Safari Virtual Interactivo y Pasaporte Ecológico
By Ms Garcia Store
Excursión Virtual de Safari en Español
¡Embárcate en un emocionante viaje alrededor del mundo y descubre 175 fascinantes animales en sus hábitats y ecosistemas naturales con esta presentación PowerPoint totalmente interactiva! Conoce sus características principales y su clasificación en el reino animal.
Cada animal tiene su propia ficha con una imagen, su clasificación y un video informativo de aproximadamente 3 a 5 minutos. Al hacer clic en cada función, accederás a nuevas pestañas que te ayudarán a comprender este maravilloso mundo.
Casi todo es editable. En la diapositiva número 3, podrás personalizar el nombre de tu clase en lugar de "Ms Garcia Store". Por ejemplo, puedes escribir "Clase de la Sra. García".
Además, encontrarás dos archivos PDF adicionales:
1. Pasaporte Ecológico: Imprime en tamaño carta (8.5 x 11") las 3 hojas de este PDF y obtendrás un increíble pasaporte con el que tus estudiantes podrán familiarizarse mientras aprenden sobre diferentes ecosistemas.
2. Sellos de Viaje: Imprime también este archivo PDF de 2 hojas (no a doble cara). Contiene un total de 20 sellos de viaje que tus alumnos podrán pegar en el pasaporte ecológico a medida que vayan descubriendo estos fascinantes lugares. Los 20 sellos corresponden a las siguientes ubicaciones:
- La selva amazónica
- Australia
- La cordillera de los Andes
- El Ártico
- La Antártida
- La sabana africana
- El pastizal americano
- Los pantanos americanos
- Las costas del Pacífico
- El desierto del Sáhara
- La jungla africana
- Montañas del Himalaya
- Islas de Indonesia
- Islas Galápagos
- Selva monzónica asiática
- Bosques del Norte
- Bosques Europeos
- Arrecifes de coral
- Animales de granja
- Animales de ciudad
- Clasificación de los animales
- ¿Dónde viven?
- 10 hábitats
- 20 ecosistemas
Viaja alrededor del mundo a través de 20 ecosistemas y descubre los animales que los habitan.
- ¿Cómo se reproducen?
- Vivíparos, ovíparos y ovovivíparos
- ¿De qué se alimentan?
- Carnívoros
- Herbívoros
- Omnívoros
Los estudiantes practicarán la cumplementación de formularios aportando la siguiente información en el Pasaporte, ya sea la suya personal o la de un personaje inventado:
- Apellido
- Nombre
- Nacionalidad
- Fecha de nacimiento
- Lugar de nacimiento
- Sexo
- Fecha de expedición (fecha en la que se completa el formulario)
- Fecha de caducidad (5 años después de la fecha de expedición)
- Firma
Sumérgete en esta emocionante excursión virtual de safari y permite que tus estudiantes exploren el fascinante mundo de la vida animal en diferentes rincones del planeta. ¡Adquiere este recurso ahora y bríndales una experiencia educativa inolvidable!
Nota: Este recurso es compatible con el aprendizaje en español y es adecuado para su uso en el aula o en educación en el hogar.
Related Products
⭐ Interactive animal atlas, animal classification, reproduction, habitats, etc.
⭐ Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport
⭐ Safari virtual field trip around the world
⭐ Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport
⭐ Ecologic Passport and 20 Travel Stamps of different Ecosystems
Productos Relacionados
⭐ Atlas animal interactivo. Clasificación, reproducción, habitats...
⭐ Atlas animal interactivoy PasaporteEcológico
⭐ Safari virtual interactivoalrededordel mundo
⭐ Safari Virtual Interactivoy PasaporteEcológico
⭐ PasaporteEcológicoy sellosde viajede 20 ecosistemas
Click here to see all my resources in Spanish
Click here to visit my TeachShare store
I would like to thank all graphic designers whose work I took borrow from these webs to do this educational resource:
Background vector created by brgfx -
Dog vector created by brgfx -
Background vector created by macrovector -
Tree vector created by upklyak -
Vector de Fondo creado por macrovector -
Nature Vectors by Vecteezy
Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy
Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy
Kids vector created by macrovector -
Cartoon Jungle Vectors by Vecteezy
Animales Vectores por Vecteezy
Naturaleza Vectores por Vecteezy
Vintage vector created by -
Imagen de Clker-Free-Vector-Images en Pixabay
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
Duck-billed platypus
Animals vector created by brgfx -
Imagen de tony241969 en Pixabay
Imagen de Mostafa Elturkey en Pixabay
Food vector created by macrovector -
Background vector created by -
Vintage photo created by -
Poster vector created by -
Nature Vectors by Vecteezy
Snow vector created by brgfx -
Tree vector created by brgfx -
Background vector created by brgfx -
Texture photo created by freepik -
Image by macrovector on Freepik
Image by brgfx on Freepik
Imagen de macrovector en Freepik
Imagen de macrovector en Freepik
Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport
By Ms Garcia Store
Embark on an exciting journey around the world and discover 175 fascinating animals in their natural habitats and ecosystems with this fully interactive PowerPoint presentation! Learn about their main characteristics and classification in the animal kingdom.
Each animal has its own card with an image, classification, and an informative video lasting approximately 3 to 5 minutes. By clicking on each feature, you will access new tabs that will help you understand this wonderful world.
Almost everything is editable. On slide number 3, you can customize the name of your class instead of "Ms Garcia Store." For example, you can write "Mrs. Garcia's Class."
In addition, you will find two additional PDF files:
1. Ecological Passport: Print the 3 letter-sized (8.5 x 11") pages of this PDF, and you will obtain an incredible passport that your students can familiarize themselves with while learning about different ecosystems.
2. Travel Stamps: Print this 2-page PDF (not double-sided). It contains a total of 20 travel stamps that your students can paste in the ecological passport as they discover these fascinating locations. The 20 stamps correspond to the following places:
- The Amazon Rainforest
- Australia
- The Andes Mountains
- The Arctic
- Antarctica
- The African Savannah
- The American Grasslands
- The American Swamps
- The Pacific Coasts
- The Sahara Desert
- The African Jungle
- The Himalayan Mountains
- Indonesian Islands
- Galapagos Islands
- Asian Monsoon Rainforest
- Northern Forests
- European Forests
- Coral Reefs
- Farm Animals
- City Animals
- Animal Classification
- Where do they live?
- 10 habitats
- 20 ecosystems
Travel around the world through 20 ecosystems and discover the animals that inhabit them.
- How do they reproduce?
- Viviparous, oviparous, and ovoviviparous
- What do they eat?
- Carnivores
- Herbivores
- Omnivores
Students will practice form completion by providing the following information in the Passport, either their own personal information or that of an invented character:
- Last Name
- First Name
- Nationality
- Date of Birth
- Place of Birth
- Gender
- Date of Issue (date when the form is completed)
- Expiration Date (5 years after the date of issue)
- Signature
Dive into this exciting virtual safari excursion and allow your students to explore the fascinating world of animal life in different corners of the planet. Get this resource now and provide them with an unforgettable educational experience!
Related Products
⭐ Interactive animal atlas, animal classification, reproduction, habitats, etc.
⭐ Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport
⭐ Safari virtual field trip around the world
⭐ Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport
⭐ Ecologic Passport and 20 Travel Stamps of different Ecosystems
Productos Relacionados
⭐ Atlas animal interactivo. Clasificación, reproducción, habitats...
⭐ Atlas animal interactivoy PasaporteEcológico
⭐ Safari virtual interactivoalrededordel mundo
⭐ Safari Virtual Interactivoy PasaporteEcológico
⭐ PasaporteEcológicoy sellosde viajede 20 ecosistemas
I would like to thank all the graphic designers whose work I took borrowed from these webs to do this educational resource:
Background vector created by brgfx -
Dog vector created by brgfx -
Background vector created by macrovector -
Tree vector created by upklyak -
Vector de Fondo creado por macrovector -
Nature Vectors by Vecteezy
Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy
Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy
Kids vector created by macrovector -
Cartoon Jungle Vectors by Vecteezy
Animales Vectores por Vecteezy
Naturaleza Vectores por Vecteezy
Vintage vector created by -
Imagen de Clker-Free-Vector-Images en Pixabay
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
Duck-billed platypus
Animals vector created by brgfx -
Imagen de tony241969 en Pixabay
Imagen de Mostafa Elturkey en Pixabay
Food vector created by macrovector -
Background vector created by -
Vintage photo created by -
Poster vector created by -
Nature Vectors by Vecteezy
Snow vector created by brgfx -
Tree vector created by brgfx -
Background vector created by brgfx -
Texture photo created by freepik -
Letters A to M Alphabet Name and Beginning Sound BOOM CARDS™ Errorless BUNDLE
By Teaching Dinos
This Bundle of 13 BOOM Card™ decks of over 140 digital task cards will help preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students with letter recognition and beginning sounds of the letters A through M. Increase phonemic awareness and fluency through engaging interactive BOOM Card™ decks, perfect for in-class literacy centers or distance learning, that includes listening, speaking, interaction and even movement! Due to the errorless nature of this deck, early learners and struggling students will be encouraged that they cannot get anything wrong! Featuring full audio for every card, and NO-PREP for you, students will love this engaging way to reinforce the concepts learned.
These BOOM Cards™ would be great on a laptop, desktop, Chromebook, tablet, or any other mobile device that can access the internet. They can even be used on your Smart Board!
⭐⭐To save more than 30% - purchase the A to Z bundle HERE!⭐⭐
This product includes:
✅A link to access your BUNDLE on the letters A through M on the BOOM Learning℠ website
✅Teacher Notes on how to use these BOOM Cards™ in your classroom
Included Cards in each BOOM Deck™
✅Listen and Say the Letter and Sound (1 card)
✅Skywriting (Orton-Gillingham Method) Uppercase and Lowercase (2 cards)
✅What Starts with… (1 card)
✅Drag the Uppercase and Lowercase Letters into the Barrel (2 cards)
✅Can you….Whisper the sound, Sing the Sound, Shout the Sound (3 cards)
✅Can you move like a… (1 card)
⭐⭐Take a look at the thumbnail images and the preview file above to get a better idea of what the digital task cards look like. Video previews of each deck can be found by clicking on each individual decks, or going to the preview link in the preview file to view the decks on BOOM™.⭐⭐
►► ► If you have previously purchased any individual product that is a part of this bundle, you can contact TeachShare within one year to receive a refund!!
Using BOOM Cards™
To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with "Fast Pins," (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options you'll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Read here for details:
⭐⭐⭐TeachShare CREDITS!!!⭐⭐⭐
Don't forget to leave a review to get your TeachShare credits! Whenever you give feedback on a purchased product, you receive credits that go towards future purchases on TeachShare. For every $1 spent, you receive 1 credit. 20 credits equals $1 towards future purchases! Believe me, THEY ADD UP!!!
You can follow my shop, Teaching Dinos HERE
Follow Teaching Dinos on Pinterest HERE
Follow Teaching Dinos on Instagram HERE
Hashtag your student’s creations using #teachingdinos
Please email me at if you have any questions about this resource or experience any problems, I’d be happy to help you!
Related Products
• Adventure STEM Building Challenge Task Cards BUNDLE for Elementary Students
• Count to 10 Kindergarten BOOM Card™ BUNDLE Fall Thanksgiving Number Sense
• Food Allergy Awareness Education, Activities, Posters for Elementary Students
• I Can Move BUNDLE Errorless BOOM Cards™ for Brain Break and Distance Learning
• Letter Matching Fall Alphabet Uppercase and Lowercase Letters | Thanksgiving
• Mission to Space Errorless BOOM Cards™ Brain Break Reward and Distance Learning
• Making Ten No-Prep BOOM Cards™ Counting Digital Task Cards | Distance Learning
Winter Functional Math ELA Vocabulary Sight Word All In One Bundle
By YourTeachingDoc
Get your students ready for the Winter! Have fun teaching your students Money Skills, ELA Sight Word / Spelling Vocabulary Skills with this Winter themed, differentiated, comprehensive all-in-one bundle! These fun activities will increase sight word and vocabulary recognition, spelling skills and money math skills. These activities will assist your students in becoming more independent in their daily life.
WHAT'S INCLUDED (Winter Vocabulary Sight Word Skills)?
✤Each Level (3 TOTAL Levels) include 20 total self-grading Google Slides activity cards where the student will read a winter related word.
>Level 1: The student matches a winter picture to the same picture out of 3 choices.
>Level 2: The student will read the vocabulary/sight word and match the correct picture out of 3 choices.
>Level 3: The student will read a scenario and will choose the answer to the scenario out of 3 choices.
✤EACH UNIT also includes 20 Total Offline, Interactive, self-grading activity cards in .pdf format, 40 Task Cards (20 Color, 20 B&W), 20 Sight Words and Pictures and 3 Editable Congratulations Certificates with a BONUS digital EASEL activity is included with AUDIO to reinforce directions!
WHAT'S INCLUDED (Mixed Money Math)?
✤ 30 Google Slides Task Cards (with additional "correct/incorrect" cards", a title card, and 2 instructional cards with a "Congratulations" slide after each level (Total of 96 cards)
>Level 1: Match the dollar amount to the dollar amount ($1.00 to $1.00)
>Level 2: Identify how many bills make up the dollar amount shown ($1.00 to a one dollar bill)
>Level 3: The "next dollar up" method where students are given a price and they choose the next dollar up to make the purchase ($0.75 to choose a one dollar bill)
✤ 60 Printable Task Cards for Small Group / Independent Learning (30 Color Task Cards (10 per level) and 30 B&W Task Cards (10 per level)
✤ 30 Interactive OFFLINE (pdf format) Cards (with additional "correct/incorrect" cards", a title card, and 2 instructional cards with a "Congratulations" slide after each level (Total of 96 cards)
✤ Editable Congratulations Certificates
>3 Different Designs in Editable Google Slides Format*
✤ BONUS: Self grading digital EASEL activity for Virtual or Whole Group instruction!
WHAT'S INCLUDED (Winter Functional Vocabulary Spelling)?
> 20 Color Worksheets
> 20 Black and White Worksheets
> 20 Word Wall / Vocabulary Cards
> 3 Levels of Task Cards - (20 B&W & 20 Color Per Level)
Level 1 Task Cards: ID the letters and trace the vocab word
Level 2 Task Cards: ID letters & practice writing the vocab word.
Level 3 Task Cards: Write a sentence using the vocab word.
This is a great addition to any Early Learning classroom, ESOL / ELL classroom as well as any Adapted Special Education classroom. These activities can also support Literacy and Reading goals in your students IEP. These 20 Winter literacy / vocabulary terms will not only help your students identify common items found in the winter but also increase their basic sight word vocabulary. The Winter Mixed Math activities will help your students identify money as well as learn the next dollar up method. These activities can also support Literacy/Reading/Math goals in your students IEP.
Perfect for In-Person learning, Small-Group learning, or Distance/Virtual Learning.
✤Winter Sight Words Included:
hat ski cold fire sled
snow boots scarf hockey icicle
jacket shovel skates winter mittens
penguin snowman sweater earmuffs hot cocoa
✤The Google Slides activity is BEST assigned/presented in PRESENT mode, as this allows the students to self-check their answer and keep practicing until they get it correct!
You MUST be able to access/download/save to a Google Drive.**
✤ To Print Task Cards: The Task Cards, as downloaded, are 1/2 page which are great for students that need a larger size. To print 4x6 index card sized task cards, select "2 pages per sheet". To print 3x5 index card sized task cards, select "4 pages per sheet". These are not designed to print directly to index card template paper. What has worked best for my students was to print to on heavy duty card stock and laminate.
✤PLEASE Review my TOU before purchasing
Be sure to look at the Preview and Thumbnails to ensure this activity aligns with your students/curriculum. If you have any questions, please contact me HERE BEFORE purchasing any item in my store so I can ensure you are satisfied with your purchase.
✤Do you need MORE Life Skills No-Prep Mini-Units? Try These:
> Job / Life Skills: Grocery Store Departments - Level 1 Errorless Choices
> Life & Work Skills: Hardware Store Tools All In One Unit
> Work Job and Life Vocational Skills GROWING BUNDLE with Task Cards
✤How To Get TeachShare Credits on Future Purchases
- Go to MY PURCHASES page.
- You will see a PROVIDE FEEDBACK button.
- Please leave a star rating and a comment. You will get credits that you can apply towards your future purchases!
Don't forget to click the GREEN STAR under my name to become a follower and get notifications of special offers and discounts!
By French Made Fun!
I was tired of finding science units that didn't suit my needs. I was tired of the babyish clipart, the crossword puzzles, and the foolish waste of space and time. This was the first document I created when I started my store because of my pure insatisfaction. This 113-page document has everything you need to comfortably teach your 6th-graders their entire unit on electricity.
In this document, you'll find two parts:
Through games, activities, discussions and vibrant, engaging images, your students will enjoy exploring science with you.
Relax - I've got this one!
♡ Mme. Kaitlyn
♡ You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TPT Credit for every dollar you spend! ♡
By French Made Fun!
Ce document massif de 124 pages vous donnera absolument tout ce dont vous pourriez avoir besoin pour enseigner les changements de matière à vos élèves de 5e année.
Il comprend:
75 pages de diapositives didactiques, y compris des questions de discussion, des jeux, des vérifications et des explications approfondies à leur niveau.
12 pages de notes d'écoute avec des blancs à remplir pour que vos élèves suivent vos instructions.
21 pages d'activités, de compréhensions de lecture et d'expériences scientifiques avec des instructions étape par étape et des questions, hypothèses et réflexions fournies.
10 pages de corrigés pour les activités et les compréhensions écrites.
Ontario Teachers : This document follows the new Ontario 2022 Science Curriculum and covers C2.1, C2.2, C2.3, C2.4, C2.5, C2.6 and C2.7.
By French Made Fun!
This is an English document. If you're looking for this same document but in French, you can find it by clicking here.
Are you uncomfortable teaching science concepts? Did you struggle to understand science when you were younger? Do you lack resources in your school to help you understand the concepts your students are supposed to know? My science units are comprehensive and include everything from content to games, research to projects, experiments to assessments. I guide your lessons, all you have to do is facilitate. Even if you are not comfortable with the content, my units will make you confident and efficient.
My products are MADE with your big kids and teens in mind. You won't find childish cartoons, hard-to-read and overdone fonts and you won't find crossword puzzles and wasted space. I take the time to ensure that my products are appealing to an older group of students, but still attractive, engaging and at their level. They are created for students in grades 4 to 8 in Immersion or French as a first language.
This massive 120-page document will give you absolutely everything you could possibly need to teach properties and changes of matter to your 5th graders.
75 pages of instructional slides, including discussion questions, games, checks and in-depth explanations at their level.
I cover physical and chemical properties, physical and chemical changes, changes of state, atoms, molecules, periodic table of elements, chemical reactions, pure substances and mixtures, decomposition and synthesis, compounds, homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures. I give examples of real and authentic situations so that it is applicable and understandable for your students.
12 pages of listening notes with blanks to fill in for your students to follow your instructions.
21 pages of activities, reading comprehensions and science experiments with step-by-step instructions and questions, hypotheses and reflections provided.
10 pages of answer keys for activities and written comprehensions.
Ontario Teachers: This document follows the new Ontario 2022 Science Curriculum and covers C2.1, C2.2, C2.3, C2.4, C2.5, C2.6 and C2.7.
** My materials are constantly evolving and I add activities, printables and teaching materials as I make them for my own use. My group is tiered and most of my students require adaptations in the form of graphic organizers. Therefore, my documents reflect a multilevel class. **
If you are interested in my products, be sure to subscribe to my store to be notified when I create new products or launch sales. You can also join me on Facebook, where I share giveaways and give advance notice of upcoming sales.
Thanks! I appreciate you very much!
- Kaitlyn.
By French Made Fun!
Êtes-vous mal à l'aise d'enseigner des concepts scientifiques? Avez-vous eu du mal à comprendre la science en tant qu'étudiant? Manquez-vous de ressources dans votre école pour vous aider à comprendre les concepts que vos élèves sont censés connaître ? Mes unités de sciences sont complètes et comprennent tout, du contenu aux jeux, de la recherche aux projets, des expériences aux évaluations. Je guide vos cours, vous n'avez plus qu'à faciliter. Même si vous n'êtes pas à l'aise avec le contenu, mes unités vous rendront confiant et efficace.
Mes produits sont FAITS avec vos grands enfants et adolescents à l'esprit. Vous ne trouverez pas de dessins animés enfantins, de polices difficiles à lire et exagérées et vous ne trouverez pas de mots croisés et d'espace perdu. Je prends le temps de m'assurer que mes produits sont attrayants pour un groupe d'élèves plus âgés, mais toujours attrayants, engageants et à leur niveau. Ils sont créés pour les élèves de la 4e à la 8e année en milieu Immersion ou Français langue première.
Ce document massif de 124 pages vous donnera absolument tout ce dont vous pourriez avoir besoin pour enseigner les forces et les structures à vos élèves de 5e année.
Il comprend:
71 pages de diapositives didactiques, y compris des questions de discussion, des jeux, des vérifications et des explications approfondies à leur niveau.
Je couvre:
la force et ses trois éléments (amplitude, direction, emplacement),
la force dans nos vies de tous les jours,
les forces internes et externes,
les machines,
les mécanismes,
les structures et la résistance structurale,
les charges actives et inactives,
les charges statiques et dynamiques,
la gravité et le centre de gravité,
les fonctions des structures,
les formes structurelles (structures pleines, structures à ossature, structure de coque),
les avantages et inconvénients des formes structurelles,
les structures de ponts (pont en treillis, pont à poutres, pont suspendu, pont en arc, pont cantilever ou pont en porte-à-faux).
34 pages d'activités, de compréhensions écrite, d'enquêtes, d'expériences scientifiques avec des instructions étape par étape:
Voici les titres:
Tableau S-V-A,
Explorer les structures (+ clé de correction)
Qu'est-ce qu'une structure? (+ clé de correction)
Les forces internes et externes (+ clé de correction)
Les charges statiques et dynamiques (+ clé de correction)
Statique ou dynamique? (+ clé de correction)
Les forces (compréhension écrite de 2 pages + questions de compréhension d'une page + clé de correction)
Les forces des phénomènes naturels (compréhension écrite d'une page + questions de compréhension d'une page + clé de correction)
Les machines simples (compréhension écrite de 5 pages + questions de compréhension de 2 pages + clé de correction)
Les systèmes mécaniques (compréhension écrite d'une page + questions de compréhension d'une page + clé de correction)
L'avantage mécanique (compréhension écrite d'une page + questions de compréhension d'une page + clé de correction)
Les forces (+ clé de correction)
Enquête: Les leviers de 2e classe (1 page)
Enquête: Les poulies (2 pages)
Enquête: Les forces internes (2 pages)
Projet: La construction d'un pont (1 page)
Proposition de projet: La construction d'un pont (1 page)
Rubrique: Projet de pont (1 page)
Projet: Les systèmes mécaniques (1 page)
Proposition de projet: Les systèmes mécaniques (1 page)
Mini-recherche: Qu'est-ce qu'une tornade? (1 page + clé de correction)
Chasse au trésor sur Internet - forces constructives et destructives (1 page + clé de correction)
** Mes documents évoluent constamment et j'ajoute des activités, des imprimables et du matériel didactique dès que je les réalise pour mon propre usage. Mon groupe est à plusieurs niveaux et la plupart de mes élèves nécessitent des adaptations sous forme d'organisateurs graphiques. Par conséquent, mes documents reflètent une classe à plusieurs niveaux. **
Si vous êtes intéressés par mes produits, assurez-vous de vous inscrire à ma boutique pour être averti lorsque je crée de nouveaux produits ou lance des ventes. Vous pouvez également me rejoindre sur Facebook, où je partage des cadeaux et préviens à l'avance les ventes à venir.
Merci! Je vous apprécie énormément!
- Kaitlyn.
By French Made Fun!
Cette unité complète et très attrayante de plus de 100 pages comprend tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour enseigner confortablement les systèmes du corps humain à vos élèves de 5e et 6e année. Les versions PPT et PDF sont incluses avec cette ressource ; Cependant, je recommande fortement d'utiliser PowerPoint pour que vos élèves puissent voir les diapositives animées (qu'un PDF ne pourrait pas afficher).
Il y a 42 diapositives de contenu qui vous guident dans votre enseignement. Je couvre:
1. Le système circulatoire
2. Le système respiratoire
3. Le système digestif
4. Le système nerveux
5. Le système musculaire
Les termes système, organe, organes vitaux et non-vitaux, la génération et la régénération de cellules, le nettoyage du sang dans plusieurs systèmes.
Les jeux!
Un jeu animé pour tableau intelligent ou tableau blanc où les élèves tentent de retrouver les "pinces" d'un chirurgien qui se sont perdues dans le corps d'un patient. Ils doivent deviner l'emplacement de l'outil manquant en nommant correctement les organes.
Un mini-jeu de questions-réponses permettant aux partenaires de choisir le système corporel approprié pour différents organes du corps.
Inclut le corrigé !
La bataille du corps humain (Similaire au jeu Battleship mais avec le corps humain!)
Projets et activités
En équipe: Recherche et présentation sur un système du corps
Organisateur graphique: Les systèmes du corps humain (3 pages)
Organisateur graphique: Mes notes d'écoute (2 pages)
Rubriques:: Évaluation de la production orale, évaluation du travail d'équipe, autoévaluation (2 pages)
Indépendant: Recherche et présentation sur une maladie infectieuse (maladies fournies).
Organisateur graphique: Ma maladie infectieuse (3 pages)
Rubriques : Évaluation des compétences de recherche, évaluation de la présentation orale, autoévaluation (3 pages)
36 maladies à imprimer et découper (2 pages)
I feuille de suivi pour le prof pour prendre note des maladies des élèves et les tâches terminées, besoins des élèves (1 page)
Tableau S-V-A
Prendre soin de mes organes sensoriels
Le corps humain (tracer et colorier)
Mes organes (identifier et colorier)
By French Made Fun!
This is your all-inclusive package to teach air and flight to your grade 6 immersion students
30 page student ‘Carnet’
2 original comprehension pieces with questions
Tableau S-V-A
Group research + presentations on the atmosphere
Paper airplane experiment
Bernoulli experiment
Step-by-step research project with rubric, self-assessment, goal setting, independent revision guide, paragraph and subject development and creation of a poster.
24 slides
Visually engaging explanations
Complicated concepts and terms made simple.
Guided and prompted. Easily teach with virtually ZERO prep or understanding!
Jokes and puns to meet your 6th graders’ weird humor!
Topics covered:
Bernoulli’s principle
4 forces of flight
Properties of air
Air pressure
Atmospheric pressure
Atmosphere layers (‘Troposphere’ comprehension piece)
History of human flight (‘Ornithoptères’ comprehension piece)
By French Made Fun!
I created this document for completeness. It contains everything you need to easily and effectively teach this unit. It contains all content (over 75 pages) and over 30 pages of engaging activities, projects, comprehension pieces, computational research, group work, discussions and reflection questions.
Whether you're new to teaching, aren't comfortable teaching science, or are simply tired of planning, this document is for YOU!
I cover so much in this resource:
Also included: a student notebook that follows the slides; with opportunities for students to answer questions, complete SVA (K-W-L) charts, complete activities, research, doodle/color. Here are some activities in their 'notebook':
Answer keys/answer keys are given when a specific answer is requested!
For goodness sakes, don't forget to have fun!
Mme. Kaitlyn.
Editable Jeopardy Template BUNDLE- Set of 4 Blank Game Boards- Personal Use
By SPO Resources
Are you looking for an easy way to incorporate more games into your instruction? Grab this editable Jeopardy game board template to effortlessly create custom jeopardy-style games to help students prepare for a test, review previously taught information, or even introduce new topics. Available in both PowerPoint & Google Slides™ formats.
This resource includes the 3-category, 4-category, 5-category, & 6-category jeopardy templates. If you’d like to purchase an individual template click the links below.
-Editable 3 Category Jeopardy-style Game Board Template
-Editable 4 Category Jeopardy-style Game Board Template
-Editable 5 Category Jeopardy-style Game Board Template
-Editable 6 Category Jeopardy-style Game Board Template
Who doesn’t love a game with a little friendly competition? Students from elementary through high school (and even adults) will love playing this jeopardy-style game. I know you’ll love it too, with so many ways to play (whole group, small group, independent practice), an infinite amount of topics to choose from, and endless amounts of games to create, all for the price of a chipotle burrito.
I’ve done the hard work for you. No need to go through the hassle of designing the slides or setting up any links; this resource is pre-linked and ready to go! Choose the categories and edit the questions and answers to fit your content area. It’s that easy!
Every Template Includes:
★ Editable PowerPoint Jeopardy game board template with scoreboard
★ Editable Google Slides™ Jeopardy game board template
★ Option for Final Jeopardy & daily double (with instructions)
★ Editable answer key document
★ Teacher's guide with directions, tips & ways to play
★ Editable question planning template
★ Editable slides with game rules and directions to present to students
★ Student recording sheets
★ Printable scoreboard & question tracker (best for Google Slides™ version)
Who should buy this?
Buy this if you’re a creative teacher looking to increase engagement in your classroom and want to get students excited about learning! This resource is perfect for you if you know you don’t have the time to format, design, link, and animate a game board, but you want to quickly create customizable review games that align with what you’re teaching.
Do not buy this product if you’re looking for a game that already has the questions created for you. If you’re looking for that, you may like one of these resources:
-3rd-grade Math Review Jeopardy Game
-4th-grade Math Review Jeopardy Game
-5th-grade Math Review Jeopardy Game
-Fractions Math Review Jeopardy Game
Do I need to have advanced PowerPoint skills to use this product?
NOPE! I’ve done the hard part on my end—no need to fret over formatting, linking, animating, and designing the game board. All you need to do is type the questions and answers in the text boxes on each slide.
Can I sell the game I create with this template on TeachShare?
No, this product is for personal/classroom use only. You can create an endless number of games for yourself and your classroom, but you cannot resell the game using this template.
A commercial use template is coming soon. Follow me to be the first to know when it is available!
Aren’t we all a little more engaged when material is presented to us in a fun way? Turning a simple worksheet or practice test into a review game captures students’ attention and increases their motivation to participate. If your classroom is anything like mine, you know that behavior problems are minimal when student engagement is high.
With this customizable game board, you can turn any worksheet, practice test, or topic into an irresistible game that students are begging you to play.
I know it can be nearly impossible to find pre-made review games that perfectly align with your curriculum.
Let’s say you're a 4th-grade teacher using the Bridges math curriculum and want to review for the unit 3 math test at the end of the week.
The odds of finding a review game for this specific test on TeachShare are pretty slim, so save the time spent searching for something and create a game yourself.
This editable template allows you to create a jeopardy-style review game to match exactly what you want students to learn and practice. Just divide the material into the main categories and input the questions and answers into the game board. BOOM, it’s ready to play!
I’ve even included a question planning template and step-by-step instructions to make the planning process even easier for you!
The options are endless. Create as many different games as you want and play them for years to come.
What's editable?
What’s not editable?
How does it work?
Please note that the scoreboard feature and the question boxes fading after clicking are unavailable in Google Slides™. I’ve included a printable question tracker and scoreboard if you use the Google Slides™ version.
What's included?
Set of 4 blank Jeopardy-style game board templates: (3-category, 4-category, 5-category, & 6-category)
Each template includes:
Editable Jeopardy game board template (PPTX & Google Slides™ )
Editable student recording sheets (type in the specific category titles)
Editable answer key (create a one-page guide with the questions and answers).
Question planning template (make planning easy!)
Printable question tracker & scoreboard (for Google Slides™ version)
PDF with step-by-step instructions, game directions, rules, and tips/ideas for increased engagement.
WAYS TO USE Jeopardy Game in your classroom
You may also like:
Fraction BINGO (Simplifying & Equivalent)
3rd Grade Math Jeopardy Game
4th Grade Math Jeopardy Game
5th Grade Math Jeopardy Game
CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW SPO RESOURCES on TeachShare and be the first to know about new resources, promotions, and freebies!
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You will earn TeachShare credits to use on future purchases by leaving a review. I love hearing from you and learning how you’ve implemented a resource in your classroom. I genuinely appreciate any feedback so that I can work to continuously improve my resources to best serve you and your students.
Connect with me:
★Pinterest ★Youtube ★TeachShare ★SPO Resources
Email me at for any questions, comments, or concerns!
Created by Samantha Osleger | ©SPO Resources.
All rights reserved by the author.
Purchase is for single classroom use only.
Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user.
These customizable Jeopardy game board templates will save you loads of time creating engaging learning activities for students! Don’t wait. Try it out now!
Silabario con 320 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Muestra sílabas en orden aleatorio.
By Ms Garcia Store
El más completo silabario que puedas encontrar, 320 sílabas, diseñado para trabajo en grupo o de forma individual:
126 sílabas directas
80 sílabas inversas
65 sílabas trabadas
41 diptongos e hiatos
8 triptongos
Este silabario interactivo es una presentación de PowerPoint muy intuitiva y facil de usar.
Cada sílaba se muestra sobre las líneas de escritura.
A la izquierda de la sílaba se muestran las distintas categorías mencionadas anteriormente. Al hacer click sobre estas, las sílabas se mostrarán en orden aleatorio. Mostrándolas aleatoriamente puedes jugar con tus alumnos a que te lean o escriban las sílabas que van apareciendo. De hacer click en el botón 'menú', accedes al silabario completo, donde podrás seleccionar la sílaba que quieras.
A la derecha de cada sílaba siempre hay tres botones:
En cada uno de estos anchor charts se tiene la opción, no la obligación, de dar al botón de audio para escuchar la lección, muy útil en caso de estar el alumno trabajando por su cuenta.
Sobre la sílaba siempre aparecen los botones de acceso directo a las sílabas familiares a esa sílaba. Así, de estar viendo la sílaba 'me', tendremos los botones de acceso a las sílabas ma, me mi mo y mu, a las que podras acceder con un simple click. De pasar el ratón por encima, sin necesidad de pulsar, podrás oir cómo se dice cualquiera de ellas, o escuchar la secuencia de las cinco sílabas seguidas.
Importante:Este silabario interactivo para PowerPoint tiene Macros que permiten mostrar las diapositivas de forma aleatoria, pero si no confías en ellas, o no estás habituado al uso de este tipo de archivos (pptm), te recomiendo que te conformes con la primera versión del silabario, que es exactamente igual a esta versión salvo por la opción de mostrar las sílabas en orden aleatorio, y no tiene Macros.
La realización de este recurso ha sido dura, pero también ha sido gratificante ver el resultado de tan buena herramienta. Espero que la aprecien y que les ayude tanto con sus estudiantes como me está ayudando con los míos.
Gracias a los diseñadores gráficos utilizados en la creación de este recurso:
Image by upklyak on Freepik
Silabario con 320 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Escucha, escribe y aprende.
By Ms Garcia Store
El más completo silabario que puedas encontrar, 320 sílabas, diseñado para trabajo en grupo o de forma individual:
126 sílabas directas
80 sílabas inversas
65 sílabas trabadas
41 diptongos e hiatos
8 triptongos
Este silabario interactivo es una presentación de PowerPoint muy intuitiva y facil de usar.
Cada sílaba se muestra sobre las líneas de escritura. A la izquierda se muestran las distintas categorías mencionadas anteriormente para un rápido acceso a cualquiera de elllas. De hacer click en el botón 'menú', accedes al silabario completo. A la derecha de cada sílaba siempre hay tres botones:
En cada uno de estos anchor charts se tiene la opción, no la obligación, de dar al botón de audio para escuchar la lección, muy útil en caso de estar el alumno trabajando por su cuenta.
Sobre la sílaba siempre aparecen los botones de acceso directo a las sílabas familiares a esa sílaba. Así, de estar viendo la sílaba 'me', tendremos los botones de acceso a las sílabas ma, me mi mo y mu, a las que podras acceder con un simple click. De pasar el ratón por encima, sin necesidad de pulsar, podrás oir cómo se dice cualquiera de ellas, o escuchar la secuencia de las cinco sílabas seguidas.
Este silabario interactivo para PowerPoint tiene una segunda versión disponible en el siguiente link: Silabario Interactivo PPTM. Esa otra versión te permite a parte mostrar sílabas en orden aleatorio de entre cualquiera de las categorías o de entre todas ellas. El formato de ese otro archivo es PowerPoint con Macros habilitados (PPTM). Son las Macros las que permiten mostrar las diapositivas de forma aleatoria, pero si no confías en ellas, te ruego que te conformes con esta primera versión del silabario, que está realmente bien .
La realización de este recurso ha sido dura, pero también ha sido gratificante ver el resultado de tan buena herramienta. Espero que la aprecien y que les ayude tanto con sus estudiantes como me está ayudando con los míos.
Gracias a los diseñadores gráficos utilizados en la creación de este recurso:
Image by upklyak on Freepik
Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport
By Ms Garcia Store
Journey through the Animal Kingdom with this captivating PowerPoint presentation! Join me aboard my plane and explore over 150 animals in their natural habitats and ecosystems. Discover their unique characteristics and classification within the animal world. Each animal has its own dedicated file, featuring an image, classification, and a 3 to 5-minute video about their fascinating lives. By clicking on different features, you'll be transported to new tabs that enhance your understanding of this incredible world.
This interactive resource ensures that all tiles are interconnected, providing a seamless learning experience. Plus, customization is a breeze. On slide 3, simply replace "Ms Garcia Store" with your own class name. For example, "Ms. Garcia's Class."
In addition, you'll receive two PDF files to complement your journey:
1. Ecological Passport: Print the 3 double-sided letter-size sheets (8.5 x 11") from this PDF and obtain a fantastic passport. Your students can familiarize themselves with this document while exploring different ecosystems.
2. Travel Stamps: Also print this 2-page PDF (single-sided). It features 20 travel stamps for your students to affix to their eco-passports as they learn about each location. The 20 stamps represent the following destinations:
- Amazon Rainforest
- Australia
- Andes Mountains
- The Arctic
- The Antarctic
- African Savannah
- American Grasslands
- American Swamps
- Pacific Coast
- Sahara Desert
- African Jungle
- Himalayan Mountains
- Indonesian Islands
- Galapagos Islands
- Asian Monsoon Rainforest
- Northern Forests
- European Forests
- Coral Reefs
- Farm Animals
- City Animals
- What is an animal?
- Mammals
- Birds
- Fish
- Reptiles
- Amphibians
- Poriferans
- Flatworms
- Annelids
- Echinoderms
- Cnidarians
- Mollusks
- Arthropods
- Arachnids
- Insects
- Crustaceans
- Myriapods
- Where do they live?
- 10 habitats
- 20 ecosystems
Travel around the world and explore 20 ecosystems while discovering the animals that inhabit them.
- How do they reproduce?
- Viviparous, oviparous, and ovoviviparous
- What do they eat?
- Carnivores
- Herbivores
- Omnivores
Students will practice form completion by providing the following information in the Passport, either their own personal information or that of an invented character:
- Surname
- Given Names
- Nationality
- Date of Birth
- Place of Birth
- Sex
- Date of Issue (the date the form is filled out)
- Date of Expiry (5 years after the date of issue)
- Signature
- Photo or Drawing of the Student's Face
Immerse yourself in this exciting virtual safari and let your students explore the captivating world of animals in diverse corners of the planet. Acquire this resource now and provide an unforgettable educational experience!
Note: This resource can be used in the classroom or for homeschooling purposes.
Related Products
⭐ Interactive animal atlas, animal classification, reproduction, habitats, etc.
⭐ Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport
⭐ Safari virtual field trip around the world
⭐ Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport
⭐ Ecologic Passport and 20 Travel Stamps of different Ecosystems
Productos Relacionados
⭐ Atlas animal interactivo. Clasificación, reproducción, habitats...
⭐ Atlas animal interactivoy PasaporteEcológico
⭐ Safari virtual interactivoalrededordel mundo
⭐ Safari Virtual Interactivoy PasaporteEcológico
⭐ PasaporteEcológicoy sellosde viajede 20 ecosistemas
Click here to visit my TeachShare store
I would like to thank all the graphic designers whose work I took borrowed from these webs to do this educational resource:
Background vector created by brgfx -
Dog vector created by brgfx -
Background vector created by macrovector -
Tree vector created by upklyak -
Vector de Fondo creado por macrovector -
Nature Vectors by Vecteezy
Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy
Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy
Kids vector created by macrovector -
Cartoon Jungle Vectors by Vecteezy
Animales Vectores por Vecteezy
Naturaleza Vectores por Vecteezy
Vintage vector created by -
Imagen de Clker-Free-Vector-Images en Pixabay
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
Duck-billed platypus
Animals vector created by brgfx -
Imagen de tony241969 en Pixabay
Imagen de Mostafa Elturkey en Pixabay
Food vector created by macrovector -
Background vector created by -
Vintage photo created by -
Poster vector created by -
Nature Vectors by Vecteezy
Snow vector created by brgfx -
Tree vector created by brgfx -
Background vector created by brgfx -
Texture photo created by freepik -
Image by macrovector on Freepik
Image by brgfx on Freepik
Imagen de macrovector en Freepik
Imagen de macrovector en Freepik
Interactive Class calendar, telling time extension and birthday celebration
By Ms Garcia Store
Transform your daily classroom routine with our comprehensive Interactive Class Calendar. This interactive resource, designed as a full-screen PowerPoint presentation, provides a seamless and engaging experience for teachers and students alike.
Say goodbye to the hassle of manually filling out the days of each month. Our calendar comes preloaded with all the months, eliminating the need for manual updates. Simply open the presentation and start utilizing its extensive features.
Watch the preview video included in the resource description to familiarize yourself with the functionality of each slide. This will help you navigate through the 29 slides and make the most of the interactive buttons.
Key Features:
Put your Bitmoji Stickers instead of mine:
Please be aware that not all stickers are available on the web or in the Bitmoji extension. If you can't find the same sticker I've used but with your personal Bitmoji, I recommend using the Bitmoji mobile app, where you're sure to find it by using keywords in the search bar. Once you find the same sticker with your Bitmoji, follow these steps:
This will replace the sticker with your customized Bitmoji.
Before beginning the class, write the day's message on the calendar. Then, at any time during the class, play the presentation and freely navigate through the slides by clicking on the interactive buttons. No keyboard is needed; simply use a mouse or your finger if using a touchscreen device.
Please note that the PowerPoint animations included in the resource are designed to engage your students. However, they may not function properly in Google Drive.
We value your feedback! Leaving a review not only helps us improve but also earns you points toward free TeachShare resources. Thank you for your purchase and for choosing our Interactive Spanish Class Calendar to enhance your classroom experience!
Related Resources:
⭐Full-screen interactive class calendar
⭐Interactive Calendar
⭐Full-screen interactive class calendar in Spanish/calendario interactivo
⭐Interactive calendar in Spanish/ calendario interactivo
Related Bundles:
⭐2 interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish
⭐2 full-screen interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish
Don´t forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward free TeachShare resources. Thank you for your purchase!
By Ms Garcia Store
Telling Time Bundle
4 great resources to teach and practice Telling Time that you can get now at a bundle price.
They are the following resources:
Telling Time I spy game: Printable 49 pages PDF file that you could use to practice Telling Time playing I spy game.
Telling Time Vocabulary: Powerpoint interactive show to teach all the main vocabulary of this subject.
Telling Time Jeopardy game with automatic scoreboard: Powerpoint interactive show with the popular and fun game that will allow them to put into practice their knowledge and will serve as an evaluation of what they have learned.
Bilingual Telling Time practice: This interactive Powerpoint how lets you practice the telling time once and again. Play and stop the analog clock at a random time, and put the answer in the digital clock. Practice AM/FM too.
Thank you to the following author for the image used on the cover:
Hour icon vector created by brgfx -
Clock cartoon vector created by brgfx -
Physical Science Equation Interactive PowerPoint Bundle Digital Resource
By The STEM Master
Physical science, physics digital interactive PowerPoint activity bundle covering acceleration, force, momentum, resistance, pressure,speed,wave speed, work equations. Digital interactive science task cards games, Distance Learning.
each product has 2 challenges with 10 self-checking multiple-choice questions each
❗❗The students use the present mode and click on the correct answer to move to the next problem
⭐⭐⭐BIG Bundle of Chemistry⭐⭐⭐
⭐Digital Chemistry Worksheets Bundle
⚡️⚡️⚡️**BIG Bundle of Physics**⚡️⚡️⚡️
✅Physical Science Equation Worksheets Bundle
✅Physical Science Graphing Digital Worksheets Bundle for Google Classroom™
❤️Images designed by Freepik
Terms of Use:
Purchase of this product is for single classroom use by the purchaser only. It is a violation for individuals, schools, and districts to redistribute, edit, sell or post this item on the Internet or to other individuals. Disregarding the copyright is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and subject to legal action.
By purchasing this product you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Terms of Use
Short Vowel Blending Lines Bundle| Digital and Paper Options
By An Enchanted Educator
Looking for a way to help your students practice the skill of decoding? With blending lines, you can do just that. This quick no-prep digital or paper activity can have your students practicing decoding (sounding out) words in a snap. These blending lines are phonics focused and are great for whole-group or small-group learning. I’ve based these lists on Wiley Blevins’s suggestions for blending lines.
In this resource you will find:
3 different variations of blending lines for each short vowel CVC pattern. Each variation offers a little change of words and a higher level of challenging words and sentences.
Each set of vowels is offered with:
· digital
· paper, full sheet, with or without guides
· paper, double sheet, with or without guides.
Please see individual sets for a more in-depth look at what's included and watch a preview of the digital option.
Other resources you may like.
⭐ Short Vowel Say, Tap, Write, Build Bundle
⭐ Short Vowel Flip, Tap, Write, Use Bundle
⭐ Short Vowel Word Builders Bundle
High Frequency Words Errorless BOOM CARDS Bundle of Sight Words
By Teaching Dinos
These 51 BOOM Card Decks featuring 14 BOOM Cards™ in each deck, will help pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade students learn and practice high frequency words, specifically the first 50 sight words from Fry's First 100 list. Through a range of errorless, interactive activities, with full audio on every card, students will be able to listen to directions and have the option to listen to the sight word as needed. Decks either feature a hamster, goldfish, frog, guinea pig, or eagle. Using a multi-sensory approach, students will learn high frequency words by incorporating voice, body movements, audio, and digital interaction.
Words included in decks: the, of, and, a (with 2 versions of pronunciation for the word 'a'), to, in, is, you, that, it, he, was, for, on, are, as, with, his, they, I, at, be, this, have, from, or, one, had, by, words, but, not, what, all, were, we, when, your, can, said, there, use, an, each, which, she, do, how, their, if.
Activities Included in Each Deck:
►Listen and say
►Sing the sight word
►Read the sight word 3x and pat legs
►Find the word among similar sight words
►Build the word
►Find and click on the word in the sentence
►Move the objects to find the hidden sight word
►Sort consonants and vowels
►Find the missing letter to finish spelling the word
✅Save 50% by purchasing this HUGE bundle!✅
►► ► If you have previously purchased any individual product that is a part of this bundle, you can contact TeachShare within one year to receive a refund!!
⭐⭐Take a look at the thumbnail images and the preview file above to get a better idea of what the digital task cards look like.⭐⭐
Using BOOM Cards™
To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge) through the BOOM Learning Platform. Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with "Fast Pins," (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options you'll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Read here for details:
⭐⭐⭐TeachShare CREDITS!!!⭐⭐⭐
Don't forget to leave a review to get your TeachShare credits! Whenever you give feedback on a purchased product, you receive credits that go towards future purchases on TPT. For every $1 spent, you receive 1 credit. 20 credits equals $1 towards future purchases! Believe me, THEY ADD UP!!!
⭐Don't forget to leave a review to get TeachShare credits, and to follow my shop, Teaching Dinos HERE
⭐Pinterest HERE
⭐Instagram HERE
⭐Blog HERE
Please email me at if you have any questions about this resource or experience any problems, I’d be happy to help you!
Related Products
⭐ Letter Recognition and Beginning Sounds A to Z Errorless BOOM CARD™ BUNDLE
⭐ Food Allergy Awareness Education, Activities, Posters for Elementary Students
⭐ I Can Move BUNDLE Errorless BOOM Cards™ for Brain Break and Distance Learning
⭐ STEM Activities with Silly Adventure Building Challenge Task Cards BUNDLE
⭐ 90 Days STEAM | STEM Activities Silly Challenge Task Card BUNDLE
⭐ Addition and Subtraction BOOM Cards Within 20 | Word Problems BUNDLE