Homeschool Physical Science Unit Plans

Intro to the Scientific Method for Preschool and Kindrgarten

By Joyful Explorations

This first unit in the "Science Kids" series helps students learn how to be scientists. Every activity in this packet is aligned with one of the five stages of scientific inquiry. This packet supports the Next Generation Science Standards.

The “Science Kids” series is intended to help teachers implement developmentally appropriate, hands-on science activities for children in Preschool, Kindergarten and the early grades. The activities in these packets are based on the scientific method and encourage inquiry-based learning.

The packet includes:

• Color posters of the five stages of scientific inquiry (Click here for free sample)

• Explanation of the stages of scientific inquiry for teachers

• A two-week long, step-by step scientific investigation about balls and wagons

• Printable scientific recording sheets for tracking hypotheses and data

• Discussion guide

• Ideas for sharing student learning

Click to see my entire Science Curriculum


Kindergarten Science - Pushes and Pulls Unit for NGSS K-PS2

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This kindergarten physical science unit fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.

  • It comes with:

- Six Detailed Lesson Plans: so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Lesson #1 Let's Move! What is Motion?

Lesson #2 How Do Some of Our Favorite Things Move?

Lesson #3 Pushes and Pulls

Lesson #4 Gravity

Lesson #5 Down We Go! Building Ramps

Lesson #6 STEM Challenge

- The Standards and Materials needed pages (all inexpensive, practical suggestions)

- Essential Vocabulary Cards (10 words)

- Push and Pull Picture Sort with real photos

- STEAM Challenge: Create a Ramp that will Move a Marble to the Finish Line

- Engineering and Design Process Posters

- Charts, Worksheets

- Suggestions for Books to Read

- Suggestions for YouTube Videos

*Student worksheets are also available in Spanish.

• Kindergarten Science Pushes and Pulls Student Resources In Spanish

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Related Resources

❤️ Science Phenomenon for Kindergarten See Think Wonder Pdf and TeachShare Easel

⭐ Kindergarten NGSS: Bundle of Science Units for the Whole Year!

⭐ Kindergarten NGSS Energy Unit: The Effect of Sunlight on the Earth's Surface

⭐ Kindergarten K-ESS3 Earth and Human Activities: Habitats & Taking Care the Earth

⭐ Kindergarten From Molecules to Organisms Unit: What do Plants and Animals Need?

⭐ Kindergarten Earth's Systems Unit: Weather and How it Affects Us

⭐ Computer Technology "I Can" Statement Posters for Kindergarten


5th Grade Science NGSS Aligned Unit About Gravity

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This fifth-grade physical science unit fits the bill! We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.
  • It comes with:

- 5 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

  • Lesson 1 - What Goes Up Must Come Down
  • Lesson 2 - Why Do Some Objects Fall Faster Than Others?
  • Lesson 3 - Prove the Earth is s Sphere
  • Lesson 4 - Leaving Earth's Gravity
  • Lesson 5 - Reviewing Gravity

- Included within this resource are:

  • the standards
  • tips and suggestions
  • suggested YouTube Videos
  • Physicist Poster
  • Posters about Gravitational Energy, Air Resistance, and Isaac Newton
  • "I can" statement card
  • Short Experiments
  • Gravity Choice Project
  • 4 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions

Check our preview to make sure this is a good fit for you and your students.

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Related Resources

Fifth Grade NGSS Bundle for the Whole Year

⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS PS1, 2, 3, and 4 - Matter and Its Interactions

⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS ESS1-1 and ES1-2 Earth's Place in the Universe

⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS ESS2-1, ESS2-2, and ESS3-1: Earth's Systems and Human Impact

⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS 5-LS1-1: Life Science Unit

⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS 5-LS1-2-1: Life Science Unit and 5-PS3-1 Energy Unit

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Solar System Adapted Notes and Review

By Sign with me TOD

This product includes vocabulary, notes, and review for students that are learning about the Solar System.

This product on the Solar System covers the following: energy from the sun and how it is received, how the sun warms up the land and water, how plants use energy to make food, how the uneven heating of the Earth causes wind, the water cycle and how the sun, water evaporating, water vapor, and rain make up the water cycle, photosynthesis, how plants store energy, how stored energy is passed onto animals, the Sun is a star, how the Sun makes its own light, what planets are, the path that Earth takes to travel around the Sun is called an orbit, where the Sun is located in the Solar System, students will be provided with a mnemonic device to help remember the names of the planets, the Sun, Moon and Earth - their diameter, mass, and information about the surface, inner planets - Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars and how they are similar and different from one another, outer planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune - their diameter, mass, rings and moons, and how they are called the gas giants, dwarf planet - Pluto and facts about Pluto, when it was discovered and became the 9th planet and when it was reclassified, a fact chart about each of the 8 planets are included and information regarding each of the 5 categories are reviewed about each planet - composition of atmosphere, average temperature, how many pounds a 65lb. person would weight on each planet, how many Earth days each planet speeds around the Sun, and an interesting fact about each planet, and students will use a key to label the planets that were learned.

Throughout the product, students will answer comprehension questions, fill in the blank questions when provided with a key, review of the 8 planets where students will fill in the blanks using the notes that are included in this product, multiple choice questions, and will label diagrams to ensure comprehension as they are learning about the Solar System.

At the end of this product, students will choose a planet to research and will answer questions included in the product such as if the planet is hot or cold, when the planet was discovered, what color the planet is, the composition of the atmosphere, the average temperature, interesting facts that were learned, etc.

You may also be interested in the following items:

How Plants Move Materials Adapted Notes and Review

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Traits of Living Things Adapted Notes and Review

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Earthquakes Adapted Notes and Review

Life Processes of Plants Adapted Notes and Review

Animal and Plant Cells Adapted Notes and Review

Reacting to the Environment - 5 Senses Adapted Notes and Review

Inherited and Learned Behavior Adapted Notes and Review

Human Body Systems Unit - Bundle

Digestive System Vocabulary Review Freebie

Circulatory and Respiratory System Notes and Review

Circulatory and Respiratory System Vocabulary Review Freebie

The Heart Notes and Review

Skeletal and Muscular System Notes and Review

If you download this product and enjoy it, please leave a positive review! :)


Matter Adapted Notes and Review

By Sign with me TOD

This product includes vocabulary, notes, and review for students that are learning about the States of Matter.

Vocabulary reviewed in this product include matter, microscopes, atoms, molecule, three states of matter, three states of water, water, ice, water vapor, physical property, volume, mass, weight, and geyser.

This product on the States of Matter focuses on the following - matter has different properties that are seen and unseen, what is used to magnify objects, atoms and how all objects have atoms, matter is made up of atoms that are combined with other atoms to make a molecule, what molecules are and how the smallest particle of water is a molecule that is made up of three atoms, students will learn about what scientists discovered, the rule about matter - when one object takes up space, nothing else can take up that same at the same exact time, what is a geyser and how the three states of matter - solid, liquid, and gas appear in a geyser, three states of water and how they are different and alike - they are all the same kind of matter, the molecules of water, ice, and water vapor are all different and how they are different from one another, properties of matter - the state of matter is an example of a physical property and what it a physical property, the properties of matter - size of matter, shape, and size chart, and examining the properties of matter on a tea kettle, measuring matter in cm, m, km, L, and kg, and how those metric units convert to mm, cm, m, mL, and g, what is used to measure matter - examples include rulers, tape measurer, cylinder, balance scale, and how they are used is discussed in detail, what is volume is learned and how all matter has volume, liters and milliliters are the metric units of volume, students will figure out the volume of a solid item after learning how to do so, students will figure out the volume of a rock using a graduated cylinder and will compare finding the volume of both of these objects, students will learn about mass and weight, what they are, how they are different from each other, mass never changes, and weight will fluctuate due to gravitational pull.

Throughout the product, students will answer comprehension questions based on the pages of notes, multiple choice questions, fill in the blank questions when provided with a key, fill in the missing blanks in each chart that is included in this product - properties of matter and measuring matter, and will answer questions regarding the images that are included in this product - measuring matter, measuring volume, mass, and weight.

You may also be interested in the following items:

Electrical Energy Adapted Notes and Review:

Heat Transfer and Thermal Energy Adapted Notes and Review:

Earthquakes Adapted Notes and Review

Life Processes of Plants Adapted Notes and Review

Animal and Plant Cells Adapted Notes and Review

Reacting to the Environment - 5 Senses Adapted Notes and Review

Inherited and Learned Behavior Adapted Notes and Review

Human Body Systems Unit - Bundle

Digestive System Vocabulary Review Freebie

Circulatory and Respiratory System Notes and Review

Circulatory and Respiratory System Vocabulary Review Freebie

The Heart Notes and Review

Skeletal and Muscular System Notes and Review

If you download this product and enjoy it, please leave a positive review! :)
