Kindergarten School Psychology Resources

Coping with Tragedy: Coping Strategies & Activities to Support Students

By Kirsten's Kaboodle

Coping with Tragedy: Activities to Support Students in Times of Tragedy BUNDLE

This BUNDLE includes TWO resources: ONE resource for K-2nd grade and ONE resource for 3rd-5th grade, which you can find here:

  • Coping with Tragedy: Activities to Support Students During Times of Trauma K-2nd grade
  • Coping with Tragedy: Activities to Support Students During Times of Trauma 3rd-5th grade

Not sure what to door say or how to help your students when a tragedy occurs? Traumas like natural disasters, acts of violence, a school shooting, or losing a valued community member impact your classroom in many ways. These packets give you a handful of activities, tips, and book suggestions to help you navigate tragic events with your students.

There is some overlapping content in these products. Some pages have been adapted to meet the needs of the grade level (line-spacing, verbiage, etc.).

These products pair well with these books. Depending on the tragedy, some books will be better than others. A Flicker of Hope by Julia Cook and A Terrible Thing Happened by Margaret M Holmes are beneficial for any tragedy. Some of these titles are specific to certain tragedies.

Check these titles to find what you might need:

  1. A Flicker of Hope by Julia Cook
  2. Worry Says What? by Allison Edwards
  3. A Terrible Thing Happened by Margaret M Holmes
  4. Flood by Alvaro F. Villa
  5. The Memory Box: A Book About Grief by Joanna Rowland
  6. Listening to My Body: A guide to helping kids understand the connection between their sensations and feelings by Gabi Garcia.
  7. I Can Handle It (Mindful Mantras) by Laurie Wright
  8. Help Your Dragon Deal With Anxiety by Steve Herman
  9. In My Heart: A Book of Feelings (Growing Hearts) by Jo Witek
  10. Coping Skills for Kids Workbook: Over 75 Coping Strategies to Help Kids Deal with Stress, Anxiety and Anger by Janine Halloran

Take note:

  • Please be aware that these resources are NOT intended to replace mental health services for students in need. Depending on the tragic event, the proximity of the trauma, and other factors, students may need help on a more individual basis.
  • Teachers and counselors should closely monitor students’ reactions to activities. Students respond to situations, activities, and feelings differently. Make decisions in the best interest of students. It is okay if some students refrain from participating in an activity. It might also mean that some students require a referral to a school psychologist or school counselor.
  • Be very clear with students about your intention to share (or not share) the final product(s) with others. If you intend to display or send any part of this home to parents, students should be aware of that before the activity begins.
  • These activity packs were created for communities experiencing a tragedy. This might include a natural disaster, the loss of a community member (including a teacher or student), or an act of violence (including a school shooting).
  • Though these were not intended to be used for students who experience (or are experiencing) chronic trauma or who have had traumatic experiences in their past, you may find that some of the activities and discussions are beneficial.


These products include a digital option (as well as the no-prep printable option). The instructions for utilizing the digital portion appear at the end of each packet. The mini-book, comfort cube, and coloring pages are not included digitally.

You may also be interested in these posters:


Need growth mindset bell ringers? Choose your grade here:

  • GROWTH MINDSET ACTIVITIES: Daily Warm-Ups for Kinder-1st Grade
  • GROWTH MINDSET ACTIVITIES: Daily Warm-Ups for 2ND-3RD Grade
  • GROWTH MINDSET ACTIVITIES: Daily Warm-Ups for 4th Grade and Up


By All Therapy Resources

Do you have students who are having trouble expressing and managing their emotions? Download this Emotional Regulation and Coping Skills Workbook and help your students identify their feelings and respond in a healthy manner.

This comprehensive social emotional learning tool contains 65 pages of therapeutic exercises that should accompany discussions with a counselor, social worker, psychologist, therapist, or certified professional. This workbook can help students learn about healthy, constructive ways to cope with strong emotions.

It can be hard for students to talk about strong emotions and even harder to manage them. That's why this workbook can help teach crucial strategies for regulating emotions and increasing emotional literacy. Whether it's better regulatory techniques, learning how to identify different feeling states, or building upon self-expression skills – these lessons will provide a safe space for instruction.

Areas of Support: Self-Awareness, Self-Control, Coping Skills, Emotional Regulation, Calming Techniques, Self-Acceptance

✎✎✎ Topics Covered:

- Emotion Identification (Anxious, Angry, Frustration, Scared, Happy, Frightened etc.)

- Feeling and Behavior Levels

- Emotional Regulation Activities

- Green and Red Choices for Behavior

- Social Stories for Emotions (Anxious, Excited, Angry, Happy, Sad/Upset)

- Worksheets

- Calm Down Plan

- Problem Solving Cubes

- Step Ladder – Feeling/Behaviors/Action Plan

- Tools to Regulate

- Feelings Pie Chart

- Feelings Thermometer

- Feeling Literacy Visuals

- Emotion Leads to Action Worksheet

- Physiological Reflections

► Looking for more workbook topics? We've got you covered!

  • Behavior and Feelings Workbook
  • Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
  • Emotions & Self Care Workbook
  • My Anger Management Workbook

⚠️ Click HERE to follow All Therapy Resources and be alerted of new products and free downloads! ⚠️

© All Therapy Resources - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here.


ANGER MANAGEMENT Small Group Counseling Curriculum - Elementary School

By All Therapy Resources

"Keep Your Cool" is an ASCA-aligned Anger Management Small Group Counseling Curriculum, specifically designed for elementary school children aged 5 to 11. This Anger Management Small Group Counseling Curriculum offers an array of dynamic, engaging, and interactive activities aimed at helping children effectively manage their anger while enhancing their emotional regulation and interpersonal skills.

"Keep Your Cool" effectively aligns with ASCA mindset and behavior standards, offering a comprehensive approach to emotional well-being. It provides a safe and supportive environment for children to explore their emotions, learn effective coping strategies, and foster healthier relationships, all within an interactive and engaging 6 session format.

This Anger Management Small Group Counseling Curriculum includes:

  • Note to Counselors
  • Objectives & Goals
  • Group Session Overview
  • ASCA Mindset and Behavior STANDARDS
  • Binder Cover Page & Spine Options
  • Teacher Nominations and Follow Up Forms
  • Parent/Guardian Letter and Consent Form
  • Group Planning Sheet
  • Name Tags
  • Group Member Reminders
  • Group Attendance Record
  • Student Pre & Post Outcome Measures
  • Teacher Pre & Post Outcome Measures
  • Additional Data Collection
  • Confidentiality Sign
  • Passes - Hall, Class, Counselor, Social Worker & Psychologist
  • Student Desk Reminders
  • Counselor Chats Handout
  • Certificates

Below are the specific details for each individual session which can be used in isolation or as a comprehensive curriculum.

Comprising SIX SESSIONS, each tailored to address specific aspects of anger-related issues, this program equips children with invaluable life skills.

1.Session 1: Welcome and Introduction to Anger Management (Exploring Triggers) - In this foundational session, children are introduced to the group and the concept of anger management. Through thoughtful discussions and interactive activities, participants explore their anger triggers, gaining valuable insights into what makes them angry and how they respond to it.

2.Session 2: Rainbow Emotional Regulation - In the second session, children delve into the concept of emotional regulation using the metaphor of a rainbow. They learn to recognize various emotional states, understand what these emotions look and feel like, and explore how to achieve emotional balance through engaging and interactive activities.

3.Session 3: Red and Green Choice Behavior Choices - Session 3 centers on helping children distinguish between "red" (unhelpful) and "green" (helpful) behavior choices when they experience anger. Through interactive games and exercises, participants reinforce the importance of making constructive choices in dealing with their anger.

4.Session 4: Helping and Hurting Hands (Physical Aggression) - The fourth session introduces the concept of helping and hurting hands, focusing on addressing physical aggression. Children engage in interactive activities designed to explore alternatives to physical aggression and learn how to express their anger safely.

5.Session 5: Dragon Breaths (Deep Breathing) - In Session 5, deep breathing is presented as an effective coping strategy for anger management. Through activities like "Dragon Breaths," participants practice deep breathing techniques, empowering them to control their emotional responses constructively.

6.Session 6: Keep Your Cool Calming Strategies, Termination, and Review - The program culminates in the sixth session, where children learn various calming strategies to manage their anger, including visualization, counting, or using a designated "calm down" corner. This final session also serves as an opportunity for participants to review what they've learned throughout the program. To reinforce their newly acquired skills, children engage in a creative "cool down ice-cream craft," making this curriculum not only informative but fun and memorable.

⚠️ Click HERE to follow All Therapy Resources and be alerted of new products and free downloads! ⚠️

 ► Looking for more SEL workbook topics? We've got you covered!

  • Behavior and Feelings Workbook
  • Gossiping & Rumors Workbook for Teens 
  • CBT Workbook - Thoughts Feelings Behaviors for Teenagers
  • Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
  • Emotions & Self Care Workbook
  • My Anger Management Workbook

© All Therapy Resources - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here.



By All Therapy Resources

Sobre este libro de Trabajo - Todos tenemos sentimientos y emociones. Todos los días experimentamos varios de estos sentimientos. Este libro de trabajo ha sido creado solo para que lo ayude a comprender mejor sus sentimientos, emociones y comportamientos.

Mindset is everything! This workbook supports children to develop a growth mindset and learn not to give up. It incorporates reading, expressive writing, critical thinking, reflective insight development while also teaching social and emotional learning and growth mindset skills for little learners.

The following 75 page workbook focuses on the following topics to encourage emotional wellbeing and resilience:

• Anger management

• Anxiety Management

• Emotional Regulation

• Resilience

• Self-Belief and Confidence

• Positive Thinking

• Relaxation

• Social relating

• Reflective behaviours

• Healthy choices

• Coping Skills

• Understanding your engine

• Problem solving

• Isolating and labelling behaviours

• Creative Visualisation

• Find-a-words

and much much more...

This feelings and behaviour workbook includes:

- Introductory ‘about your workbook” – learning about the individual

- Anger rules – what’s okay/not okay

- Feeling find-a-word

- Body Keeps the Score exercise – reflective exercise

- Volcano anger management exercise and activity

- Poster – what to do when you feel angry

- Reflective anger management exercises

- Star Tips for controlling anger

- Emotions Poster “printable”

- Rules to support change – poster

- Anger Management worksheets

- Deep breathing exercise

- Coping skills exercise/activity

- Understand your Engine – Engine Speeds

- How I feel Today diary entry

- Healthy me diary/journal

- Cool Down Thoughts Poste

- Problem Solving Reflective Activity – stop and think/choices

- Knowing you feelings – reflective activity – frustration/happy/angry/mad

- Helping Hand activity – who to go for support/trust

- Biggest Hurt and Sadness activity

- Creative Activity – Make a safe home for your pet

- Bucket Activity – reflective care

- SPOTLIGHT activity

- And much more….

This is a workbook that can be printed and used for all children, including those with behavioural and anger management issues to support behaviour change.

This package includes over 36 exercises and activities to do with children, as well as tips and behavioural reinforcer pages.

This package has been utilized for all children and has been used within a school setting as part of a “self care” program. This can also be utilized for children with ADHD, intellectual disability, autism and/or developmental delay.

Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you 

WORKBOOKS – Just print!

Behaviour and Feelings Workbook

Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook

Emotions & Self Care Workbook

My Anger Management Workbook


Puberty Lesson and Activity Book

Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say

Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook

Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game

Stranger Danger Education

Road Safety Social Story

Fire Safety Social Story

Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book


How My Engine Runs Social Story

Teaching Children about Personal Space

Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness

When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story

Understanding Divorce Social Story

Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story

Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story


Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection

Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates

Increasing a Child's Attention Span

Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem

Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies

Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies

Recognising Defences in Children


Anger Management Plan

Anger Management Activity Worksheets

Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity

My Anger Management Workbook


Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts

Understanding Behavioural Triggers

Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)

Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)

Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)

If you download it, PLEASE leave feedback!

Also – become a fan by clicking “follow me” at the top of this page. You will be alerted of new products and free downloads. Thanks!


TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here:


STORE CREDITS - Did you know...?

• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.

• You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TeachShare store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.



Executive Functioning Checklist Students K-2nd PLUS Goals & Interventions

By The Responsive Educator

Executive Functioning Skills Checklist for K-2: A Comprehensive Tool for Special Education Professionals

This comprehensive checklist is designed specifically to help special education professionals and behavior specialists assess and support young students across 12 key executive functioning areas. With this tool, you’ll gain valuable insights into each student’s strengths and challenges, allowing you to implement targeted interventions and set meaningful IEP, FBA, or BIP goals. Whether you’re addressing attention, organization, emotional control, or working memory, this checklist will help you identify and address essential skill gaps.

What Problem Does This Solve?
Students with executive functioning deficits often struggle to fully engage and benefit from classroom learning. These challenges may manifest as difficulty following directions, staying on task, managing emotions, or organizing materials. This checklist provides educators with a clear, structured way to observe, assess, and address these deficits, giving you concrete data to guide your support strategies.

Who Does This Help?
This checklist is ideal for special education professionals, behavior specialists, and classroom teachers working with K-2 students who demonstrate difficulty in one or more executive functioning areas. It’s designed to empower you with practical interventions and sample goals tailored to this age group, so you can confidently support students’ skill development in ways that are age-appropriate and impactful.

How Does This Save Time?
The Executive Function Checklist for K-2nd Grade streamlines the process of identifying and addressing students' needs, offering you a ready-to-use resource filled with sample goals and interventions for each executive function area. With pre-written goals and practical intervention ideas, you can quickly integrate these into IEPs, FBAs, and BIPs without having to start from scratch.


  • Covers 12 Executive Function Areas: Includes planning, organization, emotional control, self-motivation, and more.

  • Targeted, developmentally appropriate interventions: Interventions tailored to the K-2 level to support specific skills.

  • Sample Goals for IEPs, FBAs, and BIPs: Pre-written goals for each executive function area, giving you a solid foundation for personalized plans.

  • User-Friendly Format: Checklists are organized by skill area, making it easy to record observations, track progress, and identify needs.

  • Supports Long-Term Development: Interventions and goals are designed to foster growth in essential skills for school readiness and beyond.

You May Also Be Interested In...

For detailed progress monitoring, consider our Behavior Progress Monitoring Tracking Sheet + Graphing Bundle. This comprehensive tool provides easy-to-use data collection and graphing for frequency, duration, and interval-based behavior tracking, helping you monitor and measure the effectiveness of interventions over time. Perfect for tracking IEP, FBA, and BIP goals with clarity and precision.

Blog Posts to Learn More About Behavior Data Collection

  • How to Use Behavioral Baseline Data to Promote and Measure Student Growth
  • How to Use Frequency Count in Excel to Progress Monitor Classroom Behavior
  • Duration of Behavior: How to Use Duration Count to Effectively Track Student Behavior
  • Interval Graphing for Student Success: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators
  • Behavioral Progress Tracking: The Power of Rate Graphs in Education

Not sure what kind of data collection you need? Take a look at my FREE Resource, Data Collection for Behavior, which will walk you through various types of data collection, how to use them, and which types of behavior each data collection method is best suited to.

Please follow me on TeachShare for more great behavior tracking and SEL resources. And remember, if you purchase, please leave a review and TPT will give you credits toward more fabulous TPT resources!


Understanding my Feelings and Emotions Mini-Lessons - SPANISH VERSION

By All Therapy Resources

Entendiendo Mis - Sentimientos & Emociones Mini-Leciones

Este libro de trabajo está diseñado específicamente para que los pequeños aprendices ayuden a explorar y comprender sus sentimientos y emociones. Este libro de trabajo se puede dividir en 4 lecciones diferentes y explora cuatro emociones principales que son:


Este libro de trabajo contiene hojas de trabajo para explorar cómo se ven y se sienten estos sentimientos no solo para ellos mismos sino para los demás. Hay oportunidades para explorar el espectro de sentimientos y aumentar la alfabetización emocional, y numerosas hojas de trabajo y actividades divertidas que incluyen hojas para colorear y encontrar palabras.

This workbook is specifically designed for little learners to help explore and understand their feelings and emotions. This workbook can be broken up into 4 different lessons and explores four main emotions which are: Happy, Sadness, Scared and Angry.

This workbook contains worksheets to explores what these feelings looks like and feels like to not only themselves but to others. There are opportunities to explore the spectrum of feelings and increase emotional literacy, and numerous worksheets and fun activities including colouring sheets and find-a-words.

Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you

WORKBOOKS – Just print!

Behaviour and Feelings Workbook

Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook

Emotions & Self Care Workbook

My Anger Management Workbook


Puberty Lesson and Activity Book

Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say

Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook

Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game

Stranger Danger Education

Road Safety Social Story

Fire Safety Social Story

Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book


How My Engine Runs Social Story

Teaching Children about Personal Space

Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness

When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story

Understanding Divorce Social Story

Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story

Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story


Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection

Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates

Increasing a Child's Attention Span

Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem

Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies

Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies

Recognising Defences in Children


Anger Management Plan

Anger Management Activity Worksheets

Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity

My Anger Management Workbook


Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts

Understanding Behavioural Triggers

Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)

Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)

Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)

If you download it, PLEASE leave feedback!

Also – become a fan by clicking “follow me” at the top of this page. You will be alerted of new products and free downloads. Thanks!


TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here:


STORE CREDITS - Did you know...?

• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.

• You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TeachShare store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.


Coping with Tragedy: Activities to Support K-2nd Grade Students

By Kirsten's Kaboodle

Coping with Tragedy: Activities to Support Students During Tragic Times for Kinder, 1st, and 2nd grade

Have your students experienced a tragedy?

Not sure what to do, say, or how to help your students when a tragedy occurs? Traumas like natural disasters, acts of violence, or losing a valued community member impact your classroom in so many ways. This packet gives you a handful of activities, tips, and book suggestions to help you navigate tragic events with your students. This product was created for Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd-grade students.

If you are looking for a complementary product for 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade, please check here:

Coping with Tragedy: Activities to Support Students During Times of Trauma 3-5

This product pairs well with these books. Depending on the tragedy you are facing, some books will be better than others. A Flicker of Hope by Julia Cook and A Terrible Thing Happened by Margaret M Holmes are beneficial for any tragedy.
Some of these titles are specific to certain tragedies.

Check these titles to find what you might need:

  1. A Flicker of Hope by Julia Cook
  2. Worry Says What? by Allison Edwards
  3. A Terrible Thing Happened by Margaret M Holmes
  4. Flood by Alvaro F. Villa
  5. The Memory Box: A Book About Grief by Joanna Rowland
  6. Listening to My Body: A guide to helping kids understand the connection between their sensations and feelings by Gabi Garcia.
  7. I Can Handle It (Mindful Mantras) by Laurie Wright
  8. Help Your Dragon Deal With Anxiety by Steve Herman
  9. In My Heart: A Book of Feelings (Growing Hearts) by Jo Witek
  10. Coping Skills for Kids Workbook: Over 75 Coping Strategies to Help Kids Deal with Stress, Anxiety and Anger by Janine Halloran

Take note:

  • Please be aware that this resource is NOT intended to replace mental health services for students in need. Depending on the tragic event, the proximity of the trauma, and other factors, students may need help on a more individual basis.
  • Teachers and counselors should closely monitor students’ reactions to activities. Students respond to situations, activities, and feelings differently. Make decisions in the best interest of students. It is okay if some students refrain from participating in an activity. It might also mean some students require a referral to a school psychologist or counselor.
  • Be very clear with students about your intention to share (or not share) the final product(s) with others. If you intend to display or send any part of this home to parents, students should be aware of that before the activity begins.
  • This activity pack was created for communities experiencing a tragedy. This might include a natural disaster, the loss of a community member (including a teacher or student), or an act of violence (including a school shooting).
  • Though it was not intended to be used for students who experience (or are experiencing) chronic trauma or who have had traumatic experiences in their past, you may find that some of the activities and discussions are beneficial.


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no-prep printable option). The instructions for utilizing the digital portion appear at the end of the packet. The mini-book, comfort coins, and coloring pages are not included digitally.

You may also be interested in these posters:


Need growth mindset bell ringers? Choose your grade here:

  • GROWTH MINDSET ACTIVITIES: Daily Warm-Ups for Kinder-1st Grade
  • GROWTH MINDSET ACTIVITIES: Daily Warm-Ups for 2ND-3RD Grade
  • GROWTH MINDSET ACTIVITIES: Daily Warm-Ups for 4th Grade and Up

"When I Feel Frustrated" Helping children manage feelings of frustration

By Joyful Explorations

Help young children learn to identify and manage their feelings of frustration.

This packet includes:

*12 page printable book (Helps children identify feelings of frustration and begin to learn techniques to manage those feelings)

Printable Activities:

*"10-1 Countdown"- to help children learn to take a break from frustrating activities.

*"Break it Down"- to help children break large tasks into more manageable steps.

*"I am a Super Star"- to help children remember the things that they CAN do well!

"Star Light, Star Bright"- to help children remember all of the activities that they have learned in this packet.


Click to see more "Social and Emotional Education" Products


"When I Feel Worried" Helping children manage feelings of worry or anxiety

By Joyful Explorations

Help young children learn to identify and manage their feelings of worry or anxiety.

The packet includes:

*14- page printable book "Little Penguin Feels Worried!" (Helps children identify feelings of worry and begin to learn techniques to manage those feelings)

Printable Activities:

* "My Happy Place"- an activity to help children use visualization techniques to help them relax and stop worrying

* "Worry Bug"- an activity to minimize worries and help put them into perspective

* "Treasure Chest"- a visualization activity to help children learn to "lock away" worries until they are able to deal with them

* "Super Me"- an activity to help children remember that they are powerful... even if their worries make them feel small


Click to see more "Social and Emotional Education" Products
