By French Made Fun!
Ce projet a vraiment enthousiasmé mes élèves pour la science.
Quelle est la chose la plus cool à propos de l'espace?! La nourriture dans l'espace! Ce plan de cours non-conventionnel permettra à vos élèves de s'amuser, rire - et apprendre!! (woo hoo!)
Voici pourquoi vous en avez BESOIN!
Ce document comprend:
14 pages - livret d'élève imprimable pour qu'ils puissent suivre et avoir tout ce dont ils ont besoin le moment venu.
8 pages - Un quiz de style « jeu télévisé » sur Space Food (« Est-ce permis dans l’espace? »)
Une histoire sur Space Food avec des visuels.
3 activités d'une page (sur les astronomes, l'astronomie et une auto-bio en tant qu'enfant astronaute hypothétique!)
Une activité de groupe, en dyades et individuel sur la recherche de K-Cal avec une formule. Ordre des opérations (PEDMAS).
Les élèves créent un menu rotatif de 7 jours en utilisant:
Leur K-Cal personnel - Apport calorique - qu'ils calculent eux-mêmes.
Liste de base des aliments et des boissons de la navette spatiale de la NASA.
Guide alimentaire canadien.
Connaissance de ce qui constitue de bons repas dans l'espace + goût personnel.
Pourquoi obtenir une activité alors que vous pouvez obtenir 4 unités, cette activité et deux autres activités bonus avec le BUNDLE de SCIENCES? Pas de préparation, pas de stress. Cliquez ici pour gagner du temps, de l'argent et votre santé mentale!
♡ Mme. Kaitlyn
CHEMISTRY Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Escape Room [Digital]
By The French Scientist
CHEMISTRY Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Escape Room Activity contains 4 puzzles to solve. It is a great resource intended to reinforce students' understanding in class as a part of the warm-up, review tasks, or end-of-year test prep. This non-prep resource includes a digital version which is great for flipped classrooms or distance learning.
Digital Version includes:
- 1 Google Forms Link (Self-Grading)
- Teacher Instructions
- Answer keys
- Differentiate elements, compounds and mixtures
About the Escape Room:
- When you purchase this resource, you will be given a link that will allow you to access the escape room in Google Form. You will then be able to share that file with your students using methods including:
- The puzzles have been designed to quiz students in Google Forms. You may adjust the settings according to your personal preferences.
Is this resource editable?
If you see ANYTHING that needs modifying, or if you have any questions, please contact me via the Q&A. Thanks!
Have fun and happy teaching!
CHEMISTRY Writing Chemical Formulas - 40 Task Cards Activity [Digital]
By The French Scientist
Looking for a great activity to teach the topic of Writing Chemical Formulas in an engaging way? This product contains a set of 40 task cards which can be used as a task-based or station-based activity, adding in the fun to your lesson! It is also a great resource that can be used as a part of the review, pre-assessment, post-assessment, extra practice, or end-of-year test prep.
This non-prep resource includes a digital version which is great for flipped classrooms or distance learning.
Digital Version includes:
- 1 Google Forms Link (Self-Grading)
- Writing formulas for Binary & Ternary Ionic Compounds
- Writing formulas for Ionic Compounds with cations that have more than one oxidation state
- Writing formulas for Covalent Compounds
When you purchase this resource, you will be given a link that will allow you to access the task cards in Google Form. You will then be able to share that file with your students using methods including:
Is this resource editable?
If you see ANYTHING that needs modifying, or if you have any questions, please contact me via the Q&A. Thanks!
Have fun and happy teaching!
Organic Chemistry Hydrocarbon YouTube Shorts
By The STEM Master
Science, Organic Chemistry YouTube Shorts video link QR codes. Digital resource
hydrocarbons, alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, structural isomers, alcohols, carboxylic acids, ketones.
Product file is a PowerPoint slide with QR code links to YouTube shorts videos made by me in my own YouTube channel. The QR codes are not flattened, so you can mix and match them for your own classroom needs.
If you wish to embed videos, you will need the embed code.
⭐⭐⭐Organic Chemistry Bundle⭐⭐⭐
⭐⭐⭐Chemistry digital worksheets for Google Classroom⭐⭐⭐
⭐⭐⭐BIG Bundle of Chemistry⭐⭐⭐
Terms of Use:
QR codes may be used to create resources for your own classroom
QR codes may be used to create resources to be sold on websites