French Noël/Christmas Vocabulary Games, Worksheets, Activity MEGA Bundle!!
By Churros and Croissants
December can be exhausting for educators. Don't fight it. Capitalize on some of your students' excitement by sneaking in some vocabulary enrichment!
The vibrant, Noël-themed vocabulary flashcards is a great place to start. Explore 8 diverse ideas for classroom use, ensuring a dynamic and immersive learning experience.
Once your students have mastered their new vocabulary, the fun continues! Transform your classroom into a hub of excitement with engaging games like Bingo, Dominos, or a lively holiday Dice Game. These activities are perfect for stations, keeping your students active and involved.
If you are ready for some quiet time, the bundle offers 10 thoughtfully crafted worksheets utilizing the same vocabulary with a few bonus words thrown in! From word searches to categorizing, jumbles, and drawing exercises, there's something for every learning style. Ideal for bell ringers, early finishers, or at-home practice, these worksheets add a more focused dimension to your language lessons.
Seize the opportunity to cover all your bases this holiday season while saving yourself a lot of extra work!
Bundle includes:
20 Holiday Vocabulary Flashcards
Holiday Cut and Paste Bingo Cards
Holiday Dice
Holiday Dominos
10 Noël Vocabulary Worksheets
Noël Wordsearch
Noël Mazes
Looking for something a little more secular? Try my Winter Vocabulary and Emergency Sub Plan. This one is good all season long!
Earn TeachShare credits for your next purchase by leaving a review! Reviews play a crucial role in helping me improve and create better resources. They also provide valuable insights for other educators who are considering this product. Thank you so much for your support!
5 French Holiday Vocabulary Practice/Worksheets/Emergency Sub Bundle!
By Churros and Croissants
Holidays are more than just festive decorations and family gatherings; they're golden opportunities to deepen language skills! This worksheet bundle focuses on 5 key holidays in the school calendar:
Action de Grâces/Thanksgiving
Saint Valentin/Valentine's Day
Mardi Gras
Each of these holidays offer a cultural and linguistic treasure trove for your students! Whether they are visual learners, hands-on enthusiasts, or word puzzle aficionados, this bundle has them covered. Each holiday features a list of 25 vocabulary words and 7 to 10 engaging, prep-free written activities. The variety of activities cater to different learning styles, ensuring everyone feels included and engaged. Includes:
Word Searches
Short Answers
Creative Writing
Code Breaking
Magic Squares
Word Jumbles
and MORE!
These activities are so user-friendly that they double as excellent emergency sub plans, even if your substitute possesses zero French skills!
*Includes a FREE Surprise BONUS Holiday File worth $2.99!
Check out my other Emergency French Sub Plans for lots of other themed vocabulary sets that can be used for a sub or when you just need an in-person mental health day! :)
Earn TeachShare credits for your next purchase by leaving a review! Reviews play a crucial role in helping me improve and create better resources. They also provide valuable insights for other educators who are considering this product. Thank you so much for your support!
Happy Teaching!
4 Seasons and Calendar Emergency French Vocabulary Lesson Plans! + Bonus File!
By Churros and Croissants
Need last-minute sub French sub plans or a well-deserved break? Experience the Seasons in French! These reliable emergency sub plans will captivate your students throughout the year.
This bundle contains lesson plans for each of the 4 seasons and calendar. It comes with 7 engaging worksheets per lesson and 25 season-specific vocabulary words. No more last-minute worries! Embrace the beauty of each season and immerse your students in the world of French with ease.
Here are some of the activities included in this ready-to-use resource:
...And MORE!
Feel confident using this resource regardless of your sub's foreign language abilities. Enrich your students' French vocabulary while practicing words in a comprehensive and fun way!
Looking for more easy vocabulary practice? Check out my other Emergency French Vocabulary Lesson and Sub Plans!
Earn TeachShare credits for your next purchase by leaving a review! Reviews play a crucial role in helping me improve and create better resources. They also provide valuable insights for other educators who are considering this product. Thank you so much for your support!
5 Days of French Emergency Sub Lesson Plans #2 Take the Week - You're Covered!
By Churros and Croissants
Getting sick is never convenient, especially when you're a teacher. But with this bundle of 5 stress-free emergency sub plans, you can rest easy knowing that your class will be in capable hands. Whether you need a full week now or are taking things day-by-day, this bundle has you covered.
Print-and-Go Topics include:
Body Parts
Transportation & Travel
Each plan guides your students through meaningful and independent written vocabulary practice, ensuring that they're not just busy, but also learning. Lessons contain vocabulary lists with 25 words and 7 different options for practice sheets. These include:
And more!
*Includes FREE fully editable Substitute Notes Template to make your week even easier!
Your health and well-being matter. So give yourself the time you need to get back to your best. Students will remain engaged and continue their learning, even if your substitute has no knowledge of French.
Going to be out even longer? Check out my original 5 Days of Emergency Sub Lessons Plans or 4 Seasons Emergency Sub Bundle. You can also use 10 Universal French Vocabulary Mastery Sheets to make your own quick sub plans tailored to your curriculum!
Earn TeachShare credits for your next purchase by leaving a review! Reviews play a crucial role in helping me improve and create better resources. They also provide valuable insights for other educators who are considering this product. Thank you so much for your support.
French Family/La Famille Bundle- Vocabulary Presentation & 13 Activities!
By Churros and Croissants
Grab all the French family resources and save 20%! Everything you need to teach French family member vocabulary and descriptions is included.
Mix and match this comprehensive set of French vocabulary materials to best fit the needs of your class!
Find more fun practice vocabulary sets at French Vocabulary Mazes, French Wordsearches, and French Vocabulary/Emergency Sub Plans!
French Fall Vocabulary Bundle: Sub Plans, Word Search, Magic Squares and More!
By Churros and Croissants
Fall is here, and this French Fall Vocabulary Bundle is the perfect addition to your lesson plans or emergency sub plans! Designed for beginning and intermediate French students, this bundle covers essential autumn-themed vocabulary and cultural lessons. It includes:
This bundle is ideal for both French teachers looking to incorporate seasonal themes and educators needing emergency sub plans. Students will expand their French vocabulary with fun and culturally relevant words like "spider," "pumpkin," "witch," and "pilgrim," that will enrich traditional classroom curriculum!
Grab all of these lessons together for 20% off! Happy Fall, y'all!
Love wordsearches? Check out more French Wordsearches for more wordsearch options.
Check out my other Emergency French Sub Plans for lots of other themed vocabulary sets that can be used for a sub or when you just need an in-person mental health day! :)
Earn TeachShare credits for your next purchase by leaving a review! Reviews play a crucial role in helping me improve and create better resources. They also provide valuable insights for other educators who are considering this product. Thank you so much for your support!
French Food/Nourriture Mega Bundle: Interactive Mazes and Activity Worksheets
By Churros and Croissants
À table! Food is always a huge hit in the classroom. This comprehensive resource combines some of my most popular interactive food resources for hours of practice! Grab differentiated practice for almost 100 vocabulary words at 20% off! Perfect for enhancing students' understanding of nutrition while keeping them engaged, this bundle is ideal for classroom activities, homework, or substitute plans.
What’s included:
These resources not only build vocabulary skills but also foster creativity, critical thinking, and healthy eating awareness. Inspire your students and enrich their learning experience with these tasty activities!
Looking for more vocabulary sets? Check out my other French Emergency French Sub Plans!
Earn TeachShare credits for your next purchase by leaving a review! Reviews play a crucial role in helping me improve and create better resources. They also provide valuable insights for other educators who are considering this product. Thank you so much for your support!
5 Days of French Emergency Sub Lesson Plans. Take the Week off - You're Covered!
By Churros and Croissants
Getting sick is never convenient, especially when you're a teacher. But with this bundle of 5 stress-free emergency sub plans, you can rest easy knowing that your class will be in capable hands. Whether you need a full week now or are taking things day-by-day, this worksheet bundle has you covered.
Print-and-Go Topics include:
Places Around Town
Each plan guides your students through meaningful and independent written vocabulary practice, ensuring that they're not just busy, but also learning. Lessons contain vocabulary lists with 25 words and 7 different worksheet options for practice sheets. These include:
And more!
*Includes FREE fully editable Substitute Notes Template to make your week even easier!
Your health and well-being matter. So give yourself the time you need to get back to your best. Students will remain engaged and continue their learning, even if your substitute has no knowledge of French.
Check out my 4 Seasons Emergency Sub Bundle for shorter absences or make your own tailored plans quickly with 10 Universal French Vocabulary Mastery Sheets!
By French Made Fun!
I was tired of finding science units that didn't suit my needs. I was tired of the babyish clipart, the crossword puzzles, and the foolish waste of space and time. This was the first document I created when I started my store because of my pure insatisfaction. This 113-page document has everything you need to comfortably teach your 6th-graders their entire unit on electricity.
In this document, you'll find two parts:
Through games, activities, discussions and vibrant, engaging images, your students will enjoy exploring science with you.
Relax - I've got this one!
♡ Mme. Kaitlyn
♡ You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TPT Credit for every dollar you spend! ♡
By French Made Fun!
Avez-vous du mal à savoir par où commencer ? Où finir ? Avez-vous de la difficulté à enseigner de plus petits morceaux afin que vos élèves sachent ce qu'on attend d'eux, afin qu'ils puissent écrire efficacement et en toute confiance ? C'est votre première année d'enseignement et vous aimez voir un modèle ou un exemple pour vous guider dans les années à venir ? Cherchez vous des critères de réussite et des modèles - Avez-vous honnêtement du mal à faire la différence, vous-même, entre les différents genres que vos élèves sont censés produire ? Cherchez pas plus loin! J'ai fait le travail pour que vous puissiez enseigner avec confiance et pour que vos élèves performent avec confiance.
Mes études de genre vous donneront suffisamment de contenu enseignable, d'activités imprimables, d'invitations de discussion et d'opportunités d'écriture guidée pour écrire avec facilité et confiance. Chacun de mes ensembles de genres commence par un contenu enseignable et des minis-leçons et réflexions intégrées pour que vos élèves partagent, participent et collaborent avec leurs pairs. Si vous n'êtes pas à l'aise avec l'enseignement des genres, c'est le produit qu'il vous faut. JE guide vos cours, VOUS le facilitez en personne.
Mes produits sont FAITS avec vos grands enfants et adolescents à l'esprit. Vous ne trouverez pas de dessins animés enfantins, de polices difficiles à lire et exagérées et vous ne trouverez pas de mots croisés et d'espace perdu. Je prends le temps de m'assurer que mes produits sont attrayants pour un groupe d'élèves plus âgés, mais toujours attrayants, engageants et à leur niveau. Ils sont créés pour les élèves de la 4e à la 8e année en milieu Immersion ou Français langue première.
Cette étude de genre fait partie d'un ensemble grandissant, que vous pouvez trouver ici.
Ce document étudie en profondeur la poésie et l'expression poétique.
Voici ce que vous pouvez attendre de cette ressource :
Diapositives d'enseignement (73 pages)
Définissons ensemble ce qu'est la poésie et les poètes
Explication sur les schémas de rimes, les strophes, les vers, les syllabes
Explication sur les dispositifs littéraires et les figures de style (comparaisons, métaphores, onomatopées)
Discussion sur le thème
Minis-poèmes modèles
Invitations + discussions
Activités sur la différenciation des trois schémas de rimes
Activités sur la différenciation des métaphores des comparaisons
Jeu kinesthésique sur les syllabes
Explication des haïkus et acrostiches
Poème décortiqué!
Activités sur la planification + organisation des idées
Un poème guidé - sa création, sa révision, son amélioration étape par étape comme texte modèle
Étapes d'amélioration et de révision.
Carnet d'élève (37 pages)
Rendre un texte poétique
Réfléchir pour écrire de la poésie (7 activités réflexives personnelles pour encourager une pensée poétique et générer des idées créatives).
Sois dans la zone
La musique et les figures de style
Haïku (2 activités)
Diamante (3 activités)
Poème biographique (2 activités)
Acrostiche (2 activités)
Poème allitératif
Le poème-pensée
Investigation des mots (un mini-dictionnaire du vocabulaire de la poésie)
Mon poème tout garni
Projet final: Mon anthologie
Détails du projet
Critères de réussite
Activité de pré-écriture
Brouillons + listes de vérification (x4)
Évaluation par les pairs
** Mes documents évoluent constamment et j'ajoute des activités, des imprimables et du matériel didactique dès que je les réalise pour mon propre usage. En fait, ce document a eu une mise à jour 05.05.23**
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Merci! Je vous apprécie énormément!
- Kaitlyn.