High School Computer Science & Technology Projects

How'd You Make That!? Programming in Java Lab: Pong!

By Howlin' Husky Math Games

Looking for a fun and engaging way to teach Java programming? Look no further than "How'd You Make That!? Java Programming Labs: Pong! Designed with increasing levels of difficulty, this lab helps students develop their coding skills step-by-step. Students will create the classic game of Pong!

In Bounce Beginner, students will use the code provided to create the game. Much of the background coding has been done for them so they will be concentrating on creating and using objects and designing the game. To complete this level students need to understand how to use methods and create objects. If you are following my year long curriculum, students should be about to Java 7: Looping Statements.

find it here: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/Conditional-Logic-Looping-Statements-Programming-in-Java-Course-Lesson-7-11442572?st=6c6d80137b7b90c3f710822ac0fb1d65

At the Paddle Pupil level, students will fill in some provided classes and create their own versions. Some of the lowest level code has been done for them, but they will write most of the game with a skeleton. To complete this level students need to understand anything from the Bounce Beginner level in addition to how to create objects and pass parameters. If you are following my year long curriculum, students should be about to Java 10: Advanced Techniques

find it here: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/Programming-in-Java-10-Creating-Classes-Advanced-Techniques-11554313?st=169afb79277cd7361882e187f3762588

At the Court Champion level, students will create the game from scratch. This requires them to understand Timers, collision, and how use graphics. Students will be given general direction, but creating the game will mostly be up to them. To complete this level students need to understand anything from the Paddle Pupil level in addition to Timers, collision, and basic use of the extends keyword. If you are following my year long curriculum, students should be about to Java 18: Collision Detection

find it here: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/Programming-in-Java-18-Collision-Detection-12050305?st=fdb66e1be81e92fbf4d0b050bba21a23

This lab is fully equipped with an answer key, a basic lab manual for teachers, and a student guide that walks students through each level. Perfect for high school computer science classes or AP Computer Science A, this resource is ideal for both in-class instruction and independent learning.

Whether you’re teaching Java basics, game development, or want to reinforce key concepts like classes, objects, and inheritance, this lab offers everything you need for an engaging and productive lesson.


What Will My Car Cost? - A Project in Microsoft Excel | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

The “What Will My Car Cost?” project allows students to build skills in Internet research and critical thinking as they research costs for a car and then compute and compare payment options using Microsoft Excel. First, students research the cost for two car options (one used and one new) and then compare financing and payment options for these using formulas in Microsoft Excel. The step-by-step directions were created for Microsoft Excel 2016, but could easily be used with earlier versions of the software. Editable templates and samples are provided for both Microsoft Excel 2016 and earlier versions (2007-2013).

The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for high school students.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Student Project Overview, Expectations & Rubric - Research & Excel Project

• Student Step-by-Step Guide - Excel Project

• MS Excel Template “What Will My Car Cost” Project for use in differentiation (Two Editable Microsoft Excel files with formulas – one for version 2016; one for earlier versions 2007-2013)

• Sample “What Will My Car Cost?” Project (Two Editable Microsoft Excel files with formulas – one for version 2016; one for earlier versions 2007-2013)

Related Products
⭐ Excelling with Excel - Beginner Activities
⭐ Excelling with Excel - Intermediate Tutorial & Activities

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Drawing Shapes: Programming in Java Course Lesson 5

By Howlin' Husky Math Games

Hello and welcome!

Are you math teacher and have been thrown into teaching a computer science course? Now you have NO IDEA where to start! Have you taught computer science, but want to try something else? Math and computer science are related, but are not the same!

I have your back. I've been teaching math and computer science, including APCSP, APCSA, and Data Structures for almost two decades. I also teach an introduction course. This is part of the course I made up for my intro students. I have a BS in computer science and know what students need to know.

This is part 5 of an introductory Programming in Java course. These lessons are meant to be done over a few days; the idea is to get students doing cool stuff as fast as possible. With Java, that is NOT an easy task.


Programming in Java 5: Drawing Shapes

Drawing Skeleton- JFrame and JPanel

Graphics class

How to draw shapes and change colors

Making custom colors

Screen Coordinate System

All lessons will come with the following:

a pdf slideshow

a pacing guide with hints for teaching the section and common student

an assignment, differentiated with three different levels!

an answer key in pdf form

an answer key in .java form

Depending on your style, you could go over the slides as a group, then let students play around. Or you could just give them the slides and assignment and let them go.

Let students explore and make mistakes. Let them talk to each other and discuss their approaches. Programming takes a lot of trial and error and collaboration.

Welcome to the world of programming! It's going to be a blast!

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Exploring Careers: Law, Public Safety,Corrections & Security | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

This career unit gives students an introduction to the law, public safety, corrections and security career cluster and what a career in this field would be like. This is perfect for a career, technology, CTE or business class.

The included PowerPoint presentation can be used by the teacher for whole class instruction, or provided to the students electronically (or as a printout) for them to review individually. Students use close reading skills with a short informational passage to learn about the career field and answer questions to use critical thinking skills and demonstrate their understanding. Two different puzzles are included to learn different jobs in the career and to reinforce vocabulary skills. A technology based project comic creation project is included to allow students to use critical thinking and creativity to further explore the career field. A quick reference/tutorial is also included for StoryboardThat (free, no download needed). Additionally, a group legal case analysis project that can be completed without student computer access (by the teacher printing out the linked information) or providing access to a computer for each group to research is provided to simulate the career and allow students to utilize critical thinking skills and teamwork. Finally, a short reflection questionnaire gives students the opportunity to reflect and analyze their learning as they determine if this career field is of interest to them.

The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be used with high school students. The teacher can choose to use some or all of the provided lesson options included in this resource.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher & Student Notes and Resources

• Introduction to Law Careers PowerPoint presentation (editable)

• Introduction to Law Careers Research Reading and Questions

• Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle (includes answer key)

• Job Type Word Search Puzzle (includes answer key)

• Technology based Creative Application Project Instructions, Tutorial and Rubric

• Team Brainstorming Worksheet

• Case Study Task Cards (6 different cases)

• Law Career Simulation Group Lesson Instructions and Rubric

• Law Career Reflection Questions (MS Word)

This lesson is a part of the bundle Exploring Careers: 16 Career Cluster Units BUNDLE

Related Products
⭐ Real World Math - How Math is Used in Law & Public Safety Careers
⭐ Landmark Cases of the Supreme Court - Research & Presentation using Powtoon

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Particle Engine Using ArrayLists in Java

By Howlin' Husky Math Games

A particle engine is a group of dots that work together to display an effect on the screen. This lab features effects for rain, fireworks, bubbles, and falling sand.

Particle Engine Using ArrayLists in Java is designed to be an extension lab for ArrayLists (Unit 7) in AP Computer Science. This lab can be used for this purpose or it can be used for an activity for after the AP exam.

- Use ArrayList to create a particle engine that can make the following effects:




Sand Falling (and piling up)

- Full student manual allows activity to be student or teacher run.

- Fully coded answer key provided.

- Skeleton code can be given to students to make coding the environment easier.

If you need help with anything I have provided please feel free to contact me! I'd be happy to help!!


Creating an Animated Gif in Adobe Photoshop | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Creating an Animated Gif in Adobe Photoshop is a project for students with basic knowledge of some of the common Adobe Photoshop commands. The project includes step-by-step instructions to guide students through the project of turning photos or clip art into an animated Gif. A sample project is provided for reference in both .psd (Photoshop format) and as a finished .gif.

This is a fun activity that shows students some additional features in Adobe Photoshop while improving their skills with basic commands. Created for an 8th grade Information Technology class, this project would be suitable for students in grades 6-12.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Adobe Photoshop Quick Start Tutorial & Instructions

• Adobe Photoshop Animated Gif Project Expectations & Rubric

• Sample Project (Photoshop files and finished Gif included)

Related Products
⭐ Adobe Photoshop "i Am" Silhouette
⭐ Basic Photo Editing in Adobe Photoshop
⭐ Introduction to Adobe Photoshop (Basics)

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Conditional Logic -if Statements: Programming in Java Course Lesson 6

By Howlin' Husky Math Games

Hello and welcome!

Are you math teacher and have been thrown into teaching a computer science course? Now you have NO IDEA where to start! Have you taught computer science, but want to try something else? Math and computer science are related, but are not the same!

I have your back. I've been teaching math and computer science, including APCSP, APCSA, and Data Structures for almost two decades. I also teach an introduction course. This is part of the course I made up for my intro students. I have a BS in computer science and know what students need to know.

This is part 6 of an introductory Programming in Java course. These lessons are meant to be done over a few days; the idea is to get students doing cool stuff as fast as possible. With Java, that is NOT an easy task.


Programming in Java 6: Conditional Logic- if Statements

How to make and use an if

the else statements

the else if statement

nested if and compound logic

pseudocode and logic errors

All lessons will come with the following:

a pdf slideshow

a pacing guide with hints for teaching the section and common student

an assignment, differentiated with three different levels!

an answer key in pdf form

an answer key in .java form

Depending on your style, you could go over the slides as a group, then let students play around. Or you could just give them the slides and assignment and let them go.

Let students explore and make mistakes. Let them talk to each other and discuss their approaches. Programming takes a lot of trial and error and collaboration.

Welcome to the world of programming! It's going to be a blast!

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The Physics of Windmills

By Innovations in Technology

The “Physics of Windmills” project utilizes research skills, MS Word, and Sketchup (free CAD software download) to allow students to build skills in those programs along with skills in Internet research, reading, writing and critical thinking. In these projects, students research information about how windmills work and the physics behind them. They create a scale model drawing of a windmill using Sketchup (CAD) and then brainstorm with their team to determine the best design to build from recycled materials. Finally, they reflect on their learning and the dynamics of their team to complete the project.

The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for younger or older students.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Windmill Project Overview & Expectations

• Windmill Research project (includes teacher key)

• Team Planning Sheet

• Team Sign Up Sheet

• Sketchup (CAD) drawing project expectations and rubric (Sketchup or another CAD program)

• Windmill Testing Score Sheet

• Written Reflection Assignment (MS Word or other word processing)

Related Products
⭐ The Physics Behind Tensegrity Structures - STEM Building & Research Activity
⭐ The Physics of Amusement Park Rides
⭐ The Physics of Geodesic Domes - STEM Design and Construction Project
⭐ The Physics of Bridges

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Learning about Animation using Adobe Flash | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Learning about Animation teaches students the history and basic concepts of animation prior to them creating their own animation utilizing Adobe Flash. Another animation program could be substituted, but would require some changes to the directions for those portions of the unit.

Students being by doing guided research about the history of animation and presenting their findings in a PowerPoint or Prezi. Next, they learn about the twelve principles of animation by completing a worksheet. There is also a quiz over this material. With this knowledge about animation, students are ready to start creating their own. A short lesson on basic animation in Adobe Flash with students first watching the teacher create a bouncing ball and then completing it themselves from written directions and a tutorial, followed by another practice hands-on activity to add to and reinforce skills, leads to the culminating activity of the unit – to create a cartoon using their skills in Adobe Flash.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources (includes extension activities)

• History of Animation Project Expectations and Rubric *

• 12 Principles of Animation worksheet and links to reading *

• 12 Principles of Animation quiz and teacher key *

• Introduction to Adobe Flash – Bouncy Ball Project Step-by-Step Guide, Expectations and Rubric

• Adobe Flash Practice Exercises Project Expectations and Rubric

• Create a Cartoon in Adobe Flash Project Expectations and Rubric

*These lessons are also included in Learning Animation with Adobe Edge Animate.

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Entrepreneurship: Create Your Own Business

By Innovations in Technology

Give middle school students a chance to learn more about careers and business as they work with a team to create their own teen business!

This unit focuses on students exploring many of the aspects of creating their own business and introduces some of the day-to-day requirements of that business. Students choose a business with their team, prepare a business plan, advertising materials and a budget and finally reflect on their learning utilizing a variety of MS Office products or Google Products, and a choice of a variety of free Web 2.0 tools such as Audacity, Paint, Canva, Adobe Express and others specified in each section of the lesson. Students can choose from available software options, or the teacher can specify which software they should use for each project.

Files Included with this Lesson (all fully editable)

· Teacher & Student Resources

· Overview of the Unit for Teachers & Students

· Project Planning and Grading Sheet – Teacher

· Project Planning Sheet – Students

· Team Sign Up Sheet

· Student Expectations and Grading Rubrics for:

o Business Plan

o Logo

o Business card/letterhead

o Tri-fold Brochure

o Budget

o Sales Presentation

o Advertising (print and audio/video)

o Reflection Essay

· Sample Budget project (MS Excel)

· Quick Start Guide - Audacity

· Quick Start Guide - Canva

I've used this with 7th and 8th graders and they love having a chance to think about turning one of their passions into an actual money-making business.

Related Products
⭐ Famous Entrepreneurs and Their Impact on Society - Research & PowerPoint Project
⭐ Exploring Careers: Business, Management & Administration
⭐ Real World Math - How Math is Used in Business, Management & Admin. Careers

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7 Wonders of the World - Research ~ Engineering Design ~ Construction Project

By Innovations in Technology

In this lesson, students learn more about both the classic Seven Wonders of the World and the “new” Seven Wonders project as they research the history, design and engineering of the wonders. The lesson starts with a whole class Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (editable) to view the Wonders and start discussion. Next, students choose one of the classic and one of the “new” Wonders to research further and create a presentation with that information (using Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides). Optionally, these may be presented to the class. In the next part of the assignment, they design an “Eighth Wonder” of their own (to scale) based on what they learned, using Sketchup (a free CAD program that can be downloaded at: https://www.sketchup.com/ or used as an online tool). After completing the drawing, students build a model of their Wonder to scale using chipboard, cardboard or other materials. The building activity can be done as a team/small group activity if you prefer. Finally, students answer questions to reflect on their learning for this unit. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in upper elementary grades or high school as well. Materials Required: • Computers with Internet access for each student (or pair of students) • Access to Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides • Access to Sketchup (https://www.sketchup.com/) – either downloaded or online • Building Materials: A variety of materials to construct and decorate the house such as cardboard, chipboard, foam board, balsa wood, construction paper, toothpicks, craft (popsicle) sticks, paint or markers, rulers, scissors, white glue, hot glue (and glue guns), tape, X-acto knives (and blades), etc. Files included: • Teacher & Student Resources • Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation: The Seven Wonders of the World (editable) • Researching Classic and New Wonders: Student Expectations, Instructions and Grading Rubric • Designing an “Eighth Wonder” in Sketchup: Student Expectations, Instructions and Grading Rubric • Sketchup Tutorial (step-by-step instructions with screen shots) • Team Sign Up Sheet • Building Project: Student Expectations, Instructions and Grading Rubric • Reflection Questions Remember to leave feedback for credits on future purchases! ************************************************************************** Connect with us for free technology tips, resources and curriculum: Follow our blog Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Pinterest Visit our Website


Research & Build a House - Architectural Styles & Creators | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

In this lesson, students learn more about architecture as they research the history of different architectural styles, and learn about the creators of those designs. The lesson starts with a whole class Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (editable) to view the styles and start discussion. Next, students choose one of the styles to research further and create a presentation with that information. Optionally, these may be presented to the class. In the next part of the assignment, they design a house of their own (to scale) in the style they researched using Sketchup (a free CAD program that can be downloaded at: https://www.sketchup.com/ or used as an online tool). After completing the drawing, students build a model of their house to scale using chipboard, cardboard or other materials. Finally, students answer questions to reflect on their learning for this unit.

This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in upper elementary grades or high school as well.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files included:

• Teacher & Student Resources

• Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation: Architectural Styles (editable)

• Researching an Architectural Style Project: Student Expectations, Instructions and Grading Rubric

• Designing a House in Sketchup: Student Expectations, Instructions and Grading Rubric

• Sketchup Tutorial (step-by-step instructions with screen shots)

• Building Project: Student Expectations, Instructions and Grading Rubric

• Reflection Questions

Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Architecture & Construction
⭐ Real World Math - How Architects Use Math in their Career
⭐ Famous Architects & Their Place in History - Research & PowerPoint Project

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Career Simulation: Real Estate Investor - "Flip" a House | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Real Estate Career Simulation: Flip a House Project lets middle schoolers see how real estate investors purchase, improve, and resell homes for a profit. Utilizing Microsoft Word and Excel, students “purchase” a home of choice from a list and then determine the improvements they want to make to it, all while staying within their budget. Then, they design the home, using Web 2.0 tools (www.floorplanner.com or www.homestyler.com ) or Sketchup (a free download available at: http://www.sketchup.com/download ). Finally, students use Microsoft Word to prepare a one-page sale flyer for their renovated home. Note: This lesson is intended for beginning Excel users and was created using Microsoft Excel 2016. It is easily adaptable for different versions.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Home Purchase & Improvement Choices Lesson Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric

• Choices Worksheet (editable Microsoft Word version and .pdf)

• Excel Budget Creation Lesson Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric

• Excel Budget Sample (editable Microsoft Excel file and .pdf)

• Floor Plan Creation and House Design Project Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric

• Floor Plan and Design Samples

• Selling Brochure Project Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric

• Sample Brochure

Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Architecture & Construction
⭐ Exploring Careers: Landscape Architect - Career Simulation
⭐ ReDesign Your Bedroom using Microsoft Excel

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Digital Fashion Design Notebook (Editable) | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

In this lesson, students explore the field of fashion design, using a digital notebook to compile their research and designs. In addition to teacher and student resources, the lesson includes a 22 page, editable digital notebook (Microsoft PowerPoint) which can also be shared via Google Drive and opened in Google Slides. Students can work through the lessons in the notebook at their own pace, or the teacher can assign specific lessons for each class period. Students learn fashion terminology, clothing and fashion industry trends and influences, elements of art and design in fashion, color choices, and the types of fabrics and materials used in fashions. They also create a design portfolio in the notebook, using online resources, of fashions of interest to them, creating their own “fashion line”. Additionally, they explore careers in the field, reflect on their own personal style choices and summarize their learning in the lesson.

This is a great activity for a career exploration class, Principles of Arts, A/V Technology & Communications class, Family & Consumer Sciences, Fashion Design, or any technology class. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in high school as well.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files included:

• Teacher & Student Resources

• Editable (MS Word) Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric for the notebook (two versions: full lesson instructions to let students work at their own pace, and individual lessons by page)

• Teacher instructions for each page of the notebook

• Student Digital Notebook for Fashion Design (editable in MS PowerPoint)

Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
⭐ How Fashion Designers Use Math in their Career - Real World Math
⭐ History of Fashion Design - Research and
Presentation Project
⭐ Famous Fashion Designers - Research and Presentation Project

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Learning about Animation using Adobe Edge Animate | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Learning about Animation teaches students the history and basic concepts of animation prior to them creating their own utilizing Adobe Edge Animate. Another animation program could be substituted, but would require some changes to the directions for those portions of the unit.

Students being by doing guided research about the history of animation and presenting their findings in a PowerPoint or Prezi. Next, they learn about the twelve principles of animation by completing a worksheet. There is also a quiz over this material. With this knowledge about animation, students are ready to start creating their own. A short lesson on basic animation in Adobe Edge Animate with students first watching the teacher create a bouncing ball and then completing it themselves from written directions and a tutorial, followed by another practice hands-on activity to add to and reinforce skills, leads to the culminating activity of the unit – to create a cartoon using their skills in Adobe Edge Animate.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources (includes extension activities)

• History of Animation Project Expectations and Rubric

• 12 Principles of Animation worksheet and links to reading

• 12 Principles of Animation quiz and teacher key

• Introduction to Adobe Edge Animate – Bouncy Ball Project Step-by-Step Guide, Expectations and Rubric

• Adobe Edge Practice Exercises Project Expectations and Rubric

• Create a Cartoon in Adobe Edge Project Expectations and Rubric

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Introduction to Adobe Photoshop (Basics) | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop gives students a step-by-step tutorial to learn the beginning commands of Adobe Photoshop. After following the instruction (screen shots are included), students combine their “before” and “after” pictures into a simple PowerPoint (or Google Slides) to make grading easy. Finally, students complete a short creative activity to demonstrate their understanding of their learning. Additional links to other tutorials are also included in the lesson to assist learners, as needed. Instructions are for the paid PC version of Adobe Photoshop CC (2014 or 15), but are easily modifiable for Apple/MAC computers. This lesson was created for 8th grade students but is appropriate for any age group just starting out with Adobe Photoshop.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Adobe Photoshop Step-by-Step Tutorial and Mini Lessons,

including rubric

• Sample Completed Project (as .pdf)

Related Products
⭐ Adobe Photoshop "i Am" Silhouette
⭐ Basic Photo Editing in Adobe Photoshop
⭐ Creating an Animated Gif in Adobe Photoshop

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The Physics of Bridges

By Innovations in Technology

The “Physics of Bridges” project utilizes research skills, MS Word, and Sketchup (free CAD software download) to allow students to build skills in those programs along with skills in Internet research, reading, writing and critical thinking. In these projects, students research information about bridge design and the physics behind them. They create a scale model drawing of a bridge using Sketchup (CAD) and then brainstorm with their team to determine the best design to build from specific provided materials that they “purchase” using a set budget with the goal of building the most attractive, strongest bridge for the least cost. They utilize the software simulation “West Point Bridge Designer” (free download) to assist them in their learning. Finally, they reflect on their learning and the dynamics of their team to complete the project.

The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for younger or older students.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Bridge Project Overview & Expectations

• Bridge Questions and Vocabulary (includes teacher key)

• Bridge Research project

• WestPoint Bridge Designer Project Instructions and Expectations

• Bridge Building Challenge Expectations (includes Sketchup/CAD assignment)

• Materials Planning & Price Sheet

• Construction Evaluation Sheet

• Material Control Sheet

• Written Reflection Assignment (MS Word or other word processing)

• 3 Customizable Certificates for Challenge Winners

Related Products
⭐ The Physics of Amusement Park Rides
⭐ The Physics Behind Tensegrity Structures - STEM Building & Research Activity
⭐ The Physics of Geodesic Domes - STEM Design and Construction Project
⭐ The Physics of Windmills

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Design & Build a City - Project Based Technology & Engineering

By Innovations in Technology

In this project based learning unit, middle school/early high school students learn about city planning and architecture as they research and design their own city. In addition to using Internet search skills, they'll utilize CAD skills using Sketchup (free download) and finally build the city from chipboard and other recyclables and name their final creation. .

Unit download includes:

1. Teacher Resources and Materials List

2. Expectations and Overview of the Unit

3. Introduction to City Planning (research and vocabulary) – includes key

4. “What’s in the City” – team worksheet

5. Project Proposal – group planning worksheet

6. Create the City in SketchUp (CAD)

7. Building the City Information (hands on construction)

8. Student Team Work Log

9. Student Daily Work Log

10. Building scale information and examples

11. Sketchup and Building Examples

12. Project Written Reflection

I've used this lesson with an 8th grade Engineering class and every year students start work on this BEFORE the bell they enjoy it so much! I know your classes will enjoy it too!

Related Products
⭐ Digital Engineering Notebook - Fully Editable in PowerPoint & Google Slides
⭐ Exploring Careers: Architecture & Construction
⭐ Real World Math - How Architects Use Math in their Career

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