Middle School Informational Text GATE

Socratic Seminar Bundle: Debate for Gifted and Talented Reading Enrichment

By Enhancing Enrichment

Should kids be allowed to bring their phones to school? What are the benefits? What are the concerns?

Should there be more recess? What are the benefits? What are the concerns?

Should recycling be required? What are the benefits of recycling? What are the concerns about mandating it?

What is your opinion of artificial intelligence? What are the benefits? What are the concerns?

In Socratic Seminar, students will read all about the pros and cons of each issue and form an opinion. They will then cite evidence from the text to discuss and debate their points of view and listen to the points of view of their classmates.

The typical format of a Socratic Seminar involves two circles. The inner circle participates in the discussion. The outer circle keeps track of the interactions between the group members. If you have a small group, everyone can participate and the teacher can keep track of participation.

This product contains an optional scoring guide. The scoring guide does not have to be used, but can be motivating for some students. Students can be scored individually or the group can be scored as a whole and try to beat their own high score.

The bundle also includes 6 pages that can be used with any topic!

Get ready to increase students' reading comprehension and critical thinking skills when they are motivated to defend their opinion!

Each Product Includes:

  • Socratic Seminar Overview
  • Socratic Seminar Guidelines
  • Vocabulary
  • Facts
  • Overview
  • Benefits
  • Concerns
  • Word Web
  • Student My Opinion Page (with or without lines)
  • Teacher Question Prompts
  • Student Question Prompts
  • Scoring Guide
  • Reflection

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