High School Music Internet Activities

History of Hip-Hop and Rap Music - WebQuest, Puzzle & Research Project

By Innovations in Technology

Lesson Overview

In this lesson, students learn interesting facts about the history of Hip Hop and Rap music as they complete several projects including a WebQuest (Internet Scavenger Hunt) to answer questions about the topic. A complete answer key is provided for the WebQuest for easy grading, along with resources for both teachers and students. The student questions are included in both a print version and a digital (editable) version to make it easy for students to complete the lesson digitally or on paper. Also included with this lesson is a word search puzzle that includes an answer key, perfect for early finishers or as a part of the lesson. Finally, students research their choice of a Rap musician and create a presentation about their contributions to the field of Hip Hop & Rap using their choice of Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides.

This lesson is intended to be an introduction to the topic and was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in high school as well. This lesson could be used in a music, history or technology class and is also a great lesson to leave for a substitute teacher!

Materials Required:

· Computers with Internet access for each student (or pair of students)

· Software such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs

· Software such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides

Files included:

· Teacher & Student Resources

· The History of Hip Hop & Rap Music WebQuest Activity (print and

editable digital files included)

· The History of Hip Hop & Rap Music WebQuest Answer Key

· Word Search Puzzle – The History of Hip Hop & Rap Music Vocabulary (includes answer key)

· The History of Hip Hop & Rap Music Presentation Project Expectations with Rubric

Approximate Lesson Duration:

· WebQuest - 1 (50 minute) class period

· Word Search Puzzle – 15 minutes

· Presentation Project (including research) – 1.5 -3 (50 minute) class periods

· Optional: additional time for students to present their project to the class (time will vary depending on class size).

Remember to leave feedback for credits on future purchases!


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Elements of Music: Escape Room

By MsNerdWood

Hello Music Maestros!

Are you ready for a musical adventure for your students like no other? If so, gather your pitch-perfect pals and let's dive in!

Imagine an enchanting music academy where something extraordinary has happened. The Elements of Music have vanished! Without them, the musical universe is in chaos. But fear not, task your students with recovering these stolen Elements and restore harmony to the world of sound.

Have some fun in your music classroom today with an Elements of Music themed Escape Room! Everything is ready to go. Simply make a copy of the Google Form, send it to your students, and let the fun begin! Each question needs to be answered correctly until students move on to the next question. The elements of music that students will need to be familiar with are pitch, tempo, rondo, general dynamics, harmony, general note value names, and timbre. You can always change the questions if you need to!

I hope you and your students have a ball with this!
