Other (Music) Games

All about INSTRUMENTS ValuPack - 20% off 6 instrument resources!

By Jason Litt

In this ValuPack, you will get the Top 6 Instrumental resources that tenders to your instrumental unit with engaging and relevant content on the four instrument families, Brass, Woodwinds, Strings, and Percussion!

20% off all of the resources when purchased here, you get the following:

  • Instrument Imposter ("Among Us" theme timbre lesson!)
  • Instrument Jeopardy!
  • Catch Wind of it! - Identifying Woodwind Instruments
  • The BRASSroom - Identifying Brass Instruments
  • Pitch Perfect - Identifying Percussion Instruments
  • Turn up the Aux! - Identifying Auxiliary Percussion Instruments

Have a terrific time with this and let us know how it goes!


NoteStackers Primer Level Card Game Extended Version

By ZS Music Publishing

You need your students to learn their Music Alphabet, and fast, and it needs to be interactive...and you need to integrate technology...whew, that's a lot! You've found a great product that rolls the Music Alphabet into a fun, fast-paced game!

NoteStackers is a new game from ZS Music Publishing where students have to quickly think of how the alphabet moves back and forth. NoteStackers Primer uses only alphabet letters, so they won't need to know notes on the staff just yet!

This version of the game includes sharps and flats for each music alphabet letter: A♭, A, A♯, B♭, B, B♯, C♭, C, C♯, D♭, D, D♯, E♭, E, E♯, F♭, F, F♯, G♭, G, G♯. We added the accidentals so you can play the game with older students and dive into advanced concepts!

Set up is simple: Just print, cut and play! There are 8 cards on a page, with one letter on each page. Each Music Alphabet letter has a card front and optional card back. Every level also as a different shape on the card incase you purchase and use multiple levels with your students. The card backs contain the level name in color, which you can print in black and white on white paper, or colored paper or card stock. For durability, you can laminate these cards as well. This product is reproducible, so you can make as many copies as you wish.

Playing the game is fun and easy! Players take turns putting down cards in order of the music alphabet. Cards that can be plated should have the same letter, one letter before, or one letter after the letter that’s on the play pile - essentially step down, same note, or step up. (For example, if the card in play is C, players can put down B, C, or D. If the card in play is A, players can put down G, A, or B.) After a player has put down a card, they should draw another, as each player should have five cards during the game. 

The game will end either when the draw pile as been depleted, or when the teacher decides time is up. If time is still going and the draw pile has depleted, players can use the play pile as the new draw pile.

Send the game home! We've recently updated the product with an instruction page so you can send a set of the game home with students and they can play with their family and friends!

Check out our other NoteStackers products by clicking here.

Did you know you can earn TeachShare credit toward future purchases?! It's true! If you've used the product and enjoy it, be sure to come back to give it a review and rating to receive your credit and so other teachers can see how awesome this game is!

This resource is licensed for duplication, but you may not share it with others. Be sure to send them here to grab their own set of the game!

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Catalog: MTP-NSPB-DG

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