The Most Dangerous Game GROWING Activity Bundle
By Language Arts Excellence
This resource features a growing bundle of all of our lesson plans, materials, and activities for the study of Richard Connell's thrilling short story, The Most Dangerous Game. The numerous activities as well as full-length lesson plans provide an excellent basis for comprehension and vocabulary acquisition for the short story and encourage students to think critically about literary elements, themes, and symbolism. All the materials needed for a formal set of Socratic Seminars are included to ensure deep thinking and close reading of the text. A full answer key is provided along with student-tested lesson plans to help guide you through teaching the story. Also included is our popular Escape Room with tasks on characters, vocabulary, plot, quotes, and literary elements of the story - perfect for a review before the final test (also included!). The wide range of lessons in this unit will keep your students engaged from start to finish and help them to gain a deep understanding of Richard Connell's enduring tale.
Product Includes:
Reader's theater script
Poem pairing lesson plan
"Silent Conversation" quote pass activity
Socratic Seminar lesson plan and materials
Figurative Language Challenge Activity
Human Tic Tac Toe review game
Escape Room
Symbol Gallery Walk lesson & materials
Complete teacher's key
Coming Soon:
**A growing bundle means we're still working on it! As we add more products, the price of the bundle will increase so this is the cheapest you will ever see this bundle. As more resources are added, re-download them at no extra cost.**
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