9th Grade World History Research


By French Made Fun!

Fuel middle schoolers' curiosity with our French Halloween history resource! Explore traditions and origins through a reading comprehension, short answer, and research tasks. Perfect for a substitute teacher, fostering independent learning during a hectic time of year.

Looking to do something a little different with your Middle-schoolers this Halloween? This independent reading, writing and researching unit will have your students better understanding Halloween's origins, traditions and cultural rites and customs. This is an ideal unit if you're not looking to do anything cross-curricular and are a language arts teacher. It's quiet and reflexive with a final presentation showcasing their discovery. It would be amazing to leave with a sub!

It is a printable document on 8.5" x 11" paper.

Reflection, reading and assessment activities are not time-consuming; however, I give my students 2-3 classes to research, and plan for 2 days of presentations. This could very well cover you for Hallo-week .

Here's what you'll find included in this resource that's carefully curated for your middle school French learners.

  • "Réflexion" - 3 separate reflection prompts which can be used as a small writing assessment. These reflections foster higher-level thinking and will have your students thinking about culture, inclusivity, and Halloween's historical changes that have occurred through time.
  • "Halloween - une recherche autour du monde!" - A mini research activity that will have your students delving into how Halloween is celebrated around the world, comparing it to their own culture and beliefs. Included in this research description is a presentation opportunity and success criteria are also included.
  • "Les origines historiques et l'importance culturelle d'Halloween" - A short reading comprehension piece which has questions to verify understanding.
  • "Testez vos connaissances" - A short two-page assessment on general Halloween history.

If you're looking into trying our a project- and inquiry-based approach in your classroom, I recommend trying any of the following resources:

  • Un avenir durable (imports, exports and energy - A sustainable future.)
  • Dragon's Den - Dans l'oeil du dragon! (Lead a Dragon's den in your classroom!)
  • Mon espèce en voie de disparition (An artsy approach to endangered species)
  • Space Food! (Space travel & nutrition)

For goodness sakes, don't forget to have fun!

