50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas trabadas y ficha de seguimiento
By Ms Garcia Store
¡Descubre este increíble juego de Bingo de sílabas trabadas, también conocido como lotería, que ayudará a tus alumnos a familiarizarse con las 65 sílabas trabadas, fortaleciendo su habilidad en la unión, pronunciación y lectura de estas estructuras tan importantes!
Al adquirir este recurso, recibirás un archivo PDF descargable que te permitirá imprimir los 50 cartones de Bingo, con dos cartones por hoja, junto con una ficha para registrar las sílabas mencionadas o generadas durante el juego. También tienes la opción de adquirir el set completo, que incluye un generador de sílabas.
Te recomendamos imprimir los cartones y la ficha en papel grueso y laminarlos para asegurar su durabilidad. De esta manera, podrás utilizar marcadores borrables y disfrutar de su reutilización en futuras sesiones.
¡No dejes pasar esta oportunidad de ofrecer a tus estudiantes una forma divertida y efectiva de aprender las sílabas trabadas! Si tienes alguna pregunta o necesitas más información, no dudes en contactarnos. ¡Agradecemos tu apoyo y confianza en nuestros recursos educativos!
Otros sets disponibles:
⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas directas y ficha de seguimiento
⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas inversas y ficha de seguimiento
⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas trabadas y ficha de seguimiento
⭐ Bingo de sílabas completo (directas, inversas y trabadas) y generador de sílabas aleatorias
⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 121 Sílabas Directas
⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Inversas
⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Trabadas
⭐ Bingo de 100 números y generador aleatorio en PowerPoint
⭐ Bingo de 75 números y generador aleatorio en PowerPoint
50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas directas y ficha de seguimiento
By Ms Garcia Store
Increíble juego de Bingo de sílabas, también conocido como lotería, diseñado para que tus alumnos se familiaricen con las 121 sílabas directas, fortaleciendo su habilidad en la unión, pronunciación y lectura de las mismas.
El recurso incluye un archivo PDF descargable que te permitirá imprimir los 50 cartones de Bingo, con dos cartones por hoja, junto con una ficha para registrar las sílabas mencionadas o generadas durante el juego. También tienes la opción de adquirir el set completo, que incluye un generador de sílabas aleatorias.
Recomendamos imprimir los cartones y la ficha en papel grueso y laminarlos para garantizar su durabilidad. De esta manera, podrás utilizar marcadores borrables y disfrutar de su reutilización en futuras sesiones.
¡No te pierdas esta maravillosa herramienta educativa! Con el Bingo de sílabas, tus alumnos se divertirán mientras adquieren un dominio sólido de las sílabas directas. Si tienes alguna pregunta o necesitas más información, no dudes en contactarnos. ¡Gracias por tu apoyo y por elegir nuestros recursos didácticos!
Otros sets disponibles:
⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas directas y ficha de seguimiento
⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas inversas y ficha de seguimiento
⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas trabadas y ficha de seguimiento
⭐ Bingo de sílabas completo (directas, inversas y trabadas) y generador de sílabas aleatorias
⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 121 Sílabas Directas
⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Inversas
⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Trabadas
⭐ Bingo de 100 números y generador aleatorio en PowerPoint
⭐ Bingo de 75 números y generador aleatorio en PowerPoint
50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas inversas y ficha de seguimiento
By Ms Garcia Store
Increíble juego de Bingo de sílabas inversas, también conocido como lotería, diseñado para que tus alumnos se familiaricen con las 80 sílabas inversas, fortaleciendo su habilidad en la unión, pronunciación y lectura de las mismas.
El recurso incluye un archivo PDF descargable que te permitirá imprimir los 50 cartones de Bingo, con dos cartones por hoja, junto con una ficha para registrar las sílabas mencionadas o generadas durante el juego. También tienes la opción de adquirir el set completo, que incluye un generador de sílabas.
Recomendamos imprimir los cartones y la ficha en papel grueso y laminarlos para garantizar su durabilidad. De esta manera, podrás utilizar marcadores borrables y disfrutar de su reutilización en futuras sesiones.
¡No te pierdas esta maravillosa herramienta educativa! Con el Bingo de sílabas inversas, tus alumnos se divertirán mientras adquieren un dominio sólido de estas sílabas especiales. Si tienes alguna pregunta o necesitas más información, no dudes en contactarnos. ¡Gracias por tu apoyo y por elegir nuestros recursos educativos!
Otros sets disponibles:
⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas directas y ficha de seguimiento
⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas inversas y ficha de seguimiento
⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas trabadas y ficha de seguimiento
⭐ Bingo de sílabas completo (directas, inversas y trabadas) y generador de sílabas aleatorias
⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 121 Sílabas Directas
⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Inversas
⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Trabadas
⭐ Bingo de 100 números y generador aleatorio en PowerPoint
⭐ Bingo de 75 números y generador aleatorio en PowerPoint
Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 121 Sílabas Directas
By Ms Garcia Store
Gran recurso que ayudará a sus alumnos con el aprendizaje de 121 sílabas directas a través del gráfico y la palabra relacionada con cada una de ellas.
La única tarjeta sin gráfico y palabra es la de la sílaba ‘Wu’ por no existir vocablo alguno en español con dicha sílaba, pero aun así encontrará su tarjeta para la practica de cualquier actividad que lo requiriese.
El recurso consta de 121 tarjetas didácticas repartidas en 16 hojas y una hoja con el reverso de las cartas. El reverso es opcional.
Con ellas podrá realizar un sinfín de actividades. Sirvan de ejemplo las siguientes:
Consejos de impresión
Imprima las tarjetas, preferiblemente a color, en papel grueso y lamínelas para que perduren.
Related Products
⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 121 Sílabas Directas
⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Inversas
⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Trabadas
⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas directas y ficha de seguimiento
⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas inversas y ficha de seguimiento
⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas trabadas y ficha de seguimiento
⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Escucha, escribe y aprende.
⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Muestra sílabas en orden aleatorio.
Beginner Spanish BINGO and Word Search Pack | Games, worksheets, and more!
By Jessica
This is a perfect bundle for games, worksheets, and activities for students beginning to learn Spanish! Basic vocabulary is covered including colors, numbers, and the months of the year and days of the week vocabulary. More than 100 pages are included in this bundle!
100+ unique Bingo boards
4 different colors of counters
3 sets of Spanish vocabulary call-out cards (that you can use as flashcards, too!)
A word search
Secuencias y números ordinales! Sequencing for Kindergarten!
By La Llama Bilingüe
Este es un paquete completo para trabajar el order, secuencia y tiempo.
Este paquete incluye:
Spanish Alphabet Posters! Las 27 letras del Abecedario
By La Llama Bilingüe
This is a great product for your Spanish Bilingual classroom!!
Spanish Posters!! Numbers and Alphabet!
By La Llama Bilingüe
Really cute design for your bulletin board! Ideal for your Spanish Bilingual classroom!
By La Llama Bilingüe
This product is perfect for kids who need help with their organization skills, kids with any special education needs or, for an early elementary class who is learning to follow steps. You can use this resource to set the steps on each student's desk or as a whole class using your classroom camera in both ENGLISH AND SPANISH!!
There are 36 cards in this product. It includes in both languges:
Check out the digital versions of these products designed for GOOGLE SLIDES.
Children's Stories Bundle in Spanish - Mini Cuentos en Español para niños
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This is a bundle that includes three short stories for beginning Spanish students. The stories review clothes, fruits, days of the week as well as new target vocabulary.
These stories are taught using TPRS.
Beginner level: Pre-k, Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade.
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Adivinanzas ¿Qué animal es? - Animal Guessing Game in Spanish
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Café con Leche ☕️
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This Spanish Color Bundle contains:
Bingo de colores y números
The pack includes:
30 color bingo cards
32 calling cards
rojo, azul, verde, amarillo, blanco, negro, gris, celeste, morado, rosa/rosado, naranja/anaranjado, café/marrón and numbers from 0 to 20
Mini libro u hojas para colorear
This set includes:
1 cover page if you decide to make the books
11 color pages
8 pages to color by number
Pósters de colores
12 color posters
12 black and white posters
BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.
Ruedas de emociones
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the colors words
1 black and white wheel with the colors words
1 color wheel with the colors without words
1 black and white wheel with the colors without words
Sopa de letras de colores
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the colors and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Café con Leche ☕️
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This Spanish Feeling Bundle contains:
Mini libros de emociones
The set includes:
- Book 1 color book
- Book 2 read and color
- Book 3 read and draw
- Book 4 trace the word and color
- Book 5 read, recognize and circle the right word
- Book 6 fill in the missing word and color
Vocabulary used:yo estoy feliz, triste, enojado, frustrada, cansada, avergonzado, sorprendido y asustada.
Pósters de dos tamaños
This product contains two pdf files, one for each size:
1. One color and black & white 8.5” by 11” Feelings Posters.
2. One color and black & white 11” by 17” Feelings Posters.
Pósters de emociones
The set includes:
20 color posters
20 black and white posters
02 color questions
Vocabulary used: aburrido, enojado, orgulloso, triste, tonto, seguro, avergonzado, malhumorado, sorprendido, preocupado, decepcionada, emocionada, feliz, asustada, tímida, confundida, furiosa, frustrada, agradecida, and cansada.
Ruedas de emociones
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the feelings words
1 black and white wheel with the feelings words
1 color wheel with the feelings without words
1 black and white wheel with the feelings without words
Sopa de letras de emociones
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the feelings names and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Café con Leche ☕️
Spanish Classroom Decor | El Calendario | Calendar Talk Kit | PRINTABLE
By En La Clase con Profe G.
Get your students talking the first week of school with this Calendar Talk Activity!
What better way to captivate your Spanish learners from the very first week of school than with this engaging calendar talk activity set? Perfect for elementary AND novice learners, this kit is packed with everything you need to build a captivating calendar corner that fosters learning and excitement.
What's Included:
For an in-depth explanation of Terms of Use for this resource, please download it here.
Cinco de mayo Mazes Puzzles With Solution - Fun May Brain Games Activities
By The Students Palace
Puzzles are the best activities for brain teasing labyrinths, these exercises support learning through play by developing concentration and problem solving skills.
Feel free to let us know how we're doing in the Ratings & Comments section.
( PDF + PNG Files )
Large 8.5'' x 11'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper
High-resolution images
Unlimited prints
Great for kids, boys and girls
This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.
You can print as many copies as you want.
This is a digital item.
No physical product or printed material will be shipped.
No refunds as this is a digital product.
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Hispanic Heritage Día De Los Muertos Color by number Coloring Pages
By The Students Palace
Color By Number features cute and adorable coloring page of Hispanic Heritage Month . These fun coloring pages will help children master their numbers and improve their manual dexterity through coloring. Little ones will enjoy learning the numbers and coloring the pictures. It also helps in developing fine motor skills, counting, number recognition, eye-hand coordination and improves pen controls.
( PDF + PNG )
square 11'' x ''8.5 designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper
High-resolution images
Unlimited prints
Great for kids, boys, girls, and teens
This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.
You can print as many copies as you want.
This is a digital item.
No physical product or printed material will be shipped.
No refunds as this is a digital product.
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National Hispanic Heritage Month Día De Los Muertos Puzzles With Solutions
By The Students Palace
Puzzles are the best activities for brain teasing labyrinths, these exercises support learning through play by developing concentration and problem solving skills.
Feel free to let us know how we're doing in the Ratings & Comments section.
( PDF + PNG Files )
Large 8.5'' x 11'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper
High-resolution images
Unlimited prints
Great for kids, boys and girls
This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.
You can print as many copies as you want.
This is a digital item.
No physical product or printed material will be shipped.
No refunds as this is a digital product.
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Printable Cinco de Mayo & Hispanic Heritage Month Puzzles With Solutions
By The Students Palace
Puzzles are the best activities for brain teasing labyrinths, these exercises support learning through play by developing concentration and problem solving skills.
Feel free to let us know how we're doing in the Ratings & Comments section.
90 Pages
( PDF + PNG Files )
Large 8.5'' x 11'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper
High-resolution images
Unlimited prints
Great for kids, boys and girls
This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.
You can print as many copies as you want.
This is a digital item.
No physical product or printed material will be shipped.
No refunds as this is a digital product.
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Cinco de Mayo Activities & Crafts Bundle | Mexican Fiesta Classroom Decor
By The Fun Sheep
Looking for a fun Cinco de Mayo activities, Crafts or Decorations? This set has everything you need, It will keep your students engaged and learning with Cinco de Mayo worksheets and hands-on activities!
Activities included in this printable Bundle:
- Cinco de Mayo Banners
- Cinco De Mayo Gift Tags
- Fiesta Gift Card Holder
- Cinco de Mayo Paper Hats
- Cinco De Mayo Handprint Craft, Art
- Cinco de Mayo Posters
- Build A Taco Cinco De Mayo Paper Craft
Your opinion is very important, Feel free to leave your review.
Hispanic Heritage Month Coloring Sheets PreK Kindergarten 1st & 2nd Grade Pages
By Playful Sunflower
Hispanic Heritage Month Coloring Sheets PreK Kindergarten 1st & 2nd Grade Pages Bundle
Spanish Hispanic Heritage Month Coloring Pages PreK - 3rd Sheet Celebrations
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with our Bundle Of Coloring Pages ! These printables , each with their own unique flair. Imagine coloring traditional elements like piñatas, sombreros, tacos, llamas, maracas, and ponchos. Whether you’re a teacher sparking curiosity in the classroom or a parent fostering cultural pride at home, these coloring pages are perfect for PreK, Kindergarten ,1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders. Let creativity soar as we honor Latinx contributions. ¡Vamos a colorear!
What’s Included :
⭐️Color By Number Addition And Subtraction Within 20, 1st & 2nd Grade Math Pages
⭐️Back To School Word Search Activities Book On The First Day of 1st & 2nd Grade
⭐️First Day of School Getting to Know You Activities Back to School All About Me
⭐️First Day And Week of School About Me Students Activities Kindergarten PreK
⭐️1st & 2nd Grade Math Addition and Subtraction Math , Literacy & Centers No
⭐️Toddler & preschool curriculum 3 year olds Learning Activities, Centers
⭐️Toddler & preschool curriculum 3 year olds Fall Activities, Centers
⭐️Numbers To 10 Coloring Pages Trace ,Back to School Kindergarten Worksheets
⭐️September To May Morning Work Kindergarten & Pre-K | Math Centers
⭐️September To May Morning Work Kindergarten & Pre-K | Math Centers Bundle
⭐️Toddler & preschool curriculum 3 year olds Learning Autumn Activities, Centers
⭐️Learn to Trace Alphabet Letters from A to Z ,A Fun Handwriting Back to School