Higher Education Vocabulary Centers

Word Choices and Wordsmithery Writing Activities

By Beth Hammett

Whole/group small group activity to get students thinking about word choices. Use the clues (illustrations, fill-in-the-blanks) to figure out complex job titles that translate into simple one-word definitions (Example: Media Distribution Officer = paperboy). Ten slides and answer guide included.



By Beth Hammett

Reinforce word origins by having students come up with their own made-up words! Use compound words, foreign words, prefixes/suffixes, shortened words, sound words, rhyming words, etc...for this fun, visual activity. Includes: Directions Definition Example from Classic Poem Student Examples Application Activity Publishing Activities Meets CCSS, improves vocabulary, uses decoding skills, and visualization. Use for individual or group activity.


Spelling Confused Words J-W Game and Puzzles with Activities

By Beth Hammett

15 Commonly Confused Words J-W with engaging CCSS activities for students to learn. Includes: J-W game with fill-in-the-blank, definitions, make your own sentences/slides (individual/groups & competitive play) 2 Crossword puzzles with Commonly Confused Words 2 Word Searches with Commonly Confused Words All answer sheets included Directions and Suggestions with Extensions Words used are: 1. jewel joule 2. knew new 3. know no4. lay lie 5. loose lose6. moral morale 7. morning mourning 8. nose knows 9. none no one 10. passed past 11. pole poll 12. principal principle 13. rain reign 14. road rode15. sight site cite 16. stationary stationery 17. their there they’re 18. to too two 19. warn worn 20. weather whether Students will have fun learning these Commonly Confused Words.


Dialects and Speech (United States)

By Beth Hammett

Four-wheelin' or muddin? Cruisin' or going for a drive? Get students thinking about dialects and regional differences with this 22 page engaging, visual presentation. Includes: Dialect and examples Idiolect and examples Jargon and examples Pidgins and examples Creole and examples Review of Terminologies and activity Regional dialects and activity Literature dialects and examples Literature Project activity for Assessment Extra Resources Great for blended, flipped, homeschool, group collaboration, and whole class English and history courses. Interactive and critical thinking skills required!
