Middle School Reading Projects

7-Day World Religions Research & Presentation Unit: Interdisciplinary Grades 6-8

By TooBookedUp

Looking for an engaging, interdisciplinary unit that fosters respect for diverse cultures and enhances research and presentation skills? This 7-day World Religions Research & Presentation Unit is perfect for grades 6-8 humanities teachers. Students explore 9 major world religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Confucianism, Daoism, and Shinto) while learning to appreciate different beliefs and traditions.

Through guided research and creating Google Slides presentations, students gain a deeper understanding of the world's belief systems while developing critical thinking and public speaking skills. This unit encourages respect for others and promotes an inclusive classroom environment. It’s ideal for integrating history, geography, and ELA, making it a comprehensive solution for middle school humanities teachers.

What’s Included:

  • Research worksheets for 9 religions + blank template
  • Detailed lesson plans (5 days of research + 2 days for presentations)
  • Answer key and reference sheet
  • Jeopardy review game
  • Instructions for creating Google Slides presentations
  • Google Slides Template

Perfect for enhancing research skills while fostering empathy and respect for others. Whether you're looking to teach world religions or integrate interdisciplinary learning, this unit is ready to support your classroom goals.

Key Features:

  • Interdisciplinary unit combining history, geography, and ELA
  • Builds research and presentation skills
  • Fosters respect and understanding of diverse worldviews
  • Includes a Jeopardy game for review
  • Fully customizable Google Slides presentations
  • Ideal for grades 6-8 humanities classes

Immigration Ellis Island Non-Fiction Book Report Project 3rd/4th Grade Template

By TaughtOught Homeschooling

If you are looking to explore the topic of immigration in American history, this "What Was Ellis Island?" book report project digital product for 3rd and 4th-grade students is perfect. It's designed to enhance non-fiction reading comprehension and book report writing skills!

This resource includes:

  • Comprehensive Google Slides digital lesson for reading comprehension and book report writing support
  • 9-page printable PDF book report flip book template

Please see the product preview for more visual details.

NOTE: You need a (free) Google account to access the digital lesson, and you will need access to the book "What Was Ellis Island" by Patricia Brennan Demuth to complete the digital and printable activities.

Students will dive into the historical context of Ellis Island, gaining a deeper understanding of this significant immigration event in world history. The digital lesson guides students through key facts, timelines, and the impact of these events.

How to use this resource:

  • Have students read the book, "What Was Ellis Island?"
  • Print the book report flip book template
  • Open and present the Google Slides digital lesson
  • Follow the intuitive prompts, which will take you through each step of the book report. For example, if it's time to work on the "facts" page, there is a series of multiple-choice questions on specific facts detailed in the text that will help refresh the students' memories and comprehension. Then students can fill in the facts they found most interesting.
  • Have fun guessing the mystery puzzle between each section of the book report!

The printable PDF book report flip book template provides creative book report ideas, such as summarizing the events, using critical thinking skills, and creating a timeline. It can be used with any non-fiction book. Students will also use a book review template to evaluate the significance of Ellis Island and America's history of immigration. Overall, this project offers an engaging way for students to explore non-fiction text structures while learning about a crucial moment in history.

The non-fiction book report flip book pages include:

   ✏book title info

   ✏rating & review



   ✏text ideas

   ✏series of events

   ✏making life connections

   ✏what I learned

   ✏questions I have

   ✏setting & subject

   ✏interesting event

   ✏important event

If you liked this product, you might also like . . .

   ✏What Were the Salem Witch Trials? Non-Fiction Book Report Project 4th Grade

   ✏Non-Fiction Book Report Template Project 4th Grade | What is Climate Change?

   ✏What Was The Plague? Non-Fiction Book Report Project 4th Grade Reading Comp.

I’m so glad you stopped by my store and checked out this resource! Follow my store to be updated about new products and sales. Don’t forget to leave feedback to earn credits toward future purchases by heading to MY PURCHASES in your TeachShare account. 

Connect with me!

❤️  Teacher Bethanie @TaughtOught Homeschooling



By French Made Fun!

Cette ressource propose 11 projets (chacun avec sa propre rubrique) pour une évaluation formative après la lecture d'un roman. Je les utilise avec mes élèves après un club de lecture ou après une lecture indépendante de leur choix.

Vous pouvez choisir de faire travailler tous les élèves sur le même projet, ou leur donner un élément de choix et leur faire choisir leur propre activité, en fonction de leurs intérêts, de leurs forces et de leurs objectifs.

Ces projets offrent aux élèves des occasions de faire preuve de créativité, d'ingéniosité et d'explorer leurs romans sous un angle différent.

Les options de projet dans cette ressource incluent :

  • « Full textos ! » (Un projet créatif qui amène les élèves à réfléchir profondément sur les personnages, la personnalité et les événements de leur roman en créant des conversations texto entre les personnages du roman.)
  • « Une BD brillante » (Projet créatif où les élèves créent une bande dessinée à partir des événements de leur roman, dans l'ordre chronologique.)
  • « L'actualité du roman » (Un projet créatif dans lequel des étudiants se font passer pour un journaliste et créent un journal basé sur des événements et des personnages de leur roman.)
  • « Cartographie-le ! » (Un projet créatif dans lequel les élèves cartographient le cadre de leur roman et présentent des événements clés.)
  • « L'histoire ne s'arrête pas là ! » (Un projet d'écriture créative qui donnera aux élèves la possibilité d'écrire une suite ou un dernier chapitre manquant à leur roman.)
  • « Affiche de film » (Un projet créatif qui amènera vos élèves à penser cinématographiquement à leur roman. Ils choisiront des acteurs et créeront une affiche de film basée sur leur roman.)
  • « La playlist de mon roman » (Un projet musical créatif qui amènera les élèves à créer une bande originale de leur roman en choisissant et en analysant avec soin des chansons qui correspondent au thème et aux événements de leur roman.)
  • « Chronologie captivante » (Un projet créatif qui amènera les élèves à construire une chronologie de leur roman - du début à la fin - présentant les événements clés, les problèmes et les résolutions.)
  • « Cher Journal ... »(Un projet d'écriture créative qui amènera les élèves à écrire une série d'entrées de journal du point de vue d'un personnage principal de leur roman.)
  • « Art nouveau »(Un projet artistique qui permet la créativité artistique et la liberté de mettre en valeur des thèmes, des personnages et des événements par le biais de l'art.)
  • « L'habit ne fait pas le moine ! » (Un projet créatif qui permettra aux élèves de recréer la couverture et la quatrième de la couverture de leur roman. Les élèves compareront l'original avec le leur et analyseront leurs choix et modifications personnels.)

Crispin Socratic Seminar packets and rubric

By The Red-Haired Reader

Are you looking for an interactive, student-led activity/ assessment for the end of Avi's Crispin? How about a Socratic Seminar!

This file contains 2 different packets of Socratic Circle questions- packet A and packet B. Each packet contains 3 different questions that require students to answer and provide two quotes from the text to back up their answers. Students are also required to come up with 3 additional questions they will ask if there's time in their circle. Finally, the packet has a page where each student will monitor a partner in the opposite circle. I've also included a rubric for your use!

When you print out the file, you'll see packet A on the top half of the sheet, packet B on the bottom half, and then the rubric as the last page of the file. You'll need to cut each packet page in half after you print them out, as each booklet you give to the students is only half a page. They are labeled A and B. Give half your class A, half B, and allow them to plan! The day of the circle, you'll let A discuss for maybe 20-30 minutes, then flip-flop your circles and have B discuss.

My students really enjoy Socratic Seminars! I have found it works better when you give each group three different questions, so you don't see the same discussion 2 times, which is how this packet is set up.

I used the Socratic Circle as their "final test grade" for Crispin. The students need to have completed the whole book to answer the questions included in the packet.

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World Read Aloud Day Crowns

By Pacific Street Playschool

World Read Aloud Day Crowns

These crowns are the perfect addition to any classroom on World Read Aloud Day. Help students realize their love for reading by sharing it with others!

- These crowns come without a year listed to use anytime OR with years through 2030.

- Writing and illustrating prompt is included

- Students can color and/or decorate crowns

- Attach crowns using sentence strips

Please share your photos and reviews. Thank you!


Ruby Bridges Biography Reading Comprehension Research | Women's History Month

By Veronica Reyes

This is a newsletter about Ruby Bridges as an African American Artist and Black Changemaker. Students can use this as a jumping off point for a research project or for Black History Month or Women's History Month.

Information on...

- Early Life

- School Life

- Interesting Facts

- Influence

Other newsletter for Black History Month:

Misty Copeland

Louis Armstrong

Jacob Lawrence

Maya Angelou



Arthur's Tooth - Reading Comprehension Questions

By Sign with me TOD

This product is made for:

adapting instruction

differentiating instruction

on level learners

struggling writers

struggling readers


Deaf Education




Bell Work

Virtual Instruction

Remote Instruction

Arthur's Tooth is a great book for students to read to discuss losing a tooth, being a good friend, being patient, going to the dentist, how to care for your teeth, etc. Students are presented with a variety of comprehension questions based on what happens in the book, Arthur's Tooth. Students can answer these questions as the book is read to them, as they read the book independently or they can use the text for lookbacks once the book is finished.


Nonfiction Report Template Editable Google Slide, digital book project/assess

By Kiwious About Vocab

This Google Slide template has been designed to assist students in creating a well organized nonfiction project. The editable slides are highly organized with slide titles needed for a thorough project. Questions and prompts are included so students will include all critical information.

Teachers can adapt the template to their needs and the needs of their students. The template is perfect to support Special Education students, ESL students, struggling students, or guide the entire class!

The design includes elements such as setting, characters, plot, theme, climax, and conflict. The slides are logically organized and allow for adding photos or drawings . Slides can be deleted and others added where needed. The end product may be used as a Reading assessment.

This Digital Editable Google Slide template will allow all students to complete their HISTORICAL FICTION Project and present an end product they are proud of!


Novel Playlist Assignment

By Language Arts Excellence

This product features a creative and contemporary assignment in which students create their own music playlist for a novel by analyzing the lyrics of their favorite songs and synthesizing them with literary elements of their chosen book. This is a great activity that encourages students to think beyond the traditional 5 paragraph essay and consider literary elements in a deeper and more creative way. Your students will thank you for giving them a chance to have fun as they apply higher-order thinking skills!

Product includes:

  • Assignment with Concise Directions
  • 3-Page Template for Playlist
  • Comprehensive Rubric
  • Exemplary Student Example


Also, check out these great resources that can be adapted for any novel by Language Arts Excellence:

⭐ Characters in the Hot Seat!

⭐ Figurative Language Challenge Game

⭐ Literature Circle Task Cards

⭐ Socratic Seminar Lesson Plan and Materials

⭐ Book Recommendation Form

⭐ Differentiated End of Year Reflection Activities

⭐ Differentiated Essay Prompts for use with ANY Novel


Click to Follow Language Arts Excellence



By Richard B Williams

Get students involved in your class reading or begin writing their own skits! This product allows students to participate in your classes more through SKITS & READER'S THEATRE! Skit Action Cards, Skit Action Sheets, 4 Projects, and Suggested Uses. This product can be used for 6th - 12th grade students. Check it out!

This Product Includes:


2. 4 Projects


4. Black & White Versions

5. BLANK SKIT ACTION CARDS for Teacher Creativity

6. 4+ Pages of Clarification and Explanation of Uses of this Item

will help to make your classroom GREAT!


ELA - Differentiate Novel Response Task

By Amanda G

Differentiate Novel Response - 7 different responses for students to choose from. This has been used as an accountability piece for students. Many of the options are also applicable to media literacy studies, so marks could be given for both reading and media.


5th / 6th Grade Poetry Elements Read & Write Poems Lessons & Graphic Organizers

By Kile's Classroom

Learn to Have FUN with Poetry!

Add this introduction to your unit on poetry to engage your students in reading and writing several different styles of poetry. Your students will learn the basic elements of poetry and how to write some of the most common and fun kinds of poems! Spark a love of poetry in your students with this engaging unit!

Includes 20 pages that cover:

  • Elements of Poetry
  • Haiku
  • Limerick
  • Cinquain
  • Acrostic
  • Free Verse

Print and Google Slides Versions Included

More Great Products by Kile's Classroom

Figurative Language Bundle

Descriptive Writing

Personal Narrative Writing Process Organizer

Persuasive Essay Writing Process Organizer


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Read Across America Day: Library Week Collaborative Coloring Art Poster

By Lia

Read Across America Day: Read, Imagine And Dream Poster

Get ready to celebrate Read Across America Day in style with our collaborative poster activity. Join us as we come together to showcase the joy of reading through a vibrant and inspiring poster.

Our poster theme, "Read, Imagine, Dream," sums up the magical journey of diving into books and exploring endless possibilities.

In this delightful activity, each student will receive a unique coloring page. These coloring pages are sure to captivate the imagination of every student. What makes this activity truly special is that each individual coloring page is a piece of a larger puzzle, contributing to the creation of a collaborative masterpiece.

The collaborative poster is in a 37.5 × 30-inch size, divided into 20 squares (one for each student).

The design features very clean edges, without any crisp lines.

In this pack you will receive:

  • A PDF that includes 25 Pages.
  • Each page size 8.5×11 inch
  • Poster Sample
  • Poster template
  • Students instruction
  • Coloring page

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♥♥♥ Earn TeachShare Credits when you leave feedback ♥♥

My pleasure to hear any feedback, comments or suggestions.

You may also contact me on createdwithlove023@gmail.com


Novel Study for Independent or Small Group For Any Novel

By Susan Wolfe

Novel Study for Any Novel (Independent or Small Group Novel Study)

For Grades 6 to 9

Aprox. 8 weeks teaching duration.

Google Slides, PDF, Editable MS Word

No Prep


Reading comprehension questions

Several writing assignments

Analysis of character, mood, setting, literary devices

Graphic organizers

Student self assessment

Grading Rubric


20-Day Social Media Mental Health Unit Grades 7+ Project, Essay, Assessments

By TooBookedUp

Engage your middle and high school students with this 21-Day Multimedia Thematic Unit focused on Social Media and Mental Health! Designed for Grades 7 and up, this comprehensive unit weaves together ELA, social studies, and digital literacy through interactive lessons, activities, and assessments that explore the influence of social media on identity, mental health, and society.

This unit features a variety of multimedia resources, including TED Talks, informational articles, political cartoons, and the documentary The Social Dilemma. Students will develop critical thinking skills as they engage with different forms of media, reflect on their personal social media habits, and create meaningful projects like a political cartoon capstone.

What’s Included:

  • Daily Lesson Plans for 21 days of engaging, standards-aligned instruction
  • A range of activities including debates, Socratic seminars, and reflective writing
  • Viewing guides and discussion prompts for multimedia content
  • Informational text analysis with evidence-gathering strategies
  • Step-by-step directions for creating a capstone political cartoon on social media’s impact
  • Assessment rubrics and graphic organizers to support student learning

Aligned Standards:
This interdisciplinary unit is aligned with Common Core ELA Standards (including reading, writing, speaking, and listening), as well as ISTE Digital Literacy Standards. Perfect for cross-curricular learning, it encourages students to develop literacy skills, media analysis, and digital responsibility.

Why You'll Love This Unit:

  • Interactive and Student-Centered: Students engage with real-world issues like social media usage, body image, and mental health in meaningful ways.
  • Multimedia Integration: Incorporates TED Talks, articles, documentaries, and more to create a rich, dynamic learning experience.
  • Project-Based Learning: Culminates with a creative capstone project where students design their own political cartoons, showcasing their understanding of the unit’s themes.
  • Critical Thinking and Reflection: Encourages self-awareness as students reflect on their own social media habits and the impact on their mental health.

Who It’s For:

  • Middle and high school teachers (Grades 7-12) looking for an engaging, interdisciplinary unit that addresses current issues.
  • Educators seeking a Common Core-aligned and ISTE-aligned unit that integrates social media, mental health, and literacy skills.

Perfect for:

  • ELA, social studies, and digital literacy classrooms
  • Teachers looking for 21st-century skill-building units
  • Classrooms wanting to address the impacts of social media on student well-being

This 21-Day Multimedia Unit will help students understand the impact of social media on their lives while improving essential academic skills. Get ready for insightful discussions, creative projects, and meaningful reflections that resonate with your students’ real-world experiences. Download now and bring relevant, standards-aligned learning to your classroom!


Book Report Template & Lesson 4th Grade Non-Fiction Project | The Donner Party

By TaughtOught Homeschooling

If you are looking to explore non-fiction text structures, this "What Was The Donner Party?" book report project digital product for 3rd and 4th-grade students is perfect. It's designed to enhance non-fiction reading comprehension and book report writing skills!

This resource includes:

  • Comprehensive Google Slides digital lesson for reading comprehension and book report writing support
  • 9-page printable PDF book report flip book template

Please see the product preview for more visual details.

NOTE: You need a (free) Google account to access the digital lesson, and you will need access to the book "What Was The Donner Party" by Ben Hubbard to complete the digital and printable activities.

Students will dive into the historical context of The Donner Party, gaining a deeper understanding of this significant event in world history. The digital lesson guides students through key facts, timelines, and the impact of these events.

How to use this resource:

  • Have students read the book, "What Was The Donner Party?"
  • Print the book report flip book template
  • Open and present the Google Slides digital lesson
  • Follow the intuitive prompts, which will take you through each step of the book report. For example, if it's time to work on the "facts" page, there is a series of multiple-choice questions on specific facts detailed in the text that will help refresh the students' memories and comprehension. Then students can fill in the facts they found most interesting.
  • Have fun guessing the mystery puzzle between each section of the book report!

The printable PDF book report flip book template provides creative book report ideas, such as summarizing the events, using critical thinking skills, and creating a timeline. It can be used with any non-fiction book. Students will also use a book review template to evaluate The Donner Party's significance. Overall, this project offers an engaging way for students to explore non-fiction text structures while learning about a crucial event in history.

The non-fiction book report flip book pages include:

   ✏book title info

   ✏rating & review



   ✏text ideas

   ✏series of events

   ✏making life connections

   ✏what I learned

   ✏questions I have

   ✏setting & subject

   ✏interesting event

   ✏important event

If you liked this product, you might also like . . .

   ✏What Were the Salem Witch Trials? Non-Fiction Book Report Project 4th Grade

   ✏Non-Fiction Book Report Template Project 4th Grade | What is Climate Change?

I’m so glad you stopped by my store and checked out this resource! Follow my store to be updated about new products and sales. Don’t forget to leave feedback to earn credits toward future purchases by heading to MY PURCHASES in your TeachShare account. 

Connect with me!

❤️  Teacher Bethanie @TaughtOught Homeschooling



By French Made Fun!

Welcome to the Mega Massive Grade 6 Bundle—your ultimate resource for an entire year's worth of curriculum! This extraordinary bundle includes 131 documents and a staggering 4,000+ pages of content, covering every aspect of Grade 6 Math, French Language Arts, Science, "Transdisciplinary" Units, Cross-Curricular Units, and Project-Based Learning.

Here's what you'll find packed into this 131 document crypt:

Language Arts:

  • Complete Genre Studies: Detailed lessons and activities for all genres.
  • Mini-Lessons and Workshops: Comprehensive tools for reading and writing instruction.
  • Reading and Writing Prompts: Engaging activities to boost literacy skills.
  • Excerpts and Writing Pieces: Diverse texts for comprehension and writing practice.
  • Modelled Examples and Lesson Plans: Clear guides to support effective teaching.
  • Verb and Grammar Units: Thorough resources for mastering French language skills.
  • Task and Flash Cards: Interactive tools for grammar and vocabulary practice.
  • Posters and Anchor Charts: Essential visual aids for classroom support.


  • Paperless Teaching Slides: Digital slides for all math outcomes, ideal for projection.
  • Assessments with Answer Keys: Complete evaluation tools to track student progress.
  • Activities and Games: Fun, interactive ways to reinforce math concepts.
  • Printable and Digital Games: Versatile resources for various teaching styles.
  • Enrichment Material: Advanced content to challenge high-achieving students.
  • No-Prep Lessons: Ready-to-go activities that require minimal preparation.

Project-Based Learning:

  • Science and Social Studies Projects: Inquiry-based units including Dragons' Den, Sustainable Future projects, Endangered Species studies, Political Platform creation, Haunted House design, and Space Food exploration.
  • Health Documents: Comprehensive materials on sexuality, puberty, and other health topics.
  • Themed Day Content: Engaging projects for Orange Shirt Day, Pink Shirt Day, Remembrance Day, Earth Day, and a project on O Canada.

Why You'll Love It:

  • Massive Content Collection: Over 4,000 pages and 131 documents covering every subject.
  • No-Prep, Ready-to-Go: Perfect for busy teachers and easy to leave with a substitute.
  • Engaging and Comprehensive: Promotes student independence with project-based and inquiry learning.
  • Constantly Growing: New materials added regularly to keep your curriculum up-to-date.
  • Versatile and Easy to Use: Printable and digital formats for flexible teaching options.

Get the Mega Massive Grade 6 Bundle today and transform your classroom with this all-encompassing resource, designed to make planning easier and teaching more effective!

** Buying these individually would cost you WELL over $530 USD (that's like OVER $725 CAD). So save yourself time and money and get ready for the next school year! **

Join me on Facebook! I share freebies, keep you up-to-date on sales and deals and welcome your collaboration and feedback.

You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TeachShare Credit for every dollar you spend!

For goodness sakes, don't forget to have fun!

Mme Kaitlyn


Bundle of 59 Socratic Seminar Booklets! Great Final Assessments/ Lit Circles!

By The Red-Haired Reader

Please check out the video preview for my line of Socratic Seminars!

This bundle includes every product in my Socratic Seminar Bundle line. Multiple novels and short stories are included for grades 6-12! My students LOVE Socratic Seminars, and I often use them as their final assessment grade. The can be used in small literature circle groups, or with a full class. Please ask if you have any questions!


African American Artists- Biographical Reading Research | Black History Month

By Veronica Reyes

This is a reading passage bundle with-

- Misty Copeland

- Ruby Bridges

- Louis Armstrong

- Maya Angelou

- Jacob Lawrence

All newsletters are biographical.

These are your curated gateway to the vibrant world of Black artists and their profound contributions to the arts. Designed especially for elementary school students, this kid-friendly research newsletter brings you fun and informative snapshots, engaging stories, and interesting facts about Black and African American artists and their creative brilliance.

Key Features:

  1. Artist Spotlights: Explore concise profiles of Black artists across various disciplines – from visual arts and music to literature and performing arts. Gain a quick but comprehensive overview of their influential works and impact on the artistic landscape.

Students can use this as a jumping off point for a research project or for Black History Month.

For individual newsletters:

Misty Copeland

Louis Armstrong

Ruby Bridges

Jacob Lawrence

Maya Angelou


Arthur's First Sleepover - Reading Comprehension Questions

By Sign with me TOD

This product is made for:

adapting instruction

differentiating instruction

on level learners

struggling writers

struggling readers


Deaf Education




Bell Work

Virtual Instruction

Remote Instruction

Arthur's First Sleepover is a great book to read for students to learn about trying something new, facing their fears, and going to their first sleepover, etc. Students are presented with a variety of comprehension questions based on what happens in the book, Arthur's First Sleepover. Students can answer these questions as the book is read to them, as they read the book independently or they can use the text for lookbacks once the book is finished.
