Disney plus The Crossover Series Text Companion Handouts Episodes 1-8 BUNDLE
By TooBookedUp
If your students loved reading Kwame Alexander's The Crossover, they need to see the new Disney+ series! As teachers, we want our students to be engaged, even when they are watching a film. With this resource, students will be challenged to think critically about the text and film in a variety of ways including comparing and contrasting, evaluating director decisions, and tracking character development across the series. Check out the preview for one handout from the bundle!
This resource includes:
The Crossover Summary: Kwame Alexander's text The Crossover is a coming-of-age story written in verse about 7th graders Josh and Jordan Bell as they navigate life, family, friendship, health, and most importantly basketball! The book became a graphic novel and later an 8 episode series streaming on Disney plus!
Saint Father John Bosco BUNDLE Reading Comprehension, Word Search, Coloring Page
By Catholic Kids
Dive into the inspiring life and mission of Saint John Bosco with this comprehensive educational resource bundle! Perfect for grades 4-12, these materials offer engaging ways for students to learn about the beloved saint who dedicated his life to the education and care of young people.
What's Included:
1. Reading Comprehension Passage & Questions: Easy Lesson!
2. Movie Worksheet Catholic Lesson on Saint John Bosco: Mission to Love
3. Saint John Bosco Readers Theater Skit
Why Choose This Bundle?
Equip your classroom with this engaging and educational bundle to inspire your students with the life and legacy of Saint John Bosco!