimulates Artistic Self-Expression
- Enhances Mindfulness
- Strengthens Social-Emotional Learning
- Self-Empowerment and Resilience
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► Looking for more SEL workbook topics? We've got you covered!
- Behavior and Feelings Workbook
- Gossiping & Rumors Workbook for Teens
- CBT Workbook - Thoughts Feelings Behaviors for Teenagers
- Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
- Emotions & Self Care Workbook
- My Anger Management Workbook
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