The Handmaid's Tale Quote Posters
By Language Arts Excellence
Make your classroom pop with this set of 25 beautifully-made posters featuring quotes from Margaret Atwood's harrowing dystopian novel, The Handmaid's Tale. Each 7.5 x 7.5 (square) PDF poster contains a noteworthy quote from the novel imposed over a stunning photograph that will spruce up your ELA classroom. The square format is reminiscent of Instagram and makes for an eye-catching arrangement on your wall or bulletin board. I suggest laminating the posters and using them not just during your unit on The Handmaid's Tale, but all year long!
Save 20% off this resource when you purchase as part of a growing bundle of all The Handmaid's Tale products by Language Arts Excellence:
⭐ The Handmaid's Tale Activity Bundle
Also, check out these great resources to complement your unit on The Handmaid's Tale:
⭐ Introduction to Dystopia Powerpoint
⭐ The Handmaid's Tale Anticipation Guide & Lesson Plan
⭐ The Handmaid's Tale "Silent Conversation" Quote Pass Activity
⭐ The Handmaid's Tale "Hot Seat!"
⭐ The Handmaid's Tale Socratic Seminar Lesson Plan and Materials
⭐ The Handmaid's Tale Journal Prompts
⭐ The Handmaid's Tale Social Media Materials
⭐ The Handmaid's Tale Essay Questions
⭐ The Handmaid's Tale Escape Room
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First Five Days in Secondary Reading Intervention
By HuddleTeach
Do you teach reading intervention in middle or high school? Start the year or begin your work with a group by building community and supporting a growth mindset!
This ebook details the first five days and has ALL the resources you need to start the year off on the right foot!
You get 20 pages of:
These activities support CCSS.SL.1: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Read more about the First Five Days on this blog.
Literature Quote Posters for the ELA Classroom
By Language Arts Excellence
"You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them." ~ Ray Bradbury
Make your ELA classroom pop with this set of 25 quote posters about literature! Each 7.5 x 7.5 (square) PDF poster contains a quote from a famous figure imposed over a stunning photograph that will give a fresh look to your ELA classroom. The square format is reminiscent of Instagram and makes for an eye-catching arrangement on your wall or bulletin board. I suggest laminating these posters so that you can use them to inspire your students to love reading all year long!
Quotes included in package from famous figures like:
Oscar Wilde
Ernest Hemingway
Ray Bradbury
William Feather
Madeleine L'Engle
Stephen King
George Orwell
Groucho Marx
C. S. Lewis
Toni Morrison
Mark Twain
Philip Pullman
Gustave Flaubert
Italo Calvino
Louis L'Amour
Desiderius Erasmus
Jorge Luis Borges
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Caroline Gordon
Cassandra Clare
W. Somerset Maugham
W. E. B. DuBois
Also, check out more beautifully-crafted quote posters for your classroom by Language Arts Excellence:
Famous Author Quote Posters
Motivational Quote Posters
Shakespeare Quote Posters
The Alchemist Quote Posters