Homeschool Vocabulary Homework

1st Grade HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

By Ms Garcia Store

Practice the INTO READING program Sight Words of HMH easily and with no prep at all.

Complete set of worksheets, ready to be used, of the 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-frequency Words from every week of the HMH program INTO READING in first grade. It can be used as homework or even as a center.

By purchasing this resource, you will get 3 PDF files to work on the 25 high-frequency words of Module 12 (3 weeks). A total of 31 pages. Each word has its own page, and you have two different options for the back of the page. One of the options is to continue formulating sentences with the word of the day, while the second option is to practice how to write the word of the day or even the other words of the week.

Each module has 3 weeks and the program consists of 12 modules (36 weeks).

Each word will be worked on in 8 different ways:

  • Reading the word and the sound of every letter.
  • Tracing of the letters that make up the word.
  • Searching for the word among other words of the same week.
  • Filling in the blocks with each of the letters of the word.
  • Arranging the letter tiles to form the word.
  • Counting the number of syllables in the word.
  • Writing the word several times as practice.
  • Writing several short sentences that contain the word.

Content of Module 12 "Genre Study: Literary Texts"

Week 1: above again around does gives live says what

Week 2: once open people these they wash water who world

Week 3: animal could different pull should talk won’t would

Get the 12 modules:

⭐ COMPLETE INTO READING High Frequency Words Worksheets (12Modules)

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

Image used in the cover:

Character photo created by freepik -


Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 6 (semanas 16 a 18)

By Ms Garcia Store

Palabras de Ortografía de Arriba la lectura de HMH Módulo 6 (semana 16 a 18)

Fichas de trabajo, listas para ser usadas, de las palabras de ortografía de la primera semana de Arriba la lectura de HMH en primer grado. Puede ser usado como tarea o incluso como centro.

Al adquirir este recurso, obtendrán 3 archivos PDF con un total de 36 páginas para trabajar las 30 palabras de ortografía de las 3 semanas del módulo 6. Cada palabra tiene su propia página, y tienes dos opciones distintas para el reverso de la página. Una de las opciones es la de seguir formulando oraciones con la palabra del día, mientras que la segunda opción es la de practicar cómo se escribe la palabra del día o incluso las palabras de la semana.

Cada módulo tiene 3 semanas y el programa consta de 12 módulos(36 semanas).

Cada palabra se trabajará de 8 formas diferentes:

  1. Lectura de la palabra, sus sonidos y sílabas.
  2. Trazo de las letras que componen la palabra.
  3. Búsqueda de la palabra entre otras palabras de esa semana.
  4. Rellena los bloques con cada una de las letras de la palabra.
  5. Ordenar las fichas con letras para formar la palabra.
  6. Contar el número de sílabas de la palabra.
  7. Escritura de la palabra varias veces a modo de práctica.
  8. Redacción de varias frases cortas que contengan la palabra.

Contenido del Módulo 6 "Homenaje a Estados Unidos de América"

  • Semana 1: cazar taza pinza pieza zorro zona pozo rizo zumo azul
  • Semana 2: hadas hebilla higos hielo hola hotel hongo Hugo huevo hueso
  • Semana 3: jarras caja oveja jefe jirafa ajo dibujo jugo juntos juegos

Disponible también todos los módulos de la versión imprimible de Palabras de Uso Frecuente:

Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)

⭐ Módulo 1

⭐ Módulo 2

⭐ Módulo 3

⭐ Módulo 4

⭐ Módulo 5

⭐ Módulo 6

⭐ Módulo 7

⭐ Módulo 8

⭐ Módulo 9

⭐ Módulo 10

⭐ Módulo 11

⭐ Módulo 12

Puedes también adquirir la versión digital en EASEL de TeachShare:

Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)

Módulo 1

Módulo 2

Módulo 3

Módulo 4

Módulo 5

Módulo 6

Módulo 7

Módulo 8

Módulo 9

Módulo 10

Módulo 11

Módulo 12

Recursos EASEL relacionados que pueden ser de su interes:

Palabras de ortografía HMH completo (los 12 módulos)

Módulo 1

Módulo 2

Módulo 3

Módulo 4

Módulo 5

Módulo 6

Módulo 7

Módulo 8

Módulo 9

Módulo 10

Módulo 11

Módulo 12

Encuentra, escribe y traza las palabras de uso frecuente

Encuentra y escribe las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

Encuentra, marca y traza las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

Imagen utilizada en la portada

Character photo created by freepik -


Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 7 (semanas 19 a 21)

By Ms Garcia Store

Palabras de Ortografía de Arriba la lectura de HMH Módulo 7 (semana 19 a 21)

Fichas de trabajo, listas para ser usadas, de las palabras de ortografía de la primera semana de Arriba la lectura de HMH en primer grado. Puede ser usado como tarea o incluso como centro.

Al adquirir este recurso, obtendrán 3 archivos PDF con un total de 36 páginas para trabajar las 30 palabras de ortografía de las 3 semanas del módulo 7. Cada palabra tiene su propia página, y tienes dos opciones distintas para el reverso de la página. Una de las opciones es la de seguir formulando oraciones con la palabra del día, mientras que la segunda opción es la de practicar cómo se escribe la palabra del día o incluso las palabras de la semana.

Cada módulo tiene 3 semanas y el programa consta de 12 módulos(36 semanas).

Cada palabra se trabajará de 8 formas diferentes:

  1. Lectura de la palabra, sus sonidos y sílabas.
  2. Trazo de las letras que componen la palabra.
  3. Búsqueda de la palabra entre otras palabras de esa semana.
  4. Rellena los bloques con cada una de las letras de la palabra.
  5. Ordenar las fichas con letras para formar la palabra.
  6. Contar el número de sílabas de la palabra.
  7. Escritura de la palabra varias veces a modo de práctica.
  8. Redacción de varias frases cortas que contengan la palabra.

Contenido del Módulo 7 "Maravillas de la naturaleza"

  • Semana 1: cepillo cebolla ceja doce pecera tocino cima bici circo cinco
  • Semana 2: mañana montaña muñeca niñito piña otoño señora baño ñu soñar
  • Semana 3: gente gelatina general genio recoge agita girasol imagina magia colegio

Sería conveniente no recortar las letras hasta haber completado el ejercicio del reverso de la página, para que así sigan teniendo la ayuda mostrada en la parte baja de la página de cómo se escribe cada palabra.

Consigue los 12 módulos de ortografía:

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía para imprimir HMH de 1er grado COMPLETO (Los 12 Módulos)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 1 (semanas 1 a 3)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 2 (semanas 4 a 6)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 3 (semanas 7 a 9)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 4 (semanas 10 a 12)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 5 (semanas 13 a 15)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 6 (semanas 16 a 18)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 7 (semanas 19 a 21)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 8 (semanas 22 a 24)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 9 (semanas 25 a 27)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 10 (semanas 28 a 30)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 11 (semanas 31 a 33)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 12 (semanas 34 a 36)

Disponible también todos los módulos de la versión imprimible de Palabras de Uso Frecuente:

Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)

⭐ Módulo 1

⭐ Módulo 2

⭐ Módulo 3

⭐ Módulo 4

⭐ Módulo 5

⭐ Módulo 6

⭐ Módulo 7

⭐ Módulo 8

⭐ Módulo 9

⭐ Módulo 10

⭐ Módulo 11

⭐ Módulo 12

Puedes también adquirir la versión digital de Palabras de uso frecuente:

Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)

Módulo 1

Módulo 2

Módulo 3

Módulo 4

Módulo 5

Módulo 6

Módulo 7

Módulo 8

Módulo 9

Módulo 10

Módulo 11

Módulo 12

Puedes también adquirir la versión digital de Palabras de Ortografía:

Palabras de ortografía HMH completo (los 12 módulos)

Módulo 1

Módulo 2

Módulo 3

Módulo 4

Módulo 5

Módulo 6

Módulo 7

Módulo 8

Módulo 9

Módulo 10

Módulo 11

Módulo 12

Otros recursos que pueden ser de tu interés:

Encuentra, escribe y traza las palabras de uso frecuente

Encuentra y escribe las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

Encuentra, marca y traza las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

Imagen utilizada en la portada

Character photo created by freepik -


Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 8 (semanas 22 a 24)

By Ms Garcia Store

Palabras de Ortografía de Arriba la lectura de HMH Módulo 8 (semana 22 a 24)

Fichas de trabajo, listas para ser usadas, de las palabras de ortografía de la primera semana de Arriba la lectura de HMH en primer grado. Puede ser usado como tarea o incluso como centro.

Al adquirir este recurso, obtendrán 3 archivos PDF con un total de 36 páginas para trabajar las 30 palabras de ortografía de las 3 semanas del módulo 8. Cada palabra tiene su propia página, y tienes dos opciones distintas para el reverso de la página. Una de las opciones es la de seguir formulando oraciones con la palabra del día, mientras que la segunda opción es la de practicar cómo se escribe la palabra del día o incluso las palabras de la semana.

Cada módulo tiene 3 semanas y el programa consta de 12 módulos(36 semanas).

Cada palabra se trabajará de 8 formas diferentes:

  1. Lectura de la palabra, sus sonidos y sílabas.
  2. Trazo de las letras que componen la palabra.
  3. Búsqueda de la palabra entre otras palabras de esa semana.
  4. Rellena los bloques con cada una de las letras de la palabra.
  5. Ordenar las fichas con letras para formar la palabra.
  6. Contar el número de sílabas de la palabra.
  7. Escritura de la palabra varias veces a modo de práctica.
  8. Redacción de varias frases cortas que contengan la palabra.

Contenido del Módulo 8 "Cuéntame un cuento"

  • Semana 1: chatarra chaqueta leche noche chicas chino choque pecho chofer chupar
  • Semana 2: kaki kilo kimono ukelele examen exagera exitoso mexicano Walter waterpolo
  • Semana 3: trabajo letra trece cuatro tribu bravo cabra febrero brisa bruja

Sería conveniente no recortar las letras hasta haber completado el ejercicio del reverso de la página, para que así sigan teniendo la ayuda mostrada en la parte baja de la página de cómo se escribe cada palabra.

Consigue los 12 módulos de ortografía:

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía para imprimir HMH de 1er grado COMPLETO (Los 12 Módulos)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 1 (semanas 1 a 3)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 2 (semanas 4 a 6)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 3 (semanas 7 a 9)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 4 (semanas 10 a 12)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 5 (semanas 13 a 15)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 6 (semanas 16 a 18)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 7 (semanas 19 a 21)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 8 (semanas 22 a 24)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 9 (semanas 25 a 27)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 10 (semanas 28 a 30)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 11 (semanas 31 a 33)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 12 (semanas 34 a 36)

Disponible también todos los módulos de la versión imprimible de Palabras de Uso Frecuente:

Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)

⭐ Módulo 1

⭐ Módulo 2

⭐ Módulo 3

⭐ Módulo 4

⭐ Módulo 5

⭐ Módulo 6

⭐ Módulo 7

⭐ Módulo 8

⭐ Módulo 9

⭐ Módulo 10

⭐ Módulo 11

⭐ Módulo 12

Puedes también adquirir la versión digital de Palabras de uso frecuente:

Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)

Módulo 1

Módulo 2

Módulo 3

Módulo 4

Módulo 5

Módulo 6

Módulo 7

Módulo 8

Módulo 9

Módulo 10

Módulo 11

Módulo 12

Puedes también adquirir la versión digital de Palabras de Ortografía:

Palabras de ortografía HMH completo (los 12 módulos)

Módulo 1

Módulo 2

Módulo 3

Módulo 4

Módulo 5

Módulo 6

Módulo 7

Módulo 8

Módulo 9

Módulo 10

Módulo 11

Módulo 12

Otros recursos que pueden ser de tu interés:

Encuentra, escribe y traza las palabras de uso frecuente

Encuentra y escribe las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

Encuentra, marca y traza las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

Imagen utilizada en la portada

Character photo created by freepik -


Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 9 (semanas 25 a 27)

By Ms Garcia Store

Palabras de Ortografía de Arriba la lectura de HMH Módulo 9 (semana 25 a 27)

Fichas de trabajo, listas para ser usadas, de las palabras de ortografía de la primera semana de Arriba la lectura de HMH en primer grado. Puede ser usado como tarea o incluso como centro.

Al adquirir este recurso, obtendrán 3 archivos PDF con un total de 36 páginas para trabajar las 30 palabras de ortografía de las 3 semanas del módulo 9. Cada palabra tiene su propia página, y tienes dos opciones distintas para el reverso de la página. Una de las opciones es la de seguir formulando oraciones con la palabra del día, mientras que la segunda opción es la de practicar cómo se escribe la palabra del día o incluso las palabras de la semana.

Cada módulo tiene 3 semanas y el programa consta de 12 módulos(36 semanas).

Cada palabra se trabajará de 8 formas diferentes:

  1. Lectura de la palabra, sus sonidos y sílabas.
  2. Trazo de las letras que componen la palabra.
  3. Búsqueda de la palabra entre otras palabras de esa semana.
  4. Rellena los bloques con cada una de las letras de la palabra.
  5. Ordenar las fichas con letras para formar la palabra.
  6. Contar el número de sílabas de la palabra.
  7. Escritura de la palabra varias veces a modo de práctica.
  8. Redacción de varias frases cortas que contengan la palabra.

Contenido del Módulo 9 "¡Crezcan, plantas, crezcan!"

  • Semana 1: grano tigre gritamos ogro grupo prado pregunta premio prisa profundo
  • Semana 2: frase fresas cofre fruta crecer escribe cruzas drama padre cuadrado
  • Semana 3: clase teclado bucle bicicleta blanca cable bloques plato pluma soplan

Sería conveniente no recortar las letras hasta haber completado el ejercicio del reverso de la página, para que así sigan teniendo la ayuda mostrada en la parte baja de la página de cómo se escribe cada palabra.

Consigue los 12 módulos de ortografía:

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía para imprimir HMH de 1er grado COMPLETO (Los 12 Módulos)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 1 (semanas 1 a 3)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 2 (semanas 4 a 6)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 3 (semanas 7 a 9)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 4 (semanas 10 a 12)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 5 (semanas 13 a 15)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 6 (semanas 16 a 18)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 7 (semanas 19 a 21)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 8 (semanas 22 a 24)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 9 (semanas 25 a 27)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 10 (semanas 28 a 30)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 11 (semanas 31 a 33)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 12 (semanas 34 a 36)

Disponible también todos los módulos de la versión imprimible de Palabras de Uso Frecuente:

Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)

⭐ Módulo 1

⭐ Módulo 2

⭐ Módulo 3

⭐ Módulo 4

⭐ Módulo 5

⭐ Módulo 6

⭐ Módulo 7

⭐ Módulo 8

⭐ Módulo 9

⭐ Módulo 10

⭐ Módulo 11

⭐ Módulo 12

Puedes también adquirir la versión digital de Palabras de uso frecuente:

Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)

Módulo 1

Módulo 2

Módulo 3

Módulo 4

Módulo 5

Módulo 6

Módulo 7

Módulo 8

Módulo 9

Módulo 10

Módulo 11

Módulo 12

Puedes también adquirir la versión digital de Palabras de Ortografía:

Palabras de ortografía HMH completo (los 12 módulos)

Módulo 1

Módulo 2

Módulo 3

Módulo 4

Módulo 5

Módulo 6

Módulo 7

Módulo 8

Módulo 9

Módulo 10

Módulo 11

Módulo 12

Otros recursos que pueden ser de tu interés:

Encuentra, escribe y traza las palabras de uso frecuente

Encuentra y escribe las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

Encuentra, marca y traza las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

Imagen utilizada en la portada

Character photo created by freepik -


Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 12 (semanas 34 a 36)

By Ms Garcia Store

Palabras de Ortografía de Arriba la lectura de HMH Módulo 12 (semana 34 a 36)

Fichas de trabajo, listas para ser usadas, de las palabras de ortografía de la primera semana de Arriba la lectura de HMH en primer grado. Puede ser usado como tarea o incluso como centro.

Al adquirir este recurso, obtendrán 3 archivos PDF con un total de 36 páginas para trabajar las 30 palabras de ortografía de las 3 semanas del módulo 12. Cada palabra tiene su propia página, y tienes dos opciones distintas para el reverso de la página. Una de las opciones es la de seguir formulando oraciones con la palabra del día, mientras que la segunda opción es la de practicar cómo se escribe la palabra del día o incluso las palabras de la semana.

Cada módulo tiene 3 semanas y el programa consta de 12 módulos(36 semanas).

Cada palabra se trabajará de 8 formas diferentes:

  1. Lectura de la palabra, sus sonidos y sílabas.
  2. Trazo de las letras que componen la palabra.
  3. Búsqueda de la palabra entre otras palabras de esa semana.
  4. Rellena los bloques con cada una de las letras de la palabra.
  5. Ordenar las fichas con letras para formar la palabra.
  6. Contar el número de sílabas de la palabra.
  7. Escritura de la palabra varias veces a modo de práctica.
  8. Redacción de varias frases cortas que contengan la palabra.

Contenido del Módulo 12 "Estudio del género: Textos de no ficción"

  • Semana 1: actor exacta pícnic dicta pacto lector recta capturan reptar clip
  • Semana 2: luz tez vez feliz objeto submarino subte texto fax mixto
  • Semana 3: desayuna desorden amistoso cuidadosa dudoso dulcemente solamente mesota sillita bolita

Sería conveniente no recortar las letras hasta haber completado el ejercicio del reverso de la página, para que así sigan teniendo la ayuda mostrada en la parte baja de la página de cómo se escribe cada palabra.

Consigue los 12 módulos de ortografía:

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía para imprimir HMH de 1er grado COMPLETO (Los 12 Módulos)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 1 (semanas 1 a 3)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 2 (semanas 4 a 6)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 3 (semanas 7 a 9)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 4 (semanas 10 a 12)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 5 (semanas 13 a 15)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 6 (semanas 16 a 18)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 7 (semanas 19 a 21)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 8 (semanas 22 a 24)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 9 (semanas 25 a 27)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 10 (semanas 28 a 30)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 11 (semanas 31 a 33)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 12 (semanas 34 a 36)

Disponible también todos los módulos de la versión imprimible de Palabras de Uso Frecuente:

Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)

⭐ Módulo 1

⭐ Módulo 2

⭐ Módulo 3

⭐ Módulo 4

⭐ Módulo 5

⭐ Módulo 6

⭐ Módulo 7

⭐ Módulo 8

⭐ Módulo 9

⭐ Módulo 10

⭐ Módulo 11

⭐ Módulo 12

Puedes también adquirir la versión digital de Palabras de uso frecuente:

Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)

Módulo 1

Módulo 2

Módulo 3

Módulo 4

Módulo 5

Módulo 6

Módulo 7

Módulo 8

Módulo 9

Módulo 10

Módulo 11

Módulo 12

Puedes también adquirir la versión digital de Palabras de Ortografía:

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Encuentra y escribe las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

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1st Grade HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

By Ms Garcia Store

Practice the INTO READING program Sight Words of HMH easily and with no prep at all.

Complete set of worksheets, ready to be used, of the 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-frequency Words from every week of the HMH program INTO READING in first grade. It can be used as homework or even as a center.

By purchasing this resource, you will get 3 PDF files to work on the 41 high-frequency words of Module 2 (3 weeks). A total of 47 pages. Each word has its own page, and you have two different options for the back of the page. One of the options is to continue formulating sentences with the word of the day, while the second option is to practice how to write the word of the day or even the other words of the week.

Each module has 3 weeks and the program consists of 12 modules (36 weeks).

Each word will be worked on in 8 different ways:

Reading the word and the sound of every letter.

Tracing of the letters that make up the word.

Searching for the word among other words of the same week.

Filling in the blocks with each of the letters of the word.

Arranging the letter tiles to form the word.

Counting the number of syllables in the word.

Writing the word several times as practice.

Writing several short sentences that contain the word.

Content of Module 2 "My Family, My Community"

Week 1: are big buy ran little sit said did too its up will you

Week 2: do got live had of has our him wants his what not with your

Week 3: about but eat cut how run make up out us put on takes who

Get the 12 modules:

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⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

Image used in the cover:

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1st Grade HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

By Ms Garcia Store

Practice the INTO READING program Sight Words of HMH easily and with no prep at all.

Complete set of worksheets, ready to be used, of the 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-frequency Words from every week of the HMH program INTO READING in first grade. It can be used as homework or even as a center.

By purchasing this resource, you will get 3 PDF files to work on the 37 high-frequency words of Module 4 (3 weeks). A total of 43 pages. Each word has its own page, and you have two different options for the back of the page. One of the options is to continue formulating sentences with the word of the day, while the second option is to practice how to write the word of the day or even the other words of the week.

Each module has 3 weeks and the program consists of 12 modules (36 weeks).

Each word will be worked on in 8 different ways:

Reading the word and the sound of every letter.

Tracing of the letters that make up the word.

Searching for the word among other words of the same week.

Filling in the blocks with each of the letters of the word.

Arranging the letter tiles to form the word.

Counting the number of syllables in the word.

Writing the word several times as practice.

Writing several short sentences that contain the word.

Content of Module 4 "Better Together"

Week 1: be much here such me play started today use very

Week 2: jump that right them say then their this walk when way which where why

Week 3: after still before stop does spell don’t with grow than into no wash

Get the 12 modules:

⭐ COMPLETE INTO READING High Frequency Words Worksheets (12Modules)

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

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1st Grade HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

By Ms Garcia Store

Practice the INTO READING program Sight Words of HMH easily and with no prep at all.

Complete set of worksheets, ready to be used, of the 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-frequency Words from every week of the HMH program INTO READING in first grade. It can be used as homework or even as a center.

By purchasing this resource, you will get 3 PDF files to work on the 31 high-frequency words of Module 5 (3 weeks). A total of 37 pages. Each word has its own page, and you have two different options for the back of the page. One of the options is to continue formulating sentences with the word of the day, while the second option is to practice how to write the word of the day or even the other words of the week.

Each module has 3 weeks and the program consists of 12 modules (36 weeks).

Each word will be worked on in 8 different ways:

Reading the word and the sound of every letter.

Tracing of the letters that make up the word.

Searching for the word among other words of the same week.

Filling in the blocks with each of the letters of the word.

Arranging the letter tiles to form the word.

Counting the number of syllables in the word.

Writing the word several times as practice.

Writing several short sentences that contain the word.

Content of Module 5 "Now You See it, Now You Don't"

Week 1: around black came come found other people two worked

Week 2: again away because cold fall full or pretty

Week 3: any ask done best laugh fast long and more jump pull just teacher think

Get the 12 modules:

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⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

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1st Grade HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

By Ms Garcia Store

Practice the INTO READING program Sight Words of HMH easily and with no prep at all.

Complete set of worksheets, ready to be used, of the 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-frequency Words from every week of the HMH program INTO READING in first grade. It can be used as homework or even as a center.

By purchasing this resource, you will get 3 PDF files to work on the 42 high-frequency words of Module 6 (3 weeks). A total of 48 pages. Each word has its own page, and you have two different options for the back of the page. One of the options is to continue formulating sentences with the word of the day, while the second option is to practice how to write the word of the day or even the other words of the week.

Each module has 3 weeks and the program consists of 12 modules (36 weeks).

Each word will be worked on in 8 different ways:

Reading the word and the sound of every letter.

Tracing of the letters that make up the word.

Searching for the word among other words of the same week.

Filling in the blocks with each of the letters of the word.

Arranging the letter tiles to form the word.

Counting the number of syllables in the word.

Writing the word several times as practice.

Writing several short sentences that contain the word.

Content of Module 6 "Celebrate America"

Week 1: another be gave he house me over she own so read into water white

Week 2: always ate began came better gave gives made hurt make shall place should things

Week 3: carry home draw like eight ride even side goes time may white seven shows

Get the 12 modules:

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⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

Image used in the cover:

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1st Grade HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

By Ms Garcia Store

Practice the INTO READING program Sight Words of HMH easily and with no prep at all.

Complete set of worksheets, ready to be used, of the 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-frequency Words from every week of the HMH program INTO READING in first grade. It can be used as homework or even as a center.

By purchasing this resource, you will get 3 PDF files to work on the 42 high-frequency words of Module 7 (3 weeks). A total of 48 pages. Each word has its own page, and you have two different options for the back of the page. One of the options is to continue formulating sentences with the word of the day, while the second option is to practice how to write the word of the day or even the other words of the week.

Each module has 3 weeks and the program consists of 12 modules (36 weeks).

Each word will be worked on in 8 different ways:

Reading the word and the sound of every letter.

Tracing of the letters that make up the word.

Searching for the word among other words of the same week.

Filling in the blocks with each of the letters of the word.

Arranging the letter tiles to form the word.

Counting the number of syllables in the word.

Writing the word several times as practice.

Writing several short sentences that contain the word.

Content of Module 7 "The Big Outdoors"

Week 1: animal five heads these keep use let’s those point write something must voice won’t

Week 2: below clean far green hear head hold please old read only see open round

Week 3: air day different don't drink may enough play never say small way through under

Get the 12 modules:

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⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

Image used in the cover:

Character photo created by freepik -


1st Grade HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

By Ms Garcia Store

Practice the INTO READING program Sight Words of HMH easily and with no prep at all.

Complete set of worksheets, ready to be used, of the 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-frequency Words from every week of the HMH program INTO READING in first grade. It can be used as homework or even as a center.

By purchasing this resource, you will get 3 PDF files to work on the 41 high-frequency words of Module 8 (3 weeks). A total of 47 pages. Each word has its own page, and you have two different options for the back of the page. One of the options is to continue formulating sentences with the word of the day, while the second option is to practice how to write the word of the day or even the other words of the week.

Each module has 3 weeks and the program consists of 12 modules (36 weeks).

Each word will be worked on in 8 different ways:

Reading the word and the sound of every letter.

Tracing of the letters that make up the word.

Searching for the word among other words of the same week.

Filling in the blocks with each of the letters of the word.

Arranging the letter tiles to form the word.

Counting the number of syllables in the word.

Writing the word several times as practice.

Writing several short sentences that contain the word.

Content of Module 8 "Tell Me A Story"

Week 1: along grow answer know children own going goes mother each talk upon woman

Week 2: bring by eyes cold family find girl fly move hold soon kind together warm

Week 3: brown car few far funny hard myself yellow new old once right thank words

Get the 12 modules:

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⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

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1st Grade HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

By Ms Garcia Store

Practice the INTO READING program Sight Words of HMH easily and with no prep at all.

Complete set of worksheets, ready to be used, of the 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-frequency Words from every week of the HMH program INTO READING in first grade. It can be used as homework or even as a center.

By purchasing this resource, you will get 3 PDF files to work on the 42 high-frequency words of Module 9 (3 weeks). A total of 48 pages. Each word has its own page, and you have two different options for the back of the page. One of the options is to continue formulating sentences with the word of the day, while the second option is to practice how to write the word of the day or even the other words of the week.

Each module has 3 weeks and the program consists of 12 modules (36 weeks).

Each word will be worked on in 8 different ways:

Reading the word and the sound of every letter.

Tracing of the letters that make up the word.

Searching for the word among other words of the same week.

Filling in the blocks with each of the letters of the word.

Arranging the letter tiles to form the word.

Counting the number of syllables in the word.

Writing the word several times as practice.

Writing several short sentences that contain the word.

Content of Module 9 "Grow, Plants, Grow!"

Week 1: almost for also more between or ever start food why really light sing three

Week 2: boy first door her father hurt maybe hand nearest next says went shouted until

Week 3: above bring blue drink knew going number long push thank sure thing took watch

Get the 12 modules:

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⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

Image used in the cover:

Character photo created by freepik -


1st Grade HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

By Ms Garcia Store

Practice the INTO READING program Sight Words of HMH easily and with no prep at all.

Complete set of worksheets, ready to be used, of the 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-frequency Words from every week of the HMH program INTO READING in first grade. It can be used as homework or even as a center.

By purchasing this resource, you will get 3 PDF files to work on the 42 high-frequency words of Module 10 (3 weeks). A total of 48 pages. Each word has its own page, and you have two different options for the back of the page. One of the options is to continue formulating sentences with the word of the day, while the second option is to practice how to write the word of the day or even the other words of the week.

Each module has 3 weeks and the program consists of 12 modules (36 weeks).

Each word will be worked on in 8 different ways:

Reading the word and the sound of every letter.

Tracing of the letters that make up the word.

Searching for the word among other words of the same week.

Filling in the blocks with each of the letters of the word.

Arranging the letter tiles to form the word.

Counting the number of syllables in the word.

Writing the word several times as practice.

Writing several short sentences that contain the word.

Content of Module 10 "Dare to Dream"

Week 1: begin let's brother think front same picture take room eat someone sleep sometimes young

Week 2: been good heard look hurry took learn keep loved my often night study world

Week 3: bear blue color new happy soon money too music you second try sound without

Get the 12 modules:

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⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

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1st Grade HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

By Ms Garcia Store

Easily and effortlessly practice the Spelling Words of the INTO READING program with our comprehensive resource.

This complete set of ready-to-use worksheets focuses on the 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-Frequency Words from each week of the HMH INTO READING program for first grade. Whether you use it for homework assignments or as a center activity, this resource is designed to save you time and preparation.

With your purchase, you will receive 3 PDF files specifically targeting the 30 high-frequency words from the 8th module, covering a span of 3 weeks. In total, you'll receive 36 pages of valuable content. Each word has its own dedicated page, and you have two options for the back of each page. One option allows students to practice formulating sentences using the word of the day, while the other option focuses on writing and practicing the word itself, along with other words from the week.

The INTO READING program consists of 12 modules, each spanning 3 weeks, totaling 36 weeks of learning. Within these weeks, students will engage with each spelling word in 8 different ways:

- Reading the word and identifying the sound of each letter.

- Tracing the letters that form the word.

- Searching for the word among other words from the same week.

- Filling in the blocks with the letters of the word.

- Arranging letter tiles to form the word.

- Counting the number of syllables in the word.

- Writing the word multiple times for practice.

- Crafting several short sentences that incorporate the word.

This resource is designed to enhance students' spelling skills and reinforce their understanding of high-frequency words. Take the hassle out of spelling practice and provide your students with valuable resources to support their language development. Purchase this resource today and watch your students excel in their spelling journey!

Content of Module 8 "Tell Me A Story"

Week 1: show row grow low blow snow boat coat road toad

Week 2: my try sky fly by dry pie tie night light

Week 3: farm arm yard art jar bar barn bark card yarn

Get the 12 modules:

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⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

Get the 12 modules of High-frequency Words:

⭐ COMPLETE INTO READING High Frequency Words Worksheets (12Modules)

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

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1st Grade HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

By Ms Garcia Store

Easily and effortlessly practice the Spelling Words of the INTO READING program with our comprehensive resource.

This complete set of ready-to-use worksheets focuses on the 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-Frequency Words from each week of the HMH INTO READING program for first grade. Whether you use it for homework assignments or as a center activity, this resource is designed to save you time and preparation.

With your purchase, you will receive 3 PDF files specifically targeting the 30 high-frequency words from the 9th module, covering a span of 3 weeks. In total, you'll receive 36 pages of valuable content. Each word has its own dedicated page, and you have two options for the back of each page. One option allows students to practice formulating sentences using the word of the day, while the other option focuses on writing and practicing the word itself, along with other words from the week.

The INTO READING program consists of 12 modules, each spanning 3 weeks, totaling 36 weeks of learning. Within these weeks, students will engage with each spelling word in 8 different ways:

- Reading the word and identifying the sound of each letter.

- Tracing the letters that form the word.

- Searching for the word among other words from the same week.

- Filling in the blocks with the letters of the word.

- Arranging letter tiles to form the word.

- Counting the number of syllables in the word.

- Writing the word multiple times for practice.

- Crafting several short sentences that incorporate the word.

This resource is designed to enhance students' spelling skills and reinforce their understanding of high-frequency words. Take the hassle out of spelling practice and provide your students with valuable resources to support their language development. Purchase this resource today and watch your students excel in their spelling journey!

Content of Module 9 "Grow, Plants, Grow!"

Week 1: horn fork corn short born door more shore story score

Week 2: her fern girl sir stir bird fur hurt turn third

Week 3: thing think long thank pitch pitches cent cents catch catches

Get the 12 modules:

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⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

Get the 12 modules of High-frequency Words:

⭐ COMPLETE INTO READING High Frequency Words Worksheets (12Modules)

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

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1st Grade HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

By Ms Garcia Store

Easily and effortlessly practice the Spelling Words of the INTO READING program with our comprehensive resource.

This complete set of ready-to-use worksheets focuses on the 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-Frequency Words from each week of the HMH INTO READING program for first grade. Whether you use it for homework assignments or as a center activity, this resource is designed to save you time and preparation.

With your purchase, you will receive 3 PDF files specifically targeting the 30 high-frequency words from the 10th module, covering a span of 3 weeks. In total, you'll receive 36 pages of valuable content. Each word has its own dedicated page, and you have two options for the back of each page. One option allows students to practice formulating sentences using the word of the day, while the other option focuses on writing and practicing the word itself, along with other words from the week.

The INTO READING program consists of 12 modules, each spanning 3 weeks, totaling 36 weeks of learning. Within these weeks, students will engage with each spelling word in 8 different ways:

- Reading the word and identifying the sound of each letter.

- Tracing the letters that form the word.

- Searching for the word among other words from the same week.

- Filling in the blocks with the letters of the word.

- Arranging letter tiles to form the word.

- Counting the number of syllables in the word.

- Writing the word multiple times for practice.

- Crafting several short sentences that incorporate the word.

This resource is designed to enhance students' spelling skills and reinforce their understanding of high-frequency words. Take the hassle out of spelling practice and provide your students with valuable resources to support their language development. Purchase this resource today and watch your students excel in their spelling journey!

Content of Module 10 "Dare to Dream"

Week 1: horn fork corn short born door more shore story score

Week 2: her fern girl sir stir bird fur hurt turn third

Week 3: thing think long thank pitch pitches cent cents catch catches

Get the 12 modules:

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⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

Get the 12 modules of High-frequency Words:

⭐ COMPLETE INTO READING High Frequency Words Worksheets (12Modules)

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

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1st Grade HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

By Ms Garcia Store

Easily and effortlessly practice the Spelling Words of the INTO READING program with our comprehensive resource.

This complete set of ready-to-use worksheets focuses on the 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-Frequency Words from each week of the HMH INTO READING program for first grade. Whether you use it for homework assignments or as a center activity, this resource is designed to save you time and preparation.

With your purchase, you will receive 3 PDF files specifically targeting the 30 high-frequency words from the 11th module, covering a span of 3 weeks. In total, you'll receive 36 pages of valuable content. Each word has its own dedicated page, and you have two options for the back of each page. One option allows students to practice formulating sentences using the word of the day, while the other option focuses on writing and practicing the word itself, along with other words from the week.

The INTO READING program consists of 12 modules, each spanning 3 weeks, totaling 36 weeks of learning. Within these weeks, students will engage with each spelling word in 8 different ways:

- Reading the word and identifying the sound of each letter.

- Tracing the letters that form the word.

- Searching for the word among other words from the same week.

- Filling in the blocks with the letters of the word.

- Arranging letter tiles to form the word.

- Counting the number of syllables in the word.

- Writing the word multiple times for practice.

- Crafting several short sentences that incorporate the word.

This resource is designed to enhance students' spelling skills and reinforce their understanding of high-frequency words. Take the hassle out of spelling practice and provide your students with valuable resources to support their language development. Purchase this resource today and watch your students excel in their spelling journey!

Content of Module 11 "Genre Study: Non-fiction"

Week 1: I'm can't isn't we'll you'll it's didn't that's I'll wasn't

Week 2: book good hook brook took foot wool shook wood boyhood

Week 3: soon new noon zoo boot too moon blew soup you

Get the 12 modules:

⭐ COMPLETE INTO READING Spelling Words Worksheets (12Modules)

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

Get the 12 modules of High-frequency Words:

⭐ COMPLETE INTO READING High Frequency Words Worksheets (12Modules)

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

Image used in the cover:

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1st Grade HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

By Ms Garcia Store

Easily and effortlessly practice the Spelling Words of the INTO READING program with our comprehensive resource.

This complete set of ready-to-use worksheets focuses on the 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-Frequency Words from each week of the HMH INTO READING program for first grade. Whether you use it for homework assignments or as a center activity, this resource is designed to save you time and preparation.

With your purchase, you will receive 3 PDF files specifically targeting the 30 high-frequency words from the 12th module, covering a span of 3 weeks. In total, you'll receive 36 pages of valuable content. Each word has its own dedicated page, and you have two options for the back of each page. One option allows students to practice formulating sentences using the word of the day, while the other option focuses on writing and practicing the word itself, along with other words from the week.

The INTO READING program consists of 12 modules, each spanning 3 weeks, totaling 36 weeks of learning. Within these weeks, students will engage with each spelling word in 8 different ways:

- Reading the word and identifying the sound of each letter.

- Tracing the letters that form the word.

- Searching for the word among other words from the same week.

- Filling in the blocks with the letters of the word.

- Arranging letter tiles to form the word.

- Counting the number of syllables in the word.

- Writing the word multiple times for practice.

- Crafting several short sentences that incorporate the word.

This resource is designed to enhance students' spelling skills and reinforce their understanding of high-frequency words. Take the hassle out of spelling practice and provide your students with valuable resources to support their language development. Purchase this resource today and watch your students excel in their spelling journey!

Content of Module 12 "Genre Study: Literary Texts"

Week 1: how now cow owl ouch house found out gown town

Week 2: seesaw bedtime sunset bathtub sailboat flagpole backpack raincoat inside himself

Week 3: jumped stayed mailed showed wishing needed flying staying seeing keeping

Get the 12 modules:

⭐ COMPLETE INTO READING Spelling Words Worksheets (12Modules)

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

Get the 12 modules of High-frequency Words:

⭐ COMPLETE INTO READING High Frequency Words Worksheets (12Modules)

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11

⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12

Image used in the cover:

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Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 10 (semanas 28 a 30)

By Ms Garcia Store

Palabras de Ortografía de Arriba la lectura de HMH Módulo 10 (semana 28 a 30)

Fichas de trabajo, listas para ser usadas, de las palabras de ortografía de la primera semana de Arriba la lectura de HMH en primer grado. Puede ser usado como tarea o incluso como centro.

Al adquirir este recurso, obtendrán 3 archivos PDF con un total de 36 páginas para trabajar las 30 palabras de ortografía de las 3 semanas del módulo 10. Cada palabra tiene su propia página, y tienes dos opciones distintas para el reverso de la página. Una de las opciones es la de seguir formulando oraciones con la palabra del día, mientras que la segunda opción es la de practicar cómo se escribe la palabra del día o incluso las palabras de la semana.

Cada módulo tiene 3 semanas y el programa consta de 12 módulos(36 semanas).

Cada palabra se trabajará de 8 formas diferentes:

  1. Lectura de la palabra, sus sonidos y sílabas.
  2. Trazo de las letras que componen la palabra.
  3. Búsqueda de la palabra entre otras palabras de esa semana.
  4. Rellena los bloques con cada una de las letras de la palabra.
  5. Ordenar las fichas con letras para formar la palabra.
  6. Contar el número de sílabas de la palabra.
  7. Escritura de la palabra varias veces a modo de práctica.
  8. Redacción de varias frases cortas que contengan la palabra.

Contenido del Módulo 10 "Atrévete a soñar"

  • Semana 1: flaco flecha flores afloja regla globo iglú atlas atleta moflete
  • Semana 2: aire Jaime paisaje reino aceite aula autora ciudad ruido Luis
  • Semana 3: copia Diana caries diente genio medio Juana cuarenta dueño buena

Sería conveniente no recortar las letras hasta haber completado el ejercicio del reverso de la página, para que así sigan teniendo la ayuda mostrada en la parte baja de la página de cómo se escribe cada palabra.

Consigue los 12 módulos de ortografía:

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía para imprimir HMH de 1er grado COMPLETO (Los 12 Módulos)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 1 (semanas 1 a 3)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 2 (semanas 4 a 6)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 3 (semanas 7 a 9)

⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 4 (semanas 10 a 12)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 5 (semanas 13 a 15)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 6 (semanas 16 a 18)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 7 (semanas 19 a 21)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 8 (semanas 22 a 24)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 9 (semanas 25 a 27)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 10 (semanas 28 a 30)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 11 (semanas 31 a 33)

⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 12 (semanas 34 a 36)

Disponible también todos los módulos de la versión imprimible de Palabras de Uso Frecuente:

Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)

⭐ Módulo 1

⭐ Módulo 2

⭐ Módulo 3

⭐ Módulo 4

⭐ Módulo 5

⭐ Módulo 6

⭐ Módulo 7

⭐ Módulo 8

⭐ Módulo 9

⭐ Módulo 10

⭐ Módulo 11

⭐ Módulo 12

Puedes también adquirir la versión digital de Palabras de uso frecuente:

Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)

Módulo 1

Módulo 2

Módulo 3

Módulo 4

Módulo 5

Módulo 6

Módulo 7

Módulo 8

Módulo 9

Módulo 10

Módulo 11

Módulo 12

Puedes también adquirir la versión digital de Palabras de Ortografía:

Palabras de ortografía HMH completo (los 12 módulos)

Módulo 1

Módulo 2

Módulo 3

Módulo 4

Módulo 5

Módulo 6

Módulo 7

Módulo 8

Módulo 9

Módulo 10

Módulo 11

Módulo 12

Otros recursos que pueden ser de tu interés:

Encuentra, escribe y traza las palabras de uso frecuente

Encuentra y escribe las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

Encuentra, marca y traza las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

Imagen utilizada en la portada

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