The Complete Word Search Puzzles Set for Your Students and Kids
By Zaazoua Mostapha
The best way to teach vocabulary to kids is by playing educational games.
In this bundle you will get:
Also, I'm open to suggestions about other word searches to add to this set.
Note: This product is not for resale and absolutely not for Commercial Use.
If you have any requests we can help.
French Phonics- PHRASES DÉCODABLES BUNDLE- Decoding Sentence Reading Bundle-SOR
By La trousse de Madame
French Decodable activities that align with the Science of Reading in the K-2 French classroom. Students work on their phonemic awareness, phonological awareness, decoding and encoding skills and as they master the target sound.
Make a few copies of each card and insert into clear pockets to create a quick and easy reading centre; arrange a table with four copies to create a quiet reading group; use one-on-one with your students to assess reading levels, to gain insights to their decoding skills, encoding skills, and to inform your upcoming lesson plans. Students use whiteboard markers to sound out each sound in the word, each syllable, or each word in the sentence. What a great way to build confidence! Whatever way you choose to use this resource, I am so grateful that you have given this item a try!
Who can use this resource:
Teachers who are just getting accustomed to using strategies from the Science of Reading can use these simple sentence strips to open up independent practice, small group evaluation, or up on a digital screen for whole group instruction and reading practice.
Make a set and send them home with students to build fluency in reading and confidence in reading strategies.
Sentences are designed to build a number of common French sounds and get more challenging as they go on.
Correction sheet is handy for use with a substitute as they can confidently assess students and command the lesson even when they are not assured of their French skills.
Science of Reading:
These cards are aligned with sounds being taught in any Science of Reading aligned curriculum. They are set up for student success based on the research for increasing reading fluency and building student confidence in the classroom!
Once you have established the strategies for identifying sounds, initial sounds, and blending sounds, segmenting sounds, students will be able to use these self-driven sentence strips on their own. What a great way to build learning autonomy!
What grade level:
I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from K-3 will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.
If you love this resource:
***1. French SOR Sound Cards
***2. French Decodable Reading
***3. Roles et Responsabilites
***4. French Number Line
***5. French Attention Grabbers
***6. French Speaking Passport
***7. French Pyramid Reading
Some of the Benefits of this resource:
Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool
Like my Facebook and Instagram account.
Follow me on TeachShare
French SOR Sound Mats BUNDLE-Simple and Complex SOR sounds-Phonics
By La trousse de Madame
These activity mats (les voyelles) were designed with the K-3 teacher in mind. As you introduce new sounds to your Kindergarten/Grade One students, you can use the image pages for students to show sound recognition and phonemic awareness before they are able to identify letters/graphemes. As students grow in confidence, you can add the element of identifying CV sounds or VC sounds containing the target sound. Each mat has 6 cards that will contain the target sound. Students choose the card they think is the correct one, and attach the card to the mat with Velcro dots. The third and final level is identifying the target sound inside a word. Students will need to decode sounds to correctly determine the 6 matching cards that go on the mat. This resource will grow with your students as their abilities grow.
How to prepare this resource:
Make a copy of each page and laminate the page
Cut out the activity mat (the part on the left side of the page) and the activity cards (12 cards per mat)
Insert all the materials into a plastic bag, zipper pouch, or activity basket and you have a brand new independent work station for your Science of Reading lesson!
Le vocabulaire inclus:
Les sons avec voyelles
Alligator, papillon, avion, balle, ordinateur, sac
Requin, genou, renard, chevreuil, envelope, chenille
Île, midi, souris, igloo, nid, chenille, iguane, livre
Ordinateur, porte, koala, collier, gorille, crocodile
Jupiter, numéro, aiguille, nuage, lunette, jus, saturne
Les sons é, è, ê
Égale, hérisson, poupée, éventail, hélicoptère, électrique
Flèche, père, grandmère, comète, pastèque, crème glacée
Tempête, poêle, vêtement, dépêche, guêpe, fenêtre
Les sons ON-OU-AN-EN
avion, mouton, poisson, papillon, bouton, citron
poule, caribou, cou, poupée, bouton, coude
gland, banque, banc, ambulance, demande, amande
ascenseur, content, enfant, silence, envelope, dent
Appropriate audience:
I use these posters in my French Immersion classroom with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. I feel confident that they could be used for any grade from K-6
I would love to know how you are using this product in your classroom. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have anything to say about this resource. I love helping teachers as much as I can. A product review also is a great way of letting me know, and leaving a review earns you extra credit for more amazing TeachShare products!
What grade level:
I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from Kindergarten to Grade Three will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.
Qui peut se servir de cette ressource?
J’utilise cette affiches dans ma classe d’immersion française avec des élèves de 1è et 2è. Je suis convaincu qu’ils pourraient être utilisés pour n’importe quel niveau de la maternelle à la 6è année. J’aimerais savoir comment vous utilisez ce produit dans votre classe. N’hésitez pas à me contacter directement si vous avez quelquechose à dire sur cette ressource. J’aime aider les enseignants autant que je peux.
Une revue de produit est également un excellent moyen de me le faire savoir, et laisser un avis vous vaut un crédit supplémentaire pour des produits TeachShare fabuleux!
♥ Feel free to follow me for more items in my store! Click the green star beside my store name
If you love this resource:
***1. French SOR Sound Cards
***2. French Decodable Reading
***3. Roles et Responsabilites
***4. French Number Line
***5. French Attention Grabbers
***6. French Speaking Passport
***7. French Pyramid Reading
If you prefer things all bundled together:
***1 . French Decodable BUNDLE BEST DEAL
***2 . Phrases Decodables BUNDLE SUPER DEAL
When to use this resource in the classroom:
After you have delivered your lesson on the Science of Reading and you have introduced and reviewed the target sound, you may want to show students how to use the resource in a group lesson.
Once students have the idea in mind and can identify the target sound cards, it’s time to make it a centre and let them explore the resource on their own!
Some of the Benefits of this resource:
Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool
Like my Facebook and Instagram account.
Follow me on TeachShare
You have downloaded a license for you to use this resource in your own classroom(s) with your own students. Duplication of any kind: copying, adding to your own resource, or digitally changing and reproducing is strictly prohibited.
If you wish to download more licenses to share this resource with colleagues, please do so at the link for additional licenses.
French DECOR BUNDLE-Back to School Bulletin Board POSTERS-La rentrée scolaire
By La trousse de Madame
My most popular classroom decor posters are all bundled into one great resource! These vibrant, engaging, and helpful posters and bulletin board sets are a great addition to the Elementary classroom. French teachers love these posters and my students use them daily to help them with language patterns, spelling, speaking with peers, and many other helpful ways. Grab this bundle now and as it grows, you'll get all the updates!
Do you struggle to find colourful, engaging, and unique classroom decor elements to add to your French classroom? I created these Classroom Decor Posters with you in mind. Engaging, child-centered, and colorful posters to foster the love of learning and to instill a sense of positivity in your students as they stretch their thinking. A growth mindset means that students learn to recognize that challenge, mistakes, and even frustration can all lead to leaps in learning!
Les affiches sont l'essentiel dans la salle de classe cette année. Les élèves adorent encourager les autres et donner la motivation à leur copains. Les affiches dans cette collection sont bons pour les étudiants de Maternelle à la 3e année.
Growth Mindset Posters:
Mon cerveau est un muscle que j’entraine
Toutes mes idées m’aident à apprendre
J’accepte les défis et les difficultés
Je peux toujours m’améliorer!
J’essaye de nouvelles stratégies!
Je suis capable de faire des choses difficiles!
Mon cerveau grandit quand je me pousse!
J’aperçois les changements dans mes pensées
Je crois en moi!
Je célèbre les nouveaux défis!
Les erreurs m’aident à grandir!
Je ne comprends pas encore
Attention Grabbers:
Une banane bleu, les yeux, les yeux, les yeux!
Vert, jaune, rouge...on ne bouge!
Visual Schedule Cards (36 daily activities for your board)
French Conversation Starters, Est-ce que...? questions
EX. Est-ce que je peux:
-aller aux toilettes
-boire de l'eau
-chercher une gomme
-mettre de l'eau dans ma bouteille
Est-ce que tu peux:
-attacher mon manteau
- etc
La lecture posters:
French posters to inspire students to read and open the marvellous world of lifelong learning
Appropriate audience:
I use these posters in my French Immersion classroom with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. I feel confident that they could be used for any grade from K-6
I would love to know how you are using this product in your classroom. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have anything to say about this resource. I love helping teachers as much as I can. A product review also is a great way of letting me know, and leaving a review earns you extra credit for more amazing TeachShare products!
What grade level:
I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from Kindergarten to Grade Three will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.
Qui peut se servir de cette ressource?
J’utilise cette affiches dans ma classe d’immersion française avec des élèves de 1e et 2e. Je suis convaincu qu’ils pourraient être utilisés pour n’importe quel niveau de la maternelle à la 6è année. J’aimerais savoir comment vous utilisez ce produit dans votre classe. N’hésitez pas à me contacter directement si vous avez quelque chose à dire sur cette ressource. J’aime aider les enseignants autant que je peux.
Une revue de produit est également un excellent moyen de me le faire savoir, et laisser un avis vous vaut un crédit supplémentaire pour des produits TeachShare fabuleux!
♥ Feel free to follow me for more items in my store! Click the green star beside my store name
If you love this resource:
***1. French SOR Sound Cards
***2. French Decodable Reading
***3. Roles et Responsabilites
***4. French Number Line
***5. French Attention Grabbers
***6. French Speaking Passport
***7. French Pyramid Reading
If you prefer things all bundled together:
***1 . French Decodable BUNDLE BEST DEAL
***2 . Phrases Decodables BUNDLE SUPER DEAL
Some of the Benefits of this resource:
Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool
Like my Facebook and Instagram account.
Follow me on TeachShare
You have downloaded a license for you to use this resource in your own classroom(s) with your own students. Duplication of any kind: copying, adding to your own resource, or digitally changing and reproducing is strictly prohibited.
If you wish to download more licenses to share this resource with colleagues, please do so at the link for additional licenses.
By La trousse de Madame
French Decodable texts BUNDLE that aligns with the Science of Reading are a NO PREP printable activity for the K-2 French classroom. Students practice endoding and decoding skills and build confidence in reading.
Make a few copies of each text and insert into clear pockets to create a quick and easy reading centre; arrange a table with four copies to create a quiet reading group; use one-on-one with your students to assess reading levels, to gain insights to their decoding skills, and to inform your upcoming lesson plans. Whatever way you choose to use this resource, I am so grateful that you have given this item a try!
Who can use this resource:
Teachers who are just getting accustomed to using strategies from the Science of Reading can use these simple texts to open up independent practice, small group evaluation, or up on a digital screen for whole group instruction and reading practice.
Make a set and send them home with students to build fluency in reading and confidence in reading strategies.
Texts are designed to build a number of common French sounds and get more challenging as they go on.
Correction sheet is handy for use with a substitute as they can confidently assess students and command the lesson even when they are not assured of their French skills.
What grade level:
I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from K-3 will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.
If you love this resource:
***1. French SOR Sound Cards
***2. French Decodable Reading
***3. Roles et Responsabilites
***4. French Number Line
***5. French Attention Grabbers
***6. French Speaking Passport
Some of the Benefits of this resource:
Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool
Like my Facebook and Instagram account.
Follow me on TeachShare
French Phonics -Alphabet Activity Sheets-Science of Reading Phonemique-French
By La trousse de Madame
Alphabet pages are a NO PREP printable activity that align with the Science of Reading with vocabulary that contains the target sounds for K-2 French students. Each page helps students build phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, and endoding and decoding skills with sweet graphics and easy to read fonts. Build a strong foundation in French language with educational resources designed specifically with your students in mind!
What’s in my workbook?
-In each page, you will find a large bubble letter, upper and lower case, for students to colour or trace inside the lines.
-A section for identifying upper and lowercase letters by colouring the appropriate boxes.
-There is a section for tracing letters in upper and lowercase to build efficiency in printing.
-Students then have a quick little sentence using the target sound by circling the target letter.
-Next is a word practice.
-Finally, the student is asked to colour images that have the target sound.
Option 1:
Alphabet Worksheets have been organised by vowel sound first, followed by the consonant sound letters. Please note the ‘e accent aigu’ has been introduced early in each version.
Option 2:
Alphabet sounds have been organised as they are introduced by the Bien lire, Aimer lire formatting preferred by many French schools in Canada and abroad.
This is done to make it easier to sequence lessons based on the preferred letter introduction sequence.
Alphabet sounds:
-all vowel sounds a, e, i, o, u, y (as i), and e accent aigu
-consonant sounds including hard and soft g, and c
-y as a consonant
-images containing each of the letter sounds
-on sentence of decodable words with primarily simple sounds (complex sounds also present as are some heart words)
Activity Sheets include:
-printing practice
-tracing letters
-upper and lowercase letter recognition
-identifying letters
-decoding sentences
-word recognition
-identifying sound in an image
-find the images with the target sound
Who can use this resource:
-Any teacher using the strategies of the Science of Reading in the K-3 French Immersion classroom, Grade 4-6 Core French classroom.
-Make a set and send them home with students to build fluency in reading and confidence in reading strategies.
-Sentences are designed to build a number of common French sounds and get more challenging as they go on.
-Correction sheet is handy for use with a substitute as they can confidently assess students and command the lesson even when they are not assured of their French skills.
What grade level:
I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from K-3 will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.
If you love this resource:
***1. French SOR Sound Cards
***2. French Decodable Reading
***3. Roles et Responsabilites
***4. French Number Line
***5. French Attention Grabbers
***6. French Speaking Passport
***7. French Pyramid Reading
If you prefer things all bundled together:
***1 . French Decodable BUNDLE BEST DEAL
***2 . Phrases Decodables BUNDLE SUPER DEAL
♥ Feel free to follow me for more items in my store! Click the green star beside my store name
Some of the Benefits of this resource:
Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool
Like my Facebook and Instagram account.
Follow me on TeachShare
You have downloaded a license for you to use this resource in your own classroom(s) with your own students. Duplication of any kind: copying, adding to your own resource, or digitally changing and reproducing is strictly prohibited.
If you wish to download more licenses to share this resource with colleagues, please do so at the link for additional licenses.
FRENCH Phonics Decodable Reading Activity Packet-SOR-Activités Décodables
By La trousse de Madame
Decodable Reading Activity packet includes a variety of activites for French teachers. Quick and simple K-2 reading fluency activities that are decodable and aligned with the Science of Reading. Fun and engaging French resource targeting those learning in the French Immersion, Core French, or modern language programs. Build a strong foundation in French language with educational resources specifically designed with your students in mind.
As I got into using these decodable reading passages in class, the students guided me to stretching out the resource even more to create a cute little packet for them to do a lot of the work on their own.
What's in the pack?
There are 4 original texts that explore complex sounds in French
Target sounds include AN/EN, ON, OU, OI
Text 1: Blanche
-le son AN et EN
-3 variations: a) text with decodable and heart words with comprehension questions with the target sound; b) text with decodable passage with writing lines so students can encode, write responses, or practice writing target words; c) decodable text with target sound with a box provided for students to create a picture to show comprehension (we do picture and label for beginner writers).
Text 2: L'hérisson Tonton
-le son ON
-3 variations: a) text with decodable and heart words with comprehension questions with the target sound; b) text with decodable passage with writing lines so students can encode, write responses, or practice writing target words; c) decodable text with target sound with a box provided for students to create a picture to show comprehension (we do picture and label for beginner writers).
Text 3: Lou le hibou
-le son OU
-3 variations: a) text with decodable and heart words with comprehension questions with the target sound; b) text with decodable passage with writing lines so students can encode, write responses, or practice writing target words; c) decodable text with target sound with a box provided for students to create a picture to show comprehension (we do picture and label for beginner writers).
Text 4: Le poisson Éloi
-le son OI
-3 variations: a) text with decodable and heart words with comprehension questions with the target sound; b) text with decodable passage with writing lines so students can encode, write responses, or practice writing target words; c) decodable text with target sound with a box provided for students to create a picture to show comprehension (we do picture and label for beginner writers).
How we use this in class:
My students now know that we read the passage first together as a group. We decode. We explore. We segment words. Blend them all so we are confident.
Next, we do activities with the sound blends themselves. Using a highlighter, students race to find all the target sound words in the text. I don’t know about you but my student LOVE highlighters! After that, students used the lined window to write all the target sound words so they’re sure they have them all. Then, we do a little exercise where we try to explain what happened in the story in as few words as possible.
The very last step is to draw a picture of what is happening in the text. Students can do most or all this activity pack on their own in the Grade One and Grade Two Immersion setting. It’s a great way to have them build confidence all while giving you the time to work with small groups at the back of your class!
Who can use this resource:
Teachers who are just getting accustomed to using strategies from the Science of Reading can use these simple texts to open up independent practice, small group evaluation, or up on a digital screen for whole group instruction and reading practice.
Make a set and send them home with students to build fluency in reading and confidence in reading strategies.
Texts are designed to build a number of common French sounds and get more challenging as they go on.
Correction sheet is handy for use with a substitute as they can confidently assess students and command the lesson even when they are not assured of their French skills.
What grade level:
I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from K-3 will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.
Science of Reading:
These texts are aligned with sounds being taught in any Science of Reading aligned curriculum. They are set up for student success based on the research for increasing reading fluency and building student confidence in the classroom!
Once you have established the strategies for identifying sounds, initial sounds, and blending sounds, segmenting sounds, students will be able to use these self-driven passages on their own. What a great way to build learning autonomy!
If you love this resource:
***1. French SOR Sound Cards
***2. French Decodable Reading
***3. Roles et Responsabilites
***4. French Number Line
***5. French Attention Grabbers
***6. French Speaking Passport
***7. French Decodable Sentence Strips
If you prefer things all bundled together:
***1 . French Decodable BUNDLE BEST DEAL
***2 . Phrases Decodables BUNDLE SUPER DEAL
Some of the Benefits of this resource:
Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool
♥ Feel free to follow me for more items in my store! Click the green star beside my store name
Like my Facebook and Instagram account.
Follow me on TeachShare
You have downloaded a license for you to use this resource in your own classroom(s) with your own students. Duplication of any kind: copying, adding to your own resource, or digitally changing and reproducing is strictly prohibited.
If you wish to download more licenses to share this resource with colleagues, please do so at the link for additional licenses.
Tropical Spanish French and English Learning Flashcards
This download includes a Spanish and a French version.
Map Google Drive Activity for Any Language
Here's a freebie I put together! It can be used in any language class.
French Bible Lesson - Acan vole et Israël est vaincu, Josué 7, Homeschooling
By Cheryl Bennett
This resource gives you everything you need to teach Joshua 7 in French and to help students (native speakers or intermediate level) even as young as preschoolers to 1st to remember. The lesson focuses on the Achan and his covetousness and how it led to Israelites defeat. Students will learn about God's faithfulness to His promises.
1. How to prep:
I printed and laminated the story pages the evening before. I also printed the coloring page and the memory verse activity sheets the evening before.
2. I read the story pages. Students can color while I read to help them focus.
3. I showed the story cards (just smaller versions of the slides that students take home) to students and asked them to repeat as much of the story back to me as they can.
4. Students can put the puzzle together and retell again if there is time.
5. Students can also work on the word search or counting activity, depending on the age.
6. Sequencing activity - cut out the bottom half of the page and have the students cut out the picture boxes. Students can put the correct picture with the correct caption.
Why should I choose this resource?
1. The story comes from Scripture but is summarized for young learners. The Word of God is not compromised in the process.
2. There are a variety of coloring pages for students to do during the lesson to help them listen to the story but still busy with a non-linguistic activity so their brains do not have competition between the 2 activities.
3. There are plenty of activities to keep them engaged.
4. Easy to understand instructions for printing
5. Colorful and engaging pictures to help tell the story for pre-readers or early readers.
6. A chance to work with the story while practicing cutting, gluing, reading, and summarizing.
L'heure - French Telling Time - 12 & 24 Hour Fortune Tellers - Cootie Catchers
By Love Learning Languages - French Resources
Use fortune tellers / cootie catchers to have students practice telling time in French using 12 and 24 hour clocks. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing this important skill at any time of the year.
This resource includes 5 fortune tellers for saying the time in French and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper. See the preview for a sneak peak. If you'd like to print in black and white, have your students color in the circles you see. I've left a white space in the center of each circle for this purpose.
Times used for the 12 hour clock:
Times used for the 24 hour clock:
Check out my new Build Your Own French Bundle option. Select resources from my store, and if they total $20 or more I'll quickly create a special order bundle for you at 20% off. No sale items or other already discounted bundles can be included.
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Newsletter - French Freebies + Flash Sales
Want to have all of your secondary French resource needs covered? Check out the following curriculum supplement bundles:
➯ Ça y est, Je parle français! French 1 curriculum
➯ Ça y est, je parle français! French 2 curriculum
➯ Ça y est, je parle français! French 3 and 4 curriculum
LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.
COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
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⚜French Teachers Café Facebook Page
⚜YouTube channel with 200+ French grammar lessons
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French basics speaking tout sur moi la rentrée back to school FSL low prep
By The Librarian's Language Loft
This French FSL resource bundle helps to review basic questions with French students. This is a great way to get to know your students as you have many low prep templates and engaging activities to pick from. Play 4 corners to learn students' preferences or interview a classmate.
Resource 1:
Students can interview their classmates to get extra speaking practice. Next they can either write about the classmate (Tout sur ____) or about themselves with several templates to pick from (Tout sur moi!). Finally there are 24 personal basic profiles given with 3 suggested games and activities for more speaking practice with personal questions (i.e. How old are you? What is your favorite pastime?).
In addition to the pre-designed templates, there are blank options which gives more flexibility to stronger classes. There are 22 interview questions included which students can use for support while writing a paragraph. There is a simplified version.
-Four template formats including smartphone, retro signs, basic style or pennant flag
-A list of 22 basic questions (with English for support) - this allows students to pick their own sentences or it could be used for an interview
-Blank templates that allow for more personalized sentences
-Additional templates to write about a classmate
-Twenty questions handout (with English support)
-Twenty-four basic personal profiles and suggested activities and games
-Bonus activity : Guess who ? Students write 8 clues and classmates have to
guess who it is...
Resource 2:
This French (FSL) Four Corners activity helps to encourage conversation while expanding core vocabulary. This interactive icebreaker combines language learning and fun, making it a perfect way to introduce your students to each other and the French language. Students will actively participate by choosing from four options and discussing their preferences. Extra templates are included so that students can make their own slide to share with the class the next day.
- Teacher overview
-New vocabulary with engaging images
-Over 30 suggestions for "Questions du Jour" or "Quatre coins"
-Writing idea for students
Present tense verbs/limited conditional
basic vocabulary for hobbies, sports, clothing, food, and personal preferences
Resource 3:
This is a back to school French FSL art resource to help build a class community with students. Get to know your students as they write about themselves with this low prep activity. Students are also encourage to add color, symbols and sketches to these "Tout sur moi!" or "Me Voici" posters. This resource is great way to decorate your classroom or bulletin board.
-Three puzzle options:
-Individual puzzle (four pieces) "Tout sur moi!" with sentence suggestions for beginner French students - 2 language level options
-Larger piece for more open ended writing/art or an individual heart puzzle
-Bonus mandala bookmark template included for the early finishers.
Bulletin Board Display:
-Class community puzzle display on bulletin board with sign "On est bien ensemble!" Each student designs a unique puzzle piece to add to the class display.
-Large printable letters "On est bien ensemble!" (18 black and white pennant style/18 colored pennant flags)
** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**
Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement