By Educate and Create
A short 20 question multiple choice quiz. Comes complete with answer key. Easy to administer after teaching sentence structure.
Pronunciation of Final S in Plural Nouns | English Phonetics | EFL ESL
By Miss Clever Cookie
Are your EFL/ESL students confused about the rules of pronunciation of final -S in plural nouns? With this activity you can both teach the rules and practice the pronunciation in a fun way. Suitable for pair work, small groups and team activities. A chart and a handout are included.
♥ Suggestions on how to use
♥ An anchor chart / a grammar overview
♥ Handouts
♥ 45 sentence cards with plural nouns
♥ 3 bug cards with plural noun endings (/s/, /z/, or /ɪz/)
♥ A printable fly swatter
☻Print & Prepare
♥ Pair Work
♥ Small Group Activity
♥ Team Games
♥ Review
If you loved this product, please be sure to come back to my store and leave feedback. By leaving feedback, you can earn credit towards your future purchases!
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Pronunciation of Final S in 3rd Person Singular | Present Simple Verbs | EFL ESL
Pronunciation of Final ED | Past Simple Regular Verbs | Phonetics
Snakes and Ladders Singular and Plural Nouns Board Game
English Phonetics IPA | Clothes Peg Activity | EFL/ESL
Classroom Display | Phonetic Alphabet Posters IPA | EFL / ESL
FREE Sample - Year Long Grammar Packet
By Fortunate in Fifth Grade
Grab the FREE sample packet of my Full Year Weekly Grammar Packets before you buy!
If you like this sample then you will love the bundle! This bundle includes a printable packet for 6 units with 3 mini-lessons, 3 practice sheets, and answer keys as shown in this sample. Each unit (6 full units) has 5 weeks of skills for your student to practice giving you a full year of grammar! These grammar skills do follow McGraw Hill Wonders for 5th grade however the grammar skills are your standard grammar skills taught in upper elementary.
The Full Year Weekly Grammar Skills included:
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By Kim Romero
A Proofreading Checklist for students to monitor and proofread their own work. This Checklist includes important components needed in a quality paragraph. The following handout allows students to write a rough draft and then use this checklist to proofread their paragraph. This is a great visual for students to remember, while proofreading any type of writing. I hope you enjoy using this checklist in the classroom. If you like my product please check out my Christmas Persuasive Writing Activity Remember to leave a rate and comment. Check out my store for more products. Thanks!
Prepositions Prepositional Walk Writing Activities
By Beth Hammett
Fun prepositional activity to get kids up and moving! Insert a map of your school campus, have kids illustrate their path, and travel the school as kids write sentences with prepositions that match their walk. Before teaching, use chairs and have students actively demonstrate prepositions: Stand beside the chair, go over the chair, in front of, behind...
Looking to the Past: Verb Tense Activity - Instagram Themed
By A Teachers Sidekick
These are fake Instagram posts that have pictures of activities. One post shows the activity happening in the present and the other post shows the activity either finished or happening in the past. The teacher will need to cut out the Instagram posts and the text boxes. Then the students will need to place the descriptions (inside the text boxes) with the correct Instagram post. The majority of the practice with this activity is focused on past tense, but there is also present and future tense.
**An extension for the activity is to have the students underline and identify the verb that shows the tense of the sentence.**
This can be used for multiple grade levels and would be a great support activity for upper elementary and middle school students who need practice with verb tenses (especially past tense).
I hope you enjoy it. Please rate and review.
By French Made Fun!
Transformez l'écriture de vos élèves avec notre ressource complète sur la structure des phrases !
Ce guide détaillé est conçu pour fournir aux enseignants les outils nécessaires pour améliorer la compréhension et l'utilisation des structures de phrases par les élèves.
Ce qui est inclus dans la version complète :
Cette ressource complète est idéale pour les enseignants cherchant à améliorer la compétence en écriture de leurs élèves. Avec des leçons structurées et des outils pédagogiques efficaces, vous serez bien équipé pour guider vos élèves vers la maîtrise de la structure des phrases.
Vous en voulez plus ? Voici quelques ressources de mini-leçons en FRANÇAIS à découvrir :
Rejoignez-moi sur Facebook ! Je partage des ressources gratuites, je vous tiens au courant des soldes et des offres, et je vous invite à collaborer et à donner votre avis.
Vous pouvez gagner des Crédits TeachShare en laissant un commentaire sur tous les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en allant sur votre page Mes achats et en cliquant sur le bouton « Fournir des commentaires ». Vous gagnerez 1 crédit TeachShare pour chaque dollar dépensé !
Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !
Mme Kaitlyn
Libro de Gramatica Spanish Learners Spanish Grammar Workbook
Libro de Gramatica
Spanish Learners Spanish Grammar Workbook
More than 40 worksheets for students to practice their Spanish!
Prepositions, demonstrative adjectives, upper case rules, antonyms, demonstrative adjectives, preterite, imperfect, direct object pronouns, and many more RULES with guided practice!
Amazing graphics!!!!
Deaf Education - Writing Characters, Setting, and Plot Ideas
By Sign with me TOD
As our students are completing written assignments, sometimes coming up with characters, a setting, and a plot is difficult. With this product students are provided with a lengthy list of female names, male names, and gender neutral names to choose from, possible setting ideas that also include words that focus on the time of day, time of year, days of the week, and months. This packet also provided plot ideas for a variety of writing assignments such as story ideas about life, science fiction, adventure, mystery, fantasy, funny stories, friendship, superhero, family, and animal story ideas. Students do not have to use the examples provided or even the characters names, but it does provide them with a boost of confidence to pick their own topic.
You may also be interested in the following:
Deaf Education - ASL and English Animals Vocabulary Workbook and Review
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Deaf Education - ASL and English Verbs Vocabulary and Sentences Review
Deaf Education ASL and English Hygiene Vocabulary and Sentences Review
Deaf Education - ASL and English Human Body Vocabulary Workbook Review
Deaf Education ASL and English Health Vocabulary Workbook and Sentence Review
Deaf Education ASL and English Money Vocabulary Workbook and Sentence Review
Deaf Education ASL & English Nouns Sentence Builder Workbook
Deaf Education - ASL and English Community Helpers/Jobs Vocabulary Review
Deaf Education - ASL and English Family Vocabulary Workbook and Review
Deaf Education - ASL and English Sports Vocabulary Workbook and Review
Deaf Education - ASL and English Nouns Vocabulary Workbook and Review
Deaf Education - ASL and English School Vocabulary Workbook and Review
Deaf Education - ASL and English Emergency Vocabulary Workbook and Review
Deaf Education Story - American Sign Language Story - Signing with Oliver Story
Quotation Marks in Dialogue:
The Verb Be Practice, Review, and Examples:
Nouns in Sentences Practice, Review, and Examples:
Nouns Practice, Review, and Examples:
There, They're and Their Practice, Review, and Examples:
Common and Proper Nouns Practice, Review, and Examples:
Writing Tips for Confusing Words:
Was and Were Sentences Practice, Review, and Examples:
Is and Are Sentences Practice, Review, and Examples:
Characters Settings, and Plot Ideas for Writing:
Singular and Plural Nouns Practice, Review, and Examples:
If you download this product and like it, please leave me a positive review! :)
Study Sheet: The Six Troublesome Verbs (Lie, Lay, Rise, Raise, Sit, & Set)
By Online Educator's Corner
This study sheet will help your students identify the correct verb form. It also includes tips and practice sentences with model answers.
Word Study for Middle School Students - Vocabulary Builder Lessons
By Amanda G
Vocabulary building word study lessons for 7th and 8th grade. Students will consolidate previous knowledge of: Parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs), synonyms, morphemes (prefixes and suffixes), syllables and heteronyms/homonyms. Everything you need to teach your students the vocabulary building language foundations for reading and writing in a middle school classroom.
This unit is aligned with the new 2023 Ontario Language Curriculum.
This unit includes a Powerpoint presentation (uneditable), a PDF version and student printables formatted for letter size paper.
Lessons are intended to take between 5-15 minutes to complete, plus student work time.
The Powerpoint file is uneditable and you may need to click "READ ONLY" when opening the file. You will not be provided with a password to allow for editing of the resource.
Copyright © Mrs Gray's Place.
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Not for public display.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.
Contronyms Handout for Middle or High School ELA Vocabulary
By A World to Explore Store - A Heritage Month Depot
Are you looking for a 'cheat sheet' of contranyms to help your students learn more vocabulary? Then look no further! Also called autoantonyms, enantiosemy, and enantionymy, this fully editable handout is a perfect addition to any vocabulary unit.
This resource includes 55+ contronyms with definitions.
✈️ Click here to follow A World to Explore Store and be the first to know about brand-new games and activities!
❤ Other Resources You'll LOVE:
By Educate and Create
Includes prompts for writing informative and argumentative essays. Also includes writing powerpoints, outlines, and rubrics
Conjugation of the Verb SEIN | Konjugation | Bug Swatting Game | German Deutsch
By Miss Clever Cookie
Do your German language students struggle with conjugation of the verb SEIN? Try this fun activity to reinforce and automate the correct usage of BIN, BIST, IST, SIND and SEID. Suitable for pair work, small groups and team activities. A chart and a handout are included.
♥ Suggestions on how to use
♥ An anchor chart / a grammar overview
♥ Handouts
♥ 45 sentence cards
♥ 5 bug cards with the 5 forms of the verb SEIN ( BIN, BIST, IST, SIND and SEID)
♥ A printable fly swatter
☻Print & Prepare
♥ Pair Work
♥ Small Group Activity
♥ Team Games
♥ Review
If you loved this product, please be sure to come back to my store and leave feedback. By leaving feedback, you can earn credit towards your future purchases!
You may also like:
Schiffe versenken German Verb Conjugation Battleship
Zahlen│Numbers 0 - 100 │Domino and Trimino Puzzles │ German│Deutsch
Personalpronomen Task Cards - Deutsch / German Personal Pronouns
5th Grade End of the Year ELA Review Worksheet Packet | NO PREP | Summer themed
By Fortunate in Fifth Grade
Gear up for success with this end-of-the-year 5th-grade ELA review worksheet packet! This print-and-go resource is designed to help students consolidate their learning, reinforce essential ELA skills, and prepare for the next grade level seamlessly.
Skills assessed:
You can use this product in multiple ways:
1. Review for an assessment
2. Homework
3. Holiday break
4. Intervention support
5. Enrichment
6. Centers
7. Partner work
8. And of course, end of the year review when it’s tough to keep kids engaged at the end of the school year!
Save and get the BUNDLE. Get the ELA and Math end-of-the-year packets and SAVE $5.00!
Happy end of the school year! We made it through another year!
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Sentence Patterns Worksheet Writing Activities
By Beth Hammett
Help students understand and master the four kinds of sentences with this fun, interactive, activity! Students use brochures, magazines, newspapers, etc... to find real life writing examples of the four basic kinds of sentences: Simple Compound Complex Compound-Complex Great small group activity that gets students discussing rules, reading, and sentence varieties!
By French Made Fun!
C'est le bundle ultime des mini-leçons qui regroupe toutes mes mini-leçons de lecture et d'écriture disponibles dans ma boutique ! Il contient plus de 500 pages de matériel, avec plus de 75 mini-leçons et ateliers, ainsi qu'une abondance de tableaux d'ancrage, organisateurs graphiques, prompts, et exemples modélisés pour chaque stratégie. ÇA GRANDIT, LES AMIS!
Chaque leçon, qu’elle soit en écriture ou en lecture, est méticuleusement préparée avec un plan de leçon détaillé incluant le script de l’enseignant, les objectifs pédagogiques, des lectures et écritures partagées et guidées, des exercices en partenariat ou en groupe, ainsi que des activités d’entraînement en autonomie.
Voici ce que vous trouverez dans ce bundle :
Écriture :
Lecture :
Ce bundle grandissant est l'outil idéal pour tout enseignant cherchant à avoir toutes ses leçons prêtes à l’emploi avec toutes les lectures incluses. Ne cherchez pas plus loin, c'est la bible pédagogique!
Dans cette ressource, vous trouverez les documents suivants:
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Vous pouvez gagner des Crédits TeachShare en laissant un commentaire sur tous les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en allant sur votre page Mes achats et en cliquant sur le bouton « Fournir des commentaires ». Vous gagnerez 1 crédit TeachShare pour chaque dollar dépensé !
Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !
Mme Kaitlyn
Este recurso está lleno de herramientas interactivas y divertidas para fortalecer sus habilidades al usar las preposiciones en español.
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THESPANGLISHMOM™️. By purchasing and/or downloading this electronic file, you agree to the following terms. For personal use/single classroom use only. No part of this document may be distributed, posted on the internet, copied, edited, or resold. ALL contents of this document are under copyright protection including all content, text, fonts, and graphics, Thank you for respecting my hard word as well as the hard work of the artists whose work helped create this product.
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The Six Troublesome Verbs (Language Analysis with AK)
By Online Educator's Corner
This is a language analysis of the six troublesome verbs (sit, set, lie, lay, rise, and raise) Students can do the language analysis sheet in pairs or groups.
Word Study Worksheets for Middle School - Vocabulary Building
By Amanda G
Vocabulary building worksheets for 7th and 8th grade.
This resource includes nine individual activities.
Topics covered include:
* parts of speech
* synonyms
* word maps
* syllables
* heteronyms/homonyms
These worksheets are a part of a Vocabulary Builder Word Study unit, working on vocabulary building. You can easily use just these worksheets as part of your English Language Arts programming.
Copyright © Mrs Gray's Place.
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Not for public display.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.