Kindergarten School Psychology Homeschool Curricula

Social Emotional Education for PK, Feelings & Emotions Bundle

By Joyful Explorations

Being able to understand and manage emotions is an essential step in learning to self-regulate. This bundle includes all four of my Feelings packets as well as my best selling "How do they Feel?" printable booklet. Please see the preview for images of each product :

”When I Feel Angry”

This packet is designed to help young children learn to identify and manage their angry feelings. The packet includes:

"When I Feel Angry" printable booklet (12 pages... in both color and black and white)

*"How big is your anger?" printables with story and teacher guide.

*"Anger Sandwich" printable activity

*Individual Anger Management Plans for Students

*Guide for classroom resources

“When I Feel Frustrated”

This packet is designed to help young children learn to identify and manage their feelings of frustration. The packet includes:

*12 page printable book (Helps children identify feelings of frustration and begin to learn techniques to manage those feelings)

Printable Activities:

*"10-1 Countdown"- to help children learn to take a break from frustrating activities.

*"Break it Down"- to help children break large tasks into more manageable steps.

*"I am a Super Star"- to help children remember the things that they CAN do well!

"Star Light, Star Bright"- to help children remember all of the activities that they have learned in this packet.

“When I Feel Worried”

This packet is designed to help young children learn to identify and manage their feelings of worry or anxiety The packet includes:

*14- page printable book "Little Penguin Feels Worried!" (Helps children identify feelings of worry and begin to learn techniques to manage those feelings)

Printable Activities:

* "My Happy Place"- an activity to help children use visualization techniques to help them relax and stop worrying

* "Worry Bug"- an activity to minimize worries and help put them into perspective

* "Treasure Chest"- a visualization activity to help children learn to "lock away" worries until they are able to deal with them

* "Super Me"- an activity to help children remember that they are powerful... even if their worries make them feel small

“When I Feel Left Out”

This packet is designed to help young children learn to identify and manage their hurt feelings when they are left out or excluded by their peers. The packet includes:

*A printable letter for families titled, “I’m Not Your Friend”. This letter helps to reassure families that while hearing the words “I’m not your friend” may cause some hurt feelings, it’s not the end of the world for their child.

*12 page printable book, “I’m not your friend.” This book features an adorable little monster who negotiates friendship dilemmas and learns how to ask for help when he needs it.

*”Can I Play?” - Sometimes children are excluded because they don’t have the social skills to ask to play. This section of the packet teaches children three important rules of asking to play.

*”Can I Play?” color poster that highlights the 3 important rules

*Five social scenarios that will help children learn the 3 rules of asking to play. The first three scenarios are for you to read to the children. These are intended to inspire class discussions. The last two include questions so that the children can decide what the characters should do next.

*”What if they say no?” Advice for how to handle those sticky situations when a child asks to play and the other children say, “no”.

*”Feelings Shield”- A visual cue for children to use for defending themselves against other people’s hurtful words or actions. Included are shields with written affirmations as well as a blank shield so that children can draw their own positive pictures.

*Common Interest Bingo”- This game will help children find others who share the same interests so that they can make new friends. Making friends will give them more choices of people to play with so that they won’t experience feeling left out as often.

*Friendship Flowers- A visual cue to help children remember some of the skills they can use to make and keep friends.

*Please keep in mind that bullying is NEVER ok. Teaching children how to handle hurt feelings does not mean that you tolerate bullying. If you feel that there is bullying behavior in your school, it is your responsibility as a teacher to end it.

Also included in this bundle is "How do they Feel?" Printable Book (my current best-selling product!)

This printable book is designed to help children identify the emotions that other people might be feeling. Each page contains an illustration of a child and a short description of what that child has experienced, followed by the question, "How does ____ feel?"

For example, on one page a girl is shown with an ice cream cone that has fallen to the ground. The text on that page says, "Ella dropped her ice cream cone on the sidewalk. How does Ella feel?"

Teachers or parents can use the mini-stories on each page to help children identify and talk about their own emotions as well as the emotions of others. Children are encouraged to look at facial features and body language to help to identify the feelings of other people.

You can also purchase each of these packets individually:

When I Feel Angry

When I Feel Frustrated

When I Feel Worried

When I Feel Left Out


"When I Feel Worried" Helping children manage feelings of worry or anxiety

By Joyful Explorations

Help young children learn to identify and manage their feelings of worry or anxiety.

The packet includes:

*14- page printable book "Little Penguin Feels Worried!" (Helps children identify feelings of worry and begin to learn techniques to manage those feelings)

Printable Activities:

* "My Happy Place"- an activity to help children use visualization techniques to help them relax and stop worrying

* "Worry Bug"- an activity to minimize worries and help put them into perspective

* "Treasure Chest"- a visualization activity to help children learn to "lock away" worries until they are able to deal with them

* "Super Me"- an activity to help children remember that they are powerful... even if their worries make them feel small


Click to see more "Social and Emotional Education" Products


"When I Feel Frustrated" Helping children manage feelings of frustration

By Joyful Explorations

Help young children learn to identify and manage their feelings of frustration.

This packet includes:

*12 page printable book (Helps children identify feelings of frustration and begin to learn techniques to manage those feelings)

Printable Activities:

*"10-1 Countdown"- to help children learn to take a break from frustrating activities.

*"Break it Down"- to help children break large tasks into more manageable steps.

*"I am a Super Star"- to help children remember the things that they CAN do well!

"Star Light, Star Bright"- to help children remember all of the activities that they have learned in this packet.


Click to see more "Social and Emotional Education" Products


Feelings and Emotions Cards

By Joyful Explorations

These printable cards help children identify their feelings and emotions! This set of cards also includes a digital Easel activity, which can be adapted for your students so that they can show how they are feeling each day on their own devices.

Adorable and diverse characters depict twelve emotions on bright colored cards. Black and white versions of these cards are also included.

The emotions on the cards include:

→ Angry

→ Happy

→ Excited

→ Sleepy

→ Proud

→ Shy

→ Scared

→ Sad

→ Embarrassed

→ Confused

→ Hurt

→ Grumpy

As an added BONUS, you will also receive a page filled with ideas for using these cards!


Click to see more "Social and Emotional Education" Products


Feelings and Emotions Cards - FREEBIE

By All Therapy Resources

This resource includes 26 circular feeling and emotional printable cards to support students identify and explore their feelings and emotions.

The emotions include the following:

Angry, in love, bored, embarrassed, mischievous, happy, shocked, awkward, shy, calm, jealous, proud, disappointed, confused, sad, excited, curious, grumpy, out of control, distracted, left out, ready to learn, courageous, frustrated, silly, shocked

Check out some of our best sellers below! Don't forget to follow our store!

WORKBOOKS – Just print!

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Recognising Defences in Children


Anger Management Plan

Anger Management Activity Worksheets

Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity

My Anger Management Workbook


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Understanding Behavioural Triggers

Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)

Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)

Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)

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TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here:


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