Staff Creative Writing Clip Art

Perseverance + Facing Challenges - An Interactive SEL Activity

By Jeni Donath

If you are looking for a fun and interactive way for your students to not only discuss perseverance and what facing challenges looks like, but also practice the skill in a fun and engaging way, then this might be a classroom activity for you! Perseverance is one of those skills that is truly mastered when they are able to practice is "on the spot" and build skills in the moment. This activity provides a safe and comfortable way to do just that, while creating both fun scenarios and more realistic scenarios that they may face in their day to day lives. This activity includes TWO separate classroom lessons (and the foundation of a great writing activity, too!), a list of random items that you could use in your classroom, and two pages of scenario cards. Use real life objects OR print out the clip art pictures included in the digital download. Everything needed for your next engaging classroom lesson - enjoy!!

Looking for other fun, engaging, and interactive lessons? See links below!

Kindness Activity and the Impact of Your Words (Best Seller!)

Kindness Activity - Classroom "Snowball Fight"

Think Before You Speak - Interactive Game

Career Card Game - "What Career?"
