Special Education For Parents

Leaving the House Reminders

By SEN Resource Source

Display cards for parents to use at home to support children in becoming more independent when leaving the house. These cards can be set up by a parent before hand or along side the child with all the things that they need to remember that day and it can be put up near the door so that as they leave the house they can check their checklist for that day and see if they have everything they need.

Why do you need this?

Children often forget essential items or tasks when leaving the house. Display cards provide a visual reminder of tasks and items children need to remember before leaving the house. By actively checking and following the checklist, children learn to take responsibility for their belongings and tasks.

Display cards help establish a consistent routine for leaving the house. By setting up the cards in a visible location near the door, children can develop a habit of checking the checklist before heading out, reinforcing the routine over time.

How and when might you use this?

Place the display cards in a visible location near the door where children can easily see them before leaving the house. Before using the display cards, talk to your child about the purpose of the checklist and why it's important to review it before leaving. Emphasize the idea of being responsible for their belongings and tasks.

I would recommend laminating this resource for durability and then using Velcro to make the pieces removable.

What is included?

This resource includes a display board and 24 different item cards including coat, jacket, raincoat, wellies, umbrella, gloves, scarf, woolly hat, sun hat, bag, dinner money, homework, PE kit, school books, water bottle, instrument, keys, letter for teacher, snack, inhaler, swim kit, pencil case, bus pass and phone.

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* Home Visual Timetable


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It's OK to make a mistake social story

By SEN Resource Source

This social story is designed to help children understand that making mistakes is a normal and important part of learning. It reassures children that everyone makes mistakes at school and offers strategies for overcoming and learning from them.

Ideal for parents, teachers, and caregivers, this story helps children develop resilience, build confidence, and understand that mistakes are a valuable part of their learning journey.

What is included?

As well as an 11 page social story there is also a shortened adapted book version of the story with movable pictures to attach to each page.

Why do you need this?

The point of a social story is to use a patient and reassuring tone to teach children about social situations in a way that can be easily understood. Social stories can be useful for any child who is struggling to understand a situation or concept or needs help to understand a social skill or social cue, expectations, perspectives, common responses or is troubled about an upcoming event but social stories are particularly useful for children on the autistic spectrum for whom social cues can be challenging and who often suffer anxiety if they do not know what to expect from a situation.

How and when might you use this?

· To implement a social story, you should first ensure that you have eliminated distractions; that it is just you and the child sitting together focussed on the story.

· Initially you should read the story through twice with the child but it is then vital to revisit it regularly.

· Try to find a way to incorporate the story into the child's daily schedule.

· If the story is relating to a particular inappropriate behavior, it is useful to read the story when this behavior occurs, you do not however want the story to be seen as any kind of punishment.

· Regularly praise your child and keep it a positive experience.

These books should be used over and over to reinforce the point so I would suggest either putting the pages into a display book or laminating and binding them.


Reinforcement and Punishment AT-A-GLANCE Reference poster (ABA, Behavior)

By Early Childhood Essentials

Whether you're in ABA, you're a teacher, or you're a parent, this at-a-glance poster can give you quick access to the basics of reinforcement and punishment.

Discipline is really just shaping people, and we need it as adults too.

  • We get a speeding ticket to hopefully decrease the occurrence of speeding
  • we have a night out after a long week to reward our work ethic
  • we block our ex's number so we aren't tempted to text them (:P), and so on

We also practice reinforcement and punishment when we train our fur babies!

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FREE Verbal Conversation Guide - with visual aids!

By Early Childhood Essentials

This is the FREE version of my verbal conversation guide, with only 2 questions with visual examples.

The FULL version has 7.


Copyright © Early Childhood Essentials

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Speech Therapy Resource - Language Stimulation Activities (special needs)

By All Therapy Resources

This one page handout highlights why language stimulation is important and includes techniques and strategies which can help develop an individuals language skills. This explores the techniques and provides examples of it in action.

It explores the following techniques - simplify language, self talk, parallel talk, modelling and repetition, expansions and recast. Each technique is provided examples of putting this strategy into action in very simple terms. Great handout for teachers and parents/carers.

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Special Education Terms and Definitions for Families Sample

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Use this as a quick way to review frequently used special education terms and acronyms. For a more in-depth look at each term, download my e-book Special Education Terms Made Simple available here.
