Spanish Flash Cards

Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 80 Sílabas Inversas

By Ms Garcia Store

Gran recurso que ayudará a sus alumnos con el aprendizaje de 80 sílabas inversas a través del gráfico y la palabra relacionada con cada una de ellas.

Hay 14 tarjetas sin gráfico ni palabra por no existir vocablo alguno en español con esas sílabas pero aun así encontrará sus tarjetas para la practica de cualquier actividad que lo requiriese. Estas 14 son:

od, uc, ib, eg, og, ug, ih, av, ev, iv, ov, y uv, ox y ux.

El recurso consta de 80 tarjetas didácticas repartidas en 10 hojas y una hoja con el reverso de las cartas. Imprimir el reverso es opcional.

Con ellas podrá realizar un sinfín de actividades. Sirvan de ejemplo las siguientes:

  • Practica individual o colectivamente la pronunciación de cada sílaba apoyándose en la imagen y palabra sugerida.
  • Memorama: Imprima dos veces el set de tarjetas, dispóngalas boca abajo y juegue a encontrar su pareja.
  • Bingo: Saque de una a una las sílabas y haga que sus alumnos las digan en alto al verlas y las tachen de sus cartones de Bingo. Los cartones de bingo de sílabas inversas los podrá encontrar por separado en este enlace.

Consejos de impresión

Imprima las tarjetas, preferiblemente a color, en papel grueso y lamínelas para que perduren.

Related Products

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 121 Sílabas Directas

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 80 Sílabas Inversas

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Trabadas

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas directas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas inversas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas trabadas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Escucha, escribe y aprende.

⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Muestra sílabas en orden aleatorio.


1st Grade Memory Game (Memorama) Palabras de la Semana HMH

By Ms Garcia Store

Engaging Memory Game to Enhance First-Grade Students' Learning of HMH Spanish Sight Words!

Unlock the full potential of language learning with our fun Memory Game designed to help first-grade students master HMH Spanish Sight Words. The set boasts 36 different decks, one for each week, comprising 22 cards each. With 5 High-Frequency Words and 6 selected Spelling Words to practice each week, students will encounter a total of 396 essential words!

Experience the first three weeks for free by clicking on the following link:

Memorama Palabras de la Semana de HMH- Módulo 1

How to Play:

The game commences with all cards face down, and players take turns flipping over two cards. When a pair of cards display the same word, the players must write it on their recording sheet and retain the cards. If the cards don't match, they are turned face down again. The player with the most cards when all cards have been collected wins!

Ideas to Play:

  • Engage in Memory Games with High-Frequency Words, Spelling Words, or both simultaneously each week for varied and dynamic language practice.
  • Reinforce word retention by combining different weeks of the same module, culminating in a comprehensive understanding of the sight words.
  • These versatile cards offer boundless opportunities for interactive learning experiences. For example, you can print the cards of multiple weeks or even modules once for each table or group of students, with all cards face-up. Challenge them to identify the words you announce before other groups do. The first group to find the word keeps the card, writes it on the recording sheet, and emerges as the winner with the most cards at the end!
  • Encourage active learning by allowing students to pick a card, write the word, and then choose another card. This repetition strengthens word recognition and writing skills.
  • Foster cooperative learning by pairing students. One student can pick a card and dictate the word to their partner, who will write it down. A collaborative approach through rote practice!
  • For an added challenge, have one student in a pair pronounce the sounds of each letter in the word while their partner writes it down.

Share your innovative ideas with us in your review. We value your input!

How to Print:

To print the cards, first print the front of the cards. After that, reload the printed sheets into the printer and print the back design. For sturdiness, use thicker paper, and consider laminating them for enhanced durability.

A module comprises a total of 3 pages. Pages 1 to 108 are the front of the cards, while pages 109 and 110 are the back. You can try both designs to see which one aligns better with your printer. Additionally, page 111 provides 4 recording sheets to write down the pairs of words you create during the game.

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game! Happy learning!

Related Products

⭐ Encuentra, escribe y traza las palabras de la semana

⭐ Sopa de letras- Encuentra, traza y escribe las palabras de la semana de HMH

⭐ Memorama Palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía HMH

⭐ Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de 1er grado completo (los 12 módulos)

⭐ Palabras de Ortografía HMH de Primer grado completo (los 12 módulos)

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Trabadas

By Ms Garcia Store

Gran recurso que ayudará a sus alumnos con el aprendizaje de 65 sílabas trabadas a través del gráfico y la palabra relacionada con cada una de ellas.

Hay 5 tarjetas sin gráfico ni palabra por no existir vocablo alguno en español con esas sílabas pero aun así encontrará sus tarjetas para la practica de cualquier actividad que lo requiriese. Estas 5 son:

tla, tle, tli, tlo, tlu. Palabras con la secuencia de letras tla, tle y tlo se puede encontrar en palabras como atleta, Atlantico o decatloniano, pero no las he puesto pues tan solo en America del Sur, especialmente en Mexico, irían dentro de la mismo sílaba. Así en México, la palabra atleta se descompondría en sílabas de la siguiente forma: a-tle-ta, en lugar de at-le-ta, con lo que preferí no ponerlas por no confundir a nadie a los que lo hagan de distinta forma, pues ambas son correctas.

El recurso consta de 65 tarjetas didácticas repartidas en 9 hojas y una hoja con el reverso de las cartas. El reverso es opcional.

Con ellas podrá realizar un sinfín de actividades. Sirvan de ejemplo las siguientes:

  • Práctica individual o colectiva de la pronunciación de cada sílaba apoyándose en la imagen y palabra sugerida.
  • Memorama: Imprima dos veces el set de tarjetas, dispóngalas boca abajo y juegue a encontrar su pareja.
  • Bingo: Saque de una a una las sílabas y haga que sus alumnos las digan en alto al verlas y las tachen de sus cartones de Bingo. Los cartones de bingo de sílabas trabadas los podrá encontrar por separado en este enlace.

Consejos de impresión

Imprima las tarjetas, preferiblemente a color, en papel grueso y lamínelas para que perduren.

Related Products

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 121 Sílabas Directas

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Inversas

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Trabadas

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas directas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas inversas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas trabadas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Escucha, escribe y aprende.

⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Muestra sílabas en orden aleatorio.


Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro interactivo de 80 sílabas inversas

By Ms Garcia Store

  • Contenido Integral: Cada diapositiva exhibe una sílaba inversa única acompañada de un gráfico ilustrativo y la palabra relacionada. ¡Una combinación visual y auditiva para una asimilación efectiva!
  • Adaptación Total: Incluso en el caso de sílabas sin palabras asociadas en español, hemos incluido tarjetas específicas para facilitar la práctica en diversas actividades. Estas sílabas incluyen: od, uc, ib, eg, og, ug, ih, av, ev, iv, ov, uv, ox y ux.
  • Interactividad Potente: Al hacer clic en cualquier sílaba desde el menú, se accede a una diapositiva detallada. Aquí, se reproduce automáticamente el sonido de la sílaba, se pronuncia la palabra ejemplo y se repite el sonido de la sílaba. Además, al presionar el icono de audio, se puede volver a disfrutar del sonido tantas veces como sea necesario.
  • Enfoque Autodirigido: Después de la primera reproducción automática, se alienta a los estudiantes a pronunciar la sílaba por sí mismos. Para escucharla nuevamente, solo es necesario presionar el botón de audio.

Este recurso digital interactivo es una herramienta educativa imprescindible para facilitar un aprendizaje efectivo y atractivo de las sílabas inversas en español. ¡Capacite a sus estudiantes para que dominen estas sílabas de manera divertida y autodirigida!

Related Products

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 121 Sílabas Directas

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 80 Sílabas Inversas

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Trabadas

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas directas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas inversas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas trabadas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ Silabario gráfico y sonoro interactivo de 121 sílabas directas

⭐ Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro interactivo de 80 sílabas inversas

⭐ Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro Interactivo de 65 Sílabas Trabadas

⭐ Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro Interactivo Completo

⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Escucha, escribe y aprende.

⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Muestra sílabas en orden aleatorio.


Memory Game (Memorama) Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de Kindergarten

By Ms Garcia Store

Engaging Memory Game to Enhance Kindergarten Students' Learning of HMH Spanish Sight Words!

Unlock the full potential of language learning with our fun Memory Game designed to help Kindergarten students master HMH Spanish Sight Words. This set boasts 9 different decks, one for each module, comprising a total of 208 cards.

Experience the first four weeks for free when subscribing to our newsletter by clicking on the following link:

Memorama Palabras de la Semana de Kinder de HMH- Módulo 1

How to Play:

The game commences with all cards face down, and players take turns flipping over two cards. When a pair of cards display the same word, the players must write it on their recording sheet and retain the cards. If the cards don't match, they are turned face down again. The player with the most cards when all cards have been collected wins!

Ideas to Play:

  • Engage in Memory Games with High-Frequency Words each week for varied and dynamic language practice.
  • Reinforce word retention by combining different weeks of the same module, culminating in a comprehensive understanding of the sight words.
  • These versatile cards offer boundless opportunities for interactive learning experiences. For example, you can print the cards of multiple weeks or even modules once for each table or group of students, with all cards face-up. Challenge them to identify the words you announce before other groups do. The first group to find the word keeps the card, writes it on the recording sheet, and emerges as the winner with the most cards at the end!
  • Encourage active learning by allowing students to pick a card, write the word, and then choose another card. This repetition strengthens word recognition and writing skills.
  • Foster cooperative learning by pairing students. One student can pick a card and dictate the word to their partner, who will write it down. A collaborative approach through rote practice!
  • For an added challenge, have one student in a pair pronounce the sounds of each letter in the word while their partner writes it down.

Share your innovative ideas with us in your review. We value your input!

How to Print:

  1. Printing Front and Back:
  • Start by printing the front side of the cards.
  • After printing the fronts, reload the printed sheets into the printer.
  • Print the back design on the other side of the sheets.

2. Paper Choice:

  • For added sturdiness, it's recommended to use thicker paper.

3. Lamination:

  • Consider laminating the cards for increased durability.

4. Page Numbers:

  • Each module consists of 3 pages of front cards, with Module 1 being only 2 pages long.
  • Pages 4 to 29 are for the front of the cards.
  • Page 30 is designated for the back of the cards.
  • Page 31 is designated for the recording sheets to write down the pairs of words you create during the game.
  1. Cutting Guidelines:
  • Use the cutting guides on the back side of the sheets to cut the cards with corners.
  • Alternatively, you can cut them without corners, following the border of the images.
  • Cutting without corners takes more time but may result in longer-lasting cards.

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro Interactivo de 65 Sílabas Trabadas

By Ms Garcia Store

¡Bienvenido a nuestro innovador recurso educativo diseñado para facilitar el aprendizaje de 65 sílabas trabadas en español! Este recurso es una presentación interactiva para PowerPoint con 67 diapositivas, cada una centrada en una sílaba específica.

Características Destacadas:

  • Contenido Integral: Cada diapositiva exhibe una sílaba trabada única acompañada de un gráfico ilustrativo y la palabra relacionada. Una combinación visual y auditiva para una asimilación efectiva.
  • Adaptación Total: Aunque cinco sílabas no tienen palabras asociadas en español (tla, tle, tli, tlo, tlu), hemos incluido tarjetas específicas para facilitar la práctica en diversas actividades.
  • Contexto Cultural: Se explica la razón detrás de no incluir palabras como "atleta" o "Atlántico" en las sílabas tla, tle y tlo, considerando las diferencias de descomposición silábica en diferentes regiones.
  • Interactividad Potente: Al hacer clic en cualquier sílaba desde el menú, se accede a una diapositiva detallada. Aquí, se reproduce automáticamente el sonido de la sílaba, se pronuncia la palabra ejemplo y se repite el sonido de la sílaba. Al presionar el icono de audio, se puede volver a disfrutar del sonido tantas veces como sea necesario.
  • Enfoque Autodirigido: Después de la primera reproducción automática, se alienta a los estudiantes a pronunciar la sílaba por sí mismos. Para escucharla nuevamente, solo es necesario presionar el botón de audio.

Este recurso digital interactivo es una herramienta educativa esencial para facilitar un aprendizaje efectivo y atractivo de las sílabas trabadas en español. ¡Capacite a sus estudiantes para que dominen estas sílabas de manera divertida y autodirigida!

Related Products

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 121 Sílabas Directas

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 80 Sílabas Inversas

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Trabadas

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas directas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas inversas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas trabadas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ Silabario gráfico y sonoro interactivo de 121 sílabas directas

⭐ Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro interactivo de 80 sílabas inversas

⭐ Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro Interactivo de 65 Sílabas Trabadas

⭐ Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro Interactivo Completo

⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Escucha, escribe y aprende.

⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Muestra sílabas en orden aleatorio.


Silabario gráfico y sonoro interactivo de 121 sílabas directas

By Ms Garcia Store

¡Descubra nuestro excepcional recurso digital diseñado para potenciar el aprendizaje de las 121 sílabas directas en español! Esta valiosa herramienta está presentada en una atractiva presentación interactiva para PowerPoint, con un total de 123 diapositivas, cada una centrada en una sílaba específica.

Características Destacadas:

  • Contenido Integral: Cada diapositiva presenta una sílaba única acompañada de un gráfico ilustrativo y la palabra relacionada. ¡Una forma visual y auditiva de aprender cada sílaba de manera efectiva!
  • Adaptación Total: Aunque la sílaba 'Wu' carece de palabras en español, hemos incluido una tarjeta específica para facilitar la práctica en cualquier actividad que lo requiera.
  • Interactividad Potente: Al hacer clic en cualquiera de las sílabas desde el menú, se accede a una diapositiva detallada. Aquí, se reproduce automáticamente el sonido de la sílaba, se pronuncia la palabra ejemplo y se repite el sonido de la sílaba. Además, al presionar el icono de audio, se puede volver a disfrutar del sonido tantas veces como sea necesario.
  • Enfoque Autodirigido: Para promover la participación activa de los estudiantes, después de la primera reproducción automática, se anima a los alumnos a pronunciar la sílaba ellos mismos. Para escucharla nuevamente, solo es necesario presionar el botón de audio.

Este recurso digital interactivo es una herramienta educativa invaluable que facilita un aprendizaje efectivo y atractivo. ¡Empodere a sus estudiantes para dominar las sílabas de manera divertida y autodirigida!

Related Products

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 121 Sílabas Directas

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 80 Sílabas Inversas

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Trabadas

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas directas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas inversas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas trabadas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ Silabario gráfico y sonoro interactivo de 121 sílabas directas

⭐ Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro interactivo de 80 sílabas inversas

⭐ Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro Interactivo de 65 Sílabas Trabadas

⭐ Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro Interactivo Completo

⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Escucha, escribe y aprende.

⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Muestra sílabas en orden aleatorio.


Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 121 Sílabas Directas

By Ms Garcia Store

Gran recurso que ayudará a sus alumnos con el aprendizaje de 121 sílabas directas a través del gráfico y la palabra relacionada con cada una de ellas.

La única tarjeta sin gráfico y palabra es la de la sílaba ‘Wu’ por no existir vocablo alguno en español con dicha sílaba, pero aun así encontrará su tarjeta para la practica de cualquier actividad que lo requiriese.

El recurso consta de 121 tarjetas didácticas repartidas en 16 hojas y una hoja con el reverso de las cartas. El reverso es opcional.

Con ellas podrá realizar un sinfín de actividades. Sirvan de ejemplo las siguientes:

  • Práctica individual o colectiva de la pronunciación de cada sílaba apoyándose en la imagen y palabra sugerida.
  • Memorama: Imprima dos veces el set de tarjetas, dispóngalas boca abajo y juegue a encontrar su pareja.
  • Bingo: Saque de una a una las sílabas y haga que sus alumnos las digan en alto al verlas y las tachen de sus cartones de Bingo. Los cartones de bingo de sílabas directas los podrá encontrar por separado en este enlace.

Consejos de impresión

Imprima las tarjetas, preferiblemente a color, en papel grueso y lamínelas para que perduren.

Related Products

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 121 Sílabas Directas

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Inversas

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Trabadas

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas directas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas inversas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas trabadas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Escucha, escribe y aprende.

⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Muestra sílabas en orden aleatorio.


Memory Game (Memorama) Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de Kindergarten modulo 1

By Ms Garcia Store

Engaging Memory Game to Enhance Kindergarten Students' Learning of HMH Spanish Sight Words!

Unlock the full potential of language learning with our fun Memory Game designed to help Kindergarten students master HMH Spanish Sight Words. There 9 different decks, one for each module, comprising a total of 208 cards. This set has the 8 words (16 cards) of Module 1.

Get each module for just $2.50, or the complete set for only $8.50!

How to Play:

The game commences with all cards face down, and players take turns flipping over two cards. When a pair of cards display the same word, the players must write it on their recording sheet and retain the cards. If the cards don't match, they are turned face down again. The player with the most cards when all cards have been collected wins!

Ideas to Play:

  • Engage in Memory Games with High-Frequency Words each week for varied and dynamic language practice.
  • Reinforce word retention by combining different weeks of the same module, culminating in a comprehensive understanding of the sight words.
  • These versatile cards offer boundless opportunities for interactive learning experiences. For example, you can print the cards of multiple weeks or even modules once for each table or group of students, with all cards face-up. Challenge them to identify the words you announce before other groups do. The first group to find the word keeps the card, writes it on the recording sheet, and emerges as the winner with the most cards at the end!
  • Encourage active learning by allowing students to pick a card, write the word, and then choose another card. This repetition strengthens word recognition and writing skills.
  • Foster cooperative learning by pairing students. One student can pick a card and dictate the word to their partner, who will write it down. A collaborative approach through rote practice!
  • For an added challenge, have one student in a pair pronounce the sounds of each letter in the word while their partner writes it down.

Share your innovative ideas with us in your review. We value your input!

1.Printing Front and Back:

•Start by printing the front side of the cards.

•After printing the fronts, reload the printed sheets into the printer.

•Print the back design on the other side of the sheets.

2. Paper Choice:

•For added sturdiness, it's recommended to use thicker paper.

3. Lamination:

•Consider laminating the cards for increased durability.

4. Page Numbers:

•Module 1 front cards is 2 pages long (pages 4 and 5).

•Page 6 is designated for the back of the cards.

•Page 7 is designated for the recording sheets to write down the pairs of words you create during the game.

  1. Cutting Guidelines:

•Use the cutting guides on the back side of the sheets to cut the cards with corners.

•Alternatively, you can cut them without corners, following the border of the images.

•Cutting without corners (rounded corners) takes more time but may result in longer-lasting cards.

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Memory Game (Memorama) Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de Kindergarten modulo 9

By Ms Garcia Store

Engaging Memory Game to Enhance Kindergarten Students' Learning of HMH Spanish Sight Words!

Unlock the full potential of language learning with our fun Memory Game designed to help Kindergarten students master HMH Spanish Sight Words. There 9 different decks, one for each module, comprising a total of 208 cards. This set has the 12 words of Module 9.

Experience the first four weeks for free when subscribing to our newsletter by clicking on the following link:

Memorama Palabras de la Semana de Kinder de HMH- Módulo 1

Get each module for just $3.00, or the complete set for only $15.00!

Related Products

⭐ Modulo 1

⭐ Modulo 2

⭐ Modulo 3

⭐ Modulo 4

⭐ Modulo 5

⭐ Modulo 6

⭐ Modulo 7

⭐ Modulo 8

⭐ Modulo 9

⭐ Set completo

How to Play:

The game commences with all cards face down, and players take turns flipping over two cards. When a pair of cards display the same word, the players must write it on their recording sheet and retain the cards. If the cards don't match, they are turned face down again. The player with the most cards when all cards have been collected wins!

Ideas to Play:

  • Engage in Memory Games with High-Frequency Words each week for varied and dynamic language practice.
  • Reinforce word retention by combining different weeks of the same module, culminating in a comprehensive understanding of the sight words.
  • These versatile cards offer boundless opportunities for interactive learning experiences. For example, you can print the cards of multiple weeks or even modules once for each table or group of students, with all cards face-up. Challenge them to identify the words you announce before other groups do. The first group to find the word keeps the card, writes it on the recording sheet, and emerges as the winner with the most cards at the end!
  • Encourage active learning by allowing students to pick a card, write the word, and then choose another card. This repetition strengthens word recognition and writing skills.
  • Foster cooperative learning by pairing students. One student can pick a card and dictate the word to their partner, who will write it down. A collaborative approach through rote practice!
  • For an added challenge, have one student in a pair pronounce the sounds of each letter in the word while their partner writes it down.

Share your innovative ideas with us in your review. We value your input!

1.Printing Front and Back:

•Start by printing the front side of the cards.

•After printing the fronts, reload the printed sheets into the printer.

•Print the back design on the other side of the sheets.

2. Paper Choice:

•For added sturdiness, it's recommended to use thicker paper.

3. Lamination:

•Consider laminating the cards for increased durability.

4. Page Numbers:

•Front cards are 3 pages long (pages 4 to 6).

•Page 7 is designated for the back of the cards.

•Page 8 is designated for the recording sheets to write down the pairs of words you create during the game.

  1. Cutting Guidelines:

•Use the cutting guides on the back side of the sheets to cut the cards with corners.

•Alternatively, you can cut them without corners, following the border of the images.

•Cutting without corners (rounded corners) takes more time but may result in longer-lasting cards.

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Memory Game (Memorama) Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de Kindergarten modulo 6

By Ms Garcia Store

Engaging Memory Game to Enhance Kindergarten Students' Learning of HMH Spanish Sight Words!

Unlock the full potential of language learning with our fun Memory Game designed to help Kindergarten students master HMH Spanish Sight Words. There 9 different decks, one for each module, comprising a total of 208 cards. This set has the 12 words of Module 6.

Experience the first four weeks for free when subscribing to our newsletter by clicking on the following link:

Memorama Palabras de la Semana de Kinder de HMH- Módulo 1

Get each module for just $3.00, or the complete set for only $15.00!

Related Products

⭐ Modulo 1

⭐ Modulo 2

⭐ Modulo 3

⭐ Modulo 4

⭐ Modulo 5

⭐ Modulo 6

⭐ Modulo 7

⭐ Modulo 8

⭐ Modulo 9

⭐ Set completo

How to Play:

The game commences with all cards face down, and players take turns flipping over two cards. When a pair of cards display the same word, the players must write it on their recording sheet and retain the cards. If the cards don't match, they are turned face down again. The player with the most cards when all cards have been collected wins!

Ideas to Play:

  • Engage in Memory Games with High-Frequency Words each week for varied and dynamic language practice.
  • Reinforce word retention by combining different weeks of the same module, culminating in a comprehensive understanding of the sight words.
  • These versatile cards offer boundless opportunities for interactive learning experiences. For example, you can print the cards of multiple weeks or even modules once for each table or group of students, with all cards face-up. Challenge them to identify the words you announce before other groups do. The first group to find the word keeps the card, writes it on the recording sheet, and emerges as the winner with the most cards at the end!
  • Encourage active learning by allowing students to pick a card, write the word, and then choose another card. This repetition strengthens word recognition and writing skills.
  • Foster cooperative learning by pairing students. One student can pick a card and dictate the word to their partner, who will write it down. A collaborative approach through rote practice!
  • For an added challenge, have one student in a pair pronounce the sounds of each letter in the word while their partner writes it down.

Share your innovative ideas with us in your review. We value your input!

1.Printing Front and Back:

•Start by printing the front side of the cards.

•After printing the fronts, reload the printed sheets into the printer.

•Print the back design on the other side of the sheets.

2. Paper Choice:

•For added sturdiness, it's recommended to use thicker paper.

3. Lamination:

•Consider laminating the cards for increased durability.

4. Page Numbers:

•Front cards are 3 pages long (pages 4 to 6).

•Page 7 is designated for the back of the cards.

•Page 8 is designated for the recording sheets to write down the pairs of words you create during the game.

  1. Cutting Guidelines:

•Use the cutting guides on the back side of the sheets to cut the cards with corners.

•Alternatively, you can cut them without corners, following the border of the images.

•Cutting without corners (rounded corners) takes more time but may result in longer-lasting cards.

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Memory Game (Memorama) Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de Kindergarten modulo 8

By Ms Garcia Store

Engaging Memory Game to Enhance Kindergarten Students' Learning of HMH Spanish Sight Words!

Unlock the full potential of language learning with our fun Memory Game designed to help Kindergarten students master HMH Spanish Sight Words. There 9 different decks, one for each module, comprising a total of 208 cards. This set has the 12 words of Module 8.

Experience the first four weeks for free when subscribing to our newsletter by clicking on the following link:

Memorama Palabras de la Semana de Kinder de HMH- Módulo 1

Get each module for just $3.00, or the complete set for only $15.00!

Related Products

⭐ Modulo 1

⭐ Modulo 2

⭐ Modulo 3

⭐ Modulo 4

⭐ Modulo 5

⭐ Modulo 6

⭐ Modulo 7

⭐ Modulo 8

⭐ Modulo 9

⭐ Set completo

How to Play:

The game commences with all cards face down, and players take turns flipping over two cards. When a pair of cards display the same word, the players must write it on their recording sheet and retain the cards. If the cards don't match, they are turned face down again. The player with the most cards when all cards have been collected wins!

Ideas to Play:

  • Engage in Memory Games with High-Frequency Words each week for varied and dynamic language practice.
  • Reinforce word retention by combining different weeks of the same module, culminating in a comprehensive understanding of the sight words.
  • These versatile cards offer boundless opportunities for interactive learning experiences. For example, you can print the cards of multiple weeks or even modules once for each table or group of students, with all cards face-up. Challenge them to identify the words you announce before other groups do. The first group to find the word keeps the card, writes it on the recording sheet, and emerges as the winner with the most cards at the end!
  • Encourage active learning by allowing students to pick a card, write the word, and then choose another card. This repetition strengthens word recognition and writing skills.
  • Foster cooperative learning by pairing students. One student can pick a card and dictate the word to their partner, who will write it down. A collaborative approach through rote practice!
  • For an added challenge, have one student in a pair pronounce the sounds of each letter in the word while their partner writes it down.

Share your innovative ideas with us in your review. We value your input!

1.Printing Front and Back:

•Start by printing the front side of the cards.

•After printing the fronts, reload the printed sheets into the printer.

•Print the back design on the other side of the sheets.

2. Paper Choice:

•For added sturdiness, it's recommended to use thicker paper.

3. Lamination:

•Consider laminating the cards for increased durability.

4. Page Numbers:

•Front cards are 3 pages long (pages 4 to 6).

•Page 7 is designated for the back of the cards.

•Page 8 is designated for the recording sheets to write down the pairs of words you create during the game.

  1. Cutting Guidelines:

•Use the cutting guides on the back side of the sheets to cut the cards with corners.

•Alternatively, you can cut them without corners, following the border of the images.

•Cutting without corners (rounded corners) takes more time but may result in longer-lasting cards.

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Memory Game (Memorama) Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de Kindergarten modulo 2

By Ms Garcia Store

Engaging Memory Game to Enhance Kindergarten Students' Learning of HMH Spanish Sight Words!

Unlock the full potential of language learning with our fun Memory Game designed to help Kindergarten students master HMH Spanish Sight Words. There 9 different decks, one for each module, comprising a total of 208 cards. This set has the 12 words (24 cards) of Module 2.

Experience the first four weeks for free when subscribing to our newsletter by clicking on the following link:

Memorama Palabras de la Semana de Kinder de HMH- Módulo 1

Get each module for just $3.00, or the complete set for only $15.00!

Related Products

⭐ Modulo 1

⭐ Modulo 2

⭐ Modulo 3

⭐ Modulo 4

⭐ Modulo 5

⭐ Modulo 6

⭐ Modulo 7

⭐ Modulo 8

⭐ Modulo 9

⭐ Set completo

How to Play:

The game commences with all cards face down, and players take turns flipping over two cards. When a pair of cards display the same word, the players must write it on their recording sheet and retain the cards. If the cards don't match, they are turned face down again. The player with the most cards when all cards have been collected wins!

Ideas to Play:

  • Engage in Memory Games with High-Frequency Words each week for varied and dynamic language practice.
  • Reinforce word retention by combining different weeks of the same module, culminating in a comprehensive understanding of the sight words.
  • These versatile cards offer boundless opportunities for interactive learning experiences. For example, you can print the cards of multiple weeks or even modules once for each table or group of students, with all cards face-up. Challenge them to identify the words you announce before other groups do. The first group to find the word keeps the card, writes it on the recording sheet, and emerges as the winner with the most cards at the end!
  • Encourage active learning by allowing students to pick a card, write the word, and then choose another card. This repetition strengthens word recognition and writing skills.
  • Foster cooperative learning by pairing students. One student can pick a card and dictate the word to their partner, who will write it down. A collaborative approach through rote practice!
  • For an added challenge, have one student in a pair pronounce the sounds of each letter in the word while their partner writes it down.

Share your innovative ideas with us in your review. We value your input!

1.Printing Front and Back:

•Start by printing the front side of the cards.

•After printing the fronts, reload the printed sheets into the printer.

•Print the back design on the other side of the sheets.

2. Paper Choice:

•For added sturdiness, it's recommended to use thicker paper.

3. Lamination:

•Consider laminating the cards for increased durability.

4. Page Numbers:

•Front cards are 3 pages long (pages 4 to 6).

•Page 7 is designated for the back of the cards.

•Page 8 is designated for the recording sheets to write down the pairs of words you create during the game.

  1. Cutting Guidelines:

•Use the cutting guides on the back side of the sheets to cut the cards with corners.

•Alternatively, you can cut them without corners, following the border of the images.

•Cutting without corners (rounded corners) takes more time but may result in longer-lasting cards.

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Memory Game (Memorama) Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de Kindergarten modulo 3

By Ms Garcia Store

Engaging Memory Game to Enhance Kindergarten Students' Learning of HMH Spanish Sight Words!

Unlock the full potential of language learning with our fun Memory Game designed to help Kindergarten students master HMH Spanish Sight Words. There 9 different decks, one for each module, comprising a total of 208 cards. This set has the 12 words of Module 3.

Experience the first four weeks for free when subscribing to our newsletter by clicking on the following link:

Memorama Palabras de la Semana de Kinder de HMH- Módulo 1

Get each module for just $3.00, or the complete set for only $15.00!

Related Products

⭐ Modulo 1

⭐ Modulo 2

⭐ Modulo 3

⭐ Modulo 4

⭐ Modulo 5

⭐ Modulo 6

⭐ Modulo 7

⭐ Modulo 8

⭐ Modulo 9

⭐ Set completo

How to Play:

The game commences with all cards face down, and players take turns flipping over two cards. When a pair of cards display the same word, the players must write it on their recording sheet and retain the cards. If the cards don't match, they are turned face down again. The player with the most cards when all cards have been collected wins!

Ideas to Play:

  • Engage in Memory Games with High-Frequency Words each week for varied and dynamic language practice.
  • Reinforce word retention by combining different weeks of the same module, culminating in a comprehensive understanding of the sight words.
  • These versatile cards offer boundless opportunities for interactive learning experiences. For example, you can print the cards of multiple weeks or even modules once for each table or group of students, with all cards face-up. Challenge them to identify the words you announce before other groups do. The first group to find the word keeps the card, writes it on the recording sheet, and emerges as the winner with the most cards at the end!
  • Encourage active learning by allowing students to pick a card, write the word, and then choose another card. This repetition strengthens word recognition and writing skills.
  • Foster cooperative learning by pairing students. One student can pick a card and dictate the word to their partner, who will write it down. A collaborative approach through rote practice!
  • For an added challenge, have one student in a pair pronounce the sounds of each letter in the word while their partner writes it down.

Share your innovative ideas with us in your review. We value your input!

1.Printing Front and Back:

•Start by printing the front side of the cards.

•After printing the fronts, reload the printed sheets into the printer.

•Print the back design on the other side of the sheets.

2. Paper Choice:

•For added sturdiness, it's recommended to use thicker paper.

3. Lamination:

•Consider laminating the cards for increased durability.

4. Page Numbers:

•Front cards are 3 pages long (pages 4 to 6).

•Page 7 is designated for the back of the cards.

•Page 8 is designated for the recording sheets to write down the pairs of words you create during the game.

  1. Cutting Guidelines:

•Use the cutting guides on the back side of the sheets to cut the cards with corners.

•Alternatively, you can cut them without corners, following the border of the images.

•Cutting without corners (rounded corners) takes more time but may result in longer-lasting cards.

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Memory Game (Memorama) Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de Kindergarten modulo 4

By Ms Garcia Store

Engaging Memory Game to Enhance Kindergarten Students' Learning of HMH Spanish Sight Words!

Unlock the full potential of language learning with our fun Memory Game designed to help Kindergarten students master HMH Spanish Sight Words. There 9 different decks, one for each module, comprising a total of 208 cards. This set has the 12 words of Module 4.

Experience the first four weeks for free when subscribing to our newsletter by clicking on the following link:

Memorama Palabras de la Semana de Kinder de HMH- Módulo 1

Get each module for just $3.00, or the complete set for only $15.00!

Related Products

⭐ Modulo 1

⭐ Modulo 2

⭐ Modulo 3

⭐ Modulo 4

⭐ Modulo 5

⭐ Modulo 6

⭐ Modulo 7

⭐ Modulo 8

⭐ Modulo 9

⭐ Set completo

How to Play:

The game commences with all cards face down, and players take turns flipping over two cards. When a pair of cards display the same word, the players must write it on their recording sheet and retain the cards. If the cards don't match, they are turned face down again. The player with the most cards when all cards have been collected wins!

Ideas to Play:

  • Engage in Memory Games with High-Frequency Words each week for varied and dynamic language practice.
  • Reinforce word retention by combining different weeks of the same module, culminating in a comprehensive understanding of the sight words.
  • These versatile cards offer boundless opportunities for interactive learning experiences. For example, you can print the cards of multiple weeks or even modules once for each table or group of students, with all cards face-up. Challenge them to identify the words you announce before other groups do. The first group to find the word keeps the card, writes it on the recording sheet, and emerges as the winner with the most cards at the end!
  • Encourage active learning by allowing students to pick a card, write the word, and then choose another card. This repetition strengthens word recognition and writing skills.
  • Foster cooperative learning by pairing students. One student can pick a card and dictate the word to their partner, who will write it down. A collaborative approach through rote practice!
  • For an added challenge, have one student in a pair pronounce the sounds of each letter in the word while their partner writes it down.

Share your innovative ideas with us in your review. We value your input!

1.Printing Front and Back:

•Start by printing the front side of the cards.

•After printing the fronts, reload the printed sheets into the printer.

•Print the back design on the other side of the sheets.

2. Paper Choice:

•For added sturdiness, it's recommended to use thicker paper.

3. Lamination:

•Consider laminating the cards for increased durability.

4. Page Numbers:

•Front cards are 3 pages long (pages 4 to 6).

•Page 7 is designated for the back of the cards.

•Page 8 is designated for the recording sheets to write down the pairs of words you create during the game.

  1. Cutting Guidelines:

•Use the cutting guides on the back side of the sheets to cut the cards with corners.

•Alternatively, you can cut them without corners, following the border of the images.

•Cutting without corners (rounded corners) takes more time but may result in longer-lasting cards.

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Memory Game (Memorama) Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de Kindergarten modulo 5

By Ms Garcia Store

Engaging Memory Game to Enhance Kindergarten Students' Learning of HMH Spanish Sight Words!

Unlock the full potential of language learning with our fun Memory Game designed to help Kindergarten students master HMH Spanish Sight Words. There 9 different decks, one for each module, comprising a total of 208 cards. This set has the 12 words of Module 5.

Experience the first four weeks for free when subscribing to our newsletter by clicking on the following link:

Memorama Palabras de la Semana de Kinder de HMH- Módulo 1

Get each module for just $3.00, or the complete set for only $15.00!

Related Products

⭐ Modulo 1

⭐ Modulo 2

⭐ Modulo 3

⭐ Modulo 4

⭐ Modulo 5

⭐ Modulo 6

⭐ Modulo 7

⭐ Modulo 8

⭐ Modulo 9

⭐ Set completo

How to Play:

The game commences with all cards face down, and players take turns flipping over two cards. When a pair of cards display the same word, the players must write it on their recording sheet and retain the cards. If the cards don't match, they are turned face down again. The player with the most cards when all cards have been collected wins!

Ideas to Play:

  • Engage in Memory Games with High-Frequency Words each week for varied and dynamic language practice.
  • Reinforce word retention by combining different weeks of the same module, culminating in a comprehensive understanding of the sight words.
  • These versatile cards offer boundless opportunities for interactive learning experiences. For example, you can print the cards of multiple weeks or even modules once for each table or group of students, with all cards face-up. Challenge them to identify the words you announce before other groups do. The first group to find the word keeps the card, writes it on the recording sheet, and emerges as the winner with the most cards at the end!
  • Encourage active learning by allowing students to pick a card, write the word, and then choose another card. This repetition strengthens word recognition and writing skills.
  • Foster cooperative learning by pairing students. One student can pick a card and dictate the word to their partner, who will write it down. A collaborative approach through rote practice!
  • For an added challenge, have one student in a pair pronounce the sounds of each letter in the word while their partner writes it down.

Share your innovative ideas with us in your review. We value your input!

1.Printing Front and Back:

•Start by printing the front side of the cards.

•After printing the fronts, reload the printed sheets into the printer.

•Print the back design on the other side of the sheets.

2. Paper Choice:

•For added sturdiness, it's recommended to use thicker paper.

3. Lamination:

•Consider laminating the cards for increased durability.

4. Page Numbers:

•Front cards are 3 pages long (pages 4 to 6).

•Page 7 is designated for the back of the cards.

•Page 8 is designated for the recording sheets to write down the pairs of words you create during the game.

  1. Cutting Guidelines:

•Use the cutting guides on the back side of the sheets to cut the cards with corners.

•Alternatively, you can cut them without corners, following the border of the images.

•Cutting without corners (rounded corners) takes more time but may result in longer-lasting cards.

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Memory Game (Memorama) Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de Kindergarten modulo 7

By Ms Garcia Store

Engaging Memory Game to Enhance Kindergarten Students' Learning of HMH Spanish Sight Words!

Unlock the full potential of language learning with our fun Memory Game designed to help Kindergarten students master HMH Spanish Sight Words. There 9 different decks, one for each module, comprising a total of 208 cards. This set has the 12 words of Module 7.

Experience the first four weeks for free when subscribing to our newsletter by clicking on the following link:

Memorama Palabras de la Semana de Kinder de HMH- Módulo 1

Get each module for just $3.00, or the complete set for only $15.00!

Related Products

⭐ Modulo 1

⭐ Modulo 2

⭐ Modulo 3

⭐ Modulo 4

⭐ Modulo 5

⭐ Modulo 6

⭐ Modulo 7

⭐ Modulo 8

⭐ Modulo 9

⭐ Set completo

How to Play:

The game commences with all cards face down, and players take turns flipping over two cards. When a pair of cards display the same word, the players must write it on their recording sheet and retain the cards. If the cards don't match, they are turned face down again. The player with the most cards when all cards have been collected wins!

Ideas to Play:

  • Engage in Memory Games with High-Frequency Words each week for varied and dynamic language practice.
  • Reinforce word retention by combining different weeks of the same module, culminating in a comprehensive understanding of the sight words.
  • These versatile cards offer boundless opportunities for interactive learning experiences. For example, you can print the cards of multiple weeks or even modules once for each table or group of students, with all cards face-up. Challenge them to identify the words you announce before other groups do. The first group to find the word keeps the card, writes it on the recording sheet, and emerges as the winner with the most cards at the end!
  • Encourage active learning by allowing students to pick a card, write the word, and then choose another card. This repetition strengthens word recognition and writing skills.
  • Foster cooperative learning by pairing students. One student can pick a card and dictate the word to their partner, who will write it down. A collaborative approach through rote practice!
  • For an added challenge, have one student in a pair pronounce the sounds of each letter in the word while their partner writes it down.

Share your innovative ideas with us in your review. We value your input!

1.Printing Front and Back:

•Start by printing the front side of the cards.

•After printing the fronts, reload the printed sheets into the printer.

•Print the back design on the other side of the sheets.

2. Paper Choice:

•For added sturdiness, it's recommended to use thicker paper.

3. Lamination:

•Consider laminating the cards for increased durability.

4. Page Numbers:

•Front cards are 3 pages long (pages 4 to 6).

•Page 7 is designated for the back of the cards.

•Page 8 is designated for the recording sheets to write down the pairs of words you create during the game.

  1. Cutting Guidelines:

•Use the cutting guides on the back side of the sheets to cut the cards with corners.

•Alternatively, you can cut them without corners, following the border of the images.

•Cutting without corners (rounded corners) takes more time but may result in longer-lasting cards.

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Unleash the joy of learning with our HMH Spanish Sight Words Memory Game for Kinder! Happy learning!

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Memorama Palabras de la Semana ¡Arriba la lectura! de HMH -Modulo 1 Primer grado

By Ms Garcia Store

Exciting and Educational Memory Game to Boost Spanish Sight Word Skills for First-Grade Students!

This engaging resource is the perfect freebie for the first three weeks. To continue the learning fun with weeks 4 to 36, you can get them all for just $8.50.

The set features 36 unique decks, one for each week of the HMH program ¡Arriba la lectura!, with 22 cards per deck. Each week, students will practice 5 High-Frequency Words and 6 selected Spelling Words, making a grand total of 396 words to master!

How to Play:

The game starts with all cards face down. Players take turns flipping over two cards. If the two cards display the same word, the players write the word on their recording sheet and keep the cards. If the words don't match, they turn the cards face down again. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.

Play Ideas:

- Practice Memory with either the High-Frequency Words, the Spelling Words, or both simultaneously each week.

- Combine decks from different weeks within the same module to reinforce learning at the end of a unit.

- Utilize the cards for a multitude of games. For instance, you can print cards from several weeks or modules and distribute them face-up to each table or group of students. They must find the words you call out before other tables do. If they find it first, they keep the card and record the word. The group with the most cards at the end wins!

- Encourage students to pick a card, write the word, and then select another card to continue the learning process.

- Foster collaborative learning by having students work in pairs. One student picks a card and dictates the word to their partner, who will then write it down. Reinforce learning together!

- For added practice, have one student in a pair say the sounds of each letter in the word, while their partner writes it down. Learning through repetition!

These are just a few ideas, but we'd love to hear more from you! Feel free to share your innovative game variations in your review.

Printing Instructions:

To print the cards, first print the front of the cards. After that, reload the printed sheets into the printer and print the back design. For sturdiness, thicker paper is recommended, and you can even laminate them for extra durability.

Each module comprises a total of 3 pages. Pages 1 to 108 are the front of the cards, while pages 109 and 110 are the back. You can try both designs to see which one aligns better with your printer. Additionally, page 111 provides 4 recording sheets.

Explore the captivating world of Spanish Sight Words with our engaging Memory Game and watch your students excel in their language skills. Happy learning and memory boosting!

Related Products

⭐ Memorama Palabras de la Semana de HMH

⭐Encuentra, escribe y traza las palabras de la semana

⭐ Sopa de letras- Encuentra, traza y escribe las palabras de la semana de HMH

⭐ Memorama Palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía HMH

⭐ Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de 1er grado completo (los 12 módulos)

⭐ Palabras de Ortografía HMH de Primer grado completo (los 12 módulos)

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

By Ms Garcia Store

Printable Centers and Worksheets for the Spanish and English Words of the Week of HMH in Kinder.

English Set

Teach and learn the Kinder HMH Words of the Week with this wonderful set of centers and worksheets. This resource covers 120 words over 36 weeks through engaging games and worksheets that will keep your students interested.


Kinder HMH High-frequency Words Worksheets

Kinder HMH Weekly Homework High-Frequency Words

Word Search Puzzles (Search & Write and Search & Trace worksheets)

Find with a magnifying glass and write the words of the week (with two different worksheets per week, one to trace the word and another to write it).

Words of the week Spinners ( 4 Worksheets and 4 center versions. Spin & Write, Spin & Trace, Spin & Fill and Spin & mark)

I Spy HMH High-frequency Words (and more activities)

Memory Game HMH High-frequency Words

Domino Game HMH High-frequency Words

Dobble-type Cards Game (Spot it!) High-frequency Words

This bundle is open to future centers so its value will rise over time. By purchasing this resource, you will have access to future hubs added to this bundle.

Spanish Set

¡Enseña y aprende de manera divertida con este fantástico conjunto de centros, juegos y fichas de trabajo para las palabras de uso frecuente del programa HMH de Kinder! Con estos entretenidos juegos, mantendrás el interés de tus alumnos mientras trabajan 12 palabras mensuales.

Cada semana se trabajan 3 palabras de uso frecuente, a excepción de las primeras 4 semanas que son 2. En total, son 104 palabras a lo largo de 36 semanas y 9 módulos.


- Fichas de trabajo diarias para palabras de uso frecuente HMH

- Tarea semanal de las palabras HMH de uso frecuente de Kínder

- Juego de cartas tipo Dobble Palabras de uso fecuente de Kinder HMH

- Memorama de palabras de uso frecuente

- Ruleta de palabras de uso frecuente (escribir las palabras)

- Ruleta de palabras de uso frecuente (trazar las palabras)

- Juego del "veo veo" y otras actividades propuestas Palabras de uso frecuente

- Dominó Palabras de uso frecuente de HMH

- Sopa de letras HMH (escribe las palabras)

- Sopa de letras HMH (traza las palabras)

Este conjunto estará en constante actualización, agregando nuevos centros en el futuro, lo que aumentará su valor con el tiempo. Al adquirir este recurso, tendrás acceso a los futuros centros que se añadan a este conjunto. ¡Aprovecha esta oportunidad y enriquece tu material educativo!

Related Products

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH

⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource:

Image by upklyak on Freepik

Image by alvaro_cabrera on Freepik

Image by Freepik

Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik


Aventura Silábica: Bundle Educativo para Todo Tipo de Sílabas

By Ms Garcia Store

¡Bienvenidos, profesores y padres comprometidos a hacer que el aprendizaje sea emocionante! Presentamos nuestro "Aventura Silábica: Bundle Educativo para Todo Tipo de Sílabas". Este completo paquete educativo está especialmente diseñado para brindar actividades dinámicas y efectivas que ayudarán a los alumnos de primaria a dominar las sílabas en español.

Contenido del Bundle:

  1. 3 Bingos de Sílabas: Juegos interactivos que hacen que aprender sea emocionante y participativo, con un bingo para cada tipo de sílaba (directa, inversa y trabada).
  2. Generador Aleatorio de Sílabas: Una herramienta dinámica que ofrece combinaciones aleatorias para que la práctica de sílabas sea única y entretenida.
  3. Silabario Interactivo: Con 320 sílabas, este recurso permite a los estudiantes explorar, escribir, acentuar y pronunciar cada sílaba de manera práctica e interactiva.
  4. Anchor Charts Educativos: Cinco pósteres educativos que sirven como guía visual para escritura, acentuación y pronunciación de sílabas.
  5. Silabarios Interactivos Gráficos y Sonoros: Tres silabarios visuales y auditivos, uno para cada tipo de sílaba, ofrecen ejemplos visuales y sonidos para una comprensión profunda y memorización efectiva.
  6. Sets de Tarjetas Didácticas: Tres conjuntos de tarjetas didácticas con ejemplos visuales que refuerzan el aprendizaje y ofrecen práctica adicional.

Dirigido a Profesores y Padres: Este bundle está cuidadosamente diseñado para profesores y padres comprometidos que desean proporcionar a sus alumnos de primaria actividades educativas envolventes y efectivas para el aprendizaje de las sílabas en español. ¡Prepárense para embarcarse en una aventura educativa que hará que el proceso de aprendizaje sea divertido y significativo para todos!
