Homeschool Oral Communication Projects


By French Made Fun!

Want to engage your middle-schoolers and develop their persuasive language, their confidence, their research skills, their teamwork and their respect in a fun, culminating project? Look no further!

I reserve this project for the end of the year as a fun, energetic project in which I assess oral proficiency, teamwork, research skills and persuasive language.

This 50-page debate package includes everything you need to get rolling! Let me guide you and your students to have a successful debate. This document includes:

  • Teachable Content including complex vocabulary and debate-specific concepts with a language they'll understand.
  • Discussion Prompts and opportunities for shared practice, independent practice and group practice.
  • 40 Task Cards and Flashcards to facilitate practicing and "warming up!"
  • Step-by-Step Instruction to guide them in the creation of counter-arguments and rebuttals (with models), using reputable, credible sources of information, and in properly formatting their argument.
  • Teacher Notes highlighting how I structure my debates including classroom setup, timing, group creation and debate topic generation.
  • Graphic Organizers and Rubrics to assist you and your students in planning out their steps and meeting the criteria.

If you are interested in my products, be sure to subscribe to my store to be notified when I create new products or launch sales. You can also join me on Facebook, where I share giveaways and give advance notice of upcoming sales.

Thanks! I appreciate you very much!

- Kaitlyn.


Oral Presentation and Presenting Guidelines

By Beth Hammett

Need help with teaching students proper guidelines for oral presentations? This 16 page presentation will encourage students to think about, plan, and give great oral presentations! 12 step, easy-to-follow guide that includes:

Know your subject

Find a friendly face

Engage your audience

Let the image speak for itself

Less wording is better

Stay focused

Don’t read from slides

Practice makes perfect

Be aware of time allotment

Follow directions

Dress for success


Meets oral communication guidelines for helping students do their best when giving presentations. Excellent to use with PowerPoint and Prezis. Great for career and technical courses, flipped classes, homeschooling, and self-instructed learning centers. Use with all subjects that require oral communication or project based learning.
