Social Skills in special education Following directions adapted book & activity
By Until the Pieces Fit
Adaptive Books & followup materials focused on following directions.
Following Directions: Adaptive books are interactive, as students will match the corresponding icon to each page. The books 2 levels and they are in color and in black and white. Level 1: short paragraph about different scenarios in which students need to follow directions (bathroom, dismissal, computer, work, snack, recess, & games. Level 2: book contains repetitive text "I will listen to my teacher when ....".
Following Directions Supplemental worksheets: Print and go worksheets! They are designed for student who need additional practice with simple directions. Use these during direct instruction & after reading the adaptive stories.
•Match direction to picture
•Match picture to picture
•Following directions with colors
•Following directions with positions.
These books do require some prep work, however once you have them made you can reuse for years to come! I have utilized adaptive books with students who have a wide range of skills & they can be an excellent motivator. I hope you enjoy and please reach out with any questions!!