Pre-K Holidays/Seasonal Songs

Winter Felt Board or Flannel Board Songs and Poems

By Joyful Explorations

This set of 21 winter-themed songs is the perfect way to celebrate the season. Each song comes with adorable graphics that can be used on a flannel board/ felt board. (Simply cut out the graphics, laminate them and attach felt to the backs of the pictures.)

Felt-boards (or flannel boards) are a fabulous method of sharing music and rhythm with children by using visual props along with songs. My collection of songs and poems will help you to use your felt-board to its fullest potential.

Please note that these are NOT Christmas or holiday songs.

The following songs and poems are included:

⁂"Chubby Little Snowman"

⁂ "Falling Snowflake'

⁂ "Sing a Song of Winter'

⁂ "I'm a Little Snow Person'

⁂ 'Snowflakes Falling'

⁂ "It's Snowing'

⁂ 'Sledding'

⁂ 'Sprinkle, Sprinkle, Little Snow'

⁂ 'Five Little Snowflakes' (counting up)

⁂ 'Five Little Snowflakes' (counting down)

⁂ 'Way Up High'

⁂ 'The Mitten Chant'

⁂' If it's Winter and You Know It'

⁂ 'Snowflakes, Snowflakes'

⁂ 'Snowflakes Falling"

⁂ "5 Little Snowmen"

⁂ "The Snow is in the Air"

⁂ "Two Little Snowflakes"

⁂ "Snow Falls"

⁂ "I'm a Little Snowflake"

⁂ "The Snowman"


Christmas Songs and Poems for the Felt Board or Flannel Board

By Joyful Explorations

This set of 15 Christmas songs is the perfect way to celebrate the season. Each song comes with adorable graphics which can be used on a flannel board. (Simply cut out the graphics, laminate them and attach felt to the backs of the pictures.)

Flannel boards (or felt boards) are a fabulous method of sharing music and rhythm with children by using visual props along with songs. My collection of songs and poems will help you to use your flannel board to its fullest potential.

The following songs and poems are included:

⁂"10 Little Elves"

⁂ "Guess Who"

⁂ "Five Little Bells"

⁂ "Santa's Workshop"

⁂ "I'm a Little Pine Tree"

⁂ "8 Little Reindeer"

⁂ "Sing a Song of Christmas"

⁂ "I am Santa"

⁂ "2 Little Candy Canes"

⁂ "5 Little Gingerbread Men"

⁂ "Candy Cane"

⁂ "Presents by the Christmas Tree"

⁂ "5 Little Christmas Trees"

⁂ "Where has the Little Elf Gone?"

⁂ "Twinkle, Twinkle Christmas Lights"


Valentine's Day Songs and Poems for Flannel Board or Felt Board

By Joyful Explorations

These 10 Valentine's Day songs and poems are the perfect addition to your Valentine's Day celebration. Each song comes with adorable graphics which can be used on a flannel board. (Simply cut out the graphics, laminate them and attach felt to the backs of the pictures.)

Flannel boards (or felt-boards) are a fabulous method of sharing music and rhythm with children by using visual props along with songs. My collection of songs and poems will help you to use your flannel board to its fullest potential.

The following songs and poems are included:

❤ Wrap Myself in Paper

❤ Three Valentines

❤ Making Valentines

❤ Five Little Valentines at the Store

❤ Three Purple Valentines

❤ I'm a Little Valentine

❤ Valentines are Made to Share

❤ Do You Know the Little Love Bug?

❤ Four Valentines

❤ Valentine Counting
