Middle School Other (Arts) Printables

Value Scale Art, Value Scale Activity

By Down in the Art Room

This blank value scale is the perfect activity for teaching students how to create a value scale. Multiple variations included:

  • blank value scale
  • labeled value scale
  • labeled and unlabeled value scales with instructions
  • questions about the value scale

This is a hands-on engaging activity for students. It can also be used as an assignment to redirect off-task students.

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Bilingual Labels & Resources for Art Room & Dual Language Classroom

Kindergarten Elementary Art Unit | Multiple Mondrian Projects

Art Vocabulary Elements of Art & Principles of Design Assessment

Bilingual Art Classroom Labels

I specialize in cross-curricular lessons, and many of my lessons have formative assessments and classroom management tips embedded in them. More lessons and resources may be found at my TeachShare store.


Thank you!


Down in the Art Room


Autumn Mindfulness Walk Worksheet

By Lara Hocheiser

We hope you enjoy our FREE Autumn Mindfulness Hunt. Get outside and connect with nature! Download our FREE Autumn Mindfulness Hunt now!

Ask the children to use this worksheet to to record what they SEE, HEAR, SMELL and FEEL as they walk outside on a nice Autumn day.

Recommended sequence

  1. Review the 5 senses.

  2. Take a moment to tune in, breathe, and just be.

  3. Give instructions for how to quietly be in the outside world, using keen observation and a relaxed mind to fill in this chart.

  4. Give plenty of time for students to draw or write their findings.

  5. Come together as a group and find out what people observed and any impact it had on them.

Tips for your mindfulness nature walk

  1. Walk at a natural, slow pace. Take your time to take in the beauty of nature around you. Look around you. Notice the trees around you. Are they starting to change colors? Are they losing their leaves?
  2. Take in deep breaths through your nose. Shift your awareness to your smell. What do you smell? Does it smell earthy? Do you smell the leaves around you?
  3. Listen. What do you hear? Are there animals bustling around? Do you hear the leaves crunching underneath your feet?
  4. Pick up a few leaves. How do they feel? Are they starting to decompose? Are they crunchy? What color are they?
  5. Shift your attention back to walking. Feel the physical sensation of walking. One foot up, one foot down. Notice your feet touching the ground. How do you feel?
  6. At the end of your walk, pause and take a moment. Stand still and take in a deep breath. Take a look around and notice your feelings.

Art Labels: displaying artworks.

By Art Shack by JB

These creative Art name tags were designed to be printed, cut apart, and attached to your student’s amazing artworks. These name tags have a line designated for the student’s name, type of artwork it is, and grade level of the student. Using these name tags makes it easy for handing back artworks to students after the art is displayed in an art gallery, art museum, and/or art show. As an elementary art teacher, I enjoy different color name tags for different grade levels, so I have created 6 unique color palettes per grades K-5th grade. I hope this helps! Enjoy.


blank pumpkin Template Free craft art project Autumn Fall Pumpkin Color Page

By Epsilon Math Craft & Special Education

Handy during the fall season, this simple pumpkin template is basic and usefull, perfect for any activity of your choice. This template can be used in various ways and across different subjects in any curriculum. You can give this to students with orange construction paper tear into tiny pieces and glue it on the pumpkin. The results will be gorgeous! or for simple coloring.

You may like:

  • Polygons for beginners.
  • Coordinate for beginners.
  • Fractions for beginners.

Don't forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TeachShare purchases.

All the resources I make are free for the first 24 hours! so follow my store <3 to stay updated every time I post.

Keywords: fall art project, fall crafts, autumn crafts, pumpkins, pumpkin craft, pumpkin art project, bulletin board ideas, craft template, art template, pumpkin, fall craftivity


Growth Mindset Interactive SEL Activity + BONUS ideas included!

By Jeni Donath

An interactive Growth Mindset main activity + more included! Ideas provided for multiple grade levels to maximize your use! This activity puts an overall focus on introducing or better understanding growth mindset and what it sounds like, while also providing opportunity to turn it up a notch and have students come up with their own growth mindset statements and work toward building that skill. Interactive, engaging, and makes an impact! It's a win, win, win for classrooms!! Colored and black and white copies available. Everything you need for a full lesson provided!


Free craft art project Autumn Fall Tree Template Apple tree template Pine tree

By Epsilon Math Craft & Special Education

Handy during the fall and winter seasons, these simple tree templates are basic and low prep, perfect for any activity of your choice. Five tree designs are available. Print one of each template and let your students pick the one they want. You can copy or reprint the selected template as needed. These templates can be used in various ways and across different subjects in any curriculum.

You may like:

  • Polygons for beginners.
  • Coordinate for beginners.
  • Fractions for beginners.

Don't forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TeachShare purchases.

All the resources I make are free for the first 24 hours! so follow my store <3 to stay updated every time I post.
