Middle School Vocational Education Assessment

EDP (Enigneer Design Process) Poster Project

By Reece's Tech Shop by Scott Reece

You've taught your students the EDP (Engineering Design Process), now what? This poster creating activity allows a group of students to create their own version of an Engineering Design Process classroom poster.

Using the Four Corner Poster Project method, studnets research and work together to create their own poster for a classroom supply company.


Web Design - The Website Project

By Reece's Tech Shop by Scott Reece

This is a website design lesson wrapped around Simple Machines. I wanted my students to get the feel of WEB DESIGN without having to pay hosting fees...so, we used PowerPoint. I went through the process of setting up a PP as the website. We talk about links, images, web directory, etc. but we did it for FREE in PowerPoint. Once you activate the slideshow, it "feels" like a website. The kids loved it!

It is written for Simple Machines, but it could easily be rewritten for any topic in any class!

The directions for PowerPoint are on pages 3-4.
