Kindergarten Science Professional Documents

ABC's and 123's (Ga Pre-K Lesson and Small Group)

By Katelyn Schneider

These lesson plans were made with the intention to help simplify the demanding task of planning, researching and trying different techniques before you found the "perfect one". The 'ABC's and 123's' Pre-K Lesson Plans offers interesting, interactive and simply activities.

While this lesson is intended for Ga Pre- K teachers, anyone working in Pre-K or Kindergarten will be able to use these lessons and tailor to your own needs.

This resource includes the following:

- 2 Story times with book and suggestions to topics

-Small Group activities

-Large Group activities

-Phonological Awareness activities

-Large Group Literacy activities

-Movement and Music activities

-Closing activities

*****This resource is licensed for personal classroom or home use only. Any commercial use is not permitted. Reselling this as your own is against copywriting and full actions will be taken against anyone who tries to resell ****


Science Lessons for K-2 Shopping Guide

By Science and STEAM Team

Don't know exactly what you need for science lessons? This guide will give you plenty of ideas. You can get a good overview of what our shop carries at your specific level. Just click on a resource and it will take you to it, so you can read the description!

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