Controversy and the Criminal Justice System (Eric Garner Case)
By Sarah Austin
This lesson will have students critically explore a contentious current event issue involving the cases of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. The lesson will invite students to examine the context and controversy that surrounds the two cases, although emphasis will be placed on the Eric Garner case. A thought-provoking Slide Presentation & accompanying handouts will prompt students to analyze a variety of news resources; all of which frame the issue in a particular way, and offer different explanations as to the underlying causal factors in Garner’s death.
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This lesson includes:
Race, Criminal justice system, controversy, racism, Black Lives Matter, Colin Kaepernick
If you liked this lesson see other related 'Government' lessons here:
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The Ku Klux Klan: Comparing the Past To Today
By Sarah Austin
This highly engaging, primary based, interactive Slide Presentation will have students examine; the underlying roots from which the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) came to exist in America, the organization's primary tactics of using intimidation & fear in fighting against social equality, and why many poor whites were recruited to join the KKK organization. Students will delve deeper by comparing the circumstances and social conditions of two former KKK leaders (one who lived during the era of Jim Crow, and the other of present day).
Class discussion, and critical thinking is promoted throughout the entire lesson.
Materials Include:
*All THREE lessons (Era of Reconstruction, the Ku Klux Klan, & Jim Crow) is available in the BUNDLE for a discounted %.