Child Labor: Compare Industrial Era to Present Day
By Sarah Austin
This lesson involves having students examine the impacts of the Industrial Era in the United States with a specific focus on child labor. It is recommended that students will have explored, to some degree, the Industrial era prior to this lesson. This resource will prompt students to analyze social activist Lewis Hines' photographs that depict the various jobs and working conditions that children experienced. The Slide Presentation is interactive, problem posing, and vicariously draws the students into the lives of the children of the Industrial era.
Optional Extension Activity: Students compare and contrast the child labor of the Industrial era with the child labor that exists today. A 22 minute documentary film titled 'Zoned for Slavery: The Child Behind the Label' supplements this lesson.
This lesson includes:
If you liked this lesson see other related 'Progressive Era' lessons here:
Women Suffrage: Identifying the Obstacles
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Progressive Era BUNDLE
Intro to Economics: Needs V. Wants
By Sarah Austin
An engaging way to begin a unit on economics! This fun and hands-on activity will have students explore the important concepts of human needs versus wants through an engaging rocket ship simulation. Students will be vicariously drawn into an emergency situation in which they must collaborate, and agree as to what items they consider as ‘essential’ for their survival on their rocket ship mission to live on a far away planet. An interactive Slide Presentation will help guide the groups on their journey… along with prompting students to delve deeper by examining the broader issues of sustainability, waste, and identifying the main differences between ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ countries.
#1. Student Guided Notes & Student Reflection
#2. Rocket Ship Activity
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