Self-Esteem Activity Creative Therapy Social Emotional Learning CBT
By All Therapy Resources
A group-based creative intervention explores self-esteem helping teenagers and adults develop personal insights about their sense of belonging in the world.
This is a hands-on activity which only requires group members to have a piece of paper and pens or colored pencils. The activity takes approximately 30 minutes long with additional time needed post activity for the reflection questions and rating statement worksheets.
This activity would be perfect as an introduction into our "Pillars of Success" Workbook which you can find here: PILLARS OF SUCCESS - SELF CARE WORKBOOK FOR TEENAGERS AND ADULTS (
Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you
WORKBOOKS – Just print!
Behaviour and Feelings Workbook
Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
Emotions & Self Care Workbook
My Anger Management Workbook
Puberty Lesson and Activity Book
Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say
Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook
Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game
Stranger Danger Education
Road Safety Social Story
Fire Safety Social Story
Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book
How My Engine Runs Social Story
Teaching Children about Personal Space
Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness
When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story
Understanding Divorce Social Story
Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story
Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story
Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection
Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates
Increasing a Child's Attention Span
Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem
Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies
Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies
Recognising Defences in Children
Anger Management Plan
Anger Management Activity Worksheets
Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity
My Anger Management Workbook
Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts
Understanding Behavioural Triggers
Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)
Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)
Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)
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TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here:
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• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.
• You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TeachShare store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.
DBT STRATEGIES WORKBOOK - Dialectical Behavior Therapy
By All Therapy Resources
Unlock the Power of DBT Strategies is a comprehensive resource that delves into the powerful strategies of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). This resource is designed to empower individuals seeking personal growth and emotional well-being by providing reflective questions to support gaining insight through thought-provoking case studies.
Explore the depth of DBT strategies in action as you navigate through real-life scenarios and witness their transformative impact. Each case study presents a unique challenge, showcases the specific DBT strategy employed, and reveals the remarkable results achieved. From interpersonal effectiveness to distress tolerance, self-compassion to emotion regulation, these case studies encompass a wide range of situations, ensuring a holistic understanding of DBT.
This resource has been designed to encourage introspection and self-discovery. Each case study is accompanied by a reflective question, prompting readers to personally relate to the scenarios and apply the strategies to their own lives. This interactive approach enhances the learning experience, facilitating a deeper understanding of DBT principles and their practical application.
Whether you are a therapist, counselor, or an individual seeking personal growth, this resource is a valuable resource for mastering DBT strategies and fostering positive change. Gain insights, develop skills, and embark on a transformative journey towards emotional resilience and well-being. Unlock the potential within you and embrace a life transformed through the power of DBT.
For each DBT strategy there is a handout overview of the strategy, five case studies which explore the strategy and implementation in a realistic and relatable setting and a worksheet to support personal reflection and insight.
The DBT Strategies explored in this comprehensive resource include:
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► Looking for more SEL workbook topics? We've got you covered!
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© All Therapy Resources - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here.
SPANISH - Pillars of Success - Self-Esteem Worksheets - TEENAGERS & ADULTS
By All Therapy Resources
Este libro de trabajo ha sido diseñado para que los adolescentes y adultos exploren, definan y se nutran a sí mismos a través del cuidado personal. Este recurso es motivador, inspirador y fundamentador. Este recurso brinda a los adolescentes y adultos una gran base para explorar dónde se encuentran actualmente en la vida, hacia dónde quieren ir (esperanzas / deseos / sueños), así como equiparlos con las habilidades, el conocimiento y la percepción para que estén equipados con las herramientas de autocuidado y los apoyos adecuados para hacer frente a cualquier cosa que les depare la vida.
Este libro explora lo siguiente:
¿Qué es el autocuidado?
Siete pilares del autocuidado (explorando cada uno individualmente y si alguno de nuestros pilares necesita reparación)
Cualidades y rasgos más fuertes
Explorar el sentido central del yo individual (intelectual, espiritual, física y emocionalmente)
Lo que es importante para ellos: sueños, deseos, metas.
Explorando barreras y superando obstáculos
Explorando momentos decisivos
Preguntas de reflexión guiada
Ejemplo de lista de verificación de Morning Headstart (y desarrollo de su propia rutina matutina que nutre su cuerpo, mente y alma)
Plantilla de autorreflexión diaria
Citas inspiradoras, analogías, hojas de trabajo y más.
This workbook has been designed for teenagers and adults to explore, define and nurture themselves through self-care. This resource is motivating, inspirational and grounding. This resource gives teenagers and adults a great foundation in which to explore where they currently are in life, where they want to go hopes/desires/dreams) as well as equip them with the skills, knowledge and insight so that they are equipped with the right self-care tools and supports to deal with anything life throws at them.
This workbook explores the following:
- What is Self-Care?
- Seven Pillars of Self-Care (exploring each one individually and if any of our pillars in need of repair)
- Strongest Qualities and Traits
- Explore individual core sense of self (intellectually, spiritually, physically and emotionally)
- What's important for them – dreams, desires, goals.
- Exploring barriers and overcoming obstacles
- Exploring defining moments
- Guided reflection questions
- Morning Headstart checklist example (and developing your own morning routine which nourishes your body, mind and soul)
- Daily Self-Reflection Template
- Inspirational Quotes, Analogies, Worksheets and more.
Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you
WORKBOOKS – Just print!
Behaviour and Feelings Workbook
Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
Emotions & Self Care Workbook
My Anger Management Workbook
Puberty Lesson and Activity Book
Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say
Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook
Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game
Stranger Danger Education
Road Safety Social Story
Fire Safety Social Story
Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book
How My Engine Runs Social Story
Teaching Children about Personal Space
Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness
When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story
Understanding Divorce Social Story
Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story
Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story
Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection
Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates
Increasing a Child's Attention Span
Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem
Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies
Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies
Recognising Defences in Children
Anger Management Plan
Anger Management Activity Worksheets
Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity
My Anger Management Workbook
Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts
Understanding Behavioural Triggers
Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)
Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)
Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)
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TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here:
STORE CREDITS - Did you know...?
• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.
• You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TeachShare store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.
PARTYING SAFELY WORKBOOK for teenagers I Personal Safety
By All Therapy Resources
This workbook has been designed for teenagers and explores how to party safely, what to do if something goes wrong as well as consider safe and risky choices when it comes to parties. Included is a checklist of considerations for throwing a party to ensure that safeguards are in place for success.
This workbook is great for all teenagers and young adults. Whether you are going to throw or attend a party, this workbook will equip them with the necessary information so that they can be empowered to make informed decisions about keeping themselves safe.
This workbook covers the following:
- All About Safe Partying
- Safe partying tips
- Violence and aggression
- What is alcohol (including short and long term effects)
- Legal alcohol limits
- Hangovers
- Binge drinking
- Drink spiking
- What are drugs?
- Drug Taking?
- 7 Facts about Drugs?
- Reducing risks
- Be drug aware
- Getting home safe and sound
- International standard emergency number
- What to do if your friends drink too much
- Peer pressure and saying “NO”
- Partying Safely Scenario Reflection Worksheets
- Checklist for throwing a Safe Party
Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you
WORKBOOKS – Just print!
Behaviour and Feelings Workbook
Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
Emotions & Self Care Workbook
My Anger Management Workbook
Puberty Lesson and Activity Book
Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say
Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook
Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game
Stranger Danger Education
Road Safety Social Story
Fire Safety Social Story
Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book
How My Engine Runs Social Story
Teaching Children about Personal Space
Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness
When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story
Understanding Divorce Social Story
Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story
Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story
Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection
Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates
Increasing a Child's Attention Span
Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem
Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies
Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies
Recognising Defences in Children
Anger Management Plan
Anger Management Activity Worksheets
Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity
My Anger Management Workbook
Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts
Understanding Behavioural Triggers
Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)
Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)
Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)
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Also – become a fan by clicking “follow me” at the top of this page. You will be alerted of new products and free downloads. Thanks!
TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here:
STORE CREDITS - Did you know...?
• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.
• You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TeachShare store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.
GROWTH VS FIXED MINDSET Scenario Choice Cards I CBT School Counseling Lesson
By All Therapy Resources
There are a total of 30 CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) based Growth and Fixed Mindset Scenario Cards which all include a variety of relatable and realistic scenarios for students to discuss and reflect upon. These scenarios explore a number of realistic situations in which the student is encouraged to explore whether the situation illustrates a growth or fixed mindset.
There are 15 scenarios which illustrate a fixed mindset and 15 scenarios which illustrate a growth mindset.
This is a great exercise to also explore and reinforce the importance of a growth mindset.
The student may require some reflective questioning should they need prompting. Each scenario supports understanding, discussion and reflection.
Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you
WORKBOOKS – Just print!
Behaviour and Feelings Workbook
Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
Emotions & Self Care Workbook
My Anger Management Workbook
Puberty Lesson and Activity Book
Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say
Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook
Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game
Stranger Danger Education
Road Safety Social Story
Fire Safety Social Story
Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book
How My Engine Runs Social Story
Teaching Children about Personal Space
Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness
When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story
Understanding Divorce Social Story
Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story
Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story
Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection
Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates
Increasing a Child's Attention Span
Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem
Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies
Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies
Recognising Defences in Children
Anger Management Plan
Anger Management Activity Worksheets
Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity
My Anger Management Workbook
Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts
Understanding Behavioural Triggers
Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)
Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)
Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)
If you download it, PLEASE leave feedback!
Also – become a fan by clicking “follow me” at the top of this page. You will be alerted of new products and free downloads. Thanks!
TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here:
STORE CREDITS - Did you know...?
• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.
• You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TeachShare store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.
Managing Emotions Conflict Resolution Life Skills Reading Comprehension
By More Lessons Less Planning
Quell the Drama! Develop Essential Conflict Resolution Skills with this Engaging Reading Comprehension
Empower your students to navigate disagreements constructively with this interactive reading comprehension worksheet on conflict resolution! This resource delves into the critical role of emotions in conflict and equips students with practical strategies for managing them effectively.
What's Inside?
By the end of this activity, students will be able to:
Aligned with Common Core Standards:
Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom! Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!
Cultural Differences Conflict Resolution Life Skills Reading Comprehension
By More Lessons Less Planning
Navigate Differences & Build Bridges: Conflict Resolution in Diverse Teams (Reading Comp. + Activities)
Empower your students to navigate diverse teams and resolve conflicts effectively!
Does your classroom reflect the rich tapestry of today's world? Equip your students with the skills to navigate cultural differences and build bridges in diverse teams with this engaging resource.
This comprehensive worksheet offers:
Learning Objectives:
Common Core Standards Addressed:
Why Choose This Resource?
Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom! Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!
Conflict Free Teams Conflict Resolution Life Skills Reading Comprehension
By More Lessons Less Planning
Foster Teamwork & Reduce Conflict: Building Trust in Teams (Reading Comp. + Activities)
Cultivate a culture of collaboration and minimize conflict with thisguided reading comprehension worksheet.
Does your classroom struggle with low team spirit and frequent disagreements? Build a strong foundation for success with this engaging worksheet that explores the crucial role of trust.
This resource equips your students with:
Learning Objectives:
Common Core Standards Addressed:
Why Choose This Resource?
Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom! Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!
Common Team Issues Conflict Resolution Life Skills Reading Comprehension
By More Lessons Less Planning
Build a Dream Team! Navigate Common Conflicts and Foster Collaboration
Transform your classroom into a collaborative haven! This engaging reading comprehension worksheet equips students with the tools to navigate common team conflicts and build a harmonious, productive learning environment.
What's Inside?
By the end of this activity, students will be able to:
Aligned with Common Core Standards:
Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom! Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!
Art of Compromise Conflict Resolution Life Skills Reading Comprehension
By More Lessons Less Planning
Strike a Deal! The Art of Compromise for Winning Together
Empower your students to become conflict resolution champions! This engaging reading comprehension worksheet equips them with the art of compromise to find win-win solutions.
What's Inside?
By the end of this activity, students will be able to:
Aligned with Common Core Standards:
Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom! Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!
Resolving Through Collaboration Life Skills Conflict Resolution Worksheet
By More Lessons Less Planning
Team Up for Triumph! Resolve Conflict Like a Champion
Transform your classroom into a collaborative haven! This engaging reading comprehension worksheet equips students with the power of teamwork to resolve conflict effectively.
What's Inside?
By the end of this activity, students will be able to:
Aligned with Common Core Standards:
Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom! Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!
Proactive Approach Conflict Resolution Life Skills Reading Comprehension
By More Lessons Less Planning
Stop Conflict Before It Starts! Build a Peaceful & Productive Classroom
Cultivate a classroom environment where teamwork thrives! This engaging reading comprehension worksheet equips students with proactive strategies to prevent conflict and build a positive learning community.
What's Inside?
By the end of this activity, students will be able to:
Aligned with Common Core Standards:
Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom! Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!
Effective Communication Conflict Resolution Life Skills Reading Comprehension
By More Lessons Less Planning
Sharpen Those Communication Skills! Conflict Resolution Reading Comprehension
Boost your students' social-emotional learning (SEL) skills with this engaging reading comprehension worksheet on conflict resolution! Packed with informative text, clear examples, and a relatable case study, this resource equips students with the tools to navigate disagreements effectively.
Here's what your students will gain:
Assessment is a breeze! This resource includes a variety of engaging questions:
Learning Objectives:
Common Core Standards Alignment:
Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom! Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!
Root Causes Conflict Resolution Life Skills Reading Comprehension Worksheet
By More Lessons Less Planning
Dive Deeper: Conflict Resolution & Root Causes (Reading Comp. + Activities)
Boost student success in conflict resolution with this engaging worksheet
Tired of surface-level conflict resolution? This worksheet equips students with the tools to uncover the root causes of conflict, leading to lasting solutions and improved team dynamics.
Here's what you get:
Learning Objectives:
Common Core Standards Addressed:
Why Choose This Resource?
Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom! Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!
Virtual Teams Conflict Resolution Life Skills Reading Comprehension Worksheet
By More Lessons Less Planning
Bridge the Distance & Conquer Conflict: Conflict Resolution in Virtual Teams (Reading Comp. + Activities)
Empower your students to thrive in virtual teams and navigate conflict effectively!
Does your classroom reflect the growing trend of remote work? Equip your students with the skills to overcome distance barriers and resolve conflict in virtual teams with this engaging resource.
This comprehensive worksheet offers:
Learning Objectives:
Common Core Standards Addressed:
Why Choose This Resource?
Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom! Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!
Laundry Help! Teen Life Skills Reading Comprehension Worksheet
By More Lessons Less Planning
Laundry SOS: Decode Your Clothes Labels - Master Laundry Like a Teen Boss!
Empower teens to conquer laundry day with confidence! This interactive reading comprehension worksheet equips them with essential skills to decipher clothing care labels, sort laundry effectively, and avoid common laundry mishaps.
Packed with real-life scenarios, practical tips, and engaging activities, students will learn valuable skills like:
This worksheet is your one-stop resource for transforming laundry novices into laundry masters!
Learning Objectives:
Common Core Standards Alignment:
Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom! Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!
Grocery Shopping Teen Life Skills Reading Comprehension Worksheet
By More Lessons Less Planning
Grocery Shopping Like a Boss: Teen Edition - Master the Art of Budgeting & Healthy Eating!
Empower teens to become grocery shopping superstars! This engaging reading comprehension worksheet equips them with essential skills to navigate the grocery store with confidence, while fostering healthy habits and responsible budgeting.
Packed with real-life scenarios, practical tips, and interactive activities, students will learn valuable skills like:
This worksheet is your one-stop resource for transforming teens into independent and budget-conscious young adults!
Learning Objectives:
Common Core Standards Alignment:
Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom!
Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!
Whistleblowing: Work Ethics Scenario Reading Comprehension Worksheet
By More Lessons Less Planning
See Something, Say Something: Responding to Workplace Wrongdoing
Empower Students to Find Their Voice in the Workplace!
Witness a Co-worker Bend the Rules? Imagine your first internship! A friend is taking bakery treats home, but it's against the rules. Should you stay silent or report it? This engaging worksheet explores whistle-blowing and bystander intervention, equipping students to make ethical decisions in the face of wrongdoing.
Key Learning Objectives:
Common Core State Standards Alignment:
Bonus Activity: Research famous whistle-blower cases. How did these individuals speak up against wrongdoing and create positive change?
Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store, More Lessons, Less Planning, for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom!
Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!
Related product you may be interested in!
Budgeting to Master Your Money Teens Life Skills Reading Comprehension Worksheet
By More Lessons Less Planning
Teen Budgeting 101: Unlock Your Financial Freedom! (From Mystery Money to Money Master!)
Empower teens to become financially savvy with this engaging reading comprehension worksheet! Packed with real-life scenarios, practical tips, and interactive activities, this resource equips teens with the essential skills to:
This worksheet is your key to unlocking a confident and financially independent future for your students!
Learning Objectives:
Common Core Standards Alignment:
Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom!
Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!
Cooking Easy Meals Teen Life Skills Reading Comprehension Worksheet
By More Lessons Less Planning
Conquer Cooking! Easy Meals for Busy Teens
Tired of relying on fast food? Wish you could whip up delicious and healthy meals but don't know where to start? This engaging reading comprehension worksheet empowers teens with the essential skills they need to become kitchen masters!
Packed with easy-to-follow instructions, budget-friendly recipes, and practical tips, students will learn how to:
This worksheet is a recipe for success! It features:
Why Buy This Resource?
This worksheet covers the following essential concepts for teen cooks:
Learning Objectives: Students will be able to:
Common Core Standard Addressed:
Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom!
Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!