Three Chairs - CAD Design Project in Sketchup | Distance Learning
By Innovations in Technology
The Sketchup Basics project takes students with no previous knowledge of Sketchup step-by-step through the basic commands and then challenges them to apply those skills in a project of their own. The project uses Sketchup (free CAD software download). Students work individually to create a scale model drawing of three different chairs that meet specific guidelines and requirements using Sketchup (CAD). A step-by-step tutorial is also provided that may be used (optional) if you prefer students to learn the program in a more structured way. The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for younger or older students.
Files Included with this Lesson
• Teacher Notes and Resources
• Step-by-Step tutorial for Sketchup (includes screen shots)
• Three Chairs in Sketchup Building Design Project Expectations and Rubric
Note: The step-by-step guide included in this lesson covers the same basic skills as the tutorial in the Introduction to Sketchup - Tutorial and Creative Design Lesson and the Design a Gingerbread House in Sketchup lesson.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Related Products
⭐ Sketchup Practice - Refining Your Skills
⭐ Introduction to Sketchup - Tutorial and Creative Design Lesson
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Design & Build a Treehouse - STEM Project
By Innovations in Technology
The Design & Build a Treehouse STEM Project utilizes allows students to build skills utilizing the engineering design process and CAD along with skills in Internet research, reading, writing and critical thinking. In these projects, students research information about treehouse design as well as utilizing math skills. They create a scale model drawing of a treehouse individually using Sketchup (CAD) and brainstorm with their team to determine the best design from their group to actually build a model using specific provided materials that they “purchase” using a set budget. The goal is to build a safe, attractive treehouse within the specified constraints and within their budget. They present their projects to the class, critiquing the other groups. Finally, they reflect on their learning and the dynamics of their team to complete the project.
Editable (modifiable) files are included so that teachers can modify the supply list to suit the materials they have available and to adapt the project if they choose. The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for younger or older students.
Materials Required
Project Duration (approximate)
Overview of the Project & Team Planning: 1-2 (50 minute) class periods
Individual Sketchup/CAD drawing creation: 2-4 (50 minute) class periods
Building treehouse model with group (includes informal testing and revisions):
3-5 (50 minute) class periods
Treehouse Group presentation and critique: 1 (50 minute) class period
Written individual reflection: 1/2 (50 minute) class period
Files Included with this Lesson
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Space Station Design: Aerodynamics, Flight & Space | Distance Learning
By Innovations in Technology
The “Aerodynamics, Flight & Sustainable Life” project utilizes research skills, MS PowerPoint, and Sketchup (free CAD software download) to allow students to build skills in those programs along with skills in Internet research, reading, writing and critical thinking. In these projects, students research information about the history of aerodynamics, Newton’s Laws of flight and the physics behind them. They replicate a scale model drawing of a NASA space vehicle using Sketchup (CAD) and then research and design their own space station or community that will fully sustain life in space.
The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for younger or older students.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Files Included with this Lesson
• Teacher Notes and Resources
• Aerodynamics History PowerPoint project Expectations and Grading Rubric
• Newton’s Laws Research Questions (includes answer key)
• Recreating a NASA Space Vehicle in Sketchup Project Expectations and Grading Rubric
• Project Samples for NASA Vehicle
• Designing a Space Station or Community in Sketchup Project Expectations and Grading Rubric
• Project Samples for Space Station/Community
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⭐ The Physics of Amusement Park Rides
⭐ The Physics of Bridges
⭐ The Physics of Geodesic Domes - STEM Design and Construction Project
⭐ The Physics of Windmills
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Design and Build a Hotel - STEM, Engineering & Math Group Project
By Innovations in Technology
This project lets students learn about the engineering and design of hotels as they research and design one with their team. After introducing the lesson with a short video (link included in resources), students complete a math project about hotel design that focuses on perimeter, area, square footage, measurement and scale skills (formulas are included). Next, they work with their team to research information about the design and engineering involved in hotel construction and plan the design, materials and budget for the hotel they will design. Then, they work individually to create their own hotel to scale in Sketchup (a free CAD software program, download available at: ) and after completion, determine which of the team’s designs they will actually construct. Finally, they build a model of their hotel using recycled materials, following the Engineering Design Process with their team. After completing their hotel, students present their project to the class and explain their design choices. Finally, students reflect on and summarize their learning with short answers to questions about the experience and what they learned.
This lesson was created for 7th and 8th grade, but could also be used successfully in upper elementary grades or high school as well.
Files included:
• Teacher & Student Resources
• Team Sign Up Sheet
• Team Planning Sheet, Budget Sheet & Price List (editable)
• Hotel Design Math Project – Student Questions and Answer Key (editable digital and print versions)
• Math Formula “Cheat Sheet”
• Engineering & Design Research Project – Student Questions and Answer Key (editable digital and print versions)
• Hotel Design in Sketchup Project - Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric
• Hotel Building & Construction Project – Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric
• Engineering Design Process Planning Sheet (editable digital and print versions)
• Reflection Questions (editable digital and print versions)
Related Products
⭐ Design & Build a City - Project Based Technology & Engineering
⭐ The Physics of Amusement Park Rides
⭐ Exploring Careers: Architecture & Construction
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By Innovations in Technology
This project utilizes research skills, MS Word, and Sketchup (free CAD software download) to allow students to build skills in those programs along with skills in Internet research, reading, writing and critical thinking. In these projects, students research information about the history of skyscrapers, designs and changes to those designs over time, and the physics behind them. They create a scale model drawing of an existing skyscraper using Sketchup (CAD) and then design their own. Next, they brainstorm with their team to determine the best design to build from provided materials. Finally, they reflect on their learning and the dynamics of their team to complete the project. The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for younger or older students.
Files Included with this Lesson
• Teacher Notes and Resources
• Introduction to Skyscrapers Research project (includes answer key)
• Learning More about Skyscrapers Research project (includes answer key)
• Team Sign Up Sheet
• Skyscraper Replication - Sketchup (CAD) drawing project expectations and rubric
• Skyscraper Unique Design – Sketchup (CAD) drawing project expectations and rubric
• Team Building Project Expectations and Rubric
• Team Sign Up Sheet
• Written Reflection Assignment (MS Word or other word processing)
Related Products
⭐ First Day of School - Skyscraper Team Building Activity (Back to School)
⭐ Digital Engineering Notebook - Fully Editable in PowerPoint & Google Slides
⭐ Learning about the Engineering Design Process
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Classroom Re-Design Group Project using MS Word, PowerPoint & Excel
By Innovations in Technology
Which group can create the best possible classroom, using a given budget and the size constraints of the existing room? Redesign the Classroom Project lets middle schoolers work in a small group to be the architect and interior designer as they measure the existing classroom, determine what new items to purchase, and then arrange their resources into the best possible learning environment.
This project reinforces measurement, math and accuracy skills as students use their imagination and creativity. After taking the measurements, each group brainstorms what they will purchase with their budget and creates a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (or Google Sheets) to show how they will spend their money. Next, they draw their floorplan to scale (on graph paper, using Web 2.0 tools ( or ) or Sketchup (a free download available at: and then arrange the furnishings of the room to the best advantage. Next, students combine their work into a Microsoft PowerPoint (or Google Slides) presentation to explain and showcase their choices. Finally, students reflect on their learning, both about the project and about the success of their team. Note: This lesson is intended for beginning Excel users and was created using Microsoft Excel 2016. It is easily adaptable for different versions and an earlier version template is included.
This project was created for grades 7 and 8 but would be appropriate for upper elementary or high school students as well.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Files Included with this Lesson
• Teacher & Student Notes and Resources
• Project Overview Introduction for Students
• Team Sign-up Sheet
• Floor Plan Creation and Design Project - Student Expectations, Instructions and Grading Rubric
• Measurement Recording Sheet (includes sample)
• Team Brainstorming Sheet
• Microsoft Excel Budget Project – Student Expectations, Instructions and Grading Rubric
• Microsoft Excel Template (fully editable, includes formulas) – Two Versions: 2016 and 97-2003
• PowerPoint Presentation - Student Expectations, Instructions and Grading Rubric
• Project Reflection Questions
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Design and Build a Cruise Ship - STEM and Engineering Group Project
By Innovations in Technology
This project lets students learn about the engineering and design of ocean liners and cruise ships as they research and design one with their team. After introducing the lesson with a short video (link included in resources), students work with their team to research information about the design and engineering involved in ship building from early times, including the Titanic, through the modern cruise ships of today. Then, they brainstorm together to determine what features they would include in their own “ship of dreams”. Next, they plan their design and create their own modern cruise ship to scale in Sketchup (a free CAD software program, download available at: ). Finally, they build a model of their ship using recycled materials, following the Engineering Design Process with their team. After completing their ship, students present their project to the class and explain their design choices. Finally, students reflect on and summarize their learning with short answers to questions about the experience and what they learned.
This lesson was created for 7th and 8th grade, but could also be used successfully in upper elementary grades or high school as well.
Files included:
• Teacher & Student Resources
• Team Sign Up Sheet
• Team Planning Sheet
• Ship Engineering & Design Research Project – Student Questions and Answer Key (editable digital and print versions)
• Ship Design in Sketchup Project - Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric
• Ship Building Project – Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric
• Engineering Design Process Planning Sheet (editable digital and print versions)
• Reflection Questions (editable digital and print versions)
Related Products
⭐ Design & Build a City - Project Based Technology & Engineering
⭐ The Physics of Amusement Park Rides
⭐ Exploring Careers: Architecture & Construction
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Exploring Careers: STEM Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
By Innovations in Technology
This career unit gives students an introduction to the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) career cluster and what a career in this field would be like. This is perfect for a career, technology, CTE or business class.
The included PowerPoint presentation can be used by the teacher for whole class instruction, or provided to the students electronically (or as a printout) for them to review individually. Students use close reading skills with a short informational passage to learn about the career field and answer questions to use critical thinking skills and demonstrate their understanding. Two different puzzles are included to learn different jobs in the career and to reinforce vocabulary skills. An individual research project to learn more about a famous scientist using Microsoft PowerPoint (or Google Slides) offers students an opportunity for a real-life look into this career. A group lesson to use the Engineering Design Process and build a catapult is provided to simulate the career and allow students to utilize critical thinking skills and teamwork. Finally, a short reflection questionnaire gives students the opportunity to reflect and analyze their learning as they determine if this career field is of interest to them.
The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be used with high school students. The teacher can choose to use some or all of the provided lesson options included in this resource.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Files Included with this Lesson
• Teacher & Student Notes and Resources
• Introduction to Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) Careers PowerPoint presentation (editable)
• Introduction to Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) Careers Research Reading and Questions
• Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle (includes answer key)
• Job Type Word Search Puzzle (includes answer key)
• Research Project - Famous Scientist: Project expectations, resources, and rubric
• Catapult Challenge Group Project Instructions, Worksheet and Rubric
• Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) Career Reflection Questions (MS Word)
This lesson is a part of the bundle Exploring Careers: 16 Career Cluster Units BUNDLE
Related Products
⭐ Real World Math - How Engineers Use Math
⭐ The Physics of Bridges
⭐ The Physics of Windmills
⭐ Digital Engineering Notebook - Fully Editable in PowerPoint & Google Slides
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Exploring Careers: Architecture & Construction | Distance Learning
By Innovations in Technology
This career unit gives students an introduction to the architecture and construction career cluster and what a career in this field would be like. This is perfect for a career, technology, CTE or business class.
The included PowerPoint presentation can be used by the teacher for whole class instruction, or provided to the students electronically (or as a printout) for them to review individually. Students use close reading skills with a short informational passage to learn about the career field and answer questions to use critical thinking skills and demonstrate their understanding. Two different puzzles are included to learn different jobs in the career and to reinforce vocabulary skills. A technology based research project is included to allow students to use critical thinking and creativity to further explore the career field by researching a famous building. Additionally, a group project to redesign the classroom that can be completed without student computer access is provided to simulate the career and allow students to utilize critical thinking skills and teamwork. Finally, a short reflection questionnaire gives students the opportunity to reflect and analyze their learning as they determine if this career field is of interest to them.
The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be used with high school students. The teacher can choose to use some or all of the provided lesson options included in this resource.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Files Included with this Lesson
• Teacher & Student Notes and Resources
• Introduction to Architecture & Construction Careers PowerPoint presentation (editable)
• Introduction to Architecture & Construction Careers Research Reading and Questions
• Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle (includes answer key)
• Job Type Word Search Puzzle (includes answer key)
• Technology based Creative Research Project Instructions and Rubric
• Architecture & Construction Redesign the Classroom Group Project Instructions and Rubric
• Architecture & Construction Career Reflection Questions (MS Word)
This lesson is a part of the bundle Exploring Careers: 16 Career Cluster Units BUNDLE
Related Products
⭐ Real World Math - How Architects Use Math in their Career
⭐ Real World Math - How Engineers Use Math
⭐ Design & Build a City - Project Based Technology & Engineering
⭐ Designing Novelty Architecture - Project Based Learning
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The Physics of Amusement Park Rides
By Innovations in Technology
Project based learning fun for middle school and early high school students that focuses on the physics behind amusement park rides.
Students start the unit by researching information about how Newton's Laws of Physics impact the amusement park rides they love. They utilize an online simulation to see how changes in their design impact the fun and safety of the rides. Next, they research the history of roller coasters and showcase their work using PowerPoint or a Web 2.0 presentation tool. Finally, they design their own amusement park using Sketchup (or other CAD software) and finally put it all together in a presentation to share with their dream amusement park with the class, who evaluates their design.
Materials and lessons include:
1. Teacher and Student Resources
2. Amusement Park Physics Research (Questions, on-line simulation, vocabulary) – includes student worksheet and grading key
3. History of Roller Coasters Project (PowerPoint, Web 2.0, research)
4. Creating an Amusement Park in Sketchup Project (research, CAD design, PowerPoint summary and presentation to the class).
5. Student Presentation Evaluation Sheet
I've used this lesson with 8th graders in a high school credit Engineering class for several years and it is one of their favorites. I hope you students enjoy it!
Related Products
⭐ The Physics Behind Tensegrity Structures - STEM Building & Research Activity
⭐ The Physics of Bridges
⭐ The Physics of Geodesic Domes - STEM Design and Construction Project
⭐ The Physics of Windmills
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Exploring Careers: Energy Career Cluster (NEW Cluster 17)
By Innovations in Technology
This career unit gives students an introduction to the Energy career cluster and what a career in this field would be like. This is perfect for a career, technology, CTE or business class.
The included PowerPoint presentation can be used by the teacher for whole class instruction or provided to the students electronically (or as a printout) for them to review individually. Students use close reading skills with a short informational passage to learn about the career field and answer questions to use critical thinking skills and demonstrate their understanding. Two different puzzles are included to learn different jobs in the career and to reinforce vocabulary skills. An individual research project to learn more about an influential individual in the energy field using Microsoft PowerPoint (or Google Slides) offers students an opportunity for a real-life look into this career. A group project about renewable energy using research and the Engineering Design Process to build, explain, and present to the class allows students to utilize critical thinking skills and teamwork. Finally, a short reflection questionnaire gives students the opportunity to reflect and analyze their learning as they determine if this career field is of interest to them.
The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be used with high school students. The teacher can choose to use some or all of the provided lesson options included in this resource.
Materials Required
· Access to computers for each student (or pair of students) optional for many parts of this lesson
· Internet access (optional for many parts of this lesson)
· Access to Microsoft Word (or Google Docs), Microsoft PowerPoint (or Google Slides)
Materials for Group Renewable Energy Project:
· A variety of recyclable materials such as cardboard, empty water bottles, paper, empty spools, etc.
· Tape, glue, hot glue guns (with glue), scissors, X-acto knives, cutting mats, goggles, staplers, rubber bands, paper clips
· Other supplies (optional): Straws, popsicle sticks, toothpicks, balsa wood.
Project Duration (approximate)
· Introduction to Energy Careers PowerPoint presentation - .5 (50 minute) class period (or may be given to students individually for reference)
· Introduction to Energy Careers Reading and Questions - .5 - 1 (50 minute) class period
· 2 Puzzles (jobs and vocabulary) - 1 (50 minute) class period (for both)
· Research Project: Influential Individuals in the Energy Field (Technology based Project) – 2-3 (50 minute) class periods
· Group Renewable Energy Project – 4-5 (50 minute) class periods
· Reflection Questions - .5 (50 minute) class period
NOTE: This is also a part of the Career Exploration: 17 Career Cluster Bundle
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