School Counseling Resources

Behavior Support Worksheet Bundle

By SEN Resource Source

Bundle of worksheets and prompts for behaviour support helping children to think about their feelings and their actions and the consequences of those actions.

This pack includes 17 Resources:

* Anger choices

* Behavior reflection

* Controlling my anger

* Good and bad behavior choices

* Good and bad choices

* Kind hands

* My anger triggers

* Phases of anger

* That bothers me

* Why should I follow the rules?

* Anger thermometer

* Calming strategies checklist

* Anger Bingo

* Anger Dos and Don'ts

* Getting from angry to happy

* Responses to anger

* What my anger looks like

Terms of Use
The original purchaser is granted the right to photocopy, use or display this material for his/her educational use without limitation. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means in order to provide use to another person without express written permission from the author and publisher unless additional licenses or group licenses have been purchased. Copying any part of this product and placing it on the Internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website) is strictly forbidden.


Social Emotional Education for PK, Feelings & Emotions Bundle

By Joyful Explorations

Being able to understand and manage emotions is an essential step in learning to self-regulate. This bundle includes all four of my Feelings packets as well as my best selling "How do they Feel?" printable booklet. Please see the preview for images of each product :

”When I Feel Angry”

This packet is designed to help young children learn to identify and manage their angry feelings. The packet includes:

"When I Feel Angry" printable booklet (12 pages... in both color and black and white)

*"How big is your anger?" printables with story and teacher guide.

*"Anger Sandwich" printable activity

*Individual Anger Management Plans for Students

*Guide for classroom resources

“When I Feel Frustrated”

This packet is designed to help young children learn to identify and manage their feelings of frustration. The packet includes:

*12 page printable book (Helps children identify feelings of frustration and begin to learn techniques to manage those feelings)

Printable Activities:

*"10-1 Countdown"- to help children learn to take a break from frustrating activities.

*"Break it Down"- to help children break large tasks into more manageable steps.

*"I am a Super Star"- to help children remember the things that they CAN do well!

"Star Light, Star Bright"- to help children remember all of the activities that they have learned in this packet.

“When I Feel Worried”

This packet is designed to help young children learn to identify and manage their feelings of worry or anxiety The packet includes:

*14- page printable book "Little Penguin Feels Worried!" (Helps children identify feelings of worry and begin to learn techniques to manage those feelings)

Printable Activities:

* "My Happy Place"- an activity to help children use visualization techniques to help them relax and stop worrying

* "Worry Bug"- an activity to minimize worries and help put them into perspective

* "Treasure Chest"- a visualization activity to help children learn to "lock away" worries until they are able to deal with them

* "Super Me"- an activity to help children remember that they are powerful... even if their worries make them feel small

“When I Feel Left Out”

This packet is designed to help young children learn to identify and manage their hurt feelings when they are left out or excluded by their peers. The packet includes:

*A printable letter for families titled, “I’m Not Your Friend”. This letter helps to reassure families that while hearing the words “I’m not your friend” may cause some hurt feelings, it’s not the end of the world for their child.

*12 page printable book, “I’m not your friend.” This book features an adorable little monster who negotiates friendship dilemmas and learns how to ask for help when he needs it.

*”Can I Play?” - Sometimes children are excluded because they don’t have the social skills to ask to play. This section of the packet teaches children three important rules of asking to play.

*”Can I Play?” color poster that highlights the 3 important rules

*Five social scenarios that will help children learn the 3 rules of asking to play. The first three scenarios are for you to read to the children. These are intended to inspire class discussions. The last two include questions so that the children can decide what the characters should do next.

*”What if they say no?” Advice for how to handle those sticky situations when a child asks to play and the other children say, “no”.

*”Feelings Shield”- A visual cue for children to use for defending themselves against other people’s hurtful words or actions. Included are shields with written affirmations as well as a blank shield so that children can draw their own positive pictures.

*Common Interest Bingo”- This game will help children find others who share the same interests so that they can make new friends. Making friends will give them more choices of people to play with so that they won’t experience feeling left out as often.

*Friendship Flowers- A visual cue to help children remember some of the skills they can use to make and keep friends.

*Please keep in mind that bullying is NEVER ok. Teaching children how to handle hurt feelings does not mean that you tolerate bullying. If you feel that there is bullying behavior in your school, it is your responsibility as a teacher to end it.

Also included in this bundle is "How do they Feel?" Printable Book (my current best-selling product!)

This printable book is designed to help children identify the emotions that other people might be feeling. Each page contains an illustration of a child and a short description of what that child has experienced, followed by the question, "How does ____ feel?"

For example, on one page a girl is shown with an ice cream cone that has fallen to the ground. The text on that page says, "Ella dropped her ice cream cone on the sidewalk. How does Ella feel?"

Teachers or parents can use the mini-stories on each page to help children identify and talk about their own emotions as well as the emotions of others. Children are encouraged to look at facial features and body language to help to identify the feelings of other people.

You can also purchase each of these packets individually:

When I Feel Angry

When I Feel Frustrated

When I Feel Worried

When I Feel Left Out


Posters Growing Bundle for Bulletin Boards, Doors, Hallways & Classroom Décor

By Kimberly

❤️Looking to save big on some fun and educational additions to your classroom décor? This GROWING bundle includes a variety of printable posters, for bulletin boards, doors, hallways, classroom decorations and more!


⭐️Check out each resource for more details.

⭐️This is a growing bundle and the price will increase as resources are added.



Multiple subjects:

Educational Posters - Dinosaur Themed

Educational Posters - Pastel

Educational Posters - Pastel Font

Educational Posters - Soft Grey


Ordinal Numbers Posters

Skip Counting Posters

Even & Odd Numbers Posters


Adverbs of Frequency Posters

Colors Vocabulary Posters


Parts of a Plant Posters

Social Studies:

Arab Heritage Leaders Posters

Asian American Leaders Posters - Set 1

Asian American Leaders Posters - Set 2

Black History Leaders Posters - Set 1

Black History Leaders Posters - Set 2

Community Helpers Posters

Hispanic Heritage Leaders Posters - Set 1

Hispanic Heritage Leaders Posters - Set 2

Native American Leaders Posters

Native American The Seven Grandfather Teachings - Activities

Women's History Leaders Posters



⭐️Looking for more classroom decor?

Classroom Décor Growing Bundle


❤️ Teacher Tips:

⭐️Don't forget, you can earn TeachShare credits towards future purchases by leaving a review of this resource! Thank you for your valuable time and feedback!

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Thanks for stopping by and taking a look. Wishing you a wonderful school year!



Social Emotional Emotional Learning Activity Bundle | Calm Down Corner Printable

By Jennifer Arnold

If you're a teacher who’s feeling overwhelmed by the growing need to address emotional and mental well-being in your classroom, this mental health awareness and social-emotional learning curriculum bundle could be exactly what you need.

I know how challenging it can be to manage student behavior, create a positive classroom environment, and still cover all the academic requirements.

This resource is designed to save you time and energy by providing ready-made lessons that help students learn how to express their emotions, manage stress, and build empathy—all essential skills that lead to better focus and fewer disruptions.

Imagine having a classroom where students understand how to handle their feelings and treat one another with kindness.

This curriculum will help you foster that kind of environment, making your day-to-day teaching experience smoother and less stressful. It’s all about addressing the whole child, helping them develop emotionally as well as academically.

And with so many students facing different challenges, you’ll have the tools to support them all, from those with behavioral struggles to those who just need a little extra help navigating their emotions. This bundle will allow you to give your students the social-emotional skills they need to thrive, while also giving you the relief of having these essential lessons ready to go.

This bundle is over 100 pages of mental health awareness activities, calm down corner printables, and mindfulness for kids breathing exercises including baby animal and rainbow breathing cards.


Resilience Activities Classroom Guidance Lesson

By A Plus Education

This resilience resource can help your students develop skills and strategies to adapt to difficult circumstances and maintain their emotional and mental well-being. It focuses on helping the students to build strengths to help them cope with difficulties and challenges in school and thrive in adversity.

Our students' life at school can be challenging and lead to disengagement and lack of concentration and focus.

Creating a positive environment for our students in school could help them build their resiliency to help them cope withand manage the difficulties they encounter. We believe building a positive environment will make our students feel supported, more engaged, more connected to their teachers and classmates, and achieve better academic results.

One of the strengths we want to develop and enhance is resilience.

**Resilience **is the ability to bounce back from difficulties and not let failure overcome and drain your resolve but find a way to rise again. By helping our students boost their resiliency, they experience more positive emotions than negative emotions, are less depressive, have greater resistance to stress, and it also boosts their immune system which leads to good health.

Our resilience lesson includes:

What is resilience and what is not resilience

Keeping positive


Feelings activity

Problem Solving

Character Strengths

Stress Management


Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Scenarios | Growth Mindset Situation Cards | Scenarios

By Queen's Educational Resources

Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Scenarios | Growth Mindset Situation Cards | Scenarios



★ Topic - Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Scenarios

60 pages

Features 32 Scenarios with Questions

Print and Digital (PDF and GOOGLE SLIDES)

Excellent for grades 6, Middle School, and High School

This is an SEL-related topic!

This resource includes:

32 Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Scenario Task Cards

  • Butterfly Task Cards
  • Purple Task Cards
  • B&W Task Cards (in which you can also print on any colored paper!)

32 Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Scenario Worksheets (Print and Digital)

List of Scenarios (Easy Access for Teachers)

Google Slide Link


This resource is also included in the following discounted Bundles:

  • Growth Mindset BUNDLE
  • SEL Mega Bundle


This resource is included in Google Slides! Text boxes have already been created to make it easier for you and your students! Each slide includes two instruction solution tabs for when students accidentally delete text boxes and when they want to zoom in (to enlarge worksheets). It's super helpful for students who are not that familiar with how to use Google Slides or need the extra assistance.


This resource features 32 Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Scenarios that come in the following variations: Task Cards, Worksheets, and Digital. The scenarios highlight real-life situations to help students of all levels and abilities understand the difference between a fixed mindset and growth mindset.

Students will read a scenario and answer the following two questions:

1. How would a person with a Fixed Mindset respond?

2. How would a person with a Growth Mindset respond?

▶️ 32 SCENARIO TASK CARDS (in 3 variations: Butterfly, Purple, and B&W)

✅ This resource includes scenario task cards that come in three variations: Butterfly Task Cards, Purple Task Cards, and B&W Task Cards (where you can print on any color paper).

✅ This resource provides opportunities for students to build and practice a growth mindset. The Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Scenario Task Cards can be used in guided small groups, whole-class discussions, partner discussion before sharing out with the larger group or class, or even one-on-one with a teacher, guidance counselor, or parent/guardian!

✅ You can print them out on gloss paper and/or laminate for optimal quality and shine. You may also organize them in a binder ring.


▶️ 32 SCENARIO WORKSHEETS (Print and Digital)

✅ The same scenarios on the Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Scenario Task Cards also come in Worksheet form (with lines for students to respond to as a writing piece/prompt). Like the Task Cards, students read a scenario and answer the following two questions:

1. How would a person with a Fixed Mindset respond?

2. How would a person with a Growth Mindset respond?

✅ These Worksheets are excellent for Do Now activities, formative assessments, homework assignments, in class assignments, etc.


How/When To Use the Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Scenario Task Cards

  • Mini Lesson / Guided Practice / Do Now: You can use 1-2 scenarios to teach/show students the difference between a Growth Mindset and a Fixed Mindset, or you can use them as a launch activity to prepare students for an upcoming lesson.
  • Role-Playing: Students can collaborate in pairs or groups to act out a variety of scenarios and demonstrate the differences between a fixed mindset and growth mindset. Role-playing activities can be used to expose students to the variety of ways they can approach situations with a growth mindset. This activity can ultimately improve confidence, communication, and assertiveness skills.
  • Icebreaker: This can be a great way to start a meeting, training session, or team-building activity. It’s also a great way to get students to get to know each other and buy into the purpose of an upcoming activity or lesson.
  • Play Writing Exercise: Students can work in groups to create skits or scenes then perform the skit for the class.
  • Writing Response: Students can be given a scenario to read and then write their responses. Students can switch papers with a partner who then reads their responses and determines whether they agree/disagree with their responses/approaches to these real-life scenarios.
  • Discussion: Students can discuss the Fixed vs. Growth Mindset Task Cards in groups or whole class. They can discuss things like “What would you do?”, “Why would you do that?”, and “What are some other ways you can approach this situation with a growth mindset?”


▶️ List of Scenarios (Easy Access for Teachers – 4 pages)

Also included is a 4-page complete LIST OF SCENARIOS to allow easier access for teachers to read and select scenarios to work with. These are the same scenarios listed in the Task Cards!


Other GROWTH MINDSET resources you might be interested in:

  • Growth Mindset BUNDLE
  • Growth Mindset Activity Worksheets and Answer Keys
  • Self-Talk Packet
  • BELL RINGERS: Motivational Quotes and Writing Prompts
  • Growth Mindset and Mindfulness Lesson Plan BUNDLE
  • Growth Mindset Lesson Plan and PowerPoint Packet
  • Mindfulness Lesson Plan and PowerPoint Packet
  • Growth Mindset Text Messaging
  • Growth Mindset Quote Analysis Packet
  • Growth Mindset Scenario Task Cards and Worksheet Packet
  • Growth Mindset Reflection Questions Task Cards Packet
  • Growth Mindset Bookmarks
  • Growth Mindset Sticky Note Worksheets

Growth Mindset POSTERS

---- Motivational Water Color Growth Mindset Posters

---- Growth Mindset Posters Volume 1: (Colorful)

---- Growth Mindset Posters Volume 2: (Black and Blue)

---- Growth Mindset Posters Volume 3: (Colored Pencils)

---- Growth Mindset Posters Volume 4: (Black and White)

---- Growth Mindset Poster Bundle (Volumes 1-4)

---- Growth Mindset Vocabulary Word Wall/Bulletin Board


Created by © Queen's Educational Resources / All Rights Reserved

Your purchase includes one copy to be used in a single classroom. If you are looking for multiple copies, please be sure to purchase additional licenses.





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❤️ Reviews and Ratings: Reviews and Ratings are extremely important to me. Your time to rate this product and write a review will greatly be appreciated! ;-)



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Master Behavioral Management Strategies with this Comprehensive Bundle!

By Inspired By MlG

Struggling with challenging behaviors? This comprehensive behavioral management bundle is your one-stop shop for creating a positive and productive environment, whether you're a teacher, parent, or caregiver.

Here's what you'll get:

  • Engaging Google Slides: Deliver interactive presentations that keep students interested and actively involved in learning key behavioral management concepts.
  • Reinforcing Workbook: Solidify understanding with practical exercises and activities that help students retain information and develop essential skills.
  • Hands-on Printables: Put theory into practice with downloadable resources that make learning fun and engaging.

Benefits for Students:

  • Improved Self-Regulation: Develop the ability to manage emotions and impulses, leading to better decision-making and increased focus.
  • Enhanced Social Skills: Learn effective communication and conflict resolution techniques to foster positive relationships with peers and adults.
  • Stronger Academic Performance: Create a classroom environment conducive to learning by minimizing distractions and promoting positive behavior.
  • Increased Confidence: Gain a sense of accomplishment and self-worth by learning to manage behaviors effectively.

Master These Key Areas:

  • Behavior Modification Techniques: Explore proven strategies to encourage positive behavior change.
  • Positive Reinforcement Strategies: Discover effective ways to praise and reward desired behaviors, fostering a sense of motivation and accomplishment.
  • Conflict Resolution Skills: Learn how to navigate disagreements constructively and develop solutions that work for everyone.

Say goodbye to frustration and hello to:

  • A calmer and more organized learning environment
  • Stronger student-teacher relationships
  • Improved academic outcomes
  • A sense of empowerment and self-control for students

This comprehensive bundle is designed to be practical and easy to implement. See positive results quickly and take control of challenging behaviors. Transform your interactions with students and create a thriving learning environment. Don't miss out on this opportunity to become a master of behavioral management! Order now and see the difference it can make!

☺ Earn TeachShare credits for future purchases by providing feedback for paid products. (Feedback on free products is also greatly appreciated!)

☺ Follow me to receive notifications when new products are posted. You will also receive occasional messages alerting you to sales, promotions, and other exciting news.

☺ Don’t quite see what you are looking for? Leave me a note in the “Ask a Question” tab. I would be happy to create a product to meet the needs of you and your students.

⭐Questions? Send me an email at


classroom management plan template executive functioning checklists students

By Modz by Laila

This bundle is a comprehensive toolbox of behavioral support documents designed for Special Education teachers to effectively document behavior, increase parent communication, guide behavior management and streamline paperwork. Suitable for all grade levels, the resources included will help Special Education teachers stay organized, and maintain accurate records throughout the year.



  • Streamline paperwork for Special Education teachers
  • Enhanced documentation and behavior management
  • Improved parent communication


Instructions/Tips for Implementation

Teachers can start using these resources from Day 1 to encourage positive behaviors among your students and document problematic behaviors. Implementing these tools daily will result in improved paperwork management and enhanced communication with parents.

You will download:

Apology Letter Templates

Behavior Contracts

Behavior Notes Home to Parents

Rewards Coupons

Daily Parent Communication Sheet

Documentation Log

Morning & Afternoon Checklists for Desks


Motivational Collaborative Coloring Posters BUNDLE

By Brittany Henderson

Motivate each other while working collaboratively. These oversized collaborative coloring posters, filled with fun doodles and positive messages, are ready for students to create in partnership. Bring your class together to communicate and cooperate with this activity.

This collaborative poster is ready for: 

  • A counseling or SEL lesson
  • Back to School
  • Open House
  • Early Finishers
  • During a Unit of Study
  • Indoor Recess 
  • Practicing Communication and Cooperation Skills.

These posters will be a fun and unique addition to your school hallways or classroom!


  • 4 poster kits
  • 24 coloring pages to make one large poster for each set
  • Size of large poster: Approximately 3.5 x 4 ft when finished
  • Each kit comes with a letter size coloring sheet with the main image for individual completion.

Looking for other collaborative coloring posters? Collaborative Coloring Posters


Special Education Guides for General Education Teachers

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

This ultimate bundle is especially designed to help general education teachers gain confidence when it comes to working with students with IEPs in an inclusive setting. Everything from accommodations to data collection to definitions of all those acronyms, this bundle is everything you need to learn how to make your classroom even more inclusive and make sure each of your students is able to get what they need to be as successful as possible.

What's included?

  • Resources to help you provide and track accommodations
  • Resources to help you alleviate problematic behavior in the classroom
  • Resources to help you understand the terminology used in an IEP and an IEP meeting

Why do you need this?

Because you are a teacher who knows your students need more to be successful and you want to provide that for them. Because you know students aren't cookie cutter, and you want to make sure each receives what they need. Because you are looking to grow as a teacher and make your classroom more inclusive for your students with disabilities.

How can I help?

Reach out to me on Instagram at or email me at I'd love to answer any questions you may have.


100th Day of School Puzzles With Solution - Fun 100th Day of School Activities

By The Students Palace

Puzzles are the best activities for brain teasing labyrinths, these exercises support learning through play by developing concentration and problem solving skills.

Feel free to let us know how we're doing in the Ratings & Comments section.


  • ( PDF + PNG Files )

  • Large 8.5'' x 11'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper

  • High-resolution images

  • Unlimited prints

  • Great for kids, boys and girls


  • This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.

  • You can print as many copies as you want.


  • This is a digital item.

  • No physical product or printed material will be shipped.

  • No refunds as this is a digital product.

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By All Therapy Resources

Introducing our 52 ready-to-go Social Emotional Learning and School Counseling themed articles, specially designed for primary schools. These articles are the perfect solution for busy educators and administrators who are looking for quick and easy ways to promote social emotional learning and school counseling in their school community.

Each article is expertly written and covers a range of topics such as emotional regulation, communication skills, conflict resolution, empathy, self-esteem, and more. These articles are written in a clear and concise manner, making them easy to understand for both children and adults.

Investing in these articles will help your school community to promote a positive and inclusive environment, where all students feel valued and supported. With 52 articles to choose from, you'll have enough material to last the entire school year!

Start promoting social emotional learning and school counseling in your primary school community today!

Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you

WORKBOOKS – Just print!

Behaviour and Feelings Workbook

Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook

Emotions & Self Care Workbook

My Anger Management Workbook


Puberty Lesson and Activity Book

Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say

Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook

Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game

Stranger Danger Education

Road Safety Social Story

Fire Safety Social Story

Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book


How My Engine Runs Social Story

Teaching Children about Personal Space

Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness

When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story

Understanding Divorce Social Story

Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story

Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story


Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection

Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates

Increasing a Child's Attention Span

Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem

Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies

Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies

Recognising Defences in Children


Anger Management Plan

Anger Management Activity Worksheets

Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity

My Anger Management Workbook


Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts

Understanding Behavioural Triggers

Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)

Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)

Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)

If you download it, PLEASE leave feedback!

Also – become a fan by clicking “follow me” at the top of this page. You will be alerted of new products and free downloads. Thanks!


TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here:


STORE CREDITS - Did you know...?

• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.

• You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TeachShare store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.


Feelings & Emotions Bundle | Social Emotional Learning Activities & Games SEL

By The Fun Sheep

From emotion identification to self-regulation coping skills, this bundle is filled with fun activities and worksheets that teach kids how to handle their emotions, get along with others in a simple and engaging way.

Whether you're a parent, teacher, or counselor, this bundle provides a versatile toolkit for teaching social skills and promoting healthy emotional development

Activities included in this printable Bundle:

- Emotions Matching Game

- Emotions & Feelings Flashcards

- Feelings & Emotions Wheel

- Emotions Clip Cards

- Monsters Emotions Flash Cards

- Emoji Feelings Matching Activity

- Drawing Expressions & Emotions

- Bugs Breathing Cards

Your opinion is very important, Feel free to leave your review.


Connect with The Fun Sheep:

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Social Emotional Learning Role-Playing Scenarios BUNDLE

By Sign with me TOD

This product includes 142 social skills role-playing scenarios that focus on the following categories:

Feeling Annoyed Role-Playing Scenarios, Pages 3 – 6

Feeling Crabby, Pages 7 – 9

Feeling Determined, Pages 10 – 12

Feeling Discouraged, Pages 13 – 15

Feeling Disgusted, Pages 16 – 18

Feeling Down, Pages 19 – 21

Feeling Grateful, Pages 22 – 24

Feeling Grumpy, Pages 25 – 27

Feeling Hopeless, Pages 28 – 30

Feeling Humiliated, Pages 31 – 33

Feeling Insecure, Pages 34 – 36

Feeling Left Out, Pages 37 – 39

Feeling Lonely, Pages 40 – 42

Feeling Misunderstood, Pages 43 – 45

Feeling Pessimistic, Pages 46 – 48

Feeling Stressed, Pages 49 – 51

Feeling Uncomfortable, Pages 52 – 54

Feeling Worried, Pages 55 – 57

Being a Friend, Pages 58 – 60

Being Cautious, Pages 61 – 63

Being Unique, Pages 64 – 66

Feeling Brave, Pages 67 – 69

Bullying, Pages 70 – 72

Being Friendly, Pages 73 – 75

Ignoring Others, Pages 76 – 78

Never Give Up, Pages 79 – 81

Responsibility, Pages 82 – 87

Self Control, Pages 88 – 90

Sharing, Pages 91 – 93

Showing Forgiveness, Pages 94 – 96

Showing Understanding, Pages 97 – 99

Stranger Danger, Pages 100 – 102

Working Together, Pages 103 – 105

Name Calling, Pages 106 – 108

There are 4 role-playing scenarios for each social-emotional theme. Students can take turns acting out the social scenarios provided. Once students act out the social story, they will be required to answer questions such as what would you do if you were in this situation?, what would you say to your friend in this situation?, what could you say to your friend to help them feel better in this situation?, what would you want your friend to say to you to help you feel better in this situation? why shouldn't you do something if placed in this situation, etc. along with many other questions that students can work together on or independently answer.


Mega Kindness Week Activity Bundle: Task Cards, Writing Prompts, Handwriting

By Betsy Newmeyer

Promote a culture of kindness for your elementary school with this mega bundle of Kindness Week activities for elementary students. The perfect addition to your SEL and character education programs, this bundle includes: bookmarks, writing task cards, social dilemma writing prompts, random acts of kindness pull tab flyers, kindness cards, printing penmanship practice worksheets, cursive practice worksheets, and handwriting practice worksheets with related writing prompts. There's a little something for everyone!

Use for . . .

Kindness Day

Kindness Week

Random Acts of Kindness Day

The Great Kindness Challenge

This bundle includes the following resources:

Kindness Week Task Cards

Kindness Cards

Kindness Pull Tab Flyer

Kindness Bookmarks

Kindness Social Dilemma Writing Prompts

Kindness Week Printing Practice 

Kindness Week Cursive Practice

Kindness Week Printing Practice with Writing Prompts

Kindness Week Cursive Practice with Writing Prompts

Please note: If you have trouble printing, be sure your printer drivers are up-to-date.

You might also like:

Cursive Handwriting Practice with Affirmations & Writing Prompts

Printing Handwriting Practice with Affirmations & Writing Prompts

Cursive Handwriting Practice with 48 Weekly Positive Affirmations
Printing Handwriting Practice with 48 Weekly Positive Affirmations

I'd love to hear how you use this resource in your classroom! Feel free to email me at with any questions or suggestions you may have. And don't forget to rate this product in order to earn TeachShare Credits for future purchases!

Copyright © iTeach & iWrite by Betsy Newmeyer.

All rights reserved by the author.

**Permission to use for single SCHOOL use only.

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Preschool Conflict Resolution Activities | BUNDLE

By Spark Interest with Sara

Are your preschoolers needing extra support in conflict resolution? Have you been having difficulty in finding a conflict resolution lesson and supporting activities geared to your young learners? 

This Preschool Conflict Resolution Activities Bundle is exactly what you need!

♡DOWNLOAD the PREVIEW to learn more♡

What’s included in this Conflict Resolution Activities Bundle?

Resource 1: Conflict Resolution Lesson & Activities

A comprehensive lesson which focuses on introducing your preschoolers to helpful and unhelpful ways to solve a conflict. It uses interactive activities to promote whole group discussions, worksheets to reinforce learning, role-playing activity and a note home to include families in what your students are learning.

What teachers are saying?

✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ Jhordan

I coach preschool teachers with children who have challenging behaviors. This is an excellent resource that I recommend them using to help manage their classrooms. 

Resource 2: Big Problem Little Problem Scenarios

These Big Problem Little Problem Scenarios will help your young learners differentiate between small, medium, and big problems. This is a great first step in helping our young learners deal with problems that occur in school/daycare. A detailed lesson plan, sorting activity, poster and worksheets are included in this resource.

What teachers are saying?

✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ Weekly Wonders Kinder 

This was a great resource to help students understand how to solve social conflicts within the learning environment as well as outside of the classroom. It was a great visual in the classroom 

Resource 3: Conflict Resolution Clip Cards

Use this print and go conflict resolution clip cards to get your preschool, pre-k or kindergarten students thinking about what are some positive ways to deal with conflict. These conflict resolution clip cards for preschoolers are a perfect companion to your Unit on Conflict Resolution.

Resource 4: Conflict Resolution Scenarios

Encourage discussion around how to solve minor conflicts in your preschool, pre-k or kindergarten classroom using these conflict resolution scenarios. They will get your students brainstorming ways to deal with different types of conflict they may encounter in the classroom.

Resource 5: Conflict Resolution Games

Looking to add a bit more fun when reinforcing conflict resolution techniques? Why not include these conflict resolution games for preschoolers into your classroom. They are a great way to help reinforce different ways to manage conflict encountered in preschool and your students will love playing these games.

What's included in these conflict resolution games resource?

  1. Conflict Resolution Bingo - 6 Bingo Playing Boards with 15 Calling Cards.
  2. Conflict Resolution Matching Game - 15 pairs showing different conflict resolution techniques.
  3. Instruction Cards for Each Game - Full Page and Half Page
  4. All pages come in vibrant color or ink-saving black and white.

         Remember to print on card stock, laminate for durability.

So much goodness in this BUNDLE!

Don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions:

**Please remember to leave feedback, as it helps you earn credit toward future purchases and helps me to continue creating high-quality resources!**

Terms of Use

Copyright ©Spark Interest with Sara. All rights reserved by author, Sara-Jane Lai. This product is intended for classroom and personal use ONLY. It is to be used by the original purchaser only. No part of this document may be distributed, posted on the internet, copied, edited, or resold. All contents of this document are under copyright protection. Please respect all the hard work of myself and all the talented artists who helped create this product.


AP Spanish End of Year Activity Bundle Projects & Activities for After the Exam

By Specialty Spanish

What do you do after the AP Spanish® Exam??  Any of these fun things!  Once the pressure is off, use any of these projects and activities to keep students motivated until the end of the year!  In this bundle you will find a group project involving don Quijote, an individual project where students choose a topic to present about to the rest of the class, a class project where students design their own artwork, activities to learn slang and Spanish texting, a bulletin board or class display to honor their college acceptances, a Spanish/English All About My Teacher activity and a course survey to solicit student feedback!  Everything you need to get to the finish line is here!  It’s time to have some fun with your most advanced students, and to give them creative ways to explore what interests them!  It’s the best time of the year!  And it’s all done for you!  Rubrics, instructions, class decor, and fun, practical activities to end their high school experience in a memorable way!

Click on the individual previews to learn more about each resource!

*These resources are included in this product: AP Spanish Lesson Plans for the Whole Year without a Textbook.

Who can use this product?

  •  AP Spanish® Students

How can I use this product?

  • Assign any of these activities in class, for homework or a combination!
  • Print or assign digitally
  • Keep students motivated by providing lots of choices
  • Use any of these projects for a final grade or project

What’s included in this product?

  • 3 page course survey for AP Spanish®
  • 2 versions of a don Quijote group writing project- students can choose!
  • An oral presentation with students choosing the topic- a favorite every year!
  • A class/individual art gallery project- very popular!
  • 3 different slang activities (Spain, Puerto Rico and Mexico)
  • 1 video/drag and drop activity about texting in Spanish
  • 1 printable bulletin board or class display to honor college acceptances
  • Spanish/English All About My Teacher activity

Visit my store to find other resources you may like!   Follow me to find out about new products, sales and free resources!

Need more end of year ideas?  Try these!

AP Spanish Lesson Plans for the Whole Year without a Textbook

AP Spanish Summer Assignment with Rubric Included!

Spanish Expression of the Week Posters

Find me on

Instagram:  @specialtyspanish


Sign up for my FREE Resource Library HERE!

Pinterest: @specialtyspanish



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Emotions Bundle (foldables,workbooks,worksheets, discussion tools)

By Mrs Bell The Crafty Counselor

Emotions Bundle

Five engaging and interactive activities designed to get to the root of how students feel! Click on the preview for more images!

Included in this download:

  1. Emotions, Let's Start Talking About Them

  2. Discussing Emotions, the Foldable

  3. Anger Workbook

  4. Walk a Mile In Someone Else's Shoes.

  5. Expressing Emotions Tab Book

Click on the links above to review the individual product postings. See below for detailed descriptions of each product.

  1. Emotions, Let's Start Talking About Them:

There's been a lot of talk about emotions lately, how do we know if our students truly understand the differences between emotions?

Included in this packet are:

Six Emotions Posters (Sad, Anger, Fear, Happy, Surprised, Disgust)

Student Check In Sheet

Emotions Color Chart

Emotions Worksheets (4)

Color and Black + White Copies Included

The six colorful 8 x 10 posters can be used as a tool to get the emotions conversation off to a fun start. Emotions are complex, there isn't one right way to express or describe them. Show students the many words they can use to express themselves. Maybe even take the opportunity to pull out a dictionary and expose students to words they've never encountered before.

Once done using the posters to explain each emotion, they can be hung in offices or classrooms as a reminder and/or resource for students.

Use the Student Check In Sheet to understand how students are feeling in four key areas: home, school, class and with friends.

Use the Emotions Color Chart as a visual of all the emotions and as a conversation starter. Talk through the various pictures; point out similarities and differences between the emotions, etc.

Use the four worksheets to solidify student understanding.

  1. Discussing Emotions, the Foldable:

Included in this download are five different printable foldable templates and a roll and describe cube! Color and black & white versions are available.

Have students talk about their emotions in a fun way!

Students roll the cube and describe the emotion they land on or tell a story about a time they felt that emotion.

Using the foldable, students lift each of the flaps of the foldable and write or draw their answers to the printed questions. This is a simple way to get kids talking, start the conversation about how they handle emotions or to get to know the student better.

Assembly takes about three minutes. Print the template you want, fold where directed and then cut. Easy peazy!

  1. Anger Workbook:

All too often I see angry kids. Everything seems to set them off. When I ask them to talk about what happened, they cannot seem to put their feelings into words.

This workbook is designed to help children understand and express their anger. This interactive booklet requires kids to explore their anger through use of questions and drawing activities that force them to think deep and evaluate their own behavior.

Color and Black & White copy included in download.

*Be careful using with second grade. The activity requires a lot of writing.

For small version, print workbook double-sided (for best results, I click double-sided "short-edge binding" when printing). Simply fold the pages in half with the front and back cover facing out and staple to bind the booklet.

For full page booklet print double sided with long edge binding.

  1. Walk a Mile In Someone Else's Shoes, Empathy Builders.:

These cards are perfect for small groups or individual student use.

Sometimes our students need help understanding how their actions and/or how certain situations can affect other people's feelings. With your students, use these 48 empathy building situation cards to discuss how people would feel in various situations. Have students answer the questions on the cards and then discuss the scenarios and student responses.

Make your students think of how others feel and how they can help.

To create these cards:

For full color cards, print double sided, pages 3-26.

For black and white cards, print double sided, pages 26-50.

Laminate for durability.

Cut on dotted lines to separate.

  1. Expressing Emotions Tab Book:

This activity is perfect for small groups or individual lessons with students who need a little extra help understanding their emotions. This Tab Activity Book makes discussing and expressing emotions fun and interactive!


One Tab Activity Book with Cut & Glue Activity

All pages are black and white for ease of printing. Print pages 6-19 double sided on plain white paper. Cut along dotted lines to create each individual tab page. Put pages together in the correct order (tabs lining up properly) and staple along left side to create your Tab Activity Book!

It's that simple and super quick to assembly!!

Students answers three to four questions on each page. The questions allow students to explore how they feel and how they handle their various emotions.

There is also a cut and glue activity. Students cut out and sort the 32 situations provided based on how the situation would make the student feel. More situations are provided than will be used. If the student runs out of situations that would make them feel a specific emotion, they can write their own example of a situation in the box.

Here's how I use this product:

I had a little boy tell me he wants to talk about his emotions in a fun way. He said he has a hard time matching his face to his emotions and explaining how the emotions feel. I started him off with the Emotions Foldables, which he absolutely loved. He said he was starting to practice “making the face match the feels” and wanted to talk about the emotions more.

So I made this for him!

Necessary Supplies:

Access to a double sided black & white printer



Colored pencils

Construction Paper that matches Inside Out colors (optional)

Assembly & Activity

Single sided print the two situation pages for the cut and glue activity.

Printed out the Tab Workbook pages double sided. Cut along the dotted lines on each page and then line each up in the correct order.

When the pages are lined up correctly (happy, sad, surprised, fear, angry, disgust) staple down the left hand side to create a spine to your Tab WorkBook.

Cut out each of the scenarios and sort them into various piles based on how they make the student feel.

I usually teach colors to match each of the emotions (the same as Inside Out colors) so I like to pull out construction paper that matches each of the emotions to add a little color to the cut and glue activity (yellow, blue, orange for surprised, purple, red and green).

Color the cover however you want or to match with the color from Inside Out if you are going with that theme.

Once we finished the cover, we get down to the good stuff.

We start with the first emotion, happy. We discuss what happy means, draw a self-portrait of the student happy, explore what makes us happy and talk about what it feels like to be happy. We answer the questions on the page and draw pictures together.

We look at the pile of situations we had presorted for happy and chose four situations that made the student most happy. We glued each of the four situations to their appropriate colored construction paper (in this case yellow, this step is optional).

Then we cut them into squares small enough to fit into the boxes printed on the Tab Workbook Page.

We then glued the situation in a box under the chosen emotion’s page in the Tab WorkBook.

We repeated this process for each emotion.

You really get to explore each emotion in depth with your student.

Enjoy exploring emotions with your students!

Mrs. Bell

The Crafty Counselor

Please make sure you have the proper software to open a zip file before purchasing. You may not wish to purchase this product if you have previously purchased two or more of the above listed products. Be cautious when using with second graders;some activities require writing.

Stay Connected:

Crafty Counselor Blog




Copyright © Mrs Bell The Crafty Counselor. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one user is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. See product file for clip-art and font credits.


Spring Bundle Coloring Pages and Bookmarks Flowers Rain Rainbows Quotes Posters

By Eden Digital Arts

Spring months coloring bundle with bookmarks and coloring pages featuring inspirational growth mindset quotes, spring flowers, rain, rainbows, birds, and more, also Saint Patrick's coloring pages and bookmarks. Lots of fun activities to keep your students engaged and inspired.

Some ways to use this bundle:

  • no prep activities
  • seasonal bulletin board and classroom decor
  • for early finishers
  • for brain breaks/relaxing time
  • indoor recess
  • addition to sub plans
  • student gifts/rewards


Please follow my store to receive notifications of new items posted

For personal use by one teacher only, please do not alter, resell or share this file.


Bundle Bulletin Board Sets for Social Emotional Learning and Classroom Community

By A World to Explore Store - A Heritage Month Depot

Tired of searching for those perfect bulletin boards? Do you want to engage your students? Do you want to support SEL and have a festive classroom? Then download this Bundle Bulletin Board Sets for Social Emotional Learning and Classroom Community! Each set supports you as you build your classroom community and encourage positive behavior throughout the school year. These mini-posters are great for classroom décor, bulletin boards, and doors. Included is a handout for each set of quotes. All you need to decorate for an entire school year!

Themes include the following:

  • Making Good Choices
  • Kindness
  • Benefits of Failing
  • Goals
  • Identity
  • Courage
  • Overcoming Obstacles
  • Self Confidence
  • Wellbeing
  • Importance of Education
  • Hard Work & Success
  • Teamwork

Quotes included in this resource:

  • “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” ~Albert Einstein
  • "You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • "We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse." ~Rudyard Kipling
  • "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." ~African proverb

✈️ Click here to follow A World to Explore Store and be the first to know about brand-new games and activities!

Other Resources You'll LOVE:

  • Back to School Getting to Know You Activity - Dice Games!
  • Back to School Bundle with Categories Game and Reflections
  • BACK to SCHOOL Getting to Know You Activity for Team Building
  • Bulletin Board to Support Social Emotional Learning on Importance of Education
  • Back to School Reflection Activity for Team Building and Discussion


  • Truth or Dare...the Classroom Party Game You Didn't Know You Needed!
  • Truth or Dare 2nd Edition
  • BUNDLE Truth or Dare Versions 1 & 2
  • Virtual Scategories & Truth or Dare (All Ages!)
  • Digital Online GAME Two Things in Common (This2That)
  • Happiness Quiz & Reflection Questions (Great for SEL, Self-Esteem, Well-Being!)
  • 50 FlipGrid Discussion Questions Posting Tips & Rubric
  • 30 Digital Borders/Frames on Lined Paper for Writing Prompts


  • End of Year VIRTUAL Reflection Activity Game Middle and High School
  • BUNDLE: Women's History Month Choice Board & TicTacToe Board
  • Women's History Month - TicTacToe Choice Board(Reading & Research)
  • Women's History Month Choice Board Activities, Lesser-Known Women & Rubric
  • Biography/Womens History Month Lesser-Known Women
  • Virtual Scavenger Hunt/Webquest: National Museum of African American History&Culture
  • EARTH DAY Choice Board with Student Checklist & Rubric