Life Skills Functional Money Math Curriculum Scope and Sequence Special Ed
By Alyssa Stamm
The Life Skills Money Math Curriculum is a curriculum geared towards students with learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and autism spectrum disorder who need to work on money skills. This 12 month curriculum is made for high school and transition special education curriculum.
This scope and sequence is FREE so that you can determine if the curriculum meets your students needs. You can mix and match each of the 3 levels each month to further differentiate for your students!
The topics included in this curriculum include:
* counting bills
*counting change
*counting dollars and change
*dollar up
*addition/find the total
*subtraction/ change back
*story problems
*unit price
*stay within budget
*do you have enough?
This curriculum is perfect for high school and transition age special education students needing support and instruction in the following concepts:
Want to try the Life Skills Money Math Series?
Purchase the GROWING BUNDLE HERE and save now!
A Special Education Teacher's Guide to Getting Started
By Specifically Sped
This is a fifteen-page guide to getting started in a self-contained special education or life skills classroom. Included are descriptions, helpful hints, and pictures from actual classrooms.
The following topics are covered:
Lesson Planning
Classroom Management
Classroom Setup
Prompt Hierarchy