Kindergarten High Frequency Sight Word Practice Sentences & Guided Writing Word
By Chirp Chirp Education
TeachShare A2-Kindergarten High Frequency Sight Word Practice Sentences & Guided Writing Word
Improve your child's literacy skills by practicing identifying high frequency words by sight. Use these free sight words worksheets to accelerate your child's learning of these basic words.
Practice high-frequency words with this action pack printable worksheet. Your child will find, trace, color and write the words.
Sight word practice big resources included these activities: (total: 433 pages in PDF)
1. Sight word worksheet (1 sight word per page)
- An ink-saving black and white version of these Sight Word worksheet. (57
pages in PDF)
- A full color set of this sight word worksheet (57 pages in PDF)
- An option for use with Easel by TeachShare, the new TeachShare Digital Tool (57 pages in
2. Sight word sentences (57 pages. Read and trace the sentences)
- A full color set of sight word sentences. 1 sight word per page. 1 page
contains 7 sentences.
3. Sight word - Color it (57 pages, 1 sight word per page).
- An ink-saving black and white version of these Sight Word worksheet. (57
pages in PDF
- An option for use with Easel by TeachShare, the new TeachShare Digital Tool (57 pages in
4. Sight word guided tracing (57 pages, 1 sight word per page).
- An ink-saving black and white version of these sight word worksheet. (57
pages in PDF.
- A full color set of sight word worksheet. (57 pages in PDF)
- An option for use with Easel by TeachShare, the new TeachShare Digital Tool (57 pages in
5. Sight word flash cards (10 pages, 6 sight word cards/page)
- A full color set flash card
6. Sight word game - Race to the top. (you need to prepare a dice, and
counters for your students)
Roll a dice. Read out the sight word it lands on. Put a counter on the word
you read it correctly. First to the top, win!
- A full color set (2 pages in PDF)
- An ink-saving black and white version (2 pages in PDF)
7. Sight word search (with answer key)
- A full color set (10 pages with answer key in PDF)
- An ink-saving black and white version (10 pages with answer key in PDF)
- An option for use with Easel by TeachShare, the new TeachShare Digital Tool.
8. Color by sight words activities.
- An ink-saving black and white version. (9 pages in PDF)
- An option for use with Easel by TeachShare, the new TeachShare Digital Tool.
The 57 focus words in all worksheets are:
I, like, my, see, can, the, a, go, to, we, you, is, look, me, big, with, for, he, she, read, at, all, little, and, have, here, are, play, said, put, come, they, this, help, in, girl, walk, up, down, away, jump, do, or, of, where, it, his, her, on, went, boy, has, no, but, how, am, into
Repeated sight words in various type of activities helps students master these important sight words.
Samples of each activity are available to explore in the resource preview.
All of the activities in this resource are printable and work well as paper and pencil activities. Using Easel (the TeachShare digital tool), you can also send the pages you select for your students through Google Classroom.
ELA Book for Student Writing/Grammar/Editing - Workbook
By Blooming Through High School
Perfect for learners who have IEP's requiring class notes, correctly completed examples, and graphic organizers.
I was tired of writing things on the board over and over again. I was tired of printing out pages that students threw away. I was also tired of answering questions that students could find for themselves. So I made a book to make sure I wouldn't have to anymore.
Over the course of 2 months, I thought of everything that I would have to teach, explain, write examples of, and print, and I put all my tips and tricks into ONE BOOK. I printed this out and spiral bound all the pages for each of my students. Every time my students ask me to repeat something, I point them to the book.
I also use this in my class for reference during specific lessons as well. It's a game changer! I save time and I save my sanity.
It's the MOST helpful for all the little pieces students need to know for all the stages of writing: brainstorming, pre-writing, paragraphs, citations, plagiarism, and much, much more.
Find Your Test Review Bundle Here!
And Check out these other resources!
By French Made Fun!
Avez-vous du mal à savoir par où commencer ? Où finir ? Avez-vous de la difficulté à enseigner de plus petits morceaux afin que vos élèves sachent ce qu'on attend d'eux, afin qu'ils puissent écrire efficacement et en toute confiance ? C'est votre première année d'enseignement et vous aimez voir un modèle ou un exemple pour vous guider dans les années à venir ? Cherchez vous des critères de réussite et des modèles - Avez-vous honnêtement du mal à faire la différence, vous-même, entre les différents genres que vos élèves sont censés produire ? Cherchez pas plus loin! J'ai fait le travail pour que vous puissiez enseigner avec confiance et pour que vos élèves performent avec confiance.
Mes études de genre vous donneront suffisamment de contenu enseignable, d'activités imprimables, d'invitations de discussion et d'opportunités d'écriture guidée pour écrire avec facilité et confiance. Chacun de mes ensembles de genres commence par un contenu enseignable et des minis-leçons et réflexions intégrées pour que vos élèves partagent, participent et collaborent avec leurs pairs. Si vous n'êtes pas à l'aise avec l'enseignement des genres, c'est le produit qu'il vous faut. JE guide vos cours, VOUS le facilitez en personne.
Mes produits sont FAITS avec vos grands enfants et adolescents à l'esprit. Vous ne trouverez pas de dessins animés enfantins, de polices difficiles à lire et exagérées et vous ne trouverez pas de mots croisés et d'espace perdu. Je prends le temps de m'assurer que mes produits sont attrayants pour un groupe d'élèves plus âgés, mais toujours attrayants, engageants et à leur niveau. Ils sont créés pour les élèves de la 4e à la 8e année en milieu Immersion ou Français langue première.
Cette étude de genre fait partie d'un ensemble grandissant, que vous pouvez trouver ici.
Ce document étudie en profondeur la poésie et l'expression poétique.
Voici ce que vous pouvez attendre de cette ressource :
Diapositives d'enseignement (73 pages)
Définissons ensemble ce qu'est la poésie et les poètes
Explication sur les schémas de rimes, les strophes, les vers, les syllabes
Explication sur les dispositifs littéraires et les figures de style (comparaisons, métaphores, onomatopées)
Discussion sur le thème
Minis-poèmes modèles
Invitations + discussions
Activités sur la différenciation des trois schémas de rimes
Activités sur la différenciation des métaphores des comparaisons
Jeu kinesthésique sur les syllabes
Explication des haïkus et acrostiches
Poème décortiqué!
Activités sur la planification + organisation des idées
Un poème guidé - sa création, sa révision, son amélioration étape par étape comme texte modèle
Étapes d'amélioration et de révision.
Carnet d'élève (37 pages)
Rendre un texte poétique
Réfléchir pour écrire de la poésie (7 activités réflexives personnelles pour encourager une pensée poétique et générer des idées créatives).
Sois dans la zone
La musique et les figures de style
Haïku (2 activités)
Diamante (3 activités)
Poème biographique (2 activités)
Acrostiche (2 activités)
Poème allitératif
Le poème-pensée
Investigation des mots (un mini-dictionnaire du vocabulaire de la poésie)
Mon poème tout garni
Projet final: Mon anthologie
Détails du projet
Critères de réussite
Activité de pré-écriture
Brouillons + listes de vérification (x4)
Évaluation par les pairs
** Mes documents évoluent constamment et j'ajoute des activités, des imprimables et du matériel didactique dès que je les réalise pour mon propre usage. En fait, ce document a eu une mise à jour 05.05.23**
Vous pouvez gagner des crédits en laissant des commentaires sur les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en vous rendant sur votre page My Purchases et en cliquant sur Leave a Review. Vous gagnerez 1 crédit pour chaque dollar dépensé !
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Merci! Je vous apprécie énormément!
- Kaitlyn.
Fall Activity Bundle For Early Learners - Fall Leaves (Bundle)
By Morgan Jeffries
What's Included In This Bundle:
- Alphabet Play-doh Mats (Uppercase & lowercase Letters Aa-Zz)
- Number Play-doh Mats With Ten Frames
- Trace It, Color It, Write It Alphabet Book - Writing Center
- Alphabet Letter & Number Tracing Cards - Writing Center
- Matching Game ( Shapes - Letters - Numbers)
More Information On Each Item:
The Alphabet Play-doh Mats have both Uppercase and lowercase Letters. This activity is great for not only hands on learning through play but also to help your students practice forming each letter of the alphabet. Each play-doh mat also has a picture of an item that starts with that letter.
The Number Play-doh mats also have ten frames on them. This helps your students practice counting and one-to-one correspondence.
The Alphabet book is great for your literacy center and writing practice. Each page has both the Uppercase and lowercase letters on it. The students color the letter, trace it, and then practice writing each Uppercase and lowercase letter of the alphabet.
The Matching Game has Uppercase and lowercase letter matching practice as well as number and shape cards. The number cards have a matching card with the corresponding number of apple seeds on each one. This helps students practice counting and one-to-one correspondence.
The letter tracing cards are also another great way for your students to practice writing each Uppercase and lowercase letter as well as numbers 1-10.
I hope you and your students love these products as much as I loved creating them!
DRAGON MASTERS Bundle #10 - #12 Novel Studies and Reading Comprehension
By The Book Bandit
THREE Dragon Masters NOVEL STUDIES for #10 Waking the Rainbow Dragon, #11 Shine of the Silver Dragon and #12 Treasure of the Gold Dragon.
These novel studies are highly engaging and comprehensive literature units that allow your students to respond to a story by using a wide range of reading comprehension strategies and skills.
With comprehension questions and activities for each chapter, students will cover a wide range of the English Curriculum Standards in context.
These units can be followed chapter by chapter.
Activities include:
All activities have been designed with student engagement at the forefront. In responding to the book, students will be required to think both within and beyond the text. Children learn best when they are having fun! Even better that they are learning the love of books at the same time!
This product is not associated with this book's author or publishing company. The book must be purchased separately in order to be used alongside this product.
Please follow me for more literacy units - particularly new releases.
You are welcome to request a novel study in the questions and answers section of my shop!
Thank you for your continued support.
Editing Sentences: Test Prep/ELA/STAAR Aligned/Packet
By Blooming Through High School
Bundle includes 46 Pages total & 3 Google Forms
I made these after realizing that my students in high school needed practice with the mechanics of how to construct a sentence before I could begin instructing them on best practices for structure in their essays. There are pages for them to practice (on paper) or you can use as a quiz for after instruction! All of the Google quizzes will self-grade and they are editable.
This is the essential Test Prep Bundle for students testing for state or district exams.
They're also adaptable for students who are doing self-directed learning as each includes a short teaching page for students to reference as they are working through the activities.