Library Skills Resources

Etiquetas Biblioteca de Aula | Género y Tema | Spanish Classroom Library Labels

By SPO Resources

Organiza la biblioteca de tu aula por géneros con estas coloridas etiquetas de géneros y temas para estanterías y cajas de libros. Con una categorización clara, clasificar los libros de la biblioteca por géneros y temas es FÁCIL.


Elija el formato listo para imprimir o utilice los archivos de imagen PNG y las plantillas prediseñadas para cada etiqueta de género para ajustar fácilmente el tamaño de las etiquetas y seleccionar etiquetas de género específicas para imprimir. De este modo, ahorrará tinta y papel a la hora de organizar la biblioteca de su aula.

Con seis formatos listos para imprimir, dos de los cuales están diseñados para ajustarse a las etiquetas Avery, podrá imprimir rápidamente etiquetas en varios tamaños y formatos que mejor se adapten a las necesidades de su aula.

Las plantillas incluidas en PowerPoint, Google Slides y Canva, junto con los archivos de imagen PNG de cada etiqueta, facilitan la personalización y selección de las etiquetas que desea imprimir, ofreciendo flexibilidad en el proceso de impresión.

Aquí tienes un resumen de las opciones disponibles:

  1. Formatos listos para imprimir: Imprime las etiquetas de género directamente desde el PDF en 6 tamaños diferentes.
  2. Opciones de etiquetas Avery: Dos formatos listos para imprimir están diseñados para adaptarse a las etiquetas Avery. Esto significa que puedes imprimir directamente en hojas de etiquetas Avery sin tener que recortarlas después.
  3. Impresión personalizada con plantillas prefabricadas: Aunque las etiquetas NO SON EDITABLES, puede utilizar las plantillas proporcionadas en PowerPoint, Google Slides o Canva para personalizar las etiquetas que desea imprimir en cada página. Inserte imágenes PNG en las plantillas personalizadas para obtener un tamaño preciso y facilitar la impresión.

Con estas funciones, puede simplificar el proceso de impresión de etiquetas y crear etiquetas de género de aspecto profesional para la biblioteca de su clase. Disfrute de una organización perfecta y cree un ambiente de lectura vibrante para sus alumnos.

¿Ya tienes los Pósters de géneros de lectura para tu aula?

En sintonía con los carteles de géneros de lectura, estas etiquetas de géneros para el aula se diseñaron para ayudar a los alumnos a aplicar sus conocimientos sobre los géneros de los libros en la biblioteca. Al combinar las etiquetas con los carteles, ayudará a sus alumnos a descubrir libros que les interesen y a comprender mejor los géneros.

¿Estás cansado de tener una biblioteca de aula desorganizada?

Mejore la biblioteca de su clase con estas etiquetas de género y tema para bibliotecas de aula. Clasifica tus libros por género y tema para crear una biblioteca organizada y accesible que fomente la lectura independiente. Despídete de las estanterías desordenadas y da la bienvenida a un atractivo espacio de lectura que inspira el amor por la literatura.

¿A sus alumnos les cuesta encontrar los libros que les interesan?

Con una amplia variedad de etiquetas entre las que elegir, puede organizar su biblioteca de forma que resulte visualmente atractiva y fácil de navegar, lo que permitirá a los alumnos encontrar rápidamente lo que buscan. Observe cómo sus alumnos descubren fácilmente libros que coinciden con sus intereses y niveles de lectura, despertando su pasión por la lectura.



Carpeta con imágenes PNG de las 60 etiquetas

  • 8" x 2.5" con sangrado de 0.125
  • 300 DPI
  • Una carpeta con 60 etiquetas en color
  • Una carpeta con 60 etiquetas en blanco y negro
  • Utilice las imágenes para personalizar fácilmente las etiquetas y los tamaños que desea imprimir para su biblioteca de aula insertando cada imagen en una plantilla prediseñada en PowerPoint, Google Slides o Canva.

4 archivos PDF con etiquetas listas para imprimir

  • Etiquetas grandes→ 4 por página: 7.9" x 2.6"
  • Etiquetas medianas→ 5 por página: 6" x 2"
  • Etiquetas pequeñas→ 8 por página: 5.25" x 1.75"
  • Mini etiquetas→ 14 por página: 4" x 1.35"
  • Impresión en color o en blanco y negro

2 archivos PDF con etiquetas Avery listas para imprimir

Dos opciones formateadas para imprimir directamente en etiquetas Avery.

  • Etiquetas rectangulares Avery: 1-1/3" x 4"→ 14 etiquetas por página

    • Asegúrese de tener el número de producto de etiqueta Avery correcto. Utilicé la Plantilla Presta® 94206, que funciona con 18262, 48462, 48862, 5162, 5262, 5522, 5654, 5962, 6445, 6455, 8162, 8252, 8462, 95522.
  • Etiquetas rectangulares Avery: 2" x 6" → 4 etiquetas por página.

    • Asegúrese de que tiene el número de producto de etiqueta Avery correcto. Utilicé la Plantilla Presta® 94242.

6 Plantillas PPTX para personalizar la impresión

  • Para garantizar un tamaño preciso y una impresión sencilla de las etiquetas que desee, puede insertar imágenes PNG en las plantillas personalizadas.
  • Elija entre las siguientes plantillas de etiquetas:
    • Plantilla de etiqueta grande
    • Plantilla de etiqueta mediana
    • Plantilla de etiqueta pequeña
    • Plantilla de mini etiquetas
    • Plantilla de etiqueta Avery 1-1/3" x 4
    • Plantilla de etiqueta Avery de 2" x 6

➡ Puede cambiar el tamaño de las imágenes por su cuenta, pero el uso de plantillas le ahorrará tiempo y le facilitará mantener un tamaño uniforme.

➡ Ahorre tinta y papel imprimiendo sólo las etiquetas que necesite.

➡ Si no tiene PowerPoint, ¡no se preocupe! También puedes personalizar las etiquetas utilizando los enlaces proporcionados en Google Slides o Canva.

Todas las plantillas están disponibles en Google Slides y Canva.

Tenga en cuenta que ninguna característica de la etiqueta en sí es editable. Usted no será capaz de ajustar los colores, fuentes o gráficos de cualquiera de las etiquetas. Sólo podrá personalizar las etiquetas que desee imprimir utilizando las plantillas.

Etiquetas de género y temas incluidos

Etiquetas de ficción

  • Fantasía
  • Fantasía Ficción
  • Ficción realista
  • Ficción Histórica
  • Literatura Tradicional
  • Clásicos
  • Cuentos populares
  • Cuentos folclóricos
  • Fábulas
  • Cuentos de hadas
  • Cuentos exagerados
  • Mitos
  • Leyendas
  • Leyendas & mitos
  • Cuentos de animales
  • Drama
  • Poesía
  • Ciencia ficción
  • Misterios
  • Humor
  • Terror
  • Libros espeluznantes
  • Suspenso
  • Aventura
  • Supervivencia
  • Distopía
  • Romance
  • Crimen
  • Ficción
  • Novelas Gráficas

Etiquetas de no ficción

  • No ficción
  • Textos expositivos
  • Textos informativos
  • No ficción narrativa
  • Biografía
  • Autobiografía
  • Memorias
  • Textos biográficos
  • Autobiografía y biografía
  • Textos persuasivos
  • Procedimiento
  • Libros de instrucciones

Temas y otras etiquetas de la biblioteca

  • Deportes
  • Matemáticas
  • Historia
  • Ciencias Sociales
  • Ciencias
  • Cuerpo Humano
  • Tecnología
  • Transporte
  • Geografía
  • Animales
  • Dinosaurios
  • Espacio
  • Días festivos
  • Ganadores de premios
  • Favoritos de la clase
  • Hospital de libros
  • Devolución de libros

¿Falta alguna etiqueta en esta lista que desearía que estuviera incluida?

No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo por correo electrónico en y hágame saber su sugerencia.

¿Cómo puede beneficiar este recurso a mi clase?

Estas etiquetas coloridas y visualmente atractivas han sido cuidadosamente diseñadas para captar la atención de los jóvenes lectores, facilitándoles la elección de los libros de la biblioteca. Los llamativos gráficos de cada etiqueta ayudarán a los alumnos a comprender mejor el género y lo que pueden esperar leer.

Si ya tiene los pósteres de lectura de género, éstos serán un gran suplemento para su materiales didácticos. Estas etiquetas le ayudarán a coordinar su biblioteca con el contenido que se enseña durante su bloque de alfabetización. De este modo, a los alumnos les resultará más fácil encontrar los libros que les interesan.

Utiliza estas etiquetas para hacer de tu biblioteca un espacio más atractivo y más fácil de usar. Al clasificar la biblioteca de tu aula por género y tema, puedes crear una experiencia de lectura atractiva y envolvente para tus alumnos, ayudándoles a convertirse en lectores y aprendices para toda la vida.

Estas etiquetas son fáciles de usar y se adaptan a las necesidades de su aula. Ahorre tinta y papel utilizando las plantillas para seleccionar las etiquetas que desea imprimir. Además, puede imprimir directamente en dos tamaños de etiquetas Avery que ya están formateadas para usted. Ahorre tiempo recortando las etiquetas imprimiendo directamente en una hoja de adhesivos.

¿Quién puede beneficiarse de este recurso?

Como profesor de primaria, bibliotecario o educador, utiliza estas etiquetas de biblioteca para crear una biblioteca de aula bien organizada y atractiva. Al agrupar los libros por género y tema, sus alumnos podrán encontrar fácilmente los libros que coincidan con sus intereses y niveles de lectura. Estas etiquetas son una herramienta práctica que fomenta el amor por la lectura y mejora su experiencia docente a la vez que anima a los alumnos a explorar la literatura diversa.


  1. Etiquetar estanterías: Deshazte de tus cubos de libros y organiza la biblioteca de tu clase aplicando estas etiquetas horizontales a tus estanterías.
  2. Etiquetar las cajas de libros: Aplica estas etiquetas a los cubos de libros de tu biblioteca** para crear un rincón de lectura ordenado y acogedor.
  3. Personaliza las etiquetas imprimiendo las versiones en blanco y negro en papel de cartulina de colores para que combinen con la decoración de tu aula.
  4. Muro de palabras de alfabetización: Mejora las lecciones de alfabetización colocando las etiquetas en un muro de palabras de alfabetización cuando enseñes géneros o temas específicos.
  5. Utiliza las imágenes PNG y la plantilla de Canva para cambiar el tamaño de las etiquetas y seleccionar las que mejor se adapten a la biblioteca de tu aula. Así evitarás malgastar tinta y papel imprimiendo etiquetas que no necesitas. Ten en cuenta que las etiquetas no se pueden editar.
  6. Expositores de libros por géneros: Rota y destaca géneros específicos cada mes o semestre montando expositores de libros por géneros con las etiquetas. Esto mantiene la biblioteca fresca y emocionante, animando a los estudiantes a explorar diferentes géneros a lo largo del año.
  7. Recomendar libros: Utiliza estas etiquetas para recomendar libros rápidamente y crear una biblioteca de aula que fomente el amor por la lectura.


Tras la compra, recibirá un archivo zip que contiene archivos PDF, archivos PPTX e imágenes PNG.

Archivos PDF incluidos:

  • Etiquetas grandes, medianas, pequeñas y mini listas para imprimir tanto en color como en blanco y negro.
  • Etiquetas Avery de 1-1/3" x 4" y 2" x 6" listas para imprimir tanto en color como en blanco y negro.
  • Acceso digital: Enlaces a plantillas en Google Slides y Canva para todos los tamaños de etiquetas.

Archivos PPTX incluidos:

  • Plantillas de etiquetas grandes, medianas, pequeñas y mini
  • Plantillas de etiquetas Avery de 1-1/3” x 4” y 2” x 6”

Carpeta de PNG de etiquetas en color

  • 60 imágenes PNG de etiquetas de bilbioteca en color
  • Tamaño: 8” x 2.5"
  • Resolución: 300 DPI

Carpeta de PNG de etiquetas en blanco y negro

  • 60 imágenes PNG de etiquetas de bilbioteca en blanco y negro
  • Tamaño: 8” x 2.5"
  • Resolución: 300 DPI


  1. ¿Puedo modificar los colores, gráficos y títulos de las etiquetas?
    Los colores, gráficos y títulos de las etiquetas no pueden editarse debido a las restricciones de licencia de las fuentes. Sin embargo, para que se adapten mejor a su plan de estudios, he proporcionado varias versiones de títulos de géneros populares para que pueda elegir. Si las opciones de color no se adaptan a sus necesidades, puede usar la opción en blanco y negro e imprimir en la cartulina de color de su elección.

  2. ¿Necesito algún software específico para utilizar las plantillas?
    La misma plantilla está disponible en PowerPoint, Google Slides y Canva. Esto significa que si no tienes acceso a Microsoft Office, puedes utilizar la versión gratuita de Canva o Google Slides para acceder a las plantillas.

  3. ¿Puedo utilizar los archivos de imagen PNG para imprimir etiquetas en tamaños diferentes a los mencionados en la descripción del producto?
    Sí, puede ajustar las etiquetas al tamaño que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades. Cada imagen PNG tiene un tamaño original de 8" x 2.5", pero se puede ajustar al tamaño que prefiera. Se incluyen plantillas del tamaño de la imagen para facilitar el proceso de impresión, incluso para aquellos que no sean expertos en diseño.

  4. ¿Es difícil utilizar las plantillas para alguien sin experiencia en diseño?
    Las plantillas son muy fáciles de usar y se incluyen como herramienta para facilitarte el proceso de impresión. También se incluyen instrucciones sobre cómo utilizarlas. Alternativamente, puede optar por imprimir las etiquetas directamente desde el PDF listo para imprimir.

  5. ¿Puedo utilizar las imágenes en mis propios productos TeachShare o publicarlas en la web?
    No, este producto está destinado a un único uso personal o en el aula. No puede publicar estas imágenes en ningún sitio web no seguro ni incluirlas en recursos gratuitos o de pago. Consulte mis Condiciones de uso (CDU) para obtener más información.

Have any questions, comments, or concerns? Don't hesitate to reach out to me at I am always happy to help!

Created by Samantha Osleger | ©SPO Resources

All rights reserved by the author.

Purchase is for single classroom use only.

Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user.

Get ready to easily create an organized classroom library with these library labels for book bins and bookshelves in Spanish.


Printable Keyboard - Single Page Sized

By Z is for Zebra

Printable Keyboard - single page sized. This product is a great compliment to my Giant Printable Keyboard! Download and print off keyboards that your students can practice their finger placement. The color scheme matches my giant printable keyboard to help them out. These keyboards are fit to print on an 8.5"x11" sheet of paper. Lots of combinations to choose from to find the one that works best for you! This set contains both MAC and PC keyboards Mac Keyboards included: Keyboard - Giant Letters (BW & Color) 1 keyboard per page Keyboard - Regular Letters (BW & Color) 1 keyboard per page Keyboard - Regular Letters (BW - Gradient) 2 keyboard per page Keyboard - Giant Letters (BW & Color) 2 keyboard per page Keyboard - Regular Letters (BW & Color) 2 keyboard per page Keyboard - Regular Letters (BW - Gradient) 2 keyboard per page Keyboard with Number Pad, Arrows and Home End - Giant Letters (Color, BW, Gradient) - 2 per page Keyboards with Finger Placement (BW & Color) PC Keyboard with Number Pad, Arrows and Home End - Giant Letters (Color, BW) - 2 per page Keyboard - Regular Letters (BW & Color) 1 keyboard per page Keyboard - Giant Letters (BW & Color) 2 keyboard per page Keyboard - Giant Letters (BW & Color) 1 keyboard per page Keyboards with Finger Placement (BW & Color) Looking for a wall sized keyboard? I have them in both MAC and PC! Keywords: Computer, key, keyboarding, keyboard, tech, educational, technology, typing, type, colorful, fun, bright, bulletin board, display, computing,


Watercolor Sports Library Labels- 114 Pre-Written & 30 Blank

By Pearlie Janes Creations

Watercolor Sports-Themed Library Labels – 114 Pre-Written and 30 Blank Labels

*one label is included twice in order to fit the page*

Organize your classroom library with our watercolor sports-themed labels! Includes 114 pre-written and 30 blank labels for a personalized touch.

Keep your classroom library neat and organized with our Watercolor Sports-Themed Library Labels! This comprehensive set of labels combines functionality with a fun sports theme, making it easier than ever to manage your book collection. With 114 pre-written labels and 30 blank labels, this set is perfect for creating a visually appealing and efficiently organized library.

What’s Inside?

- 114 Pre-Written Labels:** These labels cover a wide range of book genres and categories, each adorned with charming watercolor sports illustrations.

- 30 Blank Labels: Blank labels allow you to add specific categories or personal touches to fit your unique library needs.

- High-Quality Watercolor Design: Each label features vibrant watercolor sports artwork, adding a playful and engaging element to your library organization.

Educational and Practical Benefits

- Easy Organization: Clearly labeled book categories make it simple for students to find and return books, promoting independence and responsibility.

- Enhances Visual Appeal: The sports-themed watercolor design makes your library visually inviting and fun, encouraging students to explore and read more.

- Customizable Options: The inclusion of blank labels allows for personalized organization, ensuring all your book categories are covered. **Labels are not editable, but can be written on after printing!!**

Perfect for Various Settings

This versatile set of labels is ideal for:

- Classrooms: Keep your classroom library well-organized and attractive, making book management easier for both teachers and students.

- School Libraries: Enhance the organization and visual appeal of your school library with these engaging labels.

- Home Libraries: Perfect for homeschooling families looking to organize their book collection in a fun and educational way.

Why Choose These Labels?

Our Watercolor Sports-Themed Library Labels offer a perfect blend of practicality and style. The pre-written and blank labels ensure comprehensive coverage of book categories while allowing for customization to fit your specific needs. The high-quality watercolor designs add a touch of creativity and fun, making your library a more inviting place for students to explore.

Add this set to your teaching resources today and transform your library into an organized, visually appealing space that fosters a love of reading!









St. Patrick's Day


Earth Day












100 Days


























Back to School

5 Senses








Science Fiction


Fables/Tall Tales




Historical Fiction

Nursery Rhymes

Audio Books

Easy Readers

Chapter Books

Favorite Authors










North America

South America




Read Alouds


United States

Numbers & Letters

Life Cycles

Family & Friends
















Valentine's Day

All About Me

Groundhog Day

Black History Month

Womens History Month

Asian & Pacific American History Month






Ten Timid Ghosts Book Activities Companion Read Aloud Questions

By Dotty's Printables

This is a set of companion activities for Ten Timid Ghosts, perfect for extension work after a read-aloud of the story. These no-prep activities help students engage deeply with the themes and characters, making it an ideal addition to your lesson plans.

  • Title and Author Identification
  • Illustrator Recognition
  • Setting Exploration
  • Favorite Part Reflection
  • Character Analysis (main and favorite characters)
  • Book Rating
  • Illustration Activity
  • Problem and Solution Identification
  • ....

Each activity supports reading comprehension and connects to the story’s themes, making this set a valuable tool for extending students’ understanding of "Ten Timid Ghosts".

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If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

This is an informal activity set, not affiliated with or endorsed by Ten Timid Ghosts publishers.


Genre Library Labels - Fall Themed

By A Teachers Sidekick

These are Fall/Autumn-themed labels for your classroom library! If you are looking to do an fall-themed classroom, these would be a great addition. This product includes large labels for bins for 6 different genres and 1 blank label to add whatever you'd like and mini labels to add to your books. Each mini label shows the same picture that is on the large label along with an abbreviation for the genre (Example - Historical Fiction = HF). I would recommend laminating the labels if that is possible to have them last for years!

I hope you enjoy it. Please rate and review!


Black and White (B&W) Bookmarks - Various Themes

By Early Childhood Essentials

80 Ready-to-print bookmarks across 20 pages! Black and white so they can be colored! Handout for students to use when reading, or put them in a treasure/reward box. Use as an art activity! Any other ideas?

Also, each bookmark has a space in the middle for names if desired!

Themes included:

  • sports
  • animals
  • music
  • food
  • nature
  • random (see preview!)
  • clothing
  • reading/writing
  • birthday/holidays
  • seasons
  • girly/boy-ish
  • sweets
  • technology

I highly recommend laminating for longer use.

Copyright © Early Childhood Essentials

Purchase of this product is for use in *one* home or classroom, virtual or in-person. Thank you in advance!


Italian Heritage Month Digital Library || Italian Celebrations || Google Slides

By Pacific Street Playschool

Italian Heritage Month Digital Library

This Google Slide Digital Library was created to help celebrate Italian Heritage Month in your early childhood classroom.

What's Included?

This resource includes:

  • Number song in Italian by My Italian Circle
  • Alphabet song in Italian by KidsTV123
  • Color song in Italian by Il Canale Per Bambini
  • Italy for Kids- Fun and Facts by Professor Propeller's Planet
  • 7 YouTube linked picture books celebrating Italian Culture including:
  1. I Tre Porcellini By The Italian Experiment
  2. The Pasta Family Read by: Cayla Maratea
  3. Peppe the Lamplighter Read By: Brittany Hudolin
  4. A Picnic in October Read By: Mr. B's Read Aloud Corner
  5. Strega Nona Read By: Rockin Read Alouds
  6. Frankie Liked to Sing Read By: Laura Richardson
  7. All the Way to America Read By: El Pueblo Historical Monument

How Can This Be Used?

  • Allow students to explore this digital library on computers, laptops, or iPads in the technology center
  • Share with parents via emails or other messaging systems to be enjoyed at home
  • Share during whole/large group times for students to explore
  • Use this digital library during story time to celebrate Italian Heritage all throughout the month.

If you enjoyed this product, please leave a review below.

When you review you earn TeachShare credits to be used towards future purchases.

Thank you for your purchase and for supporting my small business!

Keywords:Italian, Italian Heritage, Italian Heritage Month, Digital Library, Italian Books, Italin Alphabet, Italian Numbers, Italian Colors, Italian Stories, Italian Books, Google Slides, Google Slides Library, Interactive Library, Italian Celebration, Italian American


Parts of a Book Worksheets & Vocabulary | Library Lessons & Reading Activities

By Innovative Classroom Ideas

With the help of these entertaining parts of a book worksheets, young children will enjoy learning about the components of a book. These entertaining book reports are incredibly helpful for young children. These worksheets on identifying book sections make sure that readers are aware of the title, author, and illustrator, among other elements of the books they are reading. All you need to do is print the label sections of a book worksheet, and your kindergarten, first, second, third, and fourth graders will be ready to study.

These no-prep parts of a book worksheet papers are perfect for kindergarteners, first-graders, second-graders, third-graders, and fourth-graders, regardless of whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler. In order to make sure they comprehend what they are reading, children will learn about the many components of books. Children will find it easy to learn and retain the components of a book with the aid of these guided prompts and identifying pieces of a book worksheet. Additionally, you can print these elements of a book worksheets for your own classroom or home.

The activities on these parts of a book worksheets include:

  • Parts of a book coloring pages
  • Playdough mat for the parts of a book
  • Read and trace the parts of the book
  • Trace the parts of a book in lines
  • Cut and paste the parts of a book
  • Color the parts of the book in the correct color
  • Label the parts of a book on the book
  • Fill in the parts of a book
  • Complete the story part of a book

Whether you are a teacher, parent, homeschooler, daycare provider, or planning a summer camp you will love these parts of a book worksheets for kids in preschool, kindergarten grade 1, and even grade 2.

>>>> ⭐ More Similar Activities ⭐ <<<<<

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Terms of Use: By purchasing and/or downloading this electronic file, you are allowed to use the product for personal use as you like, but you are not allowed to resell or redistribute.

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♥ Search Key Terms: Parts of a book, the parts of a book, the parts of a book song, parts of a book video, parts of a book lesson, parts of a book for kindergarten, the basic parts of a book,, what are the parts of a book, parts of a book, jack Hartmann parts of a book, learn about the parts of a book, book parts, book,spine of a book, physical parts of a book, parts of a book for grade 2,what is a book, what are the parts of a book?, books, parts of book Parts of a book, the parts of a book, parts of a story, what are the parts of a book, the basic parts of a book, parts of a book lesson, parts of a book for kindergarten, learn about the parts of a book, parts of a book, jack Hartmann,


Supreme Court: A Webquest

By Gail Hennessey

Oyez, Oyez...Hear Ye, Hear Ye! The first Monday in October is the beginning of the new term of the Supreme Court. This web quest will introduce students to the Supreme Court. There are 13 web questions, a Did You Know? section and comprehension questions. Additionally, there are several extension activities and additional links as well as the key. *** Added a question about the newest SC Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson.

Additional Resources:

1. Reader's Theater Script on Supreme Court Justice, Sonia Sotomayor:

2. Reader's Theater Script on Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg:

FREEBIE on the newest SC Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson:


Library Media Center Grade Level Editable Curriculum Guide

By Sign with me TOD

This product breaks down the library media center use categories: citizenship, organization, classification system, online catalog, literary elements, literary appreciation, literary criticism, reader advisory, topic definition, and information seeking strategies and broken down into sub categories among students in grades K-8. This is an editable document, so you can change the color coordination to meet your students individual learning needs. Colored categories include introduced, reinforced, and refined to show the level that students should be displaying under each subcategory.

The Media Center Literacy Skills that are included in this product include technology expectations for students in grades K - 8th. Vague project or activity ideas are included under each grade level, to allow for creativity when planning instruction for students.

You may also be interested in the following:

STEAM Monthly Activity Ideas:


Custom Order for Regina - Catholic Prayer Pack BUNDLE

By The Treasured Schoolhouse

This prayer pack contains 13 Catholic prayers. These are the traditional versions of the prayer with thee, thy, and thou. There are several activities to help with learning and memorizing the prayers.

The prayers included are:

• Hail Mary

• Our Father

• Act of Hope, Act of Love, and Act of Faith

• Memorare

• St. Michael the Archangel

• Act of Contrition

• Apostles' Creed

• Guardian Angel/Angel of God

• Glory Be

• Morning Offering

• Examination of Conscience

All prayer packs (except Examination of Conscience) include:

• 2 posters (1 color, 1 black & white)

• 4 worksheets (fill in the blank cloze, word search, and cut & paste)

• 1 sentence strip to put in order (Apostles' Creed ONLY)

• 1 coloring page

• 4 copywork pages (2 print, 2 cursive)

• 5 answer keys for the worksheets

NOTE: You will NOT receive the actual prayer packs with this download. You will receive a PDF file with the download links to each file on Dropbox. No account is needed to download the files.

NOTE: These are the Catholic versions of these prayers.

NOTE: If you've purchased the Prayer Pack Bundle or any of the individual prayers, they will be the same, except this pack is ALL traditional with thee, thou, and thy. Please do NOT purchase if you already have the other packs or bundle!!

To see what's included in each prayer pack, you can click here and find each prayer pack to see what they are and what is included. Please just note that this version will have thee, thou, and thy instead of the modern words.

This was a custom order for Regina.

Thank you for your request, Regina!!


"The Treasured Schoolhouse"

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


• This product is NOT editable.

• This product uses standard U.S. spellings, unless otherwise noted.

• All sales on TeachShare of digital resources are considered final and nonrefundable.

• Custom alterations are based on current work load and other factors involved in being able to customize an item.

• Please take a minute to read the product descriptions and to view the thumbnails and previews that are provided for this product. If you have any questions or comments, leave a message in my Q&A and be sure to check the box for “Email me when the seller responds” so that you will know that I’ve replied.

• All products are for personal or for use in a single classroom ONLY. If you’re interested in sharing with your team or co-op, please “Buy Licenses to Share” at a discount of half off the original product price.

• Please make sure that you’re viewing with the most current version of Adobe Reader. The newest version is DC, but X or higher will work. Also, if you’re trying to open on a Mac, it will not open in “preview” and you will have to view in Adobe Reader If you don’t have it or need to update, please visit to download it for FREE. If you have any other technical issues after verifying and updating your version of Adobe Reader, please contact TeachShare support for further technical assistance, which is what they request be done.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Copyright 2017 by Elaine G of "The Treasured Schoolhouse". All Rights Reserved.


Famous Author Quote Posters

By Language Arts Excellence

Make your classroom pop with this set of 50 quote posters from famous authors! Each 7.5 x 7.5 (square) PDF poster contains a quote from a famous author imposed over a stunning photograph that will give a fresh look to your ELA classroom. The square format is reminiscent of Instagram and makes for an eye-catching arrangement on your wall or bulletin board. I suggest laminating these posters so that you can use them to inspire your students all year long! Authors included in package: Toni Morrison F. Scott Fitzgerald Ralph Waldo Emerson Walt Whitman Jane Austen Mark Twain Paulo Coelho Langston Hughes William Shakespeare Robert Frost Maya Angelou Edith Wharton Anne Frank Emily Dickinson J. K. Rowling Edgar Allan Poe Oscar Wilde _________________________________________________________________________ **Purchase posters as part of the Back to School ELA Bundle for Middle School and save 25% off the cover price: **⭐ Back to School ELA Bundle _________________________________________________________________________ Also, check out more beautifully-crafted quote posters for your classroom by Language Arts Excellence: ⭐ Motivational Quote Posters ⭐ Shakespeare Quote Posters ⭐ The Alchemist Quote Posters ⭐ The Great Gatsby Quote Posters _________________________________________________________________________ ⭐Click to Follow Language Arts Excellence⭐****


Halloween Bulletin Board Set - Halloween Classroom Decor - Reading- Pastel

By MrsBaileyandHerClass

Transform your classroom with the vibrant and fun pastel and black and white Halloween Batty About Work Bulletin Board Set! This resource is perfect for creating a student work display that combines seasonal style and practicality. Designed with a delightful pastel bat reading theme, this bulletin board set keeps your students interested and engaged. Ideal for displaying classroom seasonal projects, it’s a must-have for any teacher looking to enhance their classroom environment.

This set includes the phrase 'Batty About Books in two text variations. Whether you're creating a festive reading corner, classroom library display, or celebrating Halloween with a literary twist, these pastel bats will bring charm and joy to your classroom!

Here’s why this bulletin board set is a must-have for any organized classroom:


  • Ready to Print Header: Just select your design and print!
  • Ready to Print Pennant Banner: Quickly customize your own banner by choosing your desired pieces.
  • Attractive Design: The charming pastel Halloween bat reading block print and thin tall headers add a cheerful and inviting touch to your classroom decor, making information easily accessible and visually appealing.
  • Comprehensive Set: Includes multiple graphic and pennant options to add a little pizzazz to your completed board!
  • Easy to Use: Simply print, cut, and display! The set is designed for quick setup, so you can focus on what matters most - teaching and engaging with your students.

Why It's a Good Buy:

  • Combines Fun and Learning: Celebrate Halloween with a cute, educational twist featuring black and white bats with pastel accents.
  • Perfect for Younger Students: The soft, non-scary design is ideal for creating a fun yet calming environment for elementary classrooms.
  • Versatile Classroom Use: Great for bulletin boards, door headers, classroom library displays, or reading corners.
  • Quick and Easy Setup: Letters are easy to print, cut, and customize for any phrase or display.
  • Festive and Educational: Adds a seasonal touch to your decor while keeping the focus on your students and their learning.
  • Time-Saving Solution: Offers teachers a ready-to-use, festive bulletin board option during a busy season.

Ideal for grades PreK-5, this bulletin board set makes your classroom feel festive while keeping the focus on books and learning! Just print, cut, and display—your students will love it!

I hope you find this resource just as fun for your students as it has been for mine! If you have any questions or would like to share feedback, please reach out to me on Instagram: MrsBaileyandHerClass.

How to Earn TeachShare Credits for Future Purchases:

  • Visit Your My Purchases Page: Navigate to your TeachShare account and locate your purchase history.
  • Submit Feedback: Click the “Provide Feedback” button next to each purchase.
  • Rate and Comment: Give a quick rating and leave a brief comment about the product.
  • Receive TeachShare Credits: Your feedback will earn you credits for future TeachShare purchases.
  • Report Errors or Suggestions: If you notice any errors or have suggestions, please let me know in the Q&A section before leaving negative feedback. I’m committed to improving my products and appreciate the chance to address any issues. Thank you for your support!



Book Character Pumpkin Contest

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Schools can celebrate reading in October with a book character pumpkin contest. This product includes a parent letter in color and in black and white. There is a link to Google slides with an option to edit a entry form to add a date. Add a text box to add your information to the letter.

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**


Get Hooked on a Book - Back-to-School Maze + Reading Log and Certificate Set

By Reading Club Fun

Here is our reading-themed back-to-school maze with a charming story line, as well as a matching Reading Log and Certificate Set!

  • Sequential Maze – It’s time to go back to school and Forest is daydreaming about enjoying a perfect summer day. Children read Forest’s notes, then follow a maze in order of how he imagines his perfect day would go from morning to evening fun!
  • Reading Log & Certificate Set – To encourage reading achievement.

Keywords: books | reading | reading encouragement | libraries | library | classics


Library Skills: Orientation Task Cards

By Amanda G

Task Cards for Library Orientation! Designed to enhance library skills, these engaging cards guide students through essential library functions.

36 Library Scavenger Hunt Task Cards

This pack includes 36 scavenger hunt cards and a printable answer sheet allowing students to record up to twelve answers.

This is a great way to introduce/remind students of the different parts of the library. You may also wish to do this as a challenge, having one student choose a card and find the book - record how long it took them, and make this the “time to beat” for following visits.

A simple but effective activity that gets students engaged in locating information within their library.

How to use:

* Print, laminate and cut each card.

* You have the option of having students write their answers on the printable (included), a mini whiteboard, having them physically bring the book to you OR if you have the technology, use tablets/smartphones and have students take pictures of their answers.

* A activity came be done as individuals, pairs or teams (no more than three is my recommendation)


Please don't forget to take a look at the other items I have available in my store!

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All new items are listed at 50% off during the first 24 hours. Another great reason to follow my store.

Thank for taking the time to stop by and purchase this resource.


Scarlet Letter Coloring Bookmarks Quotes by Nathaniel Hawthorne Cards Gift Craft

By Eden Digital Arts

Set of 8 different coloring bookmarks with quotes by Nathaniel Hawthorne from The Scarlet Letter with antique grayscale book Illustrations for student rewards, early finishers, additions to sub plans and more.

Using coloring bookmarks with quotes and illustrations can be a wonderful way to engage readers and explore the themes and characters of the novel. Here are some ideas on how to use them in your classroom or at a book club:

1. Book Club and Classroom Discussions: Use the bookmarks as prompts for book club discussions. Hand out different bookmarks and ask them to share their thoughts and insights related to the quote or illustration on their bookmark.

2. Emotional Response: Have participants color the bookmarks while discussing their emotional responses to the novel.

3. Use bookmarks as student or book club member rewards/gifts.

4. Attach a bookmarks to a pack of coloring pens or a book for a small gift.

5. Homemade Gifts: Encourage students to give their colored bookmarks to classmates, friends, or family members who enjoy reading. It's a thoughtful and personalized gift that can foster a love for literature.

6. Collaborative Coloring: Set up a collaborative coloring station where students can work together to create a large, colorful bookmark collage, using bookmarks featuring quotes from different books.

7. Use coloring bookmarks as a relaxing downtime activity.

8. As an addition to subplans and for early finishers.

9. Add to cards and letters.

10. Use as decorations for scrapbooks or reading journals.

11. Coloring during read-at-loud times.

12. Bulletin board décor and more

For best results print them on thick white cardstock paper.

Files include:

1 Pdf with 8 different bookmarks in two sizes.

The large bookmark measures about 8" by 2.4",

and smaller size set is 7" by 2".

US letter-size pages 8.5” by 11”.


Please follow my store to be notified of when I post new items

For personal use by one teacher only, please do not alter, share or sell this file.


Banned Books Week Activity WEBQUEST

By A World to Explore Store - A Heritage Month Depot

Do you need an engaging activity to support your students in learning about banned books? Do you struggle to find an activity that keeps students motivated? Then download this Banned Books Week Activity WebQuest!

With this WebQuest, students will research various banned and challenged books, learn who bans books and for what reasons, how to advocate for not banning books, historically banned books, and more. Students will finish this activity with a deeper understanding of this special week. Some research questions students will locate easily while others they will have to explore deeper to find the correct answers.

When you purchase this scavenger hunt resource, you'll receive the activity in both print and digital formats. The research questions provided allow for scaffolded instruction that can be completed individually, in pairs, or in small groups. You can even use this lesson as a fun team-building or gamified activity. Your students are guaranteed to learn more with this high-quality, no-prep resource!

Ways to Use This Resource:

  • Full Class Activity
  • Small Group Instruction
  • Homework
  • Extra Credit
  • Substitute Plan
  • ... and more!

This Resource Includes:

  • Multi-step Question WebQuest (Print + Digital Formats)
  • Reflection Questions
  • Answer Key
  • Live links are provided on the last page of the resource
  • Instructions
  • Terms of Use

✈️ Click here to follow A World to Explore Store and be the first to know about brand-new games and activities!

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Introduction to Archaeology WebQuest

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My Favorite Scriptures Note-Taking Sheets

By Homeschool with Big Easy Homeschooling Mom

Use these My Favorite Scripture Note-Taking Sheets to write out your favorite scriptures is a powerful way to engage with God’s Word on a deeper level.  When you take the time to write, you slow down and focus on each word, allowing its meaning to sink into your heart and mind.  This practice creates a moment of stillness, offering an opportunity to reflect on how the scripture applies to your life and spiritual journey.  Writing can also make scriptures more personal and meaningful, transforming them from words on a page into truths that resonate in your soul.

This practice helps improve memory retention, making it easier to recall scripture in moments of need.  Studies show that writing things down activates different parts of the brain compared to just reading or listening. When students write out their favorite verses, they’re not only reflecting on God’s Word but also reinforcing their ability to remember it.  This can be especially helpful when facing challenges, as they can draw strength and guidance from scriptures committed to memory.

Writing scripture also encourages mindfulness and intention. As students select their favorite verses, they’re guided to think critically about what speaks to their heart.  The act of writing becomes an exercise in meditation, helping students dwell on God’s promises, wisdom, and guidance.  This practice can transform a simple note-taking activity into a meaningful spiritual discipline, fostering a deeper connection with God.

For students, writing out scriptures fosters a personal relationship with the Bible, helping them see it as a source of guidance and comfort.  For teachers and homeschool parents, it’s a simple yet impactful tool to encourage engagement and reflection.  Over time, these written scriptures become a treasure trove of inspiration that students can revisit whenever they need encouragement or a reminder of God’s faithfulness.

Lastly, writing scripture builds a habit of spiritual journaling that can grow with students as they mature in their faith.  This habit helps them create a record of how specific verses have influenced their lives, serving as a spiritual timeline they can look back on. It’s a practical way to cultivate gratitude, reflection, and growth, all through the lens of scripture.


  • Simple Implementation:  Easy to integrate into Bible study lessons or morning devotion routines.
  • Encourages Focus:  Guides students to thoughtfully engage with scripture rather than passively reading.
  • Spiritual Growth:  Helps students reflect on the application of God’s Word in their daily lives.
  • Teaching Tool:  Offers a structured activity to teach the importance of scripture memorization and meditation.
  • ❤️ Family Connection:  Promotes meaningful discussions about favorite verses and their impact.


  • Memory Retention:  Writing helps commit scripture to memory for use in prayer, reflection, and life challenges.
  • ✍️ Creative Expression:  Note-taking allows for personalization through doodles, highlights, and reflections.
  • Spiritual Reflection:  Encourages students to think deeply about why a scripture resonates with them.
  • Engaged Learning:  Combines visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles for a well-rounded approach to scripture study.
  • Emotional Comfort:  Provides a sense of peace and encouragement through focused interaction with God’s promises.

These My Favorite Scripture Note-Taking Sheets pair perfectly with the My Identity in Christ: 7-Day Teen Mini-Devotional, creating a comprehensive faith-building experience for teens.  As students reflect on the devotional’s daily themes and journaling prompts, they can use the note-taking sheets to write out scriptures that resonate most with their hearts.  This combination reinforces key spiritual concepts, encourages deeper meditation on God’s Word, and provides a personalized way for teens to document their faith journey.  Together, these resources help teens build a strong foundation in Christ while fostering a meaningful, lasting connection with the Bible.

If you would like to pair this resources with My Identity in Christ:  7-Day Teen Mini-Devotional, here is the link:

My Identity in Christ: 7-DayTeen Mini-Devotional

Thank you for your support!

Tina – Big Easy Homeschooling Mom

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Bilingual Classroom Library Labels | Blue-English Green-Spanish | Dual Language

By SPO Resources

Organize Your Classroom Library by Genre with Bilingual Labels!

Enhance your classroom library with these dual-language genre and topic labels for bookshelves and book bins. Featuring blue font for English and green font for Spanish, these labels make sorting your books by genre and topic a breeze!

★ Bilingual labels are available in BLUE for English & RED for Spanish, or in multicolor.

★ Additional labels are available in English-only or Spanish-only options.

Choose the ready-to-print format, or use the PNG image files & pre-made templates to adjust label sizes and select specific genre labels for printing, saving ink and paper.


SIX READY-TO-PRINT FORMATS: Two formats fit Avery labels, allowing you to quickly and easily print in various sizes to meet your classroom needs.

FLEXIBLE TEMPLATES: Use the templates provided in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva, along with PNG image files, to easily customize and print your labels.

Options Available:

  1. READY-TO-PRINT FORMATS: Print directly from the PDF in 6 different sizes.
  2. AVERY LABEL OPTIONS: Two formats designed for Avery labels, eliminating the need for cutting.
  3. CUSTOMIZED PRINTING: While the labels are not editable, you can use the provided templates to customize which labels you want to print on each page.

Streamline the label printing process and create professional-looking genre labels for your classroom library. Enjoy seamless organization and a vibrant reading atmosphere for your students.



★ Folder with PNG images of all 65 labels

  • Size: 8” x 2.5” with a 0.125” bleed
  • Resolution: 300 DPI
  • One folder with a border
  • One folder without a border

★ 4 PDF Files with ready-to-print labels

  • Large labels: 4 per page (7.9” x 2.6”)
  • Medium labels: 5 per page (6” x 2”)
  • Small labels: 8 per page (5.25” x 1.75”)
  • Mini labels: 14 per page (4” x 1.35”)

★ 2 PDF Files with ready-to-print Avery Labels

  • 1-1/3" x 4" labels: 14 per page (Presta® 94206 Template)
  • 2" x 6" labels: 4 per page (Presta® 94242 Template)

★ 6 PPTX Templates for customization

  • Templates for large, medium, small, and mini labels
  • Templates for Avery labels (1-1/3" x 4" and 2" x 6")

★ Templates in Google Slides & Canva

  • No feature of the label itself is editable. Customize which labels to print using the templates provided.



  • Fantasy | fantasía
  • Realistic Fiction | ficción realista
  • Historical Fiction | ficción histórica
  • Traditional Literature | literatura tradicional
  • Classics | clásicos
  • Folktales | cuentos populares
  • Folklore | cuentos folclóricos
  • Fables | fábulas
  • Fairytales | cuentos de hadas
  • Tall Tales | cuentos exagerados
  • Myths | mitos
  • Legends | leyendas
  • Animal Stories | cuentos de animales
  • Drama | teatro
  • Poetry | poesía
  • Science Fiction | ciencia ficción
  • Mysteries | misterios
  • Humor | humor
  • Humour | humor (UK spelling)
  • Horror | terror
  • Adventure | aventura
  • Dystopian | distópico
  • Romance | romance
  • Crime | crimen
  • Fiction | ficción
  • Graphic Novels | novelas gráficas


  • Nonfiction | no ficción
  • Non-fiction | no ficción (UK spelling)
  • Expository Texts | textos expositivos
  • Informational Texts | textos informativos
  • Narrative Nonfiction | no ficción narrativa
  • Narrative Non-fiction | no ficción narrativa (UK spelling)
  • Biography | biografía
  • Autobiography | autobiografía
  • Memoirs | memorias
  • Persuasive Texts | textos persuasivos
  • Procedural Texts | textos de procedimiento
  • How-to Books | libros de instrucciones


  • Sports | deportes
  • Math | matemáticas
  • History | historia
  • Social Studies | estudios sociales
  • Science | ciencias
  • Human Body | cuerpo humano
  • Technology | tecnología
  • Transportation | transporte
  • Geography | geografía
  • Animals | animales
  • Dinosaurs | dinosaurios
  • Space | espacio
  • Holidays | días festivos
  • Nature | naturaleza
  • Social & Emotional | social y emocional
  • Award Winners | ganadores de premios
  • Class Favorites | favoritos de la clase
  • Book Hospital | hospital de libros
  • Book Return | devolución de libros

Is there a label missing that you wish was included? Reach out to me at with your suggestion!


Upon purchase, you will receive a zip file containing PDF files, PPTX files, and PNG images.

PDF Files Included:

  • Large, medium, small, and mini ready-to-print labels
  • Avery label 1-1/3" x 4" and 2" x 6" ready-to-print labels
  • Links to templates on Google Slides & Canva for all label sizes

PPTX Files Included:

  • Templates for large, medium, small, and mini labels
  • Templates for Avery labels (1-1/3" x 4" and 2" x 6")

PNGs Included:

  • 65 library label PNGs with border (8” x 2.5”, 300 DPI)
  • 65 library label PNGs without borders (8” x 2.5”, 300 DPI)


1. Can I customize the colors, graphics, and titles on the labels?

  • No, due to font licensing restrictions, you cannot edit these elements. However, multiple versions of popular genre titles are provided.

2. Do I need specific software to use the templates?

  • The templates are available in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva, making them accessible even without Microsoft Office.

3. Can I use the PNG image files to print labels in different sizes?

  • Yes, the PNG images can be resized to fit your needs. Templates are included for easy printing.

4. Is it difficult for someone without design experience to use the templates?

  • No, the templates are user-friendly with provided instructions. You can also print directly from the ready-to-print PDFs.

5. Can I use the images in my own products to sell or give away for free?

  • No, this product is for single-classroom or personal use only. Refer to my Terms of Use (TOU) for more details.


These bilingual labels are perfect for you if you're a dual-language educator, ESL/ELL teacher, or foreign language instructor. They're also incredibly helpful if you're a school librarian with students who speak both Spanish and English. Use these labels to create an organized and engaging classroom library for your elementary or primary students.


  1. Language Development: Enhance your students' language skills and comprehension in both English and Spanish.
  2. Library Organization & Navigation: Help your students find books independently.
  3. Language Reinforcement: Provide consistent exposure to words and concepts in both languages.
  4. Language Integration: Reinforce language acquisition through everyday activities.
  5. Inclusivity: Make your library accessible for English language learners and bilingual students.

❤️ Why You'll Love It ❤️

  • Time-Saving: Ready-to-print labels and easy-to-use templates save you valuable prep time.

  • Bilingual Support: Helps your students improve their language skills in both English and Spanish.

  • Versatile & Flexible: Includes a wide range of genre and topic labels in various sizes, perfect for bookshelves, book bins, and literacy focus walls, enhancing your classroom organization and learning.


  1. Label Bookshelves: Organize your library by applying labels directly to shelves.
  2. Label Book Bins: Create a tidy and inviting reading corner.
  3. Literacy Focus Wall: Use labels on a literacy word wall to enhance your lessons.
  4. Adjust Size & Print: Use PNG images and Canva templates to resize and print only the labels you need.
  5. Genre Book Displays: Rotate and highlight specific genres monthly or by semester.
  6. Book Recommendations: Quickly recommend books to your students with these labels.


⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Made my classroom library so organized and helped students identify genre!” -Allison K.

⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “This was perfect for my library! It is so cute and colorful, and includes so many options!” -Alexandra E.

⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “These labels look amazing in my library! They're helpful for my ESL students.” -Paige M.

You may also like the following:

⭐ Reading Genre Posters

⭐ Reading Genre Anchor Charts

⭐ Spanish & English Reading Genre Posters

⭐ BUNDLE Reading Genre Posters & Anchor Charts

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If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at I am always happy to help!

Created by Samantha McNally | ©SPO Resources

All rights reserved by the author.

Purchase is for single classroom use only. Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user.

Enjoy seamless organization and a vibrant classroom library with these genre and topic labels designed for your classroom!
