Design & Build a City - Project Based Technology & Engineering
By Innovations in Technology
In this project based learning unit, middle school/early high school students learn about city planning and architecture as they research and design their own city. In addition to using Internet search skills, they'll utilize CAD skills using Sketchup (free download) and finally build the city from chipboard and other recyclables and name their final creation. .
Unit download includes:
1. Teacher Resources and Materials List
2. Expectations and Overview of the Unit
3. Introduction to City Planning (research and vocabulary) – includes key
4. “What’s in the City” – team worksheet
5. Project Proposal – group planning worksheet
6. Create the City in SketchUp (CAD)
7. Building the City Information (hands on construction)
8. Student Team Work Log
9. Student Daily Work Log
10. Building scale information and examples
11. Sketchup and Building Examples
12. Project Written Reflection
I've used this lesson with an 8th grade Engineering class and every year students start work on this BEFORE the bell they enjoy it so much! I know your classes will enjoy it too!
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