Higher Education U.S. History Lesson

Civic Foundations of the US Government File Interactive Notebook Unit

By History Guru

Civic Foundations of the US Government File Interactive Notebook Unit This Interactive Notebook file is filled with hook activities, processing activities, and EOC practice items for ALL four standards listed above. There are 35 pages filled with standard based learning activities for each of the FOUR standard topics listed above. Over the years with being Tech Leader for our school, along with Social Studies Department Head, Coach, Interactive Notebook Leader, and Civics teacher... I have become very talented in taking benchmarks, getting to the root of what is tested on within that benchmark and making lessons. Through the Universal Design Model and AVID, I have created great lessons, activities, DBQs, and practice EOC items that will make your life so much easier this school year. If you like these items, please feel free to check out my store. SS.7.C.1.1 Recognize how Enlightenment ideas including Montesquieu's view of separation of power and John Locke's theories related to natural law and how Locke's social contract influenced the Founding Fathers. SS.7.C.1.2 Trace the impact that the Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Mayflower Compact, and Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" had on colonists' views of government. SS.7.C.1.3 Describe how English policies and responses to colonial concerns led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence. SS.7.C.1.4 Analyze the ideas (natural rights, role of the government) and complaints set forth in the Declaration of Independence.



By Geography & Math Made Easy


Save yourself hours and hours of planning with this all-in-one, ready-to-use lesson.

** A zip file reader is needed to open the file**

Students will love this study! This lesson engages students with the incorporation of music, collaboration, and student autonomy and choice. All lessons can be modified for grades 6-12 to meet the learning abilities and levels of the students you teach, from class to class or year to year.

Through this lesson, students will view a PowerPoint and use the Bingo Listening Guide as the introduction to the lesson, Students will experience Billy Joel's 1989 Hit: We Didn't Start The Fire which depicts major events and people who influence the 20th Century. Then they will move on to continue to work in collaborative groups choosing which person or event from the 20th Century they wish to study, using the 20th Century Timeline Event Cards. Students will participate in research and a class presentation, then post their events on the wall to create a timeline of events.

This lesson took 15+ hours to plan, design, and tweaked.


· Introduction PowerPoint (54 slides with music that can be removed)

· Detailed written instruction for the teacher: Introduction, procedure, wrap-up and

· PowerPoint Bingo Listening Guides (3 variations)

· Copies of Song Lyrics - copies for groups

· Sound system to play the song by American Musician Billy Joel: We Didn’t Start the
Fire. The song can be easily found on YouTube

· 20th Century Timeline Event Cards (People & Events)

· Research material and access to the Internet

· Tape - used to place the notecards on the walls of the classroom in the form of a

· Grading Rubric

· Exit Cards

And More!


One purchase is for the use of one teacher. If additional teachers would like to use this product, please purchase additional licenses.


NEW! Geography, History, 9-11 We Remember, World Trade Center, Patriot Day

By Geography & Math Made Easy

IMPORTANT: Give students the option to choose not to participate in this lesson if they are anyway connected to the event. Let them know in advance earlier in the week prior to the day of the lesson and allow them to come to you in confidentiality if they wish not to participate. Make another arrangement for that student for the one class period.

This is a factual lesson and does not ask students to imagine or place themselves in others' shoes, yet if a child had a family member or experienced the event his/herself, you may not want to subject them to ANY lesson on this topic. This lesson gives a timeline of events and facts about the event.

ALSO NOTE: The closing activity incorporates a song by the Beastie Boys: "Listen, All You New Yorkers" which was written after 9/11 as a Love Letter to New York. (Look it up on Youtube) Depending on your classroom/school culture, you may or may not choose to use this. This is not mandatory for the lesson, but song and music is a good way to engage students. In saying this, the lyrics included in the lesson have been rewritten to take out questionable wording/content. i.e. LSD, Porno, Hell. These words have been replaced with other words. However, the words cannot be taken out of the Youtube video or song. The lyrics can be used without the video or song, but will not be as effective. IMPORTANT: YOU WILL WANT TO LISTEN TO THE SONG PRIOR TO PURCHASE as this song may not be appropriate for all students/classes/schools. You as the educator are responsible for gaging what is appropriate for your students and are responsible for what is presented to them.

THIS LESSON CAN BE USED WITHOUT THE SONG as it is the closing activity.


o The learner will become familiar with the events that lead to the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York

o The learner will work in a cooperative group to read about the attack on the World Trade Center outlines in a timeline of the events of the day.

o 10 Facts Cards for the Introduction (Included & Optional

o The learner will understand the impact of this event on the life of an individual through discussion.

o Index cards for questions.

o The learner will listen or watch and then examine the lyrics to the song: A letter to New York: Listen, All You New Yorkers by the Beastie Boys, 2004.


o Student group reading assignment included.

o Copy of Lyrics to Listen, All You New Yorkers (included) Rewritten into a cleaner version to replace words like: hell, LSD, Porno, etc.

o Suggested YouTube video for viewing (or) YouTube or Spotify audio version.

Please note that links often change. If this happens, please type in the title of the video in a search engine or on You-

Tube; it should easily be located. Unfortunately, there isn’t a way around this issue. Please watch and use your discernment

on the appropriateness of the presentation for your students, their experiences, and their maturity levels.

o Technology to play the song or show the video.

o Index cards for the “Question Cards” for the reading assignment.


o Detailed Teacher Guide

o Intro Activity

o Reading Activity

o Closing Activity.


One purchase is for the use of one teacher. If additional teachers would like to use this product, please purchase additional licenses.


NEW! Geography — Going Somewhere: Introduction to Immigration and Migration

By Geography & Math Made Easy

This a great, fun way to introduce and understand the causes and consequences, as well as the differences between immigration, emigration, & migration— Incorporates music and allows interaction through cooperative groups!

Students will enjoy listening to and analyzing a migration song. Incorporating music into the classroom increases understanding and interest in the subject—acts as a motivating factor. Students will then move into cooperative groups and will rotate stations where they will read and complete 6 different task cards. They will begin with a quick overview of American migration and move to migration trends and policies and end with the effects of immigration on the country of origin as well as the receiving country.


· The learner will comprehend the causes and effects on the receiving country and the country of origin.

· The learner will explore immigration laws throughout the world.

· The learner will understand historical migration trends throughout history.

· The learner will interpret and analyze the migration song.


· Immigration Man Lyrics (Included)

· 1 die per group

· Technology to play the song, Immigration Man

· Sheet of notebook paper per student or per group, at teacher’s discretion

· Colored crayons or colored pencils for diagrams and drawings, provide to each group

· Highlighters for song analysis


· Detailed Teacher Instructions

· Introductory activity (song analysis)

· Procedure (Task card activity)

· Closure/Wrap-Up (Exit Cards)


Permissions are given to the purchaser to make modifications to the game board using the Word document provided in the zip file. No other modifications may be made to this document.


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© Martha Boykin Products. All rights reserved. Purchase of this product grants the purchaser the right to reproduce pages for classroom use only. If you are not the original purchaser, please download the item from my store before making copies. Copying, editing, selling, redistributing, or posting any part of this product on the internet is strictly forbidden. Violations are subject to the penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.




By Geography & Math Made Easy


Save yourself hours and hours of planning with this all-in-one, ready-to-use lesson. This lesson includes the PowerPoint & Listening Guide.

** A zip file reader is needed to open the file**

Students will love this PowerPoint & Listening Guide! This lesson engages students with the incorporation of music and collaboration, as students watch the Powerpoint and work with their teammates to answer the questions on the Bingo Listening Guides.

Through this lesson, students will view a PowerPoint and use the Bingo Listening Guide as the introduction to the lesson, students will experience Billy Joel's 1989 Hit: We Didn't Start The Fire, which depicts major events and people who influence the 20th Century.

NOTE:The song on the PowerPoint is a free song, but can be removed or muted in order to play Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire, easily downloaded on iTunes or can be obtained using Pandora or Spotify. Legality reason will not allow one to sell a copyrighted song in their materials.

This lesson took 5+ hours to plan, design, and tweaked.


· Introduction PowerPoint (54 slides with music that can be removed)

· Detailed written instruction for the teacher: Introduction, procedure, wrap-up and

· PowerPoint Bingo Listening Guides (3 variations)

· Copies of Song Lyrics - copies for groups

For the entire lesson go here:



One purchase is for the use of one teacher. If additional teachers would like to use this product, please purchase additional licenses.



By Geography & Math Made Easy


Save yourself hours and hours of planning with this all-in-one, ready-to-use PowerPoint.

Students will love this PowerPoint! This lesson engages students with the incorporation of music, as students watch the Powerpoint.

Through this PowerPoint, students will become aware of people and events that played an integral part in shaping the 20th Century. It is encouraging that the teacher removes or mutes the free song included in the PowerPoint and plays Billy Joel's 1989 Hit: We Didn't Start The Fire, which depicts major events and people who influence the 20th Century written about in Joel's song.

NOTE: The song on the PowerPoint is a free song, but can be removed or muted in order to play Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire, easily downloaded on iTunes or can be obtained using Pandora or Spotify. Legality reason will not allow one to sell a copyrighted song in their materials.

This lesson took 4+ hours to plan, design, and tweaked.


· Introduction PowerPoint (54 slides with music that can be removed and replaced with Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire)

Joel's song addresses people and events beginning with Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray; to Sugar Ray, Panmunjom Brando, "The King and I", and "The Catcher in the Rye;" to Joseph Stalin, Princess Grace, Trouble in the Suez.

Early 1900's through the 1980s.

For the entire lesson go here:


For the PowerPoint and listening guide only, visit



One purchase is for the use of one teacher. If additional teachers would like to use this product, please purchase additional licenses.
