Life Processes of Plants Adapted Notes and Review Bundle
By Sign with me TOD
This product includes quick notes for students who should focus on the important details of the life processes of plants.
Vocabulary words that are emphasized in this product include: food for plants, leaves, roots, flowers, stems, the different types of leaves - broadleaf, needle like leaves, and succulent leaves, two root systems - taproots and fibrous roots, bark, pine trees, and fruit trees, different kinds of stems - woods stems, thick stems, soft stems, photosynthesis, chlorophyll, chloroplasts, and the process of photosynthesis.
These notes can also be used as adapted notes for students who need more support. This packet includes notes, questions that relate with the notes, and a fill in the blank question packet that is based on what was reviewed in the notes.
You may also be interested in these other products:
How Traits are Passed Adapted Notes, Review, and Project Template
How Plants Move Materials Adapted Notes and Review
How Plants Process Food Adapted Notes and Review
Solar Eclipse 2024 Adapted Notes and Review
Forms of Energy Adapted Notes and Review
Traits of Living Things Adapted Notes and Review
Reptiles and Amphibians Adapted Notes and Review
Forms of Energy Adapted Notes and Review
The Solar System Adapted Notes and Review
Volcanoes Adapted Notes and Review
Earthquakes Adapted Notes and Review
Reacting to the Environment - 5 Senses - Adapted Notes and Review
Life Processes of Plants Adapted Notes and Review
Animal and Plant Cells Adapted Notes and Review
Inherited and Learned Behavior Adapted Notes and Review
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Plant Reproduction Adapted Notes and Review
By Sign with me TOD
This product includes notes for students learning about plant reproduction.
Vocabulary words that are emphasized in this packet include: life cycle, gymnosperm, male pinecones = pollen cones, female pinecones = seed cones, angiosperm, pollination, ovules, zygote, male reproduction and female reproduction system in plants, stigma, style, ovary, stalk, stamen, pistil, pollination, and self pollination.
These notes can also be used as adapted notes for students who need more support. This packet includes notes, short answer comprehension questions, a drawing and labeling section, and a fill in the blanks sections with and without using a key.
You may also be interested in these other products:
Life Processes of Plants Adapted Notes and Review
Animal and Plant Cells Adapted Notes and Review
Reacting to the Environment - 5 Senses - Adapted Notes and Review
Inherited and Learned Behavior Adapted Notes and Review
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Reptiles and Amphibians Adapted Notes and Review
By Sign with me TOD
In this product, Reptiles and Amphibians Adapted Notes and Review, students will learn about reptiles, facts about them will be shared, what reptiles are, the temperature inside a reptile and amphibian's body, facts about amphibians, a life cycle of an alligator, frog and salamander are included in this product. Students will then answer questions regarding each life cycle. Throughout the product, students will answer short answer comprehension questions and fill in the blank questions to ensure comprehension after reviewing notes. At the end of this product, there is a template for students to complete the reptiles and amphibians research report. Students will choose two reptiles and two amphibians and research facts about them, find out where they live, what color they are, how long they live for, and the kind of climate the reptile/amphibian lives in.
You may also be interested in the following items:
How Plants Move Materials Adapted Notes and Review
Forms of Energy Adapted Notes and Review\ Solar Eclipse 2024 Adapted Notes and Review
Rocks and Minerals Adapted Notes and Review
Traits of Living Things Adapted Notes and Review
Reptiles and Amphibians Adapted Notes and Review
Earthquakes Adapted Notes and Review
Life Processes of Plants Adapted Notes and Review
Animal and Plant Cells Adapted Notes and Review
Reacting to the Environment - 5 Senses Adapted Notes and Review
Inherited and Learned Behavior Adapted Notes and Review
Human Body Systems Unit - Bundle
Digestive System Vocabulary Review Freebie
Circulatory and Respiratory System Notes and Review
Circulatory and Respiratory System Vocabulary Review Freebie
The Heart Notes and Review
Skeletal and Muscular System Notes and Review
If you download this product and enjoy it, please leave a positive review! :)
Painting Art: Fish Aquariums. Fall/Autumn.
By Art Shack by JB
Need an awesome Art Unit? I have just the thing for you! This creative Fish Aquarium Scene was designed to be printed and displayed as examples while you teach. Use this Google Slide file to display these beautiful images one-by-one on a large screen. For this assignment, I made 4 unique pre-cut fish aquarium stencils that students could choose from and trace on large 18 x 24-inch paper. Students were asked to brainstorm ideas for the background, and what the Fish Aquarium could be sitting on. Students were given lots of fish/aquarium life photos as a resource to draw from. I hope you and your kiddos love this! Enjoy.
Drawing Art: Insect Jar Habitats. Fall/Autumn.
By Art Shack by JB
Need an awesome Art Unit? I have just the thing for you! This creative Insect Jar Scene was designed to be printed and displayed as examples while you teach. Use this Google Slide file to display these beautiful images one-by-one on a large screen. For this assignment, I asked the students to create a couple sketches of what their insect jar would look like. Next, I asked the students to re-draw their sketch on a Final Copy paper and outline it with a black sharpie marker. Students spent 1-2 class periods coloring (w/colored pencils) the insects and other objects inside their jar, plus, the background around the jar. Students used a transparent blue watercolor to paint the inside of their insect jar. All finished! I hope you and your kiddos love this! Enjoy.
Respiratory and Circulatory System - Human Body Adapted Notes and Review
By Sign with me TOD
his product includes quick notes for students who should focus on the important details of the respiratory and circulatory system.
Vocabulary words that are emphasized in this packet include: respiratory system, inhale, breathe in, exhale, breathe out, trachea, lungs, diaphragm - contracting and expanding, circulatory system, heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, red blood cells, and white blood cells.
These notes can also be used as adapted notes for students who need more support. This packet includes notes with short answer questions based on what was reviewed in the notes. There is a review packet attached that includes 35 + fill in the blank questions. Keys are provided on each page.
You may also be interested in the following:
Human Body Systems Unit - Bundle
Endocrine and Urinary Systems Notes:
Nervous System Adapted Notes and Review:
Digestive System Vocabulary Review Freebie
Digestive System Notes and Review
Circulatory and Respiratory System Notes and Review
Circulatory and Respiratory System Vocabulary Review Freebie
The Heart Notes and Review
Skeletal and Muscular System Notes and Review
Single Celled Organisms Adapted Notes and Review
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HIV and AIDS Adapted Notes and Review
By Sign with me TOD
This product includes a parental/guardian consent form, information about the immune system, what the immune system is, what the immune system means, and how it works, cellular organization - organism, organ system, organs, tissues, and cells, and how they work together and how they connect with the immune system, the meaning of HIV and AIDS, what they stand for, information about HIV and AIDS, how having HIV is different from a cold or the flu, how your immune system is weaker if you have HIV/AIDS, what causes AIDS, the fluids HIV is found in, 4 ways someone may get HIV - sexual intercourse, sharing needles or syringes - what both are typically used for, pregnant woman infecting fetus or newborn baby with HIV, and transmitting HIV from person to person through blood, internal body fluids, or tissues. if you are near someone who is bleeding and they need help - gloves should always be used and disposed of, the importance of never touching a person's blood, how to protect oneself from HIV, and two scenarios of what you should do are included in this product. Short answer comprehension questions and multiple choice questions are provided throughout this product to ensure students understand the information that is being taught and are following along.
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Internet Safety and Staying Safe in the Community Notes and Review
Puberty Notes and Review
Mental Health Curriculum Activities and Tips:
Social Skills - Please and Thank you
Social Story - Feeling Angry
Jealousy Social Stories
Mental Health and Mindfulness Notes and Review
Resiliency Skills Notes and Review:
Responsibility with Managing Money Notes and Review:
Diseases - Adapted Notes and Review:
Drug Safety Adapted Notes and Review:
Safety Awareness:
How Families Function:
Expressing Emotions and Self-Concept Notes:
Mental and Emotional Health Notes:
Showing Good Character Notes:
Health Curriculum Parent/Guardian Letter
3rd Grade Health Curriculum Map
3rd Grade Monthly Plans
4th Grade Health Curriculum Map
4th Grade Monthly Plans
5th Grade Health Curriculum Map
5th Grade Monthly Plans
6th Grade Health Curriculum Map
6th Grade Monthly Plans
If you like this product, please leave a positive review. :)
Traits of Living Things Adapted Notes and Review
By Sign with me TOD
This product includes notes for students who should focus on the important details of traits of living things.
This product on the traits of living things includes the following: hereditary, acquired traits and how they differ from each other, DNA - what it stands for, what it is, reproduction, molecules, chromosomes, how many chromosomes are in different species, including people, chromatids and where they are located in a cell, genes, nucleotides, parts of nucleotides, four nitrogen bases, sides of the ladder on a strand of DNA, mutagens - physical, chemical, and biological mutagens and how they differ from each other, mutagens and examples of those and their description, mutations, traits of living things - students will collect data and will be required to create a pie chart or a bar graph based on the data they collected, students will also answer comprehension questions based on the data that they collected, students will also learn about environmental, learned, and manipulated traits. can also be used as adapted notes for students who need more support.
This product also requires students to answer comprehension questions using short answer, fill in the blanks, and multiple choice questions on what was reviewed in the notes. Students will also have the opportunity to complete a pie chart and bar graph in this product.
Animal Adaptations Adapted Notes, Review, and Project Template
Asexual and Sexual Reproduction Adapted Notes, Review, and Project Template
How Plants Move Materials Adapted Notes and Review
Solar Eclipse 2024 Adapted Notes and Review
Forms of Energy Adapted Notes and Review
Rocks and Minerals Adapted Notes and Review
Reptiles and Amphibians Adapted Notes and Review
The Solar System Adapted Notes and Review
Ecosystems Adapted Notes and Review:
Life Processes of Plants Adapted Notes and Review\ Kingdoms and Classifying Living Things Adapted Notes and Review
Animal and Plant Cells Adapted Notes and Review
Life Cycles of Plants and Animals
Earthquakes Adapted Notes and Review
Volcanoes Adapted Notes and Review:
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Inherited and Learned Behavior - Science - Adapted Notes and Review
By Sign with me TOD
This product includes notes for students who should focus on the important details of inherited and learned behavior and what the difference is between both.
Vocabulary words that are emphasized in this packet include: Inherited and learned behavior and examples, organism, hibernation, learning different behaviors, animals that learn different behaviors from other animals - chimpanzees, examples of behaviors that help animals survive, born with, and instincts.
These notes can also be used as adapted notes for students who need more support. This packet includes students to answer comprehension questions using short answer and fill in the blank responses based on what was reviewed in the notes. There is a review packet attached that includes fill in the blank questions. Keys are provided on each page to help students when figuring out the correct answer.
Adaptations Adapted Notes, Review, and Project Template
How Traits are Passed Adapted Notes, Review, and Project Template
How Plants Move Materials Adapted Notes and Review
How Plants Process Food Adapted Notes and Review
Solar Eclipse 2024 Adapted Notes and Review
Forms of Energy Adapted Notes and Review
Traits of Living Things Adapted Notes and Review
Reptiles and Amphibians Adapted Notes and Review
Forms of Energy Adapted Notes and Review
The Solar System Adapted Notes and Review
Volcanoes Adapted Notes and Review
Earthquakes Adapted Notes and Review
Reacting to the Environment - 5 Senses - Adapted Notes and Review
Life Processes of Plants Adapted Notes and Review
Animal and Plant Cells Adapted Notes and Review
Inherited and Learned Behavior Adapted Notes and Review
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Endocrine and Urinary Systems - Human Body Systems Adapted Notes and Review
By Sign with me TOD
This product is made for:
This product includes notes for students who should focus on the important details of the endocrine and urinary systems.
Vocabulary words that are emphasized in this packet include: Endocrine and Urinary Systems - hormones, pituitary gland, insulin - pancreas, diabetes, reproductive glands, puberty and what it is, testosterone, ovaries, estrogen, pubic area on males/females, body odor, body changes that take place during puberty, how to prevent body odor, emotions that one may experience during puberty, urinary system and how it removes wastes from the body, urine, and bladder.
These notes can also be used as adapted notes for students who need more support. This packet includes notes with short answer questions based on what was reviewed in the notes. Students will also answer questions using a key to review vocabulary covered in this lesson as well. There is a diagram students can draw and label of the urinary system at the end of the packet.
You may also be interested in the following:
Human Body Systems Unit - Bundle
Nervous System Adapted Notes and Review:
Digestive System Vocabulary Review Freebie
Digestive System Notes and Review
Circulatory and Respiratory System Notes and Review
Circulatory and Respiratory System Vocabulary Review Freebie
The Heart Notes and Review
Skeletal and Muscular System Notes and Review
Please leave me a positive review if you like this product :)
Life Cycles of Plants and Animals - Science - Adapted Notes and Review
By Sign with me TOD
This product includes notes for students who should focus on the important details of life cycles of plants and animals
Vocabulary words that are emphasized in this packet include: life cycles, changes that occur during life cycles, plant life cycle, stamen, petals, pistil, germination, pollen, embryo, life span of trees, life cycle of a ladybug, life cycle of an alligator, life cycle of people, metamorphosis, offspring, adult, larva, pupa, and life span of mammals.
These notes can also be used as adapted notes for students who need more support. This packet includes notes with short answer questions based on what was reviewed in the notes. There is a review packet attached that includes fill in the blank questions. Keys are provided on each page to help students when figuring out the correct answer. .
Earthquakes Adapted Notes and Review
Volcanoes Adapted Notes and Review:
Ecosystems Adapted Notes and Review:
Life Processes of Plants Adapted Notes and Review
Animal and Plant Cells Adapted Notes and Review
Reacting to the Environment - 5 Senses Adapted Notes and Review
Inherited and Learned Behavior Adapted Notes and Review
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5th Grade Life Science NGSS Aligned Unit About Plant Needs
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?
- 5 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.
Lesson 1 - Which Materials Are Most Important for Plant Growth?
Lesson 2 - Photosynthesis
Lesson 3 - Air Plants
Lesson 4 - Hydroponics
Lesson 5 - Writing Your Claim
Included within this resource are:
- the standards
- tips and suggestions
- suggested YouTube Videos
- Botanist Poster
- Plant Experiment
- Readings about Photosynthesis and Air Plants
- Research Project: The advantages and disadvantages of hydroponic gardening
- Posters
- 5 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions
✅Please make sure that you have access to YouTube before purchasing this unit.
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Related Resources
⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS PS1, 2, 3, and 4 - Matter and Its Interactions
⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS ESS2-1, ESS2-2, and ESS3-1: Earth's Systems and Human Impact
⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS ESS1-1 and ES1-2 Earth's Place in the Universe
⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS 5-PS2-1 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions: Gravity
⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS 5-LS1-2-1: Life Science Unit and 5-PS3-1 Energy Unit
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*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to log in). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.
5th Grade Life Science NGSS Aligned Unit About the Flow of Energy
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?
- 7 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.
Included within this resource are:
Check our preview to make sure this is a good fit for you and your students.
✅Please make sure that you have access to YouTube before purchasing this unit.
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Related Resources
⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS PS1, 2, 3, and 4 - Matter and Its Interactions
⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS ESS2-1, ESS2-2, and ESS3-1: Earth's Systems and Human Impact
⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS ESS1-1 and ES1-2 Earth's Place in the Universe
⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS 5-PS2-1 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions: Gravity
⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS 5-LS1-1: Life Science Unit
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*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to log in). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.
4th Grade Life Science NGSS Aligned Unit
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?
- 10 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.
Lesson 1 - External Structures of Humans
Lesson 2 - Internal Structures of Humans
Lesson 3 - Internal and External Structures of Animals
Lesson 4 - Camouflage and Mimicry
Lesson 5 - Reproduction in Animals
Lesson 6 - External and Internal Parts of Plants
Lesson 7 - Reproduction
Lesson 8 - Animal Senses
Lesson 9 - Animal Intelligence
Lesson 10 - Making a Model of a Newly Discovered Animal
- the standards
- suggested YouTube Videos and Books
- Life Science Folder Cover
- Biologist Poster
- Living Things Needs Poster
- 8 Animal Structures WebQuests, Picture Cards, and Answer Keys
- Camouflage Poster
- Mimicry Short Research Assignment, Picture Cards, and recording sheets
- 12 Plant Photos and Reading Passages about Special Structures and Adaptations
- Animals and Plants Adaptations Booklet
- 24 "Did you know that..," cards
- Animal Intelligence Reading Passages and QR Code Cards
- Making a Model of a "Newly Discovered Animal" Task Cards and Rubric
- Biome Reading Passages (5 Biomes)
- 12 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions
✅Please make sure that you have access to YouTube before purchasing this unit.
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Related Resources
❤️ Fourth Grade NGSS 4-ESS1, 4-ESS2, and 4-ESS3: Earth Science Units
❤️ Fourth Grade NGSS 4-PS3 and 4-PS4: Physical Science Units
⭐ Accountable Talk Posters for the Science Lab
⭐ Energy Bundle
⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEAM Posters for Elementary Grades BUNDLE
What others are saying about our science units:
"Brilliant and comprehensive resource! Thank you!"
"This is a great resource and very well organized!"
"Love how well this aligns with NGSS!"
How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:
*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to log in_). Next to each purchase_, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.
2nd Grade Science Ecosystems and Biological Evolution
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?
This 2nd-grade life science unit fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.
It comes with:
- 7 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.
Lesson 1 - What are the Needs of All Living Things?
Lesson 2 - Do Plants Need to Have Water and Sunlight to Grow?
Lesson 3 - What is a Habitat?
Lesson 4 - Observing Plants and Animals in Different Habitats to Compare Their
Lesson 5 - What is Seed Dispersal and How are Seeds Dispersed?
Lesson 6 - What is Pollination and What Animals Help with Pollination?
Lesson 7 - STEM Challenge: Create a Model the Mimics the Function of an Animal
Dispersing Seeds or Pollinating Plants
- the standards
- suggested YouTube Videos and Books
- Biologist Poster
- KLEWS Chart (KWL for Science)
- student worksheets for collecting data and recording observations
- Living Things Poster
- Plant reinforcement readings and worksheets
- Habitat Posters with real pictures
- "My Habitats" Booklet
- "Mini Habitats" Posters (tree, rotting log, stream, and pond)
- Task cards for reading about 4 different plants and 4 different animals in each of
6 different habitats
- Habitat compare/contrast activity
- Plant Life Cycle sheet
- Seed Experiment
- Seed Dispersal Experiment
- Seed picture cards
- Meet Some Plant Pollinators reading passages and questions
- Engineering and design process posters
- Instructions for a STEM Challenge
- 15 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions
What others are saying about our science units:
"Brilliant and comprehensive resource! Thank you!"
"This is a great resource and very well organized!"
"Love how well this aligns with NGSS!"
✅Please note: You will need access to YouTube as there are many suggestions for videos in these lessons.
❤️Click Here to Follow Us
If you like this you might really enjoy:
⭐Second Grade NGSS 2-ESS1 Earth's Place in the Universe and ESS2 Earth's Systems
⭐Second Grade NGSS 2-PS1 Matter and its Interactions
☀️ STEM Little Innovators Classroom Decor
☀️ Scientist Character Traits
☀️ What is STEM? A Parent Handout
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How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:
*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.
Third Grade Science: NGSS Aligned Life Science Unit
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?
- 9 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.
Lesson 1 - Organisms Have Unique Life Cycles
Lesson 2 - Some Animals Live in Groups
Lesson 3 - What are Inherited Traits?
Lesson 4 - Different Types of Environments for Different Types of Animals
Lesson 5 - Animals Adaptations
Lesson 6 - Plant Adaptations
Lesson 7 - Will This Organism Survive Here?
Lesson 8 - Forest Fires Can Be Beneficial
Lesson 9 - What Do Fossils Tell Us?
- the standards
- suggested YouTube Videos and Books
- Biologist Poster
- What is an Organism? Poster
* KLEWS Chart (KWL for Science)
- student worksheets for recording information
*Metamorphosis of a Frog Posters
- Self-Assessment for a group project
- 6 Reading Passages about Animals that Live in Groups
- Task Cards of different groups of animals for students to observe inherited traits from
- Task Cards for "Does this Organism Live Here?" Activity
- Habitat Photographs
* 5 Ecosystems Reading Passages
* 6 Animal Adaptations Reading Passages
* 5 Plant Adaptations Reading Passages
- Fossils Reading and Research Activity
- Fossils Posters
- 27 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions
* Indicates other Science and STEAM Team resources that have been included in this unit.
❤️Click Here to Follow Us!
Related Products
⭐Third Grade NGSS 3-PS2: Motion and Stability and Forces and Interactions Unit
⭐ Data Collection and Graphing for Second and Third Grade
⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEAM Posters for Elementary Grades
⭐ STEAM Challenges for the Whole Year Money Saving Bundle
Customer Tips:
How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:
*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.
1st Grade Life Science Unit - From Molecules to Organisms and Heredity
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?
This 1st-grade life science fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.
It comes with:
- 8 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.
Lessons in this unit:
Lesson 1 - What are the Needs of All Living Things
Lesson 2 - Our External Parts
Lesson 3 - External Parts of Animals
Lesson 4 - External Parts of Plants
Lesson 5 - What is a Habitat?
Lesson 6 - How Do Living Things Use Their External Parts to Meet Their Needs
Lesson 7 - What is Heredity?
Lesson 8 - STEAM Challenge: Design Equipment or Clothing to Protect a Bicyclist
Included within this resource are:
- the standards
- YouTube and book suggestions for each unit; all of which have been previewed
- website suggestions
- 24 essential vocabulary cards
- Biologist poster
- poster of what living things need to survive
- internal/external parts sort
- animal classification posters
- Types of Animals and Their Special Body Parts Booklet
- KLEWS Chart
- roots and stem observations using germination bags
- stem experiment directions
- leaf investigation directions
- flower investigation directions
- observation recording sheets
- habitat posters
- Habitats Mini Book
- What habitat do I live in? riddles
- Engineering and Design Process Posters
- student worksheets
- thematic writing paper
With all these great resources, why not make your life easier and give it a try!
✅YOU SHOULD HAVE ACCESS TO YouTube as there are many suggested videos.
❤️Click Here to Follow Us!
Related Resources
Science Phenomenon for 1st Grade See Think Wonder
⭐ First Grade NGSS: Bundle of Science Units for the Whole Year!
⭐ BUNDLE of Brick Building STEM Challenges for the Whole Year
⭐ Bundle: Five Super Simple Science Experiments
⭐ Car Engineering Challenge Using Building Bricks
⭐ STEM Stories with QR Codes
Customer Tips:
How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:
*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.
Human Body Systems Unit Bundle - Adapted Notes and Review
By Sign with me TOD
This product includes quick notes for students who should focus on the important details of the skeletal and muscular system.
Vocabulary words that are emphasized in this packet include: skeletal system, muscular system, cellular organization, organism (living thing), organ system, organ, tissue, cells, involuntary muscles, voluntary muscles, smooth muscles, skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones.
These notes can also be used as adapted notes for students who need more support. This packet includes notes, fill in the blank sections, and short answer questions based on what was reviewed in the notes.
This product includes quick notes for students who should focus on the important details of the respiratory and circulatory system.
Vocabulary words that are emphasized in this packet include: respiratory system, inhale, breathe in, exhale, breathe out, trachea, lungs, diaphragm - contracting and expanding, circulatory system, heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, red blood cells, and white blood cells.
These notes can also be used as adapted notes for students who need more support. This packet includes notes with short answer questions based on what was reviewed in the notes. There is a review packet attached that includes 35 + fill in the blank questions. Keys are provided on each page.
This product includes quick notes for students who should focus on the important details of the heart - human body system.
Vocabulary words that are emphasized in this packet include: the heart, 4 parts of the heart - right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, left ventricle, circulatory system relating with the heart, carbon dioxide, and oxygen.
These notes can also be used as adapted notes for students who need more support. This packet includes notes with short answer questions based on what was reviewed in the notes. There is a review packet attached that includes fill in the blank questions, a diagram to label the parts of the human heart, and an answer key. A key is provided for the fill in the blank answers.
This product includes notes for students who should focus on the important details of the digestive system - the human body.
Vocabulary words that are emphasized in this packet include: levels of cellular organization - organism, organ system, organ, tissue, and cells, digestive system and where it begins - saliva, esophagus, small intestine, large intestine, nutrients - fats/oils, dairy, meat, fruit, vegetables, and grains.
These notes can also be used as adapted notes for students who need more support. This packet includes notes with short answer questions based on what was reviewed in the notes. There is a review packet attached that includes fill in the blank questions, a diagram to label the parts of the digestive system, and an answer key. A key is provided for the fill in the blank answers.
This product includes quick notes for students who should focus on the important details of the nervous system.
Vocabulary words that are emphasized in this packet include: the nervous system and how it works, brain, spinal cord, and nerves are controlled in the nervous system, nerves, neurons, messages that are sent from your hand to brain very fast, labeling the parts of the brain, control center for the body is the brain and the spinal cord and why, and why your nerves do not wait for a message, it just happens - reflex.
These notes can also be used as adapted notes for students who need more support. This packet includes notes with short answer questions based on what was reviewed in the notes. Students will also answer questions using a key to review vocabulary covered in this lesson as well.
This product includes notes for students who should focus on the important details of the endocrine and urinary systems.
Vocabulary words that are emphasized in this packet include: Endocrine and Urinary Systems - hormones, pituitary gland, insulin - pancreas, diabetes, reproductive glands, puberty and what it is, testosterone, ovaries, estrogen, pubic area on males/females, body odor, body changes that take place during puberty, how to prevent body odor, emotions that one may experience during puberty, urinary system and how it removes wastes from the body, urine, and bladder.
These notes can also be used as adapted notes for students who need more support. This packet includes notes with short answer questions based on what was reviewed in the notes. Students will also answer questions using a key to review vocabulary covered in this lesson as well. There is a diagram students can draw and label of the urinary system at the end of the packet.
You may also be interested in the following:
Endocrine and Urinary Systems Notes:
Nervous System Adapted Notes and Review:
Digestive System Vocabulary Review Freebie
Digestive System Notes and Review
Circulatory and Respiratory System Notes and Review
Circulatory and Respiratory System Vocabulary Review Freebie
The Heart Notes and Review
Single Celled Organisms Adapted Notes and Review
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Third Grade Science: NGSS Aligned Bundle
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?
This 3rd-grade science bundle fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.
It comes with:
- The Standards and Lists of Materials needed (all inexpensive, practical suggestions)
- 23 Detailed Lesson Plans
- 68 Essential Vocabulary Cards
- Experiments
- Posters (with photos)
- Picture Sorts
- Mini Books
- STEAM Challenges
- Charts
- Nonfiction Articles
- Worksheets
- Suggestions of Books to Read
- Suggestions for YouTube Videos
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How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:
*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.
2nd Grade Science BUNDLE - NGSS Aligned
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?
This 2nd-grade science bundle fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.
It comes with:
- 24 Detailed lesson plans
- The Standards and Lists of Materials needed (all inexpensive, practical suggestions)
- 63 Essential Vocabulary Cards
- Experiments
- Posters (with photos)
- Picture Sorts
- Mini Books
- STEAM Challenges
- Charts
- Readings
- Worksheets
- Suggestions of Books to Read
- Suggestions for YouTube Videos
**Check out the preview to see if this resource is right for you and your students.
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Customer Tips:
How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:
*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.