9th Grade Gifted and Talented Games

Inferencing & Logic Movie Puzzles

By Beth Hammett

Interactive individual or group activity that uses symbols and inferencing to answer the Top Ten Kids' Movies. Colorful images with answer sheet. Movies included: Bambi Cars Ice Age Monsters, Inc. Pinocchio Princess Bride Shrek Tinkerbell Toy Story Wall-E


Gifted and Talented Activity - Can you make a connection?

By A World to Explore Store - A Heritage Month Depot

Looking for an engaging activity to challenge your gifted students? Do you struggle to find activities focusing on lateral thinking? Then download Gifted and Talented Activity Can you make a connection? This interactive game encourages lateral thinking and creativity. Students will make a connection between two objects that seem completely unrelated. Watch and be amazed as students draw connections, practice brainstorming, and collaborate.

Students can make plays on words, create stories, and make connections that you may have never thought of! Perfect for your gifted/advanced and creative students!


  • What do CORN and INSTRUMENTS have in common?

✔ Actual student response: “What does corn have in common with an instrument? Corn sounds like horn. And horns are instruments!

  • What do TOES and RUBY have in common?

✔ Actual student response: “I was at the beach. I dug my toes in the sand. I felt something. I pulled it up and it was an old toy. I looked at the toy and saw that someone had written their name on it. It was a girl’s name, Ruby.”

  • What do WRESTLING and RAIN have in common?

✔ Actual student response: “Wrestling. Wrestler. Mr. T was a famous wrestler. And do you know what else starts with the letter “T”? Tornado! Tornados start with the letter T. And do you know what tornadoes bring? Lots of wind and rain. Rain! Wrestling leads to rain!!

This product comes with the following:

  • Directions for 7 different ways to play
  • 60 fun word pairs
  • 100% digital/online game

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