Physical Therapy Resources

PREWRITING MEGA BUNDLE Letters Numbers Shapes Worksheets Activities Centers

By Jan Huebner Play2Grow

This product has been teacher-tested and teacher-approved**.** You will be able to teach many Preschool and Kindergarten skills with abundant worksheets of prewriting tracing lines and shapes, custom-designed alphabet, and number lines and shapes. This product offers three BUNDLES for a total of 12 Products.

The 12 products in this Mega BUNDLE:


  • Prewriting Tracing Lines and Shapes
  • Prewriting ALPHABET Tracing Lines and Shapes
  • Prewriting NUMBERS Tracing Lines and Shapes


  • Prewriting Alphabet Playdough Mats
  • Prewriting Numbers 0-20 Playdough Mats
  • Prewriting Shapes Playdough Mats


  • Numbers Snack Mats and Activities
  • Alphabet Snack Mats and Activities
  • Visual Perception
  • ABC-123 Lacing Cards
  • Shapes Lacing Cards
  • Shapes Book

Skills being taught:

  • Letter recognition
  • Word recognition
  • Handwriting
  • Increase attention span
  • Follow directions
  • A love for reading!
  • A love for journaling!

Check out other prewriting products:

Prewriting ABC and 123 Lacing Cards

Prewriting Tracing NUMBERS

Prewriting 2D Shapes Play Dough Mat

Prewriting Numbers Snack Mats

Prewriting Cutting and Gluing Shapes - Make a Book!

PreWritingShapes Lacing Cards

Prewriting Alphabet Snack Mats

Prewriting Visual Perception

Prewriting Tracing ALPHABET

Prewriting Tracing Lines and Shapes

PreWritingAlphabet ABC Play Dough Mats

PreWritingNumbers 1-20 Play Dough Mats


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Occupational Therapy Visual Cue Card BUNDLE

By The Organized Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapy visual cue card bundle includes checklist or cue cards to address handwriting, visual motor, scissors safety awareness, expected behaviors, and relaxation skills. Perfect for school-based Occupational Therapist or clinic based Occupational Therapist.

Visual Cue Cards/Checklists include:

1. Handwriting Checklist

2. How to Draw a Person

3. Home for Scissors

4. Scissors Checklist & How to Hold Scissors Visual Cue Cards

5. 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique Cue Cards

6. Voice Volume Visuals

7. How to Hold A Pencil

8. Letter Size Cue Card

9. Alphabet Desk Strip

10. Task Completion Cards

11. Student Checklist

12. How to Use School Supplies- 22 Real Photo Visuals Included

This bundle will continue to grow as new cue cards are released. There are no release dates for additional cards at this time.


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Occupational Therapy Activity Card Bundle

By The Organized Occupational Therapist

This money-saving bundle includes 12 low-prep Occupational Therapy Activity Card Sets. Simply print, cut and laminate the activity card sets you can store the cards on a binder ring or inside a zipper pouch. This bundle includes 12 activity card sets which covers a wide range of skills for occupational therapy, physical therapy and early elementary students. The activity card sets focus on fine motor skills, visual motor skills, mindfulness breathing, motor planning, visual perceptual skills and brain break activity cards.

12 Units Included:

⭐️ 1. Simon Says Activity Cards

⭐️ 2. Block Activity Cards

⭐️ 3. Shape Breathing Activity Cards

⭐️ 4. If You're Happy & You Know It Activity Cards

⭐️ 5. Hand Warm Up Activity Cards

⭐️ 6. Stretch Exercise Cards

⭐️ 7. Yoga Activity Cards

⭐️ 8. Pattern Block Activity Cards

⭐️ 9. Animal Walk Cards

⭐️ 10. Brain Break Exercise Cards

⭐️ 11. Simon Says 2 Step Directions

⭐️ 12. Wheelchair Stretch Activity Cards


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The Occupational Therapy Activity Box Bundle

By The Organized Occupational Therapist

This Occupational Therapy Activity Box Bundle will continue to grow with different products made for the photo storage/craft bin. As new products are added, you can re-download this file for FREE with no additional cost to you! The earlier you buy, the more you get for your money! Please note, there are no release dates for future products.


Did you know you can get TeachShare store credit to use on future purchases by leaving feedback after purchasing this product?

Please go to your My Purchases page. Beside each purchase you'll see a "Provide Feedback" button. Click it to give a rating and provide a comment for the purchased product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases.  

Be the first to know about The Organized Occupational Therapist’s new products, discounts, and freebies. Look for the green star next to The Organized Occupational Therapist store logo and click it to become a follower.


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Empower and Calm Teacher Bundle

By Lara Hocheiser

Teachers tell me they can't integrate yoga and mindfulness for two reasons: They don't know how and they don't have time. I hear that 100%.

This product is made to help you SAVE time, but first, you have to invest your time. If you spend ten minutes a day, 3 times a week in September and October, by November you only spend 5 minutes, and by January kids are doing this all by themselves. You can learn it together and then you ALL get the skills! Imagine that! Imagine the time you will save not micro-managing behavior.

A colleague and first-grade teacher name Nicole did just as I described above and her class was lightyears more manageable by mid-year than the other groups. People would comment about how quietly they walked in the hallway and how quickly they transitioned from activity to activity. She invested the time and was paid back in dividends. I developed this product to help others share in Nicole's success.

Together, we can use yoga and mindfulness to learn about and take care of our bodies.

Social-emotional learning and self-awareness can be learned using this product. Think of the responsible decisions children can begin to make when we help them connect the dots inward and outward.

Commit to this lesson unit to help your students become more aware of their bodies as you guide them to make mindful connections between how body parts may feel and how can we care for ourselves. Explore ten (10) key body parts and how we can use body awareness to learn about our bodies and emotions while gaining valuable exercise. Each body part has accompanying yoga poses, mindful activities, and facilitated discussion prompts.

The Empower and Calm Teacher Bundle is made for educators, parents, and anyone doing yoga with children!

Give your students the tools to exercise and check-in with their mind and body.

Introducing the Empower and Calm Yoga Bundle, aimed at getting kids moving while learning about self-awareness and boosting self-esteem. 

This bundle includes three (3) yoga units and two (2) yoga card decks geared at empowering, energizing, and strengthening our bodies and minds. 

In this bundle you will get:

  • My Body and Caring for Myself: comprehensive Teacher’s Manual and accompanying Student Workbook aimed at developing self-awareness while strengthening our bodies.
  • Empowerment Sequence Yoga Cards and Lesson Plans: three lesson plans and a yoga card deck to feel empowered and help children develop a positive self-image. (Our most popular lesson plan ever!!)
  • Time for Me: Calming Yoga Cards: calming yoga card deck to encourage children to slow down and manage big emotions. (Fewer words, more calm!)

Lesson Plans for Educators

My Body and Caring for Myself:

The Student workbook can be printed for all of your students, providing self-reflection questions, yoga poses, and meditations for each of 10 body parts.

The teacher's guide assists in facilitating deeper discussions and gives tips for knowing when to move on, and ways to expand the material.

The glossary gives instructions for every pose and meditation.

The slideshow can be used as a visual with basic talking points for you to guide your students with ease from the SMARTBOARD.


Helping with the back to school blues, challenge your students to strengthen their self-esteem and bodies at once, while facilitating nuanced discussions and meditations.

Time For Me Cards

With fewer words and easy-to-use illustrated yoga poses, children can do relaxing poses to handle any stressor. Provide a place where children are welcome to use these during class, and help them become self-sufficient.

Our yoga lesson plans give the tools to facilitate conversations, games, activities, and yoga experiences to kids of all ages. Use our beautifully-illustrated yoga cards as a visual aid to teach children the yoga poses. Each yoga pose and activity have how-to instruction, written for children. 

With this bundle, children will gain the benefits of yoga and mindfulness while learning about the importance of body awareness and how to manage big emotions. 

This bundle is a PDF download which you can view on your phone, tablet, computer or print out onto paper.
