Addition Games!
Addition Fact Fluency Games Dogs Edition includes 9 DOG themed board games. There are 9 games in color and the same in black and white. 3 pages of spinners provided in Color and B&W, and an idea/directions page.
Covers these addition strategies:
1 page with adding on practice +1, +2, +3
2 pages with 10+__ and 9+__
2 pages with 3 addends
1 page with Missing Addends Sums of 10
1 page with Missing Addends
1 page with Mixed Practice
1 page with Doubles and Doubles +1
Black & White Copies:
Print Gameboards B&W, 2 crayons, & provide spinner. Partners take turns. You are not moving markers around the gameboard as in a normal board game, just follow the path and take your turn answering questions. On your turn, spin spinner, if for example you spin 2, answer the first 2 spaces, if answered correctly color in your 2 spaces with your color. (second chances may be determined before the game starts) If answered incorrectly partner may attempt to answer correctly and color the space their color. If both players are incorrect, leave space uncolored or continue to take turns until answered correctly (get out the manipulatives to prove your answer). Then the turn goes to the next player, continue in this manner around the gameboard. When you reach the end, each player counts the number of spaces they colored to determine the winner.
Colored Laminated Copies:
Follow the directions above, but instead of coloring in spaces, use colored cubes for each player to leave on their spaces along the path. When finished they can count their cube color to determine the winner.